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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  November 21, 2023 3:02am-3:31am CET

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and as a positive sign that so many people familiar with efforts to free the hostages held by her mazda and gaza, are optimistic, where it is that a deal is mere. but what would have mos want in return? and what does israel willing to concede? a prisoner swap, a limited ceasefire. nothing is agreed until everything is agreed for now, the fighting continues on monday, at least 12 people were reportedly killed. another attack on the indonesian hospital and northern gaza. after several raids at another healthcare facility, the el cheapo hospital over the past week, pressure was mounting on the idea to substantiate its claim from us was using it as a base. now israel has presented what it says is proof nicole relation, berlin. and this is the day the
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amount was hiding and murdering our hostages. in chief of hospital, we are with the same a feeling of civilians that is, and pet allows and, and presidents come up with building 3rd tunnels underneath chief of hospital. this killing is for the purpose of attending in the spirits of revenge and with the able of displacing up people every day, a mass makes clear that it wants to white is read off the map. does that means they want to a 90 days as well. also coming up on the day with inflation at over 140 percent argentinians vote for a self proclaimed a narco capitalist to leave them out of the crisis. far right. populace. heavier mulay is an untested outside are, which seems exactly why people chose to it is i believe there are many people here
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who gave this government to chat a lot. i think that in the last elections exactly the same thing happened. they gave it a chance. well ok, that's it. now let them give a chance to mallaig. welcome to the day. pressure had been mounting on the is really military to provide proof proof that god, his biggest hospital was indeed being used as a command center by him us. according to the w, h o l, she had been turned into a death stone during the ideas attempts to uncover what it claims labour nice. now israel has released video. it says confirms that her boss militants used al schaefer in connection with october 7th terror attacks. bringing in injured hostages. israel's military has also released a video of a tunnel. it says runs under the hospital. officials from the homeless run health authority denied that all she for. so it's a top loss command and control center. v is real,
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defense forces have released this footage. base 8 shows a tunnel under gases el cheapo hospital. the idea says the 55 meter long shaft ends with the glass prove door, but did not say what is behind it. this footage has not been independently verified . the idea of also released the video of what it says are hostages taken from israel and during the hospital. the footage appears to be dates down to october, the 7th. the day of the high mass attacks. these real defense forces has a moral obligation to bring everyone, everyone of our hostages home. we will not risk them till we do come us was hiding and murdering our hostages in chief, a hospital from us was building their tunnels underneath she for hospital as
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a mass is designated as a terrorist grew by the us and you among others, military experts say the way how mass operates, makes it difficult for the i d, f to provide proof of their operations. her mouth denies israel's claim that they have use the hospital as cover for a military command center. a claim that the hospital staff also deny us the whole. this footage was released by the how mass run guys. a health ministry after the rate on all she saw since october 7th, thousands of gallons of fled to hospitals in the hope of finding protection from israel's bombardment. israel's attacks on all she have drawn global condemnation. the world health organization has called it a dead zone. dr. say is really troops smashed medical equipment and are restricting their access to water. some of the unfortunate sick leave those 2 patients overnight dislike. so they don't see any like, you know, it's not
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a different place to live in. there's the rubbish, where it's a better way to let the gets out of the building, but the rate is key. even just promising, but do and provide us with more about both of the carpet clubs of your house, your national groups, including the world health organization. i say israel's order to evacuate patients is a death sentence for some of those who have tried to leave the area have come under attack, including a doctors without borders, convoy. many patients and staff are still stuck inside el cheapo with little to no water food for medicine. for a special perspective, i'm pleased to welcome a hoot owner, and he was israel's prime minister from 2006 to 2009 and mayor of jerusalem for 10 years until 2003 mister omer. welcome to dw, in a recent interview you claimed that'd be him off command center was not in fact under the, i'll she for hospital. but in some eunice, in southern gauze,
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i want to quote you there. you said that is where they have the leadership. they are hiding. they have the bunkers, they have the command positions, they have the launching pads. what is your evidence for that? if you find it will show you the evidence. i hope it is really. i mean it will reach out there and i will provide you the evidence. now you could see that. ready and then he said that she policy to be aware of bunker. ready there were a web. ready and they uh they where uh. ready can the hostages into a she file and uh, we have evidence that some of the hostages, which came along to she file work you there. so you don't really expect that we would provide you use the. ready of the bunkers and then he said for newness, but we have the every day and so we have a uh, data that uh,
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i think uh make it quite reliable and uh, hopefully within days will reach out there. and a, you all would be able to see why them to focus on the l she for hospital. if con eunice is really the bigger military target, i don't the only way she hopes because they were launching the misses to use when they were using the sheets almost because. ready the hiding place for many over t. ready and they re saying that they use the underground for a, the hiding whip ones and the. ready tell reset the lead. there is no way when we came close to she 5, a skate or obvious reasons,
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but that doesn't make she fall into that. you do make a place each definitely more than just the hospital. by the way it was built, but he's re lease, it was design base really architect. but the punches will be by some us. and so from what i gather, we are bound to see is really troops to expand their operations to the south. that is precisely where gauze and from the north were told to seek safety. where are the people who live there in the south plus the over $1000000.00 displaced? now suppose to go that even con eunice and the area surrounding it is not safe anymore. and i don't think that they need to, uh, and i don't know to be honest with you. i'm not the government though. i'm. ready into the general stuff with these really i'm in the country and we use the specific ministry planes for the explain that these radio patients will do everything as we
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do it. we try to do and it also goes up to avoid any unnecessary college was damage and that's why re, uh, it takes time. we try to be as careful. ready we came and we hope to be able to reach out to the centers or with a terry study. there's a hiding without affecting the civilian state to move. so uh this is a, it's not a game. it's a very difficult and complex to in paying for the la d a. and we try to avoid the unnecessary consequences to uh no need to, to billions. but you must understand one thing, they tell you on the basis of trial lives, road experience in the very good connections. we see all of the countries that surrounding the state of each other to the state. there is nothing that. ready one's more of easily been to the story from us because he's obviously the enemy of
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israel by the it's the enemy of all the moderate countries there are scared there to you, how much will raise the stability in those countries? maybe drop. i seen a very seriously and they are anxious that is when, when continue, what we. ready doing know, we just do the story and isis, which is part of the area here which strengthens disability of the entire region. and this is the only might not only be, and israel's interest to uh, to destroy him us. i understand that. but there has been widespread condemnation of the blockade of gaza that k him as a result or that intensified as a result of the october 7th attack the humanitarian crisis and the number of civilians killed in this war. and we're seeing this week again, thousands of protesters and cities around the world, almost every day, demanding
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a ceasefire. so i want to know from you is israel at risk of losing international support over how it is conducting this war. as someone who is not directly involved the day, unfortunately, uh you are correcting describing because the, the reaction in the different parts of. ready was against the state to reside on the 7th of october. the. ready demonstrated in favor of his way in the meantime as it turns out. ready in the scene slide fees, linear line uh, the focus now on the beach is coming from guys. uh and they forgot the israelis that. ready b. ready it in to. ready the and, and the rate and uh, slow to, uh, only uh, $45.00 days ago. no. i've seen that there is. secondly, i've been to, i tend to ignore you that the international public opinion was me,
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patient enough and turned around to enough to understand that we have to leave was the consequences of having come us here in the guys come to a point the. ready week just kind of continue is because we have to retrieve the thing. however, i think that what these really government has to do and this is no somebody, i don't speak for the government as you understand. i the government because it's probably. ready entirely different direction, but i speak for what i think most he's rarely support. we need to do the following things. number one, we have to declare that at the end of the military, but we will pull out from guy. so we don't want to, to buy, goes smoky, no interest. we don't want to be there. we want to the story to some us then move back to the international border. that's number one. number 2, i think that it is important. it's essential that an intervention
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in military force and you appear in international military force. what they call the guys that when is when it pulls out, no harm. no, but a senior was ever take hold of him easily, right? so if we don't want to do, we made it to your 10 baking to guys out we have for a few of the year. yeah. and then i have to have in possession of the engine force just as we did in the thousands level, one after the war 11, only 2006, which was very helpful. and we created an m quiet area for 17 years. yeah. so currently introducing the interrupt you there under the current leadership, do you think what you're laying out is an attainable goal. this is something that needs to be achieved needs to be uh, accepted by a person by the, in the community. there's a reason i assume that i can print. ready metro and a mitch and so uh, shows and the all the rest of the beam is i think that there is
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a good change. so they would understand that the must be in professional tours because it is what it is up to stay there. and we don't want to stay the endings, the nation community doesn't want. these are the state that and the supposed union . so apps will come over. so what then? so number one, as i said, i think the should be an international for, for a few of those intern. ready for a year a year now that will help create a research. ready and assuming that the ministration. ready know will disappear because of a reputation of how much box at the same time. and this is perhaps the most critically important v these really government has to declare today and they could probably come between that and the end of the military better. we would immediately embark on negotiations for peace based on the gratian of about a senior and states in both the west bank and gaza. does a real summer leadership want piece?
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still not only for is really is for everybody in the region to you. i think you asked me whether the president is rarely government is ready to say he's ordered to work for it or to be carried out to make any commitment at all. i don't think so. i have to be very honest with you. that's why i think that this government has to be removed today. i think that these government has failed to complete being providing security of the state to read. and at the same time is unable. and i'm prepared to make the necessary accommodations in order to create that the corey door that can lead us from where we are now. all of the sites into a potential meeting for basically grocery. ready for the creation of about a student and status will leave alongside disability, but all the bases, all the plants are bad. so me through the dns or any way we'd be the framework of
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acceptable principles that must be worked out between us and the other students. unfortunately, this is all the time that we have. i just renting or take the money to be slower. florida, if i can just one seat briefly in 2000 or in 2008, i presented the posting in to the piece. then based on the creation of those dean, stayed on the basis of 2 of 567 boulders and of having they are afraid of jews that i missed the capability of seeing and state. well, having that holy basing of jews and controls by an international trust of 5 nations to solve these, joined them. but, but a scene janski's read and america under the auspices of the united nations security council in the solution of the rest of the program within the frame. ready of the piece initiative, which was originally accepted in 2002 i was we can certainly 2007. this is
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a piece plan which was presented to the other students. unfortunately, the thing they didn't say yes and a fan of weight. yeah, this is something that the secretary in the united nations has also said that they will not take care of the situation in gaza after this or, and i was really sorry, we'll have to leave it there and we're running out of time. mr. almond grade speaking to you. thank you so much for taking the time to coming on the really by of the after watching the economy spiral out of control for years, argentinians have voted for change. radical change with inflation at a ramp. and 140 percent they decided against handing their economy minister the presidency and instead elected a right wing populist who has promised to turn things around in a rather an orthodox fashion. have you had me? lays plans include shutting down the central bank and replacing the battery pace. so with the dollar,
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but it's not only traditional economic policies. he rejects believe denies that climate change is real. he is against women's rights of shoes and has down play the crimes against humanity committed during argentine, us dictatorship. desperate for relief, argentinians hope the drastic turn to the right will bring positive change the deal, celebrating the victory of urgent teen as president elect. many of javion relates supporters of desperate for change. after years of sorting installation and rising full warranty, it was the only thing we want is that the changes for the better. of course, the smell services aren't really no. it's incredible happiness. it's the end of the never ending the kind so to the corrupt, like she didn't get that. i believe there are many people here who gave this government to chat. i think that in the last elections exactly the same thing happened. they gave it a chance. well ok, that's it. now let them give
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a chance to millay. let him govern in peace because it's not going to end like this . but again, the me that i see the policies that have been described as a libertarian to the x treme, me labeled the presidential election. surprisingly convincing much in the head of the country, people by us event economy crisis closing argentina was sent to the bank and replacing the countries pencils with you as dollars among the planks up as highly an orthodox platform. i want to tell you something we have the determination to put the fiscal are going to check. we have the determination to fix the problems of the central bank. we have the determination to put argentina on its feet and move forwards. mill is open
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and so you must see the people of origin tina tools in another box after he conceded defeat, the newly elected president would take office on december 10 and pleased with the countries polarized politics and on the stable economy, the new leader, we'll have a chance to put his ready gold solutions to the test. for a closer look, we can now speak this even avalon associates, chief analyst and head of america's research at the risk intelligence company. various can maple crops, human a welcome to the day. so a libertarian fire brand moving into the costs outside of next month. what are his political proposals as well, i think what you just saw in the clip really some, some of these idea of, you know, getting rid of the, as he calls that the political cast. so if you want to think about it as the political establishment of argentine now, if you want to look for a similarly of the us, it's whole idea of, you know, rhetoric the swamp in,
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in washington dc. and what he's proposing really is to and what he considered to be the case of backward political leadership, economic under development, and bring argentina into the 21st century. uh, you know, roll rig with the series. very people, structural reforms be particularly around the economy. that was this just a vote against the establishment for something new of a people very much frustrated with what you call, you know, the political class. do they actually think that he can turn the country's fate around, especially when it comes to the economy to well, i think gods and times are highly disappointed and is not only the last 4 years of very high inflation and very low growth. but it is a succession of, of decades and generations of crisis after crisis. and so i think people are very
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hungry for change. they're very hungry for someone who can deliver solutions. and the traditional political parties have failed to do that time. and again, i think, you know, when it comes to will be late actually be able to deliver him. his promises much will be determined by his ability to broker a consensus partnerships negotiations within congress because he actually lacks the political boss so that he needs in the legislature. but also at the provincial level, argentina is a federal country and you need governors on your side. the late doesn't have any governors and he's bench and congress is rather small. so he will need to prove that he can negotiate with that political class. the so discredits in order to be able to implement his reforms. so he has proposed to get rid of argentine, a central bank, and dollar rise the economy, especially the latter,
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has spooked economists. what would be the consequences? and it's interesting because what spokane economist is, what's actually giving hope to arch in time. sergeant times have been living in a tool, currency system for generations because the past, so it is a, is a currency they do not trust. and they've seen it the value of regularly. so i think, you know, when it comes to dollar rising the economy, one of the big hurdles malay faces is i think i might state the obvious as to dollar rice, you need dollars on urgency that currently has depleted reserves and it doesn't have access to international financial markets because it is highly indebted. so one of the big challenges is that you need to present a credible plan on how you would all arise without actually a massive divide. you ation, even the black market rate. it today would be overvalued. if he were to dollar rice
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immediately, and how is he going to do this without sending software in bonds? uh, you know, down and, and stock prices down. so it's, it's really concerning from an economic perspective. i think, you know, we need to wait and see what he'll announce, but from my perspective, he's going to focus on things he can deliver much more quickly around, big, more fiscally responsible, bringing down inflation, retrench, and monetary expansion in the country. reducing the size of the public sector because that will buy him some time, both from lenders. i'm from voters to think about how he would implement a potential dollarization plan. we only have about half a minute, but i do want to get your take on how you expect this to echo in the region because it is a dramatic turnaround for argentina's. yes, it is some,
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but we have seen this in the region in other countries at different stages. right. and i think one of the, the crucial things for me is to see how radical he can actually manage to be once he's in power. because the reality of governing is very different from the reality of being on the contain trail and to govern. you need to negotiate and negotiations tend to moderate people. so even if his rhetoric will not be moderated, i think he's policies will be by reality the she a reality that he will face in congress of human blanco, chief analyst at various maple cross. thank you so much for sharing your insights with a thank you for having me. and that is our time. make sure to stay in touch. you can follow us on, at that state of what you news by the
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