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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 21, 2023 9:00am-9:31am CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from ballot the head of the militant group. how mos says it's close to a deal with these route. that we see a pause in fighting and the freedom of hostages. families of is riley is captured by all mos on october 7th. putting pressure on the is riley will cabinets to put the face of their loved ones 1st. also coming off germany's for are in minnesota and i babble projects, coals for the seats, fi and gaza saying that this would leave israel,
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unable to defend itself against germany as defense, minister makes the expected visits of keys and to show of support for ukraine's fights against russia, he meets with officials that who discussed the weapons shipments and german training of ukrainian troops. the, i'm gonna hold off is welcome to the program to israel and the palestinians. a militant group of mazda appeared to be on the verge of an agreement to release some of the hostages held in gauze up, according to a statement signed by several news agencies. i'm honestly, that is my near said negotiators with close to reaching a deal. the agreement would see a swap of palestinian prisoners held and is there any jails in exchange from the setting for you?
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a significant number of the hostages. they updated from israel on october 7th. a temporary troops of several days is reportedly part of the deal, which would additionally allow the entry of humanitarian aid into gaza. now as negotiations seem to be moving forward, several families of is randy hostages, have voiced the concern that the countries will cabinet, is not making a serious effort to bring their loved ones home. relatives med with is writing the lawmakers to judge them not to pursue a bill that would enable the death penalty for caption, minute posting and militants. they said that even talking about introducing the death penalty could endanger the lives of that family members who are currently being held by thomas in golf. now with the warring parties engine closer to a hostage deal, i asked the w as rebecca rich as in jerusalem was more is known about this potential agreement. and the deal with talking about is somewhere between 50 and
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a 100 hostages to be released predominantly women and children picked up all civilians. none of the military captives in exchange for some prisoners from the city inside in his writing prisons, women and children up to about 300, as well as a 3 to 5 days a side to allow for humanitarian i to be led into the gaza strip. now that has been a major sticking point, is rout worried that it will give her mazda a chance to re um, and re coordinate re group in the school, but will have to see if a deal does come to fruition in the next hours. if not days rebecca, it appears from what we've seen earlier that a relations between the relatives of the hostages and the government. a government have become rob attends, is that correct as well? we saw yesterday and you're reporting it there in the late in that a very 10 session in the connected as members of the phone right?
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oh, top of the phone, pop a part of the file ride coalition. this ultimate included potty jewish power now seems and extreme his party. they are trying to reintroduce the death penalty the most militants in prisons here that were that held captive here. and that is something that the families or many of the families of the hostages say, is counter productive to getting their loved ones. i also have goals are alive, they think it will and get some ice that it will give them impetus to the hops. do home to their family members in gaza, so we still are very heated exchange, very emotional, very passionate plays from the families to these members who are championing this bill. now i'll, i'll also say that the bill doesn't have consensus in the coalition. it, it doesn't have a huge, a huge support, so it may not go through, but the families thinks that even just talking about it is going to jeopardize the situation inside gaza for their family members. as we saw you have, as i said, very heated exchanges, and even the members of us,
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may you who did the members of that 5 are found right potty cooling the families of the hostages, saying that they're actually doing home offices work for them. so some very personal exchanges happening, their families very worried that the government just isn't doing enough for us in taking the right action to ensure that that hosted the family members afraid that is rebecca with this that reporting from the service of them. thank you. a back as many such a permit to a baby's evacuated from a gauze all she falls but to have arrived in egypt for urgent medical cat medic spelled the babies into egypt. the rough border crossing that's currently the only way out of gallons of that israel does. not control an agent evacuation premature babies bundled into ambulances to get them out of gas. oh, the world health organization sees all of them fighting serious infections. the baby's head being trapped guys of the largest hospital for days. several others
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died of to incubators, et al. she stopped working amid power outages. united nations teams helped coordinate the evacuation. working with is riley soldiers to get the tiny patients out of the hospital, which is where no claims is home to us from us. come on and seem to the babies were by itself. some were united with them up as many have twin daughters. i did not know about their condition to day. i saw them for the 1st time since i gave birth to them. thank god, i was reassured that they were fine. i was always communicating with chief, and they told me you can come and take them because their health has improved attendance, but i could not reach them to get it off. somebody wasting ambulances been with them across the rough and crossing to egypt, taking parents, we
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a possible ebony. we are innocent of children, premature babies, toddlers. i left my 3 children in gaza. i didn't even get a chance to hug them because they couldn't leave my daughter in this state. that was something might happen to them. they could be bombed. my message to the world is enough. these are innocent children, we're just protecting our country. our country palace time, the children's agency eunice eve, sees it's working with a chip tional authorities to find out the circumstances of each evacuated baby, including those whose relatives and not with them. don't to say they have a long road to recovery. a huge, with many of them critically own toby for it goes as spokesman for the united nations children's funder unicef. and he told us the latest about the babies . yes. so the babies turned in the same condition. um the getting
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the cab thankfully that they actually need it. um, we have the most of the ladies all now in egypt getting most specialized care. uh, as we know, the hospitals inside the garden district. uh, mazda be overwhelm, el cheapo hospital was not in the cost of the babies anymore. could not look out for anyone in particularly, uh, almost no, completely not operational. and that's why the health authorities cooled on ease at u. n. a. and others to, to help out in population. now they were also report that some other babies died and i'll see. so what do you know about that? yeah, that's right. understanding is that reported to the initially that uh, the 39 permit you babies that needed judging cat savvy. by the time the operation happened and we were able to co night and get to the hospital. so i'm a $31.00 babies to have a dog within 24 hours, which goes to show prices. so it's not even we have those $31.00 pool so we can
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cite them. i'd say it's tragic that we couldn't get there. yeah. and it's tragic that the hosting, so that has become the sort of sense a piece of my sort of the complex and at least not just now she for itself, the hospitals as well. so right now they're getting the best care they can. yes, thanks the multiple part as things to, to the general start to use as well. now it causes indonesian hospital is the last one still operating in the north of the strip. what are you hearing from your colleagues on the ground that yes. right. so he's down there, the risk equally that yesterday activities will help you guys the vision as well. those reports of this uh, you know, attacking the hospital the hospital um the conditions even before the deterioration day by day at the hospital as well. um, so the garbage or the health care system is um, but which is why is it mastic? you said we got 2003 most systems across the gun street and all right. and due to damage or like a few, and we have children and then the punch shelters to increase the risk of potential
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disease outbreaks, particularly as, as when it's a comp on the health care system is not bad to, to support them or treat them if they need a g, okay. now the world health organization has a wound about the threat of disease spreading and gaza. what else is on the way to come to that? that's right. so we have 1700000 people displaced inside gaza strip around holidays, around 800000 a children and they're living many living u. u. n. schools in hospital grounds and public facilities, densely packed together, your families and classrooms, the conditions a really you have very little access to say what are about 3 of us and put that in the emergency threshold that we try to reach assisting needs. since you have sent 3 conditions, which are getting worse, one toilet for the hundreds of people. and of course now we raise, you have the risk of multiple diseases. you have children who have miss routine, child and immunizations, who are now more at risk. all the preventable but bentley diseases very easy. this
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is a huge deal. that's why it's actually urgent that we can try and prove those conditions in the shelves to take it, but also elsewhere to reduce the risk of any mess disease outbreak. thank you very much, toby frick of that from unicef. a german is a foreign, minnesota, and i babble, cast aside a seas, find the middle east, would prevent israel from defending itself. speaking to dw babble, defend the german is refusal to back, se is fine. gaza instead, berlin says it backs to many terry imposes that would allow for a to get into gaza. she also had all the criticism of german is support for israel calling. an extremely disturbing to germany's foreign minister has a message for the arab world, taking a break from international diplomacy. i know in a bad thought, joined deed abuse, arabic show jeff, i talk for an in that interview on the war in the middle east. first on
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the agenda, y gemini, i so far refused to buck a ceasefire in gaza. and that sort of annoyed, let's use, that would mean israel would no longer be able to defend itself, submit the ongoing virus or missiles. so for me, every day and last night it said that it wants to wipe his way out of the man. that's what it means they want to annoy. they say as well. and in such a situation, israel has to protect his population lies at the same time i am, we are working with our international partners with the americans, but also with many hours countries to do everything possible to ensure the people in goals that have safe places where they wouldn't be killed where they can access clean, drinking water, and medication to in visits over the past month. government officials have repeatedly emphasized their support for as real, saying german history means it has a unique responsibility to the country. about critics in the arab world,
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see jeremy's guilt means it's afraid to call a potential war crimes miss. if it's time, very irritated by those people. because to me, it sounds like the complete run of defines ation of genocide, west crime as well as ever seeing the production these of these of a gave them my country. the no longer a human gemini is responsible for the depth of $6000000.00 jewish men and women, the death of hundreds of thousands of europeans in ura overpay, we have committed ourselves as an international community. and that's what international lawyers built on. i think that's the last thing we learned from the horrors of world war 2 ball with the said, you need obviously some force button slides and basically turning to the future of the conflict. bare bulk said it was likely that's a peacekeeping. presence of sorts with would be needed to protect civilians in the long term. but she would not be drawn on where those troops would come from. you just go in order to ensure security, we need international responsibility. what we've learned this from the terrible was
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in europe is western vulcans, the, to the international community assumed a responsibility to protect them. and it was also a situation where the west crimes being committed of an act is in the region, had simply loss to trust. and i see the same thing that only happened definitely thought out the question is which countries can come on the trust of both the palestinians and this really people let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines today. sorento rains have less southern brazil, killing at least 4 people, and triggering widespread flooding. more than 1600 people have slipped the homes in the state of the run that the sold. several villages have been entirely caught off by rising water levels. first, a visual contact has been made between rescuers and indian workers stuck in a tunnel, and then discovery camera was slipped inside the pipe that goes into the area. with
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41 men have been trapped for more than a week. the tunnel in india with the con state, was under construction when it came to enough for land slide a united states navy plain all the shots a wrong way in hawaii. on monday, leaving the cross frontage and the bay military official site, all 9 people on board made it safely to show and were on homes in the accident. the us marine corps has not commented on the cause of germany's defense minister and both victorious as a made a surprise visit to cave, too, on the line, berlin's backing for ukraine and its fine against russia's invasion is. so it was arrives by rail early on tuesday. morning is set to hold, tilts with his ukrainian counterpart, as well as with the president for the visit landscape. they expect it to discuss germany's military support and the training of the finance soldiers. it is the
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story is the 2nd visit to keep since he became defense minister and all the ground in ukraine. intense fighting has been raging between russian forces, the ukrainian defenders. ukraine said sunday and i pushed the russians back from the new pro river in the south of the country, the 1st major advance in months. russian forces, meanwhile, have been pounding the city of, of these in the east taking heavy losses, but reportedly moving forward. russia off defies about $16.00, all the ukraine's territory w as the months he has building. i've traveled to the front line in the east where the ukrainian military is adapting its strategy to protect valuable artillery against russian drones. hidden in the bushes somewhere above more section of the front line. since the ukraine mammal, artillery crew, one and a half years into the war, the tactics have changed. and you shall pass the wallet before we used to be very
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low miles to we would drive out to the position. shoot is then drive off and obtain new target 0 is and drive to a different position. we've now we do everything from a hidden position. so that's how it works. this is why the reason is sometimes that in their jones, permanently hovering over the front lines artillery pieces of valuable target. so both sides, so incoming fire can be free rather than driving around during open roads artillery units. now try to hide their equipment, the cage of why a mission of his son protection. because the drones explode against the mesh rather than the equipment. this so prepared how it has been in service for several decades
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. the soviets named the rest of the re off to flowers. this 122, many me to, to repeat this call is a combination of the white move wisdom. artillery has had a huge impact on the front. the soviet era, how it says to payroll or them to come schedule. so probably it with a bit of humor. we can buy spare parts for this equipment at any car repair shop or used to the wisdom before. but if nato equipment gets out of order for 3 months, we'll have to call the repair specialist, press the ring very special tools and get some instruments on the crew of phase the guardian. and so for target and quickly gets ready the
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after shooting, they maybe they leave the vehicle. every shot fired from disposition increases the probability of being detected. yeah, that goes on there is the widespread assumption that they are idiots of and that is not at all the case and they also know how to fight. they know what they're doing is nice on the they evolve and learn. and so do we the cage is closed again and even from jones, with the connection wakes for its next task. now that spring in life, montane is a former british army officers and senior fellow in the department of whole studies of kings, college london. my. it's been nearly one year, 9 months since this will be gone if you what a ukrainian army off. so would you be happy with the way things are going i think right now no, you wouldn't. because although in 2022,
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in the 1st 12 months of the year, the finance managed to push back the russians and 3 areas around keys around hockey and so on in the south. since then in 23, that really has settled into a style night on both sides and making advances smooth advances in different areas . but there's no overall strategic change in the balance of power. what, what would you say is the biggest concern for the ukrainians right now? uh, actually, i think the biggest concern is out with the bottle failed. i think probably we settle down to a stalemate. but the problem, of course, lies in america, and in 2024, we have the american presidential elections likely to be between trump and buys and . and if trump wins, which if we look at recent polls in a, he has
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a 5050 chance of doing that in the trainings, probably right. we expect the american support will be cut off. tom's talks about withdrawing from foreign was etc. and that will leave just the europeans to support the trainings. and the question is, will that be enough to will the diplomatic, half of the europeans be enough? so that is the biggest concern, the america will withdrawal from the war. now, in the early mazda of the world, many military experts, including yourself, express surprise, at how bad the russians forces seem to be at adapting. but as we've heard in that report, that appears to have a changed, how has the russian strategy shift is it is well old armies adapting was some quicker than others because it is a, you know, it's put it in evolutionary times. it's a highly selective environment. if you don't adapt to die,
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and the russians have adapted, specifically what they've done is they've tried to force the will into a style nights. so they built big mine fields and very extensive defenses on the front lines of the touchy that they hold. because they realize that if they can of force towards the past that it's in now with not much movement on either side, eventually something will come along like the us presidential election. that will mean that west of the supports of mike's mites is not, not definite, but might reduce that offers russia. an opening to full pace may be to freeze the front lines into, into a longer time along the time breakdown with the territory. and so that's what russia's done. they switched to an entirely defensive war in the hopes that with time something will come along to help them. now, a brief look at the current battlefields, you try and says it's pushed russians back from the need to river. it's made a 1st major advance in months. could this be the much needed break through that
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ukraine has been hoping for. i think it's, it's very easy to tell. so they've established a couple of bridge heads across the river. so they've managed to get some mechanized units across and to repel the russians. but as you just said in your package, the russians have made some advances in the east and not the car. so it is very early and too early to tell by mazda in the thank you very much, mike. thank you. i was the odds in tina now where the election of the right wing populous hobby, and relay to the presidency. as for us, the country into an uncertain future, the light has vowed to revive budgeting and struggling economy with a series of radical economic reforms including replacing argentina's kind see the past. so with the us dollar is his policies are regarded by many observers as on
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off adults, at least both malays support has argue that drastic change is just what the country needs dubbed el loco or the madman by his critics. argentina has chosen a radical new right wing lead up. have you any lives victory comes is argentine of stuff is through an economic crisis with inflation at 140 percent. and soaring, poverty force has turned away from the parentis coalition, which is long dominated politics in favor of change by come down to the bottom. and it's something that many people wanted and us we're hoping to achieve. you see the change for the best for you as a consequence, argentine to me, but i've got a lot of dental services. he said it's going to be hard, it's going to be complicated. but it was going to be worse with the current government because it was always the same. nothing would have changed. mulay has
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promised sweeping reforms, including proposals to close the central bank and teach the countries currency the pay. so for us dollars he's also propose to slash taxes and government spending, cut welfare payments, loosened gun laws, and outlaw abortion, as well as close down ministries for culture, women, health and education malays critics, fee of what his election means for argentina is society and democracy. but in acting his radical reforms may be difficult. his policy holds only a small number of seats in argentina is congress says he's the president heavy and maybe we need to realign alliances to get laws from congress. otherwise, he will not be able to rule by law. he will have to rule by decree, decrees of need and urgency,
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which will never be backed by one of the 2 chambers. so you will have to reach a compromise malays. wayne is a victory for the global fall, right. the former president of brazil is julia both scenario as well as donald trump. in the us, we're both quick to offer that congratulations in his 1st post victory speech mil i said he would travel to the us and israel before his warning on december 10. you're watching the video is here is a reminder of our top story. it's the head of the minutes in group. how mos says it's close to a temporary truce with these. well, the 2 sides have been negotiating a deal that would exchange palestinian prisoners for his riley hostages captioned by almost in the october 7th terrace. germany is for, i'm going to so i'm, i'm in a babble tells dw, that a c spot in the middle east would prevent israel from defending its c defendant.
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german is refusing to baccha seems, find gaza and calls criticism of germany. support for israel. extremely disturbing . and that's it from me on the scene for now. i have a world news update for you at the top of the hour. of course i'm gonna have offers in berlin from me and the news. the thanks for the,
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