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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 24, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm CET

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a good day and we cannot cross over to our correspondent tonic families following that story for us from the house of a f, as in southern israel. but hostages, i expected to arrive after being released from moscow. tribute to you now to some of these right of hostages have now been handed over to the red cross. what more can you tell us the yeah, these are the reports and we also hearing some sources within homos that are confirming that they handed over the searching hostages to the international international in red cross at the, on the way to the crossing. and from there they would be broad to israel, and then we're expecting them to be brought here to the hearts of him a base where they will get it 1st, you know, medical check up. are we expecting here these uh children, uh their mothers, uh other women of the searching hostages. so um, they will be received here. there's
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a whole medical team here waiting for them also, psychologists waiting for them. you know, they probably deeply traumatize too. um no. um, so they would get a medical check up and from here there was then we brought a wire helicopters to central israel and a 2 hospitals over there where they will then be taken care of your notes booming and we're hearing here's some headquarters can really tell you whether, you know, they're not related to a, the hostages there, which is to hearing them here. was this supposed there's 13 hostages to be brought here to this space. and you know, we've been told by some sources that, you know, some of them are, you know, they have probably seen very, very difficult seems on october 7th, and then where and come to the to know for a 7 weeks. so they need all the help they can get. some of them don't know that some of their relatives might have been killed. we understand from some reports,
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some of them are from a, one of the keyboard. so it was uh where the turbo tax uh happened to look tober 7. so it's a very, very sensitive time at the moment here because these are not, of course, the only hostages that should be released. we're still also hoping going to see more hostages release in the coming days over the next 4 days. so everybody here is of course, holding their breath that's done. all of this will be going well and that we're seeing them here. um here soon as i will know, can you tell us about, is there as agreement to release palestinian prisoners in return for the hostages? well, there was the confirmation by public opinion, official that uh, searching 9 or 5 out of the a $150.00 that should be released also as part of those agreements. so this would
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be also the 1st part of this agreement. uh, we understand they uh potentially will be released and later today were not being given a time table for that would be on a sunday when they are in a prison next to in there were assembling the ofer prison and then they will be brought to one of the tech points, so it may be several check points and then they will be released to the occupied westbank as well, potentially to is to ruth. and depending where they're coming from, we're talking here about of how the students that were held in is really prisons. many of them are under the age of 18. some of them are a teenagers, they're also women that will be released. so we probably see the released and later today, once you know the release of the hostages here this evening, we'll go ahead. now, while we're seeing a life fixture that from that ad bays where the 13 hostages that have been
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transferred to the red cross are expected to arrive any moment. but before that, a time that's briefly talk about the time nationals that have been released from gaza today. as well are going to be released. what will, can you tell us about those? well, absolutely. um and this is also very good news of a for um, you know, for talent, you know, there were wary. there were many other nationalities as well that were taken captive on october 7th, and we understand that each of broke at this uh and uh, the talent has confirmed that those hostages also to be released. um, they were captured uh, on october 7, many of them uh, those type citizens are working in as well. they're working in a culture. they have been working in elderly to and some of them have also been
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killed. but you know, those a time, nationals, uh, the actually more as we understand that are being still held in garza, but those will be released as well. uh today, um from uh, from, from gaza and trying to stay on the line with someone to begin showing. he was on his, on the list expert who is here with me in the studio. um we've heard about the guidance on now trying to move north. i'm going to discuss that area with, with people on it from the, from a, the idea of what's the problem. why is that such a big problem? well, um, especially with the idea to say because we, her letter is that it's still an active war zone. and they would, they want to be alert in case of breaking the truce and be able to operate freely at any moment if they need to because they've called, you know, one of the challenges where the idea of the beginning of the fight was to tier as many of the of the civilians from that area, but actually there's another fear,
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the fear is that the vin, this back and forth of people moving, there will be more militants or from us coming back after they've cleared some spaces in the gaza where they're fighting and that will make fighting carter, and there's also a few of what happens with the, the, the hostages. the can be also be transferred, disguised or in any other ways between those traveling back and forth between the north and the south of garza. so israel has would put great effort into split into the strip, which is the way it sees and strategies to 1st neutralize. and the way the way they, they call it the northern part of the strip to make sure that they have scanned it . so really they've seen everything that you've found in any cruise, they can sign up at hostages. they have a key or all the, all the of the military fire exchanges, all the resistance that is there. and only then they can move back further for them . you know, down into the south part of the strip. so if we see more and more of dawson's trying to, to make their way back home, you know,
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these people were displaced and then it will be, it will force as the idea of forces. these are gonna, terry, to be more 1st forceful in pushing them back and that might cause problems. um, we have seen in the how much the media yesterday calls for palestinians to, to love to let them know. you can go back to the north how, how much once this, this movement of people, we've seen how much more king amongst the videos throughout the, you know, the last couple of weeks. and so is really need to be very careful with how hard she pushes on. that issue in general, you know, is real here is not, it doesn't have too many leverages, you know, one of the, the parts of the deal for example, is a commitment of how much to allow. once the release of the hostages is done to allow the remaining cost to just of the remaining cause, to allow them to be visited by the red cost, which is something that from us has bala, other forces. israel had been, you know, to go shooting prisoners about prisoners or hostages before had never agreed for.
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it is in the pay on the paper. it is officially there and they have supposedly agreed to death though they don't, they deny it, but it's not, isn't it position that she, it, it needs to release of the hostages. it can't really say, okay, we're gonna, you know, we're going to break the deal because of that. so there's very few leverages that israel has this, so therefore they were pounding so hard on costs are trying to build, but they things think his own strategy to build leverage, to get how much to agree to talk to them. and also in order to get these, you've been telling an 8 as to sort of a card, a very we could card in the same sort of thing. okay. you would have more a coming in when i haven't even insurance support for the palestinians. what do we get in return? we also have how you are too many to tell your needs. and that is the release of the hostages. now it's on a, let's go back to a ton of gramma at the add base with the hostages. are expected, tonya, if you can hear us,
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just tell us briefly what we can expect in the next few minutes as well. i mean, we're being told that, i mean, the next step would be, you know, once they're coming to a house or egypt, it will be then going back to, i mean, transported to israel and from there coming here to the hot to room at base. and they will be then a good undergo, a medical check up here at the space offices have told us, you know, they don't want to keep them here too long because you know, they want them to move on to the medical facilities to hospitals. some might be taken directly to hospitals. this depends really on the condition. there will be also checked, of course a know a once they're going through now that they've been handed over. um, but once they come here, no they, we also have to ecologist as well. um, talking to them and everything is really done very, very carefully because um,
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you know, they are expecting them. uh, you know, those children and um, a women the mothers who's coming out from and know of to 7 weeks of being a captive in gaza. also doing a war that deeply traumatized so this much taking care of, you know, as a know to bother them to. most of the of the media has been told you know, to be a very tassel and know to approach the families. but then they will be taken from here uh, by helicopters to different hospitals, uh, in uh, and in the center of the country and then, uh they, they would be actually with united uh, with the families. and that's why, you know, if it's being set, you know, they would, don't want to keep them here too long, but they have to go under under grow some medical checks 1st and see how they're doing before they're being transported to the hospitals on the same. thank you very much. we'll come back to you in a just a few moments as development dictates right now. we heard from him
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earlier in the talk with a the is very limited to his both with the can target for our ministry spokesman much it allows. i'm sorry on fail the schedule of the truth and all it's released at a press conference in doha, on the 1st that i'd be a symbol of what he had to say about the details of the arrangement. we have just finished with all the communication with all. ready the parties in order to ascertain the lift off of those sit at the end who. ready be a suite as a result of the deed agreed upon by by both parties. the list had been handed to both sides and finally in communication, just now the lift had been handed to the guide instead of just service the, the most out in order to facilitate the implementation of the, of the deed the according to this, of course, and be a as the, as the game it took place at the beginning of the pause will be 7 am
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friday, the 24th of november. and it will last of course as agreed for 4 days and uh, the 1st patch of civilians to, uh, to be these 12 of the will be around 4 pm off the same day. they will be 13, a number of all the women and children and that those hostages far from the same time to leave will be put together within the same patch. and obviously every day will include a number of, of civilians as agreed to total 50 within the full, the dates at the communications that took place in the meetings that took place all through yesterday. went on until early morning today with the directions and the pocket of the conflict present here in the, in durham at the meetings went very well and in a positive the environment. and that is valid. zip codes was the implementation plan of, of the agreement,
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which we have always said needed to be something that is concrete and on the very ready to create a safe environment for the lease of of the, the hostages. the criteria on which to prioritize the hostages was purely humanitarian as the, as you know. and our focus was them getting the women and children out of harm's way as the as soon as possible, which is basically what we are doing. and we've been this uh, disagreement, and we will be going through hopefully that the momentum carried by this deal would help us get everybody out in the, in time. and in the same time, because the lesson, the hutch with the people that have that through, that he went ahead and bought that is taking place for the humanitarian aid is an integral part of the of this deal. the aid was type going in with and of course the computed that uh, was talked to that 70 at 7 am. so we are expecting a to go in as soon as possible from a have crossing. you know that the aid has been there. you know, it wouldn't cause the issue with the defense and all the international doing that.
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and so it's going to be get coming in through the, the crossing as soon as we have that, that have come with i've got either the aide work is, would be safe and going in the it would be a fraction of the need and the need to feel great and the fact that no matter how much you have them to bring in there will be effectively and more need for that for a. but we are hoping to bring in as much as possible within the confines of the, of the deal. and of course, our aim is for this deal to end with the last thing as truth. and right now, of course, the confines of this deal are these 4 dates that are subject to a 2nd phase and the following phases of expanding the, the, the, the, the pods as to the formula for getting more hostages the out. and therefore getting more time for the pods we are hoping that that momentum would carry and that we would find this would open the door for, for that and more deep negotiations towards an end to, to the supervisors regarding the palestinians. i can't disclose it. i've no
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information about how much you know, how many of them will be with the model, which i can tell you that the deal that is a separate good deal. so what are expecting entities to happen to us on the, on the godaddy site and guiding at the, there at costs and direct dressing is uh that they, they have been designated to, to receive the hostages with. i can discuss the details of how that would happen or whether they will take that. but of course, as i said that i've talked to the operations that won't get it done from here. and uh, and go ahead and they will, they will take 6 months of that to be there and we appreciate the codes all the work that there is crosses the doing on this. and they are, you know, taking a risk. we though it with their own the stuff in the but the, they, they will be and then take that part of, of handling the hostages with us. and i can't get into the details of that. and i also can't get into the details of where they will be leaving the web. there will be coming out. i think a lot of things on the grounds will affect this. the important thing is that we
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maintain and they can evaluate communication with everybody through the operation to them and make sure that the, the environment which the hostage tests that will happen will be a safe one. and that we guarantee the safety of all of the 2 other to be the not tuesday problem. so the 1st at least will be affecting individuals of the whitman and that's all the women and children. some of them are the women. so with the modeling and then others, if those are the children, as we stated that they will legally said approximately 4 pm, i must say i, i do, you might expect is not, you know, exact science inside them. the time itself doesn't have a lot of moving parts on the ground, but approximately for her at the m. and that will be happening every day within this specific window of, of time where the situation will be much safer for them to uh, to move about. and they will be, as i said, headed over to the red cross and they won't get into the details of how that goes with after that. but the idea is to make the transfer as safe as possible for all
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parties. we have to remember, this is a world zone and we need to make sure and vision. why the discussions yesterday, you know, went into that really this is this morning to make sure that the executive plan for the implementation of this, the agreement as a trouble suits any possible safeguards against any possible problems within the, at least. so are you watching the news? just a quick reminder, also on the top story this on the special programming. is there any media, se 13 hostages held by a mazda have now been transferred to the red cross on the way to the roof of border crossing with egypt. the release is insightful, palestinian presidents, health and these really jails swap is part of a deal broken by casa, also part of the deal is a full day temporary c spot in the israel moss bowl. and let's now bring in marina me wrong. she's a military analyst at kings college under marina. what does this truce mean for the
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idea of operation against a mazda and gaza to good afternoon? well, politically, it's a very important sign full enough in yahoo, in for his government. however, in terms of operations, well i have heard the contrary side explaining that the insured that everything should be going according to the plan. however, cease fire is usually very shaky and there is a chance that it might break down. not because somebody will entirely wants to break it down, but because of human error. so it's a very shaky process. at the same time, the idea has to stay alert. it doesn't mean that the idea cannot relax or for these because there will be people wanting to move to the north or from the south on the one. and on the other hand, from us, might be taking this opportunity to regroup, recover perhaps. um, rotate personnel. it's very flexible now,
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it has all the surveillance on the idea of operation. and so they can better estimate on how to proceed was 0 peroration because of the quarter. so you don't want to be destroyed by the idea of so they, they have to exploit their advantages in the gaza strip. so for the idea, it's a very important moment, especially when it comes to the end of the seas fire and how the operation will proceed. after that, that as a big question. now marina, while we were speaking, we were looking at the pictures that life pictures from the roof off crossing showing a relief truck. so what i suppose our relief trucks crossing that a board of that into the gaza strip, old part of the agreement of the seas 5 at let me ask you a minute, charlie, how's how mos anything to gain from this troops as well?
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um, obviously, as i said, they're gaining time and they have the strategic asset and that's for digit guessing other hostages, meaning that a mosque would say, who will release and also 10 for and also 24 hours of ceasefire if they see fit. and, and this is very problematic in the meanwhile, while humanitarian aid is arriving, how mazda is very well, infringed in gaza. meaning that even people who are not actively supporting come off, might be covers to support that. what i'm trying to say is, for instance, hospitals might beka erst 2 holes. tomas has come in and control center is presumably just a in series of the as a possibility. is that how much might be getting some of those humanitarian supplies to ventilate the panels? because tunnel ventilation has been a huge problem and that is what israel was trying to prevent by cutting off fuel to does it as a strip. so from us can use this pause to recuperate,
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to re adjusted celebrations, and to select new targets to try to confuse the idea of, to move hostages. so there are many things that could be happening. and for her mazda, of course, it is all also strategic victory. because they are dictating essentially as a terms of how the ceasefire is going to work, causes deal is going to work a number, you know, what do you think is likely to happen when that 4 day sees far, has ended and is not being extended? well, i think that the operations will resume as usual, and the idea will try to pick up wherever with left off before the seas 5 started. because as we know, up until the point one of the seas for it was inactive, that idea was continuing its operation. it didn't decrease the intensity also operation. the problem is that there is a certain momentum i explained in the previous answer is that
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a mosse might be using this time for idea, it's of course difficult to, to connect from whereas they left off to 4 days later because the circumstances might have changed. so that there will be an additional challenge for the israel, the intelligence to try to see what is happening while the ceasefire is ongoing. in order to update the targeting information in order to, to adjust their decision making and to adjust your plan on the ground, was the extensions ease of the situation at the moment. and i think that that unless there isn't us or negotiation to release additional hostages, the world will continue as before. the military analyst, marina, there on this speaking to us. thank you very much. marina. thank you for having me
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and still with me in the studio. i'm at least alice shawnee. i was on a sunday. uh we've discussed this earlier. they'd be searching hostages. of course, i don't keenly away to it and he's real, but that's not the only thing. that's a way to correct the way the mechanism works is that every evening after receiving alongside with receiving the real hostages, they should also be given the names from how much the names of those were expected to be released the next day. so for tomorrow, this is also why the deal was delayed in 24 hours. it was a delay with bringing out those names. but there's no doubt to date is the key test on whether this mechanism can work. is it effective or both sides occurring to it? but we also need to understand why we're talking about the hostages between so much strategist, so i'm attractive uses so many casualties are the posting inside. why do these 240 hostages mean so much. that's the key for israel. the minute the hostages are back, israel can have it sort of a victory in this is definitely the payments to,
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to me i was very much in a political dire situation. he needs them back. and for him, us in a way these hostages are their insurance policy, it's a, it's a, it's a direct clash between these 2 interest. israel would want to have as many of them as fast as possible, and how much will try to delay, you know, giving them as much as possible to try to leverage them as much as possible. it already made clear during the negotiations of this deal that there's a clear distinction between a release of civilians and soldiers which you worked. and even if this, these fires extended beyond these 4 days into 5 or maybe the most of the domestic scenario, 10 days is how much was the last week over a 100 prisoners? most of them okay, is really have soldiers that is going to try to use in order to maintain power to protect itself the minute tomas, lose as those hostages, they lose their deposition, they lose their safety it's. it's an immediate threat to their lives that also this time that ha,
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i can use it as the days take away international pressure and on israel and i'm from it as soon as now is a growing we've seen today, the spanish and the belgian, a prime ministers in egypt, speaking at the roof hall crossing, what kind of message do they think? do you think they're sending? these really is we're very displeased with that, that with their message because they were saying at a see as far as good. but we wanted to see it as a permanent to so we need more for reserve, has to be more careful with the civilians that have been, you know, the wreckage and the and the best totally we've been seeing cause that is immense. it's time for israel to stop, of course, as well as not like hearing that message, but the belgians and the spanish are maybe probably only the 1st. the key ally for israel would be the americans for now to fighting stance. very firm and understanding that how much can not keep control in gaza. but if israel will not be willing sooner rather than later to start discussing the end game,
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what happens was how much is gone. it's going to be hard for you to retain american support as well for a long term that it's wanting to have, you know, with these really they're talking about at least 2 more months. it's going to be hard without american support. and that is connected to manitoba native and of course it's connected directly to how is really response to this to a cease fire and how long the less jenny was honest, thank you very much of millis expert here in the studio with me now the hostage release delay meant the organizing web goes on for the families of those being held by him boss. many of meant a constant pressure on benjamin that guy was government to make sure that release of their loved ones is the main priority that i've used. benson spoke to relatives instead of these holding a permanent visual that the, this is become known as hostage square in downtown till it be
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a place of bread and hope that this 1st partial hostage deal happens. i have them and i don't have all the same a size because i don't trust come us. i don't trust as long as we get a few. i mean it's better than non and this, that tiny setting to life. some people coming back, i think, is a huge signature of hope and is a huge game for us. but it's, it's horrifying that it's not everyone, women and children only as one of the young men captured alone has won't be coming home yet. he's mother, set up this piano on the square and music is part of his life. he's been playing for when he was 9 years old. what's that feeling like? having people down here every day playing the piano is. it's amazing. it gives us a lot of hope. it's a hard time. it's not easy. a symbol of the agonizing wait. an
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empty banquet table for the $240.00 hostages. in every part of the square, reminders of the struggle to get them old home. the message to from the israel family, do we want them back when the people the big soon as possible the it is well, it has made clear that despite this for a truce deal, the war is not over yet. and am i colleague terry mountain spoke to it's rarely mandatory spokesperson pizza learn on the austin? what his expectations were from this pause in fighting learning. indeed, our forces are in the defensive operational lines, regrouping and then taking the necessary steps in accordance to the government and the instructions. of course,
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this is what we expect to follow through over the next few days. but we are continuing it to be vigilance and prepared for any adventure on the thing. like to remind you that in the recent, in, in lots of far away history, we've had spies, we've come us, they've always taking advantage of them to attack and adopt a soldier's killer soldiers. so we are on, on the, on the go, we're parents, we're taking the necessary steps, but of course, we all are biding by the instructions over time. what will the is really military do kind of allow that if a rocket is fired into is real during the ceasefire, because there are concerns that there could be road elements in palestine that in the palestinian territories that want indeed to spoil the seas bar. and so we have to be aware, as i said, that we are on the defensive positions, by making the necessary steps. and in order to be prepared,
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not prepared for that. of course, we're on total rights attacks against us and therefore it is as the your reports of rodney pointed out, a very french all situated russian them around. we are expecting to maintain our positions and where and maintaining our defensive capabilities correctly saying we don't want people returning to the most precisely because this war is most of our we are in a pause and operational pause. that is dictating the way for the operation is concrete, focused on to call things festival and getting the hostages out, and maintaining conducting the, the, the, the release of the terrace and criminals coming out of is there any prisons? and this is the focus for the next at least 4 days. we will be prepared in order to respond to any aggression against us. how do you think this falls in the fighting will impact israel's plans to eliminate from us? is this going to compromise the is really military's ability to cross.


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