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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 21, 2023 2:00am-2:15am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, use live from for in 200. patients are evacuated from a hospital in gas as north, as the home us for on health ministry, plains israel for striking be facility. also coming up. nearly 30 premature babies in critical condition arrive in egypt for medical care. after being evacuated from el cheapo hospital. germany's foreign minister on elena bab projects quotes for a cease fire in gaza saying that this would leave israel unable to defend
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themselves against thomas the unpopular for the any yes, welcome to the program. at least 12 people have been killed in a striking a hospital in the gaza strip. that's according to the hospital and health ministry . dozens of people were also wounded in the attack on the indonesian hospital in the north of the territory, aid workers evacuated 200 patients to the size of the gaza strip of health officials say hundreds more. still remain at the indonesian hospital. israel's military has said it's expanding its activities in the north of the territory and told residents to need i nearly 30 premature babies evacuated from causes besieged all chief
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a hospital. i've arrived in egypt for urgent medical care. medics broke the babies into egypt via the rafa border crossing. the only way i took guys that that is route doesn't control. an agent, evacuation premature babies bundled into ambulances to get them out of gas out of the world. health organization sees all of them a fighting serious infections. the baby's head being trapped guys, is the largest hospital for days. several others died of to incubators, et al schafer stopped working mid power outages. united nations teams help coordinate the evacuation working with is riley soldiers to get the tiny patients out of the hospital. which is rail claims is home to us from us. come on and seem to the babies were by itself. some were united
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with the mountains 90. i have twin daughters, i did not know about their condition to day. i saw them for the 1st time since i gave birth to them. thank god, i was reassured that they were fine. i was always communicating with chief, and they told me you can come and take them because their health has improved attendance, but i could not reach them to get it off. somebody wasting ambulances been with them across the rough and crossing to egypt, taking parents, we a possible ebony. we are innocent of children, premature babies, toddlers. i left my 3 children in gaza. i didn't even get a chance to hug them because they couldn't leave my daughter in this state. that was something might happen to them. they could be bombed. my message to the world is enough. these are innocent children, we're just protecting our country. our country palace time for children's agency, you're in a sea of seas. it's working with
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a chip tional authorities to find out the circumstances of each evacuated baby, including those whose relatives and not with them. don't to say they have a long road to recovery. a huge with many of them. critically own awesome at all. my diary is the regional director for the eastern mediterranean at the world health organization, the agency that led to joint un mission to evacuate the permit your babies from the chief of hospital. we asked them how and where the babies are now. those 28 babies are back shifted to kyle the 2 day morning. and 20 of them are being shifted to also be done in the new every time. i must have coverage. i didn't, i don't. and 16 of them remained there in the hospital so you know, not ish. and so i said, any report escaped us over to us. the 28th babies is really very clear, very, but to i must say it was a very risky, but it could have to get a vision box or we decided, you know,
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we would have an issue with the costing and i'd consent. i thought it is to move forward and to bring them i promise you files. we can, this is based on that deposition. our teams made 2 days back to i should not last, which is a gap seen get political situations. they are going to be done as a whole bunch of different if you for the $751.00 babies. eh, you know, i mean, that's possibly put it back into the basic health care possibilities. and you know, what? i think they have a nice to, to guess and, you know, in, in the knowledge, if we did the u. s. president joe biden says he believes the deal is close. that would see some of the hostages. housing guys are being freed. and temporarily at a see a pause in the fighting to enable a deliveries. here's what we know about the hostages being held by him. us bring them home. that's the message. these protestors and televi want their government to hear their mothers father's siblings,
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cousins held by him. us for well over a month now on the them. i expect him to bring them back. that's the only go nothing else. messes. politics. not wiping out a mass, so not none of that matches. there is a $200.00 civilian hostages. here they didn't do anything. they didn't take part in the vote. they were taken from their homes by to come off, took about $240.00 hostages during its deadly cross border rampage into israel on october, 7th, ranging from 9 months old to people in their eighties, dozens for migrant workers from thailand. while many more were those railways with dual citizenship, russians, germans, french, argentinians, americans, and many more, that's created enormous pressure internationally to get a deal done to release them. one of the few people to be released so far, 85 years old, your boss had left sheets,
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she described being held in tunnels and large halls under garza, others may be held in hospitals or other facilities. the same has this video released by the israeli army, allegedly shows one hostage being brought inside a gaza hospital by him. us government, that is, israel's government says it's doing everything it can and that's building and the new in the doing, we are prevented from discussing details of the prisoner deal that we're in pushing force. i'm not home, do more than we want them all about us on a home show. mean whether we do it in one stage or 2. what's of in that we will do it in a way that will return entire families now says if it's a walk is what's on the whole team, that's as clear as the sun remote yacht club. the bowl because i'm is katara has been the center of negotiations. the country has close relations to home us. meanwhile, the us, germany and other countries have set up meetings around the world to keep up pressure on the go shaders. it's unclear what, how much those demands are beyond the cease fire, something israel has until now,
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refused germany's foreign minister and i lena bear book has said a ceasefire and that it least would prevent israel from defending itself. speaking to dw bell bulk, defend the germany's refusal tobacco ceasefire and gaza instead. berlin says it box humanitarian pauses that would allow for a to get into kaiser. she also had a criticism of germany support for israel calling it quote, extremely disturbing to germany's foreign minister has a message for the arab world, taking a break from international diplomacy on a line up apple joint deed of use arabic show jeff, i talk for an in that interview on the war in the middle east, flashed on the agenda. y gemini, has so far, refused to buy cars ceasefire and gaza. and that's what of a diagnoses. that would mean israel would no longer be able to defend itself,
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submit the ongoing virus or missiles. so for me, every day and last night, it said that it wants to wipe as well. if the man does, that means they went to an irish as well. and in such a situation, israel has to protect his population lies at the same time i am, we are working with our international partners with the americans, but also with many hours countries to do everything possible to ensure the people in goals that have safe places where they wouldn't be killed, where they can access clean, drinking water, and medication to in visits over the past month. government officials have repeatedly emphasized their support for res, real st. german history means it has a unique responsibility to the country. spots critics in the arab world. see gentlemen, these guilt means it's afraid to call a potential war crimes miss. if it's the time, very irritated by those people. because to me, it sounds like the complete run of the foundation of genocide, west crime, as well as seeing reputation. he's left his of it. the gave him hard, my country,
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the not my raise. human gemini is responsible for the depth of $6000000.00 jewish men and women, the death of hundreds of thousands of europeans in your okay, we have committed ourselves as an international community and that sort of international lawyers built on internet so that the less than we learned from the horrors of world war 2, by with the said, you need all season for spot and slicing. victory. turning to the future of the conflict bare bulk said it was likely that's a peacekeeping presence of sorts which be needed to protect civilians in the long term. but she would not be drawn on where those trips would come from the gulf in order to ensure security. we need international responsibility. we've learned this from the terrible was in europe switched in vulcans. the to the international community assumed a responsibility to protect them. there was also a situation where the west crimes being committed of an act as in the region had simply loss to trust. and today i see the same thing that only happens definitely
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thought out. the question is which countries can come on the trust of both the palestinians and this really people is around of, of some of their stories. rebels from humans who see movement have released footage that reports to show their seizure of a cargo vessel with links to israel. in the red sea, the round backed rebels had previously threatened to target is raining ships in response to the war with time us. us has denied the seizure as a clear violation of international law. joseph bow, a guy has been declared the winner of liberia's presidential election election authorities said he beat the current president george way uh, by only around 20000 votes. way. i had already conceded defeat on friday and urged his supporters to accept the election results of the inquiry. one of the please largest ever organized crime trials has ended with convictions for hundreds of lobsters and their associates,
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judges in the southern region of calabria. 100 length each were handed at length, the jail sentences. sorry, excuse me, churches and the southern region of calabria, 100 lengthy jail sentences to top that and get that bosses the crime syndicate is one of the world's most powerful, organized crime groups. as have you had any, like, has one arjun team is run off presidential election was 56 percent of the vote. the right wing populist has promised sweeping economic reforms including replacing argentina's currency, the pestle with the us dollar. after years of economic crisis, supporters hope malays ideas will change things for the better deal. celebrating the victory of dean as president elect. many of javion relates supporters of desperate for change. after years of sorting installation and rising full warranty,
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it was the only thing we want is that the changes for the federal court for no service angry. no, it's incredible happiness. it's the end of a never ending the kind. so to the corrupt court, she didn't get that. i believe there are many people here who gave this government to chat. i think that in the last elections exactly the same thing happened. they gave it a chance. well ok, that's it. now let them give a chance to millay, let him govern in peace because it's not going to end like this. but again, that's about that. i mean that i've seen the policies that have been described as liberty, and today theme labeled the presidential election. surprisingly convincing much in the, in the headed country, people by us event economy, crisis, the closing of your tino sent to the bank and replacing the countries specials with
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you as dollars among the planks up as highly an orthodox platform. i want to tell you something, we have the determination to print the fiscal are going to check. we have the determination to fix the problems of the central bank. we have the determination to put art and tina on its feet and move forwards. village open and so you must see the people of origin tina chosen and of the box after he conceded defeat the newly elected president would take office on december 10 and pleased with the countries polarized politics and on the stable economy, the new leader, we'll have a chance to put his reading on solutions to the test and you are up to date. there's plenty more news on the information on our website, dw, dot com,
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and don't forget the to we have plenty of social media kinds are handbook use on popular funding, alias and berlin for me on the team here. thanks for watching. take care and i'll see you again at the top of the next the questions got any issues with what say what the


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