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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 22, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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the the, this is dw news life from button and israel's government host inside the hostage deal with some of the deal includes afford a truce during which from us will release 50 women and children being held in the gaza strip. it would be the 1st significant pause in most of the 6 weeks of fight, the money tips mckinnon. a very well and welcome to the program is royal and from us
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have agreed to oppose and fighting that would allow for the release of thousands of hostages guitars government acted as a mediator and has confirmed the framework has a look at what that includes. now under the agreement, how mouse is set to free 50 of the hostages. it took in the october the 7th terror attack on israel, and exchange $150.00 palestinian prisoners held in israel will be set free. also as part of the deal. they will be a pause in fighting between israel and i'm off for 4 days, and they'll be accessed to humanitarian aid. israel has also said it would extend the truth if additional hostages released the deal is being welcomed by hostages families, as well as governments around the world. this is riley grandfather has been glued to the tv and shift the following news about the hostage deed, his grandchildren,
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idiot, or nazi, and theater over at yahoo. and i believe to have been abducted by her mos on october 7th. along with his son, daughter in law and 3 other family members, he hopes that it keeps some of his family members of feet at the hostage deal between it straight at home us. i go to had them use them. and i of that and probably there would be no spit out in the 1st time to get the checkup and everything. but i don't know, i don't know, as even single what they go to doing, what they're going to say to the government. the lead media between is trailyn moss, a noun for the juice which allowed the release of 50 for women and children get knocked and headed by hum us. the 4th is trying to get that make early on wednesday to approve the hospital and exchange for its hostages. destroyed would release of $150.00 pounds pinion,
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women and children detained in his dryly presence. news welcome to but despite afternoon family and that is draining occupied westbank, dean, its son was invested in august and just last month, a little i know the have my son is now injured, so please loss control of 70 percent of his. um, i'm very happy that soon he'll be in my arms either. i'm in my family, my president for his siblings and sort of new on his mother's landing. you will be in the home. we say go winning the old christmas. not only my son, the prisoners who have been in jail for 40 years 30 years and also by overlaps instead of it. instead of he said, the truth would allow for the 4th or 5th you for this in the fight to can go. so is tracy's, the boss could be extended into doing for, for the releases. if the div stands, it would be the longest boss and fighting since her mazda is october 7th, did a dye on his tray. and some more details on the deal between israel and i'm also
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spoke to a correspondent in jerusalem, rebecca, riches as well. it was in much a way to deal. as you mentioned, you re breed, talked about a lot of the details. they were talking about 50 hostages, women, and children. the breakdown we think appears to be 30 children, 12 mothers, and 8 women and priority of course being given to the elderly. and in the we know that this is in exchange for what looks to be for day a for day see, saw in hostilities for humanitarian aid to be allowed in to the strip and also for the coordination of the release of these hostages. we know that also the israel has agreed to release 150. that's a $3.00 to $1.00 ratio for the hostages. 3 palestinian prison is for everyone hostage release. so we're looking at about a $150.00 also women and children, palestinian prisoners that will be released as a part of this deal. and as you mentioned, of course,
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a large amount of aid will then be able to be transported in to the gaza strip, where it is solely needed for the civilians who are suffering the humanitarian situation. there it has been on folding for weeks now. and of course, not need a fuel fuel to be able to help run the hospitals to help run telecommunication systems. and many other things, of course, generate is to create power. so this landmark deal, the 1st station in hostilities, hopefully, as you mentioned soon to begin within the next 24 hours. let's talk about timing. is it clear yet? when the 1st hostages will be released, tests have been any time suggested yet more specifically. it's nothing more specific than that 24 hour window. at this stage, a list of some of the 300 potential palestinian prisoners has been released. and the, the, there is an idea that that now is riley citizens who might have been affected by
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something that the person in prison this were arrested for, would be able to make a petition to the high court so that there's a legal procedure, legal process 24 hours being given for people to, to file a petition. now if of course there are no delays, then we'll stop hearing a more concrete timing. we do know that they're going to be releasing potentially $12.00 to $13.00 prisoners per day to allow for the truce to keep on going a sort of pace. male uh, part of the price is also incredibly difficult process to organize the release of these hostages. as you can imagine, being coordinated also with the red cross, red cross will we've been hearing able to access the hostages prior to them be released to be able to administer some medical care there. but it is going to be a day as long process. and as you mentioned something that may be extended, sure more more hostages be negotiated to be released for every 10 hostages. there
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will be one more day of cease file. is there anything more specific you can tell us about the palestinian prison is due to be released as part of this agreement? well the idea is that they will also be women and children. anya, a, there are boys on the list, but no, man, there's been 300 names as i just mentioned that has been potentially released. now . that's all that's of course to find $150.00, that they'll, that no one will take issue with their release, but also to allow for wiggle room for more prisoners to be released. should more hostages be released. as i just mentioned, there is a sort of 2nd phase of the deal kind of tied into this one where we could see potentially more hostages released in exchange for more prisoners. and we'll see spa up to a maximum of 10 days as well. it has been published in the cabinet agreement so far . so in terms of more details on those prisoners,
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the list has been published. the names are out there, but most people i was sort of slowly looking through the list before coming on air and you see a lot of people who are listed for, for quite pacey crimes. i think it's unlikely that we'll say anybody who, who has the, you know, type of tried it any serious crimes being released. and we know also i should add that nobody on a motor charge will be released. now, some members of a prime minister netanyahu, whose coalition government did not support this hostage release deal. can you explain to us why that is as well, it's the same as quite a contentious deal by many members of the far right factions. we still 3 members of the ultimate you who did the jewish power positives vote against the hostage deal. they say this is playing into the hands of her mouse, giving them a free kick if you will, because they say that by giving them these cease fires,
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that the, this will, this, you know, humanitarians the side even though it's only for a few days will allow them the opportunity to be able to re, um, to, to re establish and reconnect and walk out, you know, ways to go forward in this conflict ways to be able to keep attacking these riley military in this fall. so they were very against it. but in the end and overwhelming majority did vote in favor, $33.00 versus 3. and the even people who had slight concerns including the finance minutes of the best little smell to it, it does appear that they were one of the when you departments like the most side and the internal security services the shouldn't. but said that they were on fact on board with this deal and they thought that it was good that seem to convince a majority of people to vote in favor. okay. now again, the prime minister is really prime minister, had previously resisted entering into any kind of ceasefire deals. why has he agreed to this one? or i think it's the overwhelming pressure that he's being facing by the families
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of the hostages, as well as these riley public kind. this has affected, you know, the, the, the, the psyche of israel. and this riley's and i think there's been a lot of pressure on him. we've seen, you know, protests, we've seen matches, and we've seen lobbying to particular ministers. we've seen the families, even in the connected with heated debates with commentary. and so, you know, the problem is there is on the very, very severe pressure to try to get all the hostages out. of course, but some hostages, i think, is better than no hostages at all. and it is what he has been saying as being the 2nd aim of this military operation. one of course, being to eradicate him off the other of course, to bring the hostages home. and he has to try and do everything that he can to, to, to make that happen. and we're seeing that the pressure has mounted and the days and days of negotiations. also negotiating with the right functions of his,
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of his government to try to make sure that everybody is on board. and now obviously he's been able to, a great, you know, he's, it, he's saying parts of the deal. he's been able to agree to this deal. i should say, thanks so much the update, rebecca, that's rebecca versus reporting from jerusalem. now i'm very pleased to welcome giving you a whole non brother of yard, an old man from bailey, a german citizen who was kidnapped with her mother in law and sister in law. welcome to dw, thank you so much for your time today. it's been almost 7 weeks of heart wrenching and sudden see for you and the hundreds of family members who his loved ones would taken hostage by hamas on october. the 7th come i ask, you will see you feeling right now. first of all, it's, we are thrilled we, we were waiting for this deal. we were very firm that we
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support this deal for the last few weeks since it's a came into too critical stages before approval. i've seen that it's our moral duty. i'm not talking on the is a 70 member, but also just as a human being is there is or he in service. it isn't. it's our moral duty to start to bring the people back to me to make sure that they're safe in their life. and mostly when we're talking to the most affordable people like kids and women. and so i'm excited and i want to see them back already. i want to see the photos. i want to to see this, this change of dynamics by talking only about 4 started talking about life. of course, at the same time, kind of pretty anxious. it's not clear if uh, i'm on with the women that are related to this dealer in the monitors. my sister here then who is also a mother to
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a 3 years old child so that she was able to rescue from being kidnapped is among the people were going to be released. so we are anxious. and so we are hopeful it's a mix up for many emotions. i can imagine i did want to ask you whether you had any more information about who exactly will be released. no, i think that nobody has and i, unfortunately, i just sort of even our government doesn't know exactly what you're going to be released. and we will know as daily, as the agreement describes as far as my understanding that only the day prior to the release every day we will know where the people were expected to be released. it is horrible, it is painful, but this is terrorism. this is mary psychological terrorism, and we all need to be resilient and strong. you know,
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to go scripts. this is how terrorism is constructed, i presume, as well. then you won't know anything about the hostages condition, whether they're in good health until they actually all back hopefully. uh they will be finally uh, be open to a visits of the red cross. so for the retros has done almost nothing for the ease. ready many terry in the issue of this conflict and they will according to the declination of our prime minister yesterday, they will be given permission to visit and take care of the hospitals that will not be released. so i believe that that is a step forward. can i ask whether you has been consulted or in any way involved in these negotiations to get the hostages back or no, let's not exaggerate the,
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nobody's consulting in this uh, in this level we're talking about the highest levels of professional officials. it's not even a political negotiation, it's really an experts uh negotiation. of course we try to, to uh, give our $0.10 for the, for this matter and deliver some messages, but it's way above our level. now think it shouldn't be like this. and that's what enables it to be a professional negotiation and to get to the line where we are at the moment. okay . now what about the remaining hostage, the hostage is not due to be released in the coming days as the any sense it will, whether they are still alive. even
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unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this question. the assumption is that many more hostages are lives beyond this of 50 uh, hostages that going to also talks about uh, hostages beyond the 1st uh ccr. so that these how much will be able to gather them and to assemble them towards release. we'll be able to continue this through any attorney and pause the day by day. we hope to see that we really hope to see that that is going not going to and after 4 days that are going to be a severe continuation of that. and then we'll understand how many people, the, at least among the kind of the glory of women and children are alive and available for, for release. i mean, that's much more people are alive and can be reduced. and that's my take a while longer. but it doesn't mean that after this deal,
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this is the end of the cvn said the soldiers that can be saved a thing that we will need to be ready for more pressure and more resilience and patience until everybody will be released. i know that many of the affected families have expressed concerns, but the is there any military can't keep the suing it's military campaign against come off the wall at the same time trying to secure the safe release of the remaining hostages. but we have heard from prime minister netanyahu, and i quote here and to continue the war to destroy hum us. can i ask you if your reaction to that i think that um, our cabinets has proven so far that the 2 goals of the dismantling home us and protecting our, our borders and our security in the ultimate and very secretary,
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the goal for bringing the hostages back are not the conflictual, and so far, the pressure to be there, a pressure, it used it only language. we see that uh how much of the stands, and that's what brought us to the point where we can reduce so many so far as the video. and so at the moment, so i think that those 2 goals as the prime minister indicated, are not conflictual, but um, integrated into each other. at the same time, it's important to say that it's the media to use the idea of the responsibility to conduct this operation in the very come today to careful manner. and i think they have proven to, to been doing that so far in my expectation and even demand that it will be conducted as such. also in the, on say, the long run. but we want to see all the hostages that we understand that it might come with difficulties to the military. and we see already that they are willing to
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do this uh to this uh, to do this more. but we also want to see a secure and safe uh, as well, for all citizens, any roman brother of kidnapped younger than a whole man. i'd like to thank you so much for your time and for speaking to us here on the w. thanks very much, your thank your it's a gemini has wealth and the deals between israel and hamas. foreign minister and elena babble described the agreement to release some of the hostages as a breakthrough. she also urged, however, for vital aids to be distributed among the people of gaza, germany as well as the united states, the united kingdom and the european union have rejected calls for a long term ceasefire, arguing that could give him off time to recruit. i spoke to the w political correspondent, matthew moore, and i also miss that has been any other reaction yet from bell in to the news of
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the hostage deal beyond the statement. there really hasn't been much reaction on you, not from the chinese law or other government ministers, which i think perhaps speaks to a sense of cautious optimism. some senior n p still has been twitching. mikhail root, a former junior minister in the foreign ministry who happens to be in israel this morning, 3 to the 4 to have a meeting with relatives of hostages that he wrote. it was an important step, but we can only rest when all the hostages are free. another m p treated saying it was a good deal, but at the but that it was vital that quote, how mos brochures were held accountable and disempowered that going back to the bulk statement she specifically pointed out that being liberated was not with not here with the suffering that these 2 hostages have endured on the game, she talked about the need to use the pauses to get 8 to guidance. and what do we know about any gem and nationalists who, who may be among the hostages?
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so that what we know, the of the some $240.00 hostages being held by how much we understand the small double digit number of them, whole gem and citizenship last month actually some of their relatives travel to ballon, to lobby chancellor shots and presents by maya and other government ministers to do all the con to bring their loved ones home. and for a german audience, it really brought the concept closer to home. relatives were on the talk shows they were newspapers and basically part of their campaign was to, to keep the loved ones very much and the thoughts and minds of the german politicians, but also the general public. and i remember speaking to 190 or of mine who sister and brother in law and where have a captive by hamas. and he was telling me that, you know, he's helpless, but he bought a few minutes with tons of shots and he told them then that he wanted them to put pressure on egypt and cut off. and you know, i got in touch with the family again and the representatives and they say today
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they're simply be don't know whether they are relatives will be the ones that will be liberated. and they are basically under a cloud of, on sat and see. and we can only hold a weight. so do we actually know if the many has played any role? little in these hostage negotiations says well, from the beginning german liters. i've traveled through the region. chancellor shaw it was how talked with the jordanian king, with the egyptian prize and the mayor of cutoff all key players in the region unimportant. lee calling to its thomas in an interview with dw this week. the foreign minister and the mailbox was quite candid about the diplomatic negotiations going kind of behind the scenes saying how sensitive the tricky is to negotiate. so we're talking about the, the, the fact that you're dealing with the political wonderful moss, which is tall. and it's very different and it's separate. so the jihad is when based in gaza. and she talks about the, the efforts that the international community, what, where are and carrying out with they're trying to get almost all the hostages in
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gaza in one place just physically have them in one place. i think she was, she was the felt was up and put the welfare and make it easier to ultimately secure all of their release and not just a few, a few groups at a time. so again, just really underlining, have felt that says i'm coming to an agreement is okay, and we had the foreign minister earlier saying, but the truth should be used to get a to goals. and what to help is, is drum and the sending. so officials, you know, to describe the situation and gaza is disastrous and the a piece of a pledge, one more money to united nations and the red cross there. i think again, the number know that lou germany sending to to organizations is a 160000000 worth of aid this year, making sure it gets to thousands is really important. this, if i'm appointed an invoice to, to coordinate not to get the food, walter medical supplies to the people most the need to make sure that it doesn't go
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and to end up in the hands of from us. matthew more, a political correspondent. thank you so much, the update to tell the president of the european commission also off on the line has also welcomed the deal in a statement. she said the european commission will do is up most to use this pause for a few monetary and such to god with his dw correspondent rosie. but you ought to join us earlier from the european parliament in strasburg and sold us what she was tearing from little may cause the officials on low makers from that you've been gathering in this room behind me. and of course, the 1st message is really wonderful. whole hearted welcome to you, said it, however, reiterate seats cold for all hostages to be released. and there was talk again of trying to use these, these expected polls as a way to search humanitarian aid into gaza. and with that in mind, the blocks commodity are in a chief called for great certain amount of tech, tearing access into gaza. so the 8, the same thing can actually make it
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a note beyond this, there's also been a bit of reflection here, but the longer term looking back, i'm looking to the future and the use foreign policy chief use that braille issued . but i would say was a bit of an indictment of the blocks foreign policy over the last few years, because he said, basically for decades, the u has been talking about as 2 state solution in the middle east. that is what the book officially calls for. but he said that is being backed up by very little action. i want sachi, i'll ask you about joseph brows, comments because obviously very directly addressing the lack of unity in the when it comes to conflict. i mean, was that picked up in today's the basis? who of the absolutely you think it's, it's really interesting use. the officials will try and kind of paper over the cracks and the division of course 27 different members states have different opinions. but here, burrell that you for an policy to you freely acknowledge that you said there has been disunity that you haven't spoken with one voice. and he acknowledge,
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she said that he's trying to converge so that you can bring some sort of diplomatic weight here. now, since the start of this itself, tobar 7th attacks you has being united in its condemnation all come off and it's united in this call for the release of hostages. but where it has been divided is in how to move forward, particularly somebody you've ever states has been calling for a cease fire. for example, ireland, spain, others have been much more reticent on not fearing that could only serve to a bowl, become honest, which is of course, recognized by the european union as a terror organization. know, with regards to all these divisions which are still in place, i think critics would say that all these important deals like the one we heard about today are being negotiated. it looks like that you really seems to be much more of a bystander of any sort of a real major broker here. and that's what braille was, seems to be referring to written. he said he would like to try and converge positions in order to bring some sort of geopolitical influence in the future. okay, and rosie, we've talked about this humanitarian search to god. so can you just give us
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a few more details about the, the humanitarian aid? what's been discussed about last so the european union has arrived, quadruple dates, humanitarian aids, 2 guys since october 7th. so that's things like medical supplies, things like food, and that's been pretty much accepted by all member states has not been really a big source of division where there has been more debate on years when it comes to development 8. so that's long term funding, which goes to probably standing. so for example, for infrastructure for education. and there we heard at the very early days after this original attacks by her boss and a 9 sprint. but you would be reviewing its development age to power stadiums. there was in fact to the nice but it would be suspended and then that was retracted part of this whole. what looked at the time like a real foreign policy model. the e u has no noticed that it's complete today's review of that development 8 funding and that it hasn't fund any major cause for concern or any suggestion. the funds
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have been diverted to him off. that was the fear that had initially been raised, but it does say it's going to be looking at a more measures for scrutiny increase. fortunately for future, for this kind of long term development age to palestinians. and that in itself has proved devices because we have some say, well, if you haven't signed any cause for concern, this is not the time to be, i think additional buyers. but of course, within these really he to do political context. so the, the european commission says is needed isn't forwards. crazy, thanks so much for that. really appreciate it. that's the don't use rosie, but charge reporting from strasburg. as you, our team dw news is a quick reminder of our top story for you at the south. israel's government has approved hostage deals with some of the militant group has agreed to release 50 women and children. it is holding and gaza during a full day truce. while israel releases schools with palestinian women and children from pitts press. israel has also offered to extend the ceasefire one day for every
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10 additional hostages, released by some of the with a look at climate friendly advances that include battery powered trains stick around so that if you can, i'm on. you can sneak in and thank you for watching the, the the shave. we don't have a choice. so we have little time list to save the product. so we have students who we can as fast as possible. we only have one generation left just 25 years to implement the greatest revolution since the tune of the industrial and
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