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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 26, 2023 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news mind from building small hostages, afraid from gaza, is part of the army says that the 3rd group of hostages, released by how must be looked into, is back in his room. israel has released another 39 palestinian prisoners and exchange the i'm anthony, how it welcome to the program. the homeless tara group has released more hostages from concepts including 14 these riley's and
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a 3 for nationals. the hostages had been held in the gaza strip since the october 7th attacks by him. us red cross work is received the hostages and transferred some through egypt and others directly to israel. the freed hostages include a 4 year old girl whose parents were killed in the attacks. israel's prison system says it has released 39 palestinian prisoners as part of its agree all semi circle is a general list based in israel did joins us now from jerusalem. semi a 3rd successful exchange. what's the lightest, your hearing about this latest hostage in prison, the prisoner release. as the prisoners who have left the officer, a prison in which is in the west bank left on the bus, the red cross bus to the heart over by my law, where they were received by
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a very large shed crowd and waving palestinian flags and flags over their various palistine in factions ha, say for the who is a very kind of like a big celebration and, and the ongoing now and ever my life. and those who came to jerusalem as before, the police has prevented any kind of the separation. and there was a button, the scene in the prisoner who was released to the gaza strip at the same time these rallies. so as the hostage have left from the military base, some had sent him to the various hospitals. and we haven't seen yet, the images that have been reduced from the is running side, but we know that one of them is a wounded and she's been taken directly to the local hospital for treatments. is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu visited troops inside gaza today
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semi took us through the significance of being his 1st visit. they in a long time. yeah, well it has been a long time since he was in the gaza strip. the baby, the last time was that before a year, 2005, i can tell you that the he was walking around there talking to the soldiers to the officer as he was saying, that is run is going to continue. the military campaign is going to return the hostages. there is no going to give up and they go to continue on to victory. and i think that the significance of course is that he's showing this is riley, is present, that he is present is in the heart of northern god, the strip. but it has to be mentioned that this evening to how miles the fighters from the armed wing from res, i've been in for some armed, were seen in the heart of the city of gaza. and they were taking the
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hostages from there and handling them over to the red cross. so as a response, you can say to this display of the neo in gaza. mouse is showing that it is then present there. so many, there's only one more day of the 1st left doesn't seem likely at this point that will, that the deal will be extended as indeed we know that the americans have cut out in egypt. are all pushing in that direction. and we have already heard how miles coming out with the statement that they're planning on releasing more hostages. and we know that is really officials. i've also spoken to cut up. and i've also said that be a, dissipate an extension of the said truths. in fact, the whole truth has been
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a going better than expected, even though yesterday were delays it today, according to the agreements. uh it is how much would that release the 13 hostages, and instead they released 17 hostages. and we've also seen in the northern front, even though there's no agreement between is relative, there is by law. this being very quiet along the border. we've seen the been these coming down south. we've seen most of these really is going up north, and definitely this is an a ceasefire or rather as it's called the law or pause, is it gaining momentum, semi circle in jerusalem, thanks so much for your reporting. well, the temporary pausing funding has allowed more wide range goes into a facing shortages of a central supplies the you and says, but some 250 trucks carrying food, water, and medical supplies into the gaza strip on saturday. limited field deliveries are
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also being allowed in 2000 for the 1st time since october 7th. an easy sense of calm has taken hold in the gaza. the truth is a welcome bank from weeks of bombing and devastation is a mixed to scenes of destruction lying or around some people who attempt to replicate a sense of normalcy. taking solace in small every day comes, its been a civilian way, living through days of calm, where we are stealing moments to make t a before the truce. we couldn't stay out like this and make tea or walk around whatever is left of l bummed out. houses because of the strikes and the sounds of the plains and in the hamden. and that's about putting them in this muscle. in the saw in cells. seems like they share the precariousness of the humanitarian situation. crowds of people flocks to a petrol station hoping to stuck up on fuel,
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ultimately forcing it to close you and say, is much more you just needed to get the humanitarian needs are important. and unprecedented on the 10 we should send 200 lori's every day. for at least 2 months, to meet the needs of unhappiness and much more, we need to send more significant amounts of fuel height so that the services we provide to them can be fueled. man, when people are looking into that with just across the border and these vile soldiers and tanks remaining position once the pool is, is over, as well as military size. it plans to carry on where it left off its twin goes or destroying a mass. i'm saving the hostages still the night of summer. how did is from the norwegian refugee council with the choice still allowing more. i didn't the guys i asked to how this compares to the thousands of
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a trucks painted monthly before tablets. sense as well. it's still not significant, it's still not reaching the levels to meet the urgent humanitarian needs that we're seeing on the ground across all of gaza in this humanitarian pause. this pauses a few days is obviously a release of people in gauze and to get respite and a pulls in the vitamins that a few days of a pause is just not enough to address the wide spread needs and suffering. we're seeing across garza as humanitarian agencies, we're doing all that we can uh to scale up 8 urgently during this period that we need more time. and our see is providing cash assistance to vulnerable families with managing shelters for displace people, an aide to provide more food and hiding kits, and will hopefully distribute
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a winter kits to displace palestinians to prepare for the winter period. but we need more time. we need this humanitarian impulse to last longer and to hopefully reach into a last thing ceasefire because the period that we've been given is simply not enough to meet the growing needs on the ground. the fuel has been delivered the gaza during the truce for the 1st time as well as athletics for is enough to take on the big problems like restarting board of purification plants. so the supply of power as well. we know that fuel has increased, which is positive news, but it's simply not enough, not enough amounts are coming through the crossing and then not reaching also the noise in gaza, which is in desperate need of fuel to support civilian infrastructure that has completely collapsed. we need fuel amounts to be increased to support the hospitals
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. the bakeries, the water comes to provide safe and clean water for the thousands who have been displaced by over 40 days of facilities. so it's really crucial now that beyond this humanitarian pause, humanitarian aid including fuel needs to be provided regardless of the negotiations. humanitarian aid should not be conditional upon these political agreements. they must really the amounts must be increased then o crossings need to be opened into garza to ensure that people can get the live saving assistance that they need. we're incredibly worried about the looming winter period as well. and it would be an absolute disaster for this conflict to continue during the winter periods and to continue. also this pause,
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we desperately need the ceasefire last thing ceasefire to come into effect so that the services that have been collapsed can be restored. and the over 1700000 internally displaced, palestinians can receive the long term release that they require an update from the norwegian refugee cancel. thanks so much for your time. a nice president, frank. father stein maya is in jerusalem and i show of solidarity. but these ro, stone my has met with families of hostages, taken by him us in the october 7th here at attacks is also held talks with is riley presidencies. i kept talking just on 9th, 2 day trip to israel will be followed by visits to both amman and cut down visit to israel comes 7 weeks of to the how must her a text, a deputies 10. you claim that explains why it's happening now. a quite small bit of a technical issue because this um visit has been long and it was supposed to be
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a safe visit to celebrate 75 years of israel. but of course now the circumstances has fundamentally changed. and as the german prison frank was assign might have said no, there's nothing to celebrate here. he's here to come and pay this on the door to visit him and that is very prizes and they're, they're very close friends. both said is again, and of course we over these have seen, you know, germany's foreign minister and in a bad book coming here 3 times already. and also chance chancellor of charles was in the meantime. so the gentleman president, such a night was standing there with uh the is where the president had. so he reiterated, basically, is, was right to defend itself, to defend its existence as he put it. and he but he also calls, you know, for more humanitarian aid that has to reach palestinians in golf. so he also talked
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about, you know, the future that, that needs to be more security for as well. but there needs to be also the prospect of the, you know, a perspective for the palestinians talking about, you know, that at some point that needs to be a talk about the 2 state solution. that's the concept of the western states have always talked about in the last 20 years. of course, nothing has been implemented in that sense, but that, that's as you know where it needs to go from here. starting my has already met of families. i've hostages, tanya, and it's rarely president. and so what else is plans now for the remainder of the visit as well? that was very important for the german president. he arrived with the relatives of hostages. some of them have been released, but many of sending garza but also all relatives who have lost ones that
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were accused an october 7th during the terror attacks. then he also would have political totes, and uh, as he said, to move on then uh to visit uh, oman, and also caught, uh, one of the main menu yates is, of course, in the hostage crisis. and it's seen of it to you as well. you know, this was certainly a play a role, but also to talk about, you know, the, the stress that, that could be a wider reach and a conflict, but also about you know, the future. what will happen after you know this more and also the claimant in jerusalem. thank you. of some support. before we go and do kathy lenovo team brought it francesca by new i a has successfully retained the most of jp will title. following victory at the growing pre valencia. the attendance main rival hole, head, math teen of prima, probably not racing. pressed out, following a collision. with 6 time world champion ma ma kids, there we go. the pipe that pipe the way for the 26 year old bunny,
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i have to win his 2nd consecutive motor to pick from this time by 39 points on coming up next, the renewables revolution documentary fuel looking at human times. great. this not table since industrialization that's coming up after a short break. that's all for now. thanks for watching and we'll have more news for you in 45 minutes time frame was like a stepping points. if you know time what you into that warranty wants to be, finish your studies. now you have a sandy feet from the train. you can choose to go back or somewhere else. currently, more people than ever on the move in search of a better life. yeah. give me something that is coming very, very soon and yeah, can we learn more about or know when a story info, migraines, the.


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