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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 25, 2023 9:00am-9:16am CET

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the, the business deal of the news live from berlin, 24 hostages feed from gaza, a box and these around the former captives are taken to hospitals for checkups children and elderly women among those suite more release as i expected on saturday . meanwhile, palestinians celebrate service handle fetching 9 prisoners from these ripening zales. the women on the teenage boys feed in return for the ease. riley hostages, the 10 ty national as well among the hostages moves from guys on friday. we'll go
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to bangkok for reaction. the i, i'm eddie micah junior and you are welcome to the program. the policy in minutes on the group. i'm us has released the fast group of hostages. it's been holden since its terrorist attacks on either out. on october 7th, the international red cross confirmed to their bodies of $24.00 people, including facts and he's ready, women and children. in return, each route has released 5900 simians. it was old and in jails on the road to freedom. the 1st group so that it's really hostages, released by a mass militants entered egypt via the rafter border crossing from gazda. after weeks of anguish. they are now in safe hands to their 1st stop a medical facility. in rafa
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the convoy then crossed into israel to undergo further medical checks and finally re unite with loved one. b among those freed our mothers and their children as well as elderly women. israel's leader says he's committed to bringing home all of deputies. we have now completed the return of a festival of hostages, childrens and mothers and other women. each and every one of them is a whole world, which i stressed to you, the families, and to you, citizens of israel. we are committed to the return of all of our hostages. this is one of the goal was available and we are committed to achieving all of the goals of the war. in the occupied westbank, a group of 39 palestinian inmates were freed as part of the temporary truce. those
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released include only women and miners. in rama la large crowds gathered to welcome them home, more palestinian prisoners and his really hostages are set to be released in the coming days. correspondence tanya cream n. as in jerusalem, i asked the area to describe the atmosphere inside these ro, after the hostages with ease. well, i think it has been the day on friday of mixed feelings because on the one hand there was a lot of joy and relief, obviously about the that everything went well that those 13 is really hostages. were released along side 11 hostages. that were a time, nationals, and phillips in a citizen that were also captured enough to october 7. they were also brought home . so uh, but again, now the focus is already on uh today because this hope that the same scenario will
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play out again how mess has uh, submit this list. uh, according to is there any media here of notice 13 names of uh, hostages that will be released today publicly in the same kind of scenario. so all i saw on that already uh at the same time, of course there are those families who might not have the relatives on that list of know that. and then next coming days for full days, that will be the only last 50 hostages. that will be released under this agreement, but there many more of course of the 2 over $230.00 hostages that are being held by homos and other minute to infections and gaza. that's my i might stay behind. so there is a lot of concern. what will happen with them, especially that is rather said to, you know, the war will continue after this twos. mike, montana is
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a former british army officer and senior fellow in the department of war studies, atkins, college, london. i asked him, in the hostage agreement has been successful so far. i think it has been a very successful deal. and i think the truth is with these sorts of operations is that each time it's, it's the rates. so the how most of these people and then these res, release people, it builds up a very low level of operational task. the sorts of deals kind of happening can work . and so that obviously we'll build on some of the, some of the successes that we've seen. but at the same time, it's very easy to have an accident or perhaps a spoiler to break these deals of pots. and so it, everything needs to be wash very carefully planned, very costly, lots of communication between the sides. so it's very late,
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but so far so good. i mean there are bits on what you just said. well, any of the sites want to jeopardize the situation right now. so no, i don't think they will thoughts, the sides and the motion as well. these radius side is much more how much in this and then then how much. but we didn't have a us, it's a may proves to be difficult to control. absolutely everybody within time us. and then there are all the actors in the gaza strip, like the palestinian islamic jihad, which is another militant movements. and they haven't been included in this deal, so they may want to scuffle that they'll. and of course, we've got a situation where thousands of people have been killed. and so many of the relatives will be looking to perhaps carry out something that the, the, the is not part of this deal. so, you know, it's not, this is why the sorts of things is so difficult. not because the people who made dale, but because of all the other people who live and are involved in the area right now
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as the ceasefire continues. what do you think these are the forces in guys that will be doing right now and what, what i'm asked be doing so both sides will use this operational pause as a way of restocking. so getting that logistics working, moving ammunition, both the food around in case facilities resume, i'd also have both sides, particularly these riley's will be using this chunk was their opponents erased talking to conduct intelligence. so they will be trying to look at why supply we saw with dispositions of enemy forces. i'm what capabilities they have. so was, there's no fight thing going on. it's a great chance to spy on each of the effectively. is there any channels you'd think, i mean, the us, the president biden hopes that the teams will go beyond 4 days. is there any chance
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of that happening? you think i so my reading of that is a, an addition to what i just said about how these types of deals tend to build low levels of trust then compacts we built on. but i think there's another thing. i think that israel may well be realizing that they actually cannot achieve what it set out to achieve, conducting a massive ground operation like it has been conducting. and so this choose actually of as a chance to move into a ceasefire. well, saving face to come back from that original a move, eliminate the house through a massive ground operation, which is very difficult. of course, i think what we need to say, excuse me, is a road to bringing all of the hostages out. and if that happens, day by day, mostly just come out. if that happens, then i think we're in a position with a haps along the time. seatbar could take hold. okay, mike,
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mountain and london. thank you. thank. he asked, we had audi assets and 9 police thing and this happened released most of those women with some teenage boys. one of the women released is modified by care. she spends 80 as in jail for a knife attack on these riley bought a police man when she was 16 years old. she's now going to attend to east jerusalem camara. look, here's your mother, hold her tight. unable to fight the tears. it's been 8 years since her daughter was jailed in a nice rarely presence to the that mara is now home, but the feeling is bitter. sweet. the i'm happy to be out. but at the same time, it is very upsetting that the price paid for our release is the blood of the people with god. mara was only 16 when she was jailed on nice and assault charges.
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her mother has been waiting ever since for this day. i the inactive issue, a shot 14 times and that she needed me. it was very painful. not having her here. do you similar joy to that of the but your family was felt in the occupied westbank as dozens of release prisoners were reunited with their families. palestinian prisoners were paraded in front of you for a supporters let me know. so we'd be on with god willing, all the prisoners will be released before they release snouts of white smoke filled the air as in your story, just prior to your gas to disperse the crowds. according to the palestinian red, chris and several people were wounded. a total of a $150.00 pounds of stadium prisoners are expected to be freed in line with
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a deal maybe more if the truth is extend it. let's look at other stories related to the conflict. 200 trucks carrying food fuel on medicine and having to the gaza strip to the rock bar crossing from egypt to cease by optic effect is the biggest. so you might say and can avoid arriving guides. us as the war started, the u. n. has called for access to the and tag has a strip to distribute, to ease around how someone's the on boss with as of spin in belgium. about comments made by the prime ministers of the 2 countries during a visit to their off board crossing. and to criticize them at the mom being a civilians in gaza and called for the recognition of evaluating in states. a mouse has also released 10 tie hostages, taking doing the up to about 7th attacks tile. so it is released images of the citizens with one for the piano and on these rarely hospital bon calls have been engaging for weeks and it's only 2 months. it talks to fee,
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it's nice and i was held by last. the do was separate to the one with so these are the hostages released by to happened at the same time. i asked phillip shotwell, it's another space in bangkok about the reaction that to the release of the ty hostages. well the, so the final is a bit to sign the non man and on 11, there is overwhelming relief and joy to have spoken of, you know, not being able to wait much longer just to see the loved ones. now that they've seen these images of them in, in the hospitals, in a hospital and it is violent and initially sol, photos of them so long as tv screens being um, being handed over last night. so. so for them on the go straight to join, but another 20 ties are still being held hostage is believed. and those families are in the dock. um they, they really don't know what's happening and on their streaming. they're assuming. all right, i mean there is, as your previous speaker was mentioning,
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there are different functions within garza and it's been made clear that the ties are being held by different groups that so um, well the one group is out. it's no guarantees the other so, so it's a nerve wracking time for the, for the families, the remaining work. cuz i mean, on the 20 time that smells that are still being held captive. is that a sense of what the government is doing to try to get them back home as well? so i'm just not to be pursuing your sense of different logic behind the scenes costs on these hostages. um, it's um farmers the trouble tickets on egypt, but also lo, total numbers are for don't really book this country. there is a muslim minority here on the leaders of the muslim community. i've traveled to turn around to meet a rainy and, and how much the officials and the writing in front of the deputy foreign minister was just in bangkok. so tell him just be very much working with around given me a major sponsor of how much to negotiate about channel. so ways to get that people out. so that's that's what baptist waiting for the remaining for the remaining
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$20.00. um they may be dealing with groups other than how much uh, within gauze. and also how is that, how government's been addressing the safety and wellbeing of its citizens. still working in these ro yes, looking totland with 30000 times working in israel before the october 7 attacks. i'm predominantly agriculture sets are as my coworkers about that they be tied. don't want to encourage everybody to resume, but to try logging laid on repack, treasures, lots about x and a half 1000 times how present, but more than 20000, they've chosen to remain. they are working matters further away from dos or in the immediate financing. i don't, so you have to remember that from poor and you know, for areas of thailand, rural areas, and they will guessing much larger wages in israel than they would have been in time and make some definitely economic reasons. overwhelmingly male workers to send money back to that families and the money have decided to stay on the tank up months has left the option open if they want to return, but otherwise is working with these riley's and is writing employment agencies to
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try and make sure they all safe on the ground. okay. dollars for the firewall in bangkok. thank you. thank you. or you're watching the news from breland coming up. i'll document just use doc films accept that political and industrial type of voice around in microchips. that's up to the breaks page in the morning. the vibrant under the listening place of along the mediterranean sea saying this amazon and jeff are up to coming to us exploring modem, lodge styles, to amy and admitted to a man jenny this week on dw, the.


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