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tv   To the Point  Deutsche Welle  November 24, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm CET

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to any or to resist him and the other one was in a voice how mad as she was 14, at the time when she was arrested and she was sentence for 12 years now. she's 16 and she is going to be released later today. how have the families of these prisoners being reacting to their release and unpolished indians in general to this? um, definitely those assignments music's it. especially those who are, you know, they're there, they're members or people going to be nice. they are happy and they are satisfied. i, i watched and i so many of them they were cheering and happy for release and they are hoping for, for others to be released as well. they are small amount or small number of, of the state in prison is held in use with any jails. we're talking about over $7000.00 philistines are in, in, in the easel, 80 jails, and the total that they are looking for. they are sons and, and,
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and people to be with hasn't very briefly, if you could, how have, uh, you were recently in guys a house people, they're being reacting to this temporary. so as far except relief. um i just spoke to a couple of people in, in dallas. uh and they were like both they were in shock because of the scenes that they had seen that the destruction devastating plus this is a kind of for relief. and they, they are looking for this to be extended, or even like they are looking for a complete ceasefire. and the war to be over the, the one to the name their normal life and to rebuild their houses and then to have a future for their children. tanks as a journalist hasn't blueshot, and i'm on thank you. slow
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here in germany, there's also hope that hostages holding german citizenship might be among those released. many of the people came out behind us, our jewels citizens, including members of one family whose house was burned during the october 7th terror attacks. 4 of whom are german citizens among the families hoping to be reunited with loved ones or relatives with roots. going back to the crimes of the nazis in germany. your navy, and 3 year old, your hell? siblings snatched by how most terrorists, the whole family ripped apart. no, they may just be coming home for grandfather the lot. the beginning of the end of a living nightmare. i go to had them use them and i of that and probably they would be most be done in the 1st time to just. ready check up and everything. but i don't know,
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i don't know. as even single what they go to doing, what they're going to say. the family descended from holocaust survivors are among those how boss hostages to hold german citizenship. last month, relatives travel to buy a lend to pressure german officials to help bring their loved ones home. in the center of the german capital on thursday. street talk just drawing attention to their calls. this in going to check in the visa of our children on the, these info bodies, this, the battery come us keep, nothing shows who we are dealing side between this, we should not forget it and neither should the whole well display guessing without being answered. business knows all the families at the heart of this tragedy can do is wait. now a little earlier, my colleague terry martin spoke with sharon lift shits intel aviv. both her mother
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and father were taken hostage by hamas during the terrorist attacks on october 7th . her mother was released last month, but her father is believe to still be held by time us. we started by asking her how her mother eoc that is doing. my mother is doing very, very well. um, halters in under, does she say the table, the stronger her mind is strong. um, she's quite involved in preparation for the return of either hostages and shoes advising from my own experience. so she is busy supporting other families. that's as hostages supporting the meanest through else and the other folders with each row as they prepare for the return of hostages and in particular very orange juice. and tell me if you would about your father or dad,
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he's 83 years old. understand and, and understand he was injured when i'm us kidnapped him. yes, my father was at home with my mom in the secure room, which is the bedroom. he was shots through the night to door. and he, we didn't know that sent to my mother cause we know that using gaza, we know that he's a 23 and quite frail. and we know that he, we don't know if he's live of that 4 to 9 days into the event. so i gather you have not received any sign of life then from your father since october 7th, except what you heard from your mother as for from your mother know, we know that he's there, but we don't know if he's dead or like. busy i kind of explain how called the red cross or and yours are the angels. nobody's able to tell me this basic fact. i find
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it up so you can see for me 6, but i'm not the only one. quite a few of us are disposition. i'm sure they'll the ceasefire. deceased by a deal came into force this morning as part of the deal around 50 hostages, held by him. us are to be released in the coming hours and days. does that give you hope? all i know many of the people on the lease today. i know them trust me. i cannot wait for each person to come back. i have comments wise for the women and children. we missed them so much. our heart is with their mothers and fathers. this is miranda situation. some of these children will be coming back when the parents, fathers will stay behind. the trauma is indescribable. it crosses, i choose so many. so those are comments,
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way to see one. each one is the same as the whole life, and we are preparing to receive them as the best we have there. it's very for john moment. it's us kayla for run this nice that we experience since the 7th of october, the frame t of this uh that was this is very big. you don't want to speak about it till it happens. we so aware that some of us we have oh, some of our last one back and i this not the trauma, this will continue because people are but it has to face and all that stuff. the sisters or brothers or father died. they do not know much about what is happening, what has happened seems so we can play to see them, but this is a ray of lighting, the great darkness. now, homeless is expected, at least initially to release women and children. only are you prepared to have to
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wait longer for your father's return? you know, we are community, we go together, the children grow to their, their being part of this community is that you have the phones that are like funding is there that you there. and then my father and several other members of 50 boots up fighting to be at the end of this. my father, truly believe in this young generation. and so, so he feels that it's 83 because he's a great buy because he wants those children and their mothers and the father and everyone else. i had this thing. we're desperate to see him really nice and show much, but that i know the kind of stuff. and now we know that you're in contact with some of the other families who are also waiting for news about the possible release of their loved ones. you were mentioning that the uncertainty and the
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waiting for all of you must be terrible. yeah, i, i kind of the surprises of the life of summer lights. loved ones are in the hands of pretty tissues and terrorist in the last immediate way. um these are people that have uh close special roof, excessive approved to the the mothers of the, the other does the rates uh they uh, smell says us, they have created the old room. we were defenseless against them. um, so to have your loved ones in the hands in the hands as a very delicate truce and a very delicate exchanges and a terrorist and civilian is over. so in cuba, it's near all your parents home. more than a 100 people are thought to have been killed or captured by
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a mazda of october 7th. after all this happened, do you see a future for your family in israel? israel a. hi. yes. this close the there it goes to there. this is their home. i've seen that my father fault for peace. oh, he's on eastern spot for peace. they hear that the 2 nations which lead side by side is something that's right that dedicated their lives to. and so i think that the future in each room would also depend on the making these and finding a way to leave side by side. just say from there we go to the cesar is not a political. we need to find a way of leading side by side with made peace with the germans. often to go to an over generation this relationship. and it's absolutely clear that that is also possible with uh,
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with the 1st thing in the last is that the recent terrorist organizations that engage the most the worst crimes against humanity, if there's no peace possible with people that train themselves to behave, babies, there's no peace possible with people that just went out between 6, the moxie won't throw law on civilians. and so there's no peace would come between the 1st union people. the people liked the tests and my mom's shirts and we absolutely would make peace for then we would have to find a way to move side by side. that was sharon lift shit. speaking to us earlier, her father is among those hostages, believe to be held by hamas militants in the gaza strip. well, israel has made clear that despite this ford a true steel, the war is not over yet. earlier. my connie terry martin spoke to is, randy, may latrice folks present peter learner and asked him what his expectations were
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from this pause in finding good morning. indeed, our forces are in the defensive operational lines, regrouping and then taking the necessary steps in accordance to the government and the instructions. of course, this is what we expect to folk follow through over the next few days, but we are in continuing it to be vigilance and prepared for any adventure on the thing. i like to remind you that in the recent in, in notes are far away history. we've had spies, we've come us, they've always taken advantage of them to attack and adopt a soldiers killed the soldiers. so we are on, on the, on the go, we're parents, we're taking the necessary steps, but of course we are binding by the instructions of your company. what will these really military do? criminal down up if a rocket is fired into israel during the ceasefire because there are concerns that
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there could be road elements in palestine that in the palestinian territories that want indeed to spoil to cease by. so we have to be aware, as i said, that we are on the defensive positions by making the necessary steps. and in order to be prepared, not prepared for that. of course, we're on total rights attacks against us, and therefore it is as the your reports are right. it printed on the very front you all situated. question them around. we are expecting to maintain our positions and where and maintaining our defensive capabilities correctly saying we don't want people returning to the most precisely because this war is most of our we are in a pulse and operational pause. that is dictating the way for the operation is concrete, focused on to call things festival and getting the hostages out, and maintaining conducting the, the, the, the release of the terrace and criminals coming out of is there any prisons?
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and this is the focus for the next at least 4 days. we will be prepared in order to respond to any aggression against us. how do you think this falls in the fighting will impact israel's plans to eliminate from us? is this going to compromise the is really military's ability to prosecute is war against him? us a deal for the war if it will continue, the government has set so the prime minister states of it explicitly, our role in this is to implement the government policy in order to make sure that from us can never wield the sort of death against his right is ever again, um, you know, they utilize and abused all of the tools of government in order to build their charter as capabilities in order to build the rockets in order to build the tunnel system in order to build that terrace. all mean that infiltrate to this route on the 7th of october. so the, the, the, it doesn't change the end goal. it doesn't change the directive. we are but focused
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because the 2 goals of this war go hand in hand. we have to bring on the hostages, and this is what we're focused on today, haven't over the next few days. and we also make needs to make sure that from us never have our again, in order to utilize it against the people of is around the neighbor that against the people of god's us. what is really forces, understand our warning, displaced palestinians, and gaza. those have moved to the south, telling them not to go back to the northern part of the strip, but understand that a mouse is telling people indeed to go north will is really soldiers stop palestinians trying to go north if they attempted i know we've been very clear and i think it was part of the agreement, the people should not be moving most we weren't permitted people should, can kind of continue to go south, but not go to the most. there is a very, very expensive as you are aware, military presence on the grounds. the combat zone is still very active and
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dangerous. people should not pretend to know. that was idea spokesperson peter learner speaking to us earlier. well, many young is riley soldiers who have taken part in the military operation against a mouse in recent weeks. and we want to shed light on what this means for their families. so i can now speak to karen and is really american mother of 4 or 20 year old son is a member of a special combat unit in gaza. and for security reasons, we've agreed to not disclose her full name or whereabouts. welcome to dw news current. now the truce stuff begun this morning is expected to last for 4 days. how are you feeling about this? considering it means also a break into fighting for your son. well, um from what i'm going, i feel relieved. but on the other one, i feel scared because uh everything expire that we had before.
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somebody getting this done with this uh, buyer and uh on our soldiers. even if it's a ceasefire, they kidnapped 2 of our soldiers while they were in a ceasefire. so we don't know what to expect. how often have you been hearing from your son? maybe once or twice. and i can hear from him. you don't have much contact with them is dirt. it's is that it's there just the reasons for that behind it or is it just that tell us a bit more when he's inside guns or you can contact saying there is no way you can contact him. uh the last uh time that he was out. it was um, last week he lost his uh, commander um was, uh, snyder showed him while he was uh,
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looking around to see what's going on. and um, he took it very seriously because he just killed in his hands. so they took him for a little bit of um, um uh how can i say uh, just to relax a little bit what was done there. and um yeah, i'm not sure. you know, i, i, he can come home so i can talk to him. not all the time you can contact me. so i don't know really what he feels and how he is mentally. and yeah, it's scary. i'm the 1st, i'm sure. yeah, i understand your, your daughter will also be joining the army in a few days. how do you feel about this? it's hard, it's hard to kids in the army and you know more. so it's hard. it's not unusual
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thing that your kids are going to the army to serve israel. and both of them are a now where i know people that have the 7 kids and 6 of them are in the war. 6 of them are the soldiers right now. you mentioned during your dash contact with your son is you don't have contact with your so and very often are you regularly briefed about where he is about how he's doing about his experience. i can tell you that you can sleep at night during the day. you can leave your phone because you don't know if he's going to call. if someone will call. you are scared from any how that it's not recognized. so you don't know who's calling you it can be from the army. and you're afraid that someone will knock on your door or from
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telling you bad news about your kids. so you just try to think positive. um and when i was talking to him, he was telling me horrified story about what's going on there. and that's with this value probably through uh he was not able to even uh, imagine being in a war in this situation. and the example is that he was telling me mom, i was fighting again. so i'm us that send their kids and women in front of us in front of them to fight us. so you don't know what to shoot and what, what to do right now because you're fighting against some, but they're human shields are the kids and the, and the women, so to shoot or not to shoot. and it was very hard for him to the beginning current
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from everything that you're telling us. and it sounds like a very difficult situation for a parent to be to be going through. how are you coping? how do you leave your day today with this? as you mentioned this, this fear of, of the phone going on and bad news potentially so i open up projects of volunteering. we prepare the hot meals for soldiers and for people who had to leave their houses from south and north. and i was calling tearing up until 2 days ago, when all the donations are over and done us. so we were just preparing meals for the soldiers, for the people, for and to do everything that you can do for your country. thank you for talking to us today. tyron on the don't the news take care. thank you. thank you.
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let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. hundreds of origin times i've taken to the streets of when a site is to express concerns of the policies of right wing populace. presidents electric, have you had any like critics excuse me, lay of down playing atrocities during the country's military dictatorship. from 1976 to 1983. his plans include shutting the central bank, ditching the paso and privatizing state controlled companies. dr. protestors have rallied against the election when a far right populace, dirt builders around a 1000. demonstrators marched in the western city of interest, opposing builders, anti immigrant and anti islam. rhetoric. the manifesto of his p v, the freedom party calls for a final mosques and the crown in the netherlands. daniel and noble has been
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sworn in as equity towards the youngest ever president. the 35 year old is the son of the countries. richard. my boy has pledge to tackle soaring gang violence, but won't have long to fulfil his promises is only set the server by the last 18 months of his predecessors term. so let's cross that back to our special correspondent to abraham who's following at our top story for us in jerusalem. a good to see again. so we're slowly nearing the release of 13 hostages, who were kidnapped by thomas. can you tell us more about the atmosphere as the clock ticks down to that moment? it's the roller coaster and emotional roller, the roller coaster for the whole country, but specifically the families of the hostages that are being held by how much and guys are the over 200. the hostages that are being held as we speak,
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they're getting phone calls of telling them if their loved ones are going to be in the batch of hostages that will be released over the past 4 days. there are obviously many that are waiting by their phones, waiting to hear from, especially if they will be re united with their loved ones soon. at the same time, there's obviously a sense of continued fear and concern for the hostages. that will as part of this deal as it stands right now, we'll have to remain behind in gaza over 40 days of absolute agony and their families, not knowing what is happening with them at the same time. it is really, government has signaled that it would be willing to extend the temporary cease fire by one day for each 10 hostages. and so there is a sense of cautious hope on the horizon that even more and more hostages could be
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released even after the 1st batch. that is part of this particular deal. there was some opposition to that deal from right wing extremists in the is really government who fear that this plays into how masses advantage and gives them time to regroup and fight israel even more. thank you. i dw correspondent to abraham and teresa. as you're watching data over your news, here's a reminder of our top story, this our, the israel, how much the temporary cease fire has begun and appears to be holding the pause and fighting is set to last 4 days. and the rest bite has brought guys a citizens out onto the streets, postage and prisoner releases are part of the trees under june to take place in a few hours time, the fuel tankers on to a truck. so if you're going entering the guys, it's ripped from egypt through the rafa crossing. egypt says diesel gas and other 8
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will be delivered daily through. i will be bringing you all the latest here on dw news. and of course, you can follow us on our website to you to view com or on our social media kinds or handle is data use for me in the team here in berlin. and thanks for watching. and i'll see you again in just a few minutes on the
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of the searching for a lost world of water. decades ago, the arrow see and it was biggest on was one of the mightiest lakes in the world. now it's dried, a source of pollution heating deep in the desk. can this wasteland be turned into a tourist attraction? global in 30 minutes on
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this is b, w, use life from brother in the israel. how much truth is now under way? a pause in fighting brings people to the streets and gaza with an exchange of hostages and prisoners expected in just a few hours. the republic felt really es. thanks for joining us. the highly anticipated truce
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between israel and thomas is now under way. this is.


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