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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 28, 2023 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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steep see greed stops december 7th on dw, the . this is dw news live from berlin, israel and thomas extend the truce as another group from hostages is freed from gaza. the 11 hostages released by hamas on now back in israel. and in the west bank crowds welcome 33 palestinians released from prisons and israel. also coming up on the program, germany struggles to fill a 60000000 euro hole in its budget after a quarter rules that moving emergency pandemic money into
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a climate action fund was the legal chanc float will actually it's tells parliament that judgement creates a new reality that makes governing more difficult and in india rescue teams finally reach 41 way because they've spent more than 2 weeks trapped and it collapsed mountain tunnel. the men are expected to be pulled out through a narrow pipe over the next few hours. the new groups mckinnon. welcome to the program, israel and the palestinian militant group. hamas have agreed to extend the 4 day truce by another 2 days. could tell which media to the del, confirm the extension i was before the ceasefire was due to end on tuesday. at the extension opens the way for the release of more is riley hostages being held in garza us and exchange for palestinian prisoners in is really jails. israel has
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received a list of 10 more hostages for you to be released today. 69 is riley on foreign hostages. have already been freed under the terms of the original deal between israel on hum us and exchange. 150 palestinian prisoners have been released from is randy detention is ralph as 239 people was seized by palestinian militants on october. the 7th, about $170.00 all believed to still be held in gaza. on monday 11 hostages arrived back in israel and have been reuniting with friends and family. more is really hostages. finally free women and children again made up the latest group to be released by him. us the release boomed by the militant group. the full day would quickly a school to back to israel and slowing on the hospitals
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and waiting families. this is an exciting and hard feeling moments, but we also understand that is the beginning of a difficult rehabilitation process for sar in areas we're still young and have been through an unbearable experience. deal nationals from engine, tina and jim. and he were among those released, including french's riley. i tanya, hello me, who was finally able to re unite with his mother palestinians a celebration homecomings 2 with 33 more women and young people released from is riley prisons as part of the exchange. one lives out of host of so it's an indescribable joy. so i'm very happy. i hope that others will soon be released. one is really presence, my friends. so my cousins got
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a 150 palestinian prisoners have been freed in recent days. a last minute extension of the pause and fighting is expected to bring to the relief on both sides. israel has already received a list of teen more hostages due to be freed by whom us today is riley troops continued to patrol guns as buddha, amid the truth, which is now set to expire on thursday. the international parisha is growing for it to be extended. even fit the with the trees in garza having been extended by 2 days, the people living then now have a temporary sense of relatives. com. i'm the best of chance to access humanitarian aid box aid organizations. all warning, but the situation for civilians across the goal is to strip remains. dia these kids raise the weather and still play outside the cooling drain. the conditions are
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an additional bed and for many and to make shift shelters and gaza. another month out of the rain and cold have worn me out and i kind of do, and it's in my clothes room where it's and i can't change them and i've no clothes, no food, no water jacket. and i haven't drank water in 2 days and there's no bathroom to use it, ma'am. let's get that outside. i'm them. i'm. that's where is age organizations. then of course, you go, you know, hundreds of thousands of children who are not in school or in very autocratic, have so a cold and starting to rain, who do not have enough food. do not have enough water. who are now at risk of of a disease outbreak. it's a random situation. the causes health service has been facing chronic shortages since the fighting started as patients are transferred from the north to the south hospitals,
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the overwhelmed for the new york. the situation is very, very tragic. the hospital can't bad this burden of cases. there's no capacity. it means that the equipment is insufficient, tools and consumables are lacking. and there is a shortage of medical in nursing staff, some of the things to the extended pause, enticing some age is getting to where it's needed. i would say it's a glimpse of hope and humanity in the middle of the darkness of water. and i strongly hope that these will enable us to increase even more the, the meditative nights to the people in gaza to be suffering so much knowing that to even with that additional amounts of time, it to be impossible to satisfy all the metric needs of the population because
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the civilians have a lifeline. as long as the guns stay silence. i'm for more i am joined now by young eagles and the secretary general has been the legion refugee council on a former piece negotiator, who helped drew up the also agreements between israel and palestinians in 1993. welcome to w steegal, and thanks so much for your time today. we're seeing a deal right now between israel and hamas. it seems to be working so far. there's a possibility of more extensions. what do you think this could lead to when it could lead to a long pause with more fried tossed, it is more freed press and this and to more of gosh, i getting the 8 that desperately needs. but it could also end, i mean, in, in a day or 2 and that will be catastrophic. so we are urging for
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a prolonged ceasefire. we do not think that continued wolf that would make is rather safer. and it was suddenly made to make a dr. unlivable for 2300000 people, the vast majority of them completely in a sense. but what happens the horrors of the 7th of october? at the moment we have a situation where katara is axing is a, as in mediation between the sick, 2 sides, they wouldn't speak to each other directly. is this the right way to proceed in your opinion at this the stage? definitely, yes, uh, capped out, move also with the help of egypt and others broke. and the united states are brokering these deals and it just shows them that yes, the 2 sides can make agreements. it's it, as they have done, so or so in the, in the past is, well, i have always regarded how mazda is
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a terrorist organization. they have still broken these at what we hope is that the deals with expand to really do something about the siege of casa, remember, gosh, it's a very smart place. i mean, it's, it's half of them. you mean municipality of oscar, where i live, 2300000 people leave that there is no escape, they cannot go. it's not like they have poland like the ukrainian so when the other place to go, so the seats has to be lifted and the has to be an end to the compartment. and the has to be a release of all of the remaining costs. additional costs, can i ask you what role you potentially see europe playing in the situation in any potential negotiations? when you're would be an important play are in reconstruction in, in humanitarian agreements, etc. i do not necessarily see europe in need,
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the 18 and then to the occupation and the pine of state, this issues that were left unresolved with the austro agreement where we got mutual recognition and we get a start of a palestinian at administration and a few other things it has to be the united states. they are the only ones who can really influence is red width, cut the egypt, gulf, countries that can in a, in front the very split palestinian sites. you've made the urgency of the situation very clear. we've had, we've had very strong breast reco haven't weigh from both sides over the past weeks . given this very complicated situation. he, to that mistake. i mean, is it even possible that this could lead to more formal negotiations? yeah, the sensitivity of this, i think it has to lead to i think the rest of the world will also have the mind
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that it has to lead to a more kind of settlement of this very long is rarely tell us didn't conflict. i don't think how mosse as an organization would it be part of this palestinians will have to be part of this. i don't think these ran the government, but that is the most extreme government and the history of his friends. really with that with the people that who uh, who uh, organizing set violence and whatnot. it has to be the international community has to push push. that's really the united states got the egypt a dump countries they have to push. as you've mentioned, these are in a government led by benjamin netanyahu at the prime minister. he has said that he is committed to risk resuming the will to ending homeless for will and crushing its military capabilities. and what's your take on that? very clear strategy low in that it's not very clear that the strategy is not very
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clear. what, what does that mean? it means to kin palestinians until the last type is killed. as the last member of a mosque there is, a lot of it's, it's, it's a, it's a movement doing so social work, it's etc, as well as having the military wing as the cause some very good that they want to take those killers from the 7th, october i very much understand, but they have killed thousands of children now with their own bombardment. the rest of the world, dustin freely, except that war on terra would mean killing thousands of innocent children. i wanted to ask, i mean, is that any way that the people in gauze can be patricia put, protect protected if the truce ends and slicing intensifies across all parts of it . oh, i fear it will be a new us because more people are crammed together in
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a smaller area in the south. if then now coming up to come, eunice, which is the, the center for the refugee camps with many of my colleagues, my organization, which revenue council has 53 colleagues inside. they are palestinians, of course of fled for their lives. they were told to go to the south now they've told leave the south because with coming, coming to bombard you there as well. that the, it's meaningless to continue the war as it has been. so we hope the united states and the united kingdom and germany that are naturally for friends and anonymous of his rep can convince them to skewed the civilian population, which means and then to this and from bottoming. which is indiscriminate. said glen, do you say that you are an old the most a you still hopeful even in, in these days of prizes?
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i'm generally an optimist that we will come out of all of the enrollment crisis. we have short term. i am actually pretty pessimistic. remember, so what you're covering here now is, is, is actually something keep the problem. i think one is selling per 444, commodities. yeah. it has 10. hostages has a 150 prisoners. here's some trucks. we trade. yeah. all of this should be, should not be traded about hostages should be released or not them. those to are arbitrarily detained by is for teenagers for stone throwing. that's it forever and jade without the law and justice should be released on 8 trucks should not be negotiated taxes, which would have the right and obligation to buy the human account release across dasa. we need to assume a to some sensible you. you main methods here and not to continue with this young
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egg alone. secretary general has been a week and that refugee council, thank you so much for your time today. we appreciate it. and his look at some of the of the news headlines from around the world, greece is prime minister career co submits the talk, has, has expressed his displeasure at the last minute cancellation of a planned meeting with his brushes count upon richie. so not the discussion was expected to include the long disputed issue of a possible return of the pos and on sculptures from the british museum to athens. a powerful storm and ukraine has killed at least 10 people in injured more than 20 hundreds of communities have lost electricity, mainly in the odessa region, which has seen the worst outage. ukraine's energy grid and rescue services has been severely stretched by the russian invasion. a russian quote has extended the detention of bull street general report to evan gus cuz it until the end of january,
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the american was arrested in march on spring.


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