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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  November 28, 2023 9:30pm-10:00pm CET

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the, my gosh, i know the 5 i right just do it and i'm hosting dw newport cost. thanks. trace amount, but there's no actually about move. join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk to that. just as subscriber id listen to pop, gosh. then we'll take you along to the right. the, a deal between 2 parties are deeply mistrust. each other is bound to stand on shaky legs. since its inception, the temporary truce between israel and the mos says, more than one seemed on the verge of unraveling. on the 5th day, the fragility of the agreement was again apparent. clashes in northern gauze i left several is really soldiers injured and what both sides call a violation of the seas fired by the other. but still, the deal stands signaling that the war in parties might be more committed to the
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truce. and they let on nicole relation, berlin, and this is the day the ones how most stopped returning hostages. we will review the military pressure on how i'm off until the police is more of them. we do not think that continued wolf pat port make a spread site for and it was certainly made to make a dozen unlivable. eventually we will see more people die from disease than we are even seen from the more pod meant. our hope is to reach at the same level that would lead to a bad thing that goes. ready and eventually to an end to provide the default also on the day the crime of sexual violence against women in war is really rights
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groups say the international community, including the u. n. is ignoring acts of rape committed by him aust fighters on october 7th. and we are here to tell them we are not going to let them be silent anymore. we want them to south out for all the women in these around like the shout out for all the other women in the world. it doesn't matter what your nationality or where you come from. you have to shout out for women that were abused. welcome to the show. despite what could tar is calling minimal breaches on the 1st day of its extension. the temporary truth between israel and hum us is holding both sides have expressed hope for further extensions to the deal, especially has been growing for israel and from us to seek a lasting truce. something that is really government, as opposed to young aguilar is a former piece negotiator who helped draw of the 1993. also
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a court today is the secretary general of the norwegian refugee council. and he spoke to the w about what the way forward should look like. now we are urging for a prolonged ceasefire. we do not think that continued wolf pat would make is rel, safer, and it was suddenly made, make a does so unlivable for 2300000 people. yes, the 2 sides can make agreements. it's it, as they have done, so or so in the, in the past is, well, i have always regarded how mazda is a terrorist organization. they have still broken these. i think it has to lead to i think the rest of the world will also the monde, that it has to lead to a more kind of settlement of this very long is rarely published, didn't conflict that was young ecolog speaking to d. w earlier there will oliver mac turn and is a former hostage negotiator and the director of the organization for thinking. he
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says the fact that israel and tomas are not negotiating with each other directly is significantly complicating the deal making process when i think i have the greatest declaration for the tare negotiators, because i can't imagine the difficulties to have at least 5 different points of reference that they have to go through in order to reach agreement when i was in balls, but the surely degree meant it was a very simple thing of having a designated group. if negotiate is on the is really side on the m. s side. you went between them. the other thing i think that complicates the negotiation process is this constant press conferences and in the 5 years that i did the surely do no one knew what was going on or no one you who was involved. and i think that makes it much easier, but as i say,
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i have the highest praise for the guitar. you negotiate as being able to deal with such a complex process. you have been in touch with a mazda officials since october 7th. what did they tell you about their goals and all of this was by tron service in doha, 2 days after october 7th. and i think it was recognized that the what's happened to civilians, indiscriminate killing and the hostage taking us civilians was in right. and the message i was given then was clearly that all the civilian hostages could be released without. it goes without negotiation or without any preconditions provided that there was a ceasefire that would enable the coordination of the whole process to take place. i communicated that message, but obviously understandably, and a stress that i think israel was very much in
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a traumatized situation. and i think it still leads and therefore needs good friends to be able to guide it in a time like this. but the message was and to know what's happening, i think could have happened much earlier or if now israel says they will not stop until they have crushed a mouse. they also say they want all their hostages back for now both sides of only released women and children. from your experience and, and from what we're seeing from the is really side this reluctance towards a durable ceasefire. do you see anyway, man and, and soldiers could be freed as part of a deal as well as well. if i may explain them in explaining, i don't in any way endorse set and i'd like to stress that. but the reason why i'm so just what take and was that there was seen as a leverage to ensure to be nice of palestinian prisoners,
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but otherwise with diane is really jail. so the soldier i think, is seeing in a different category from disability and the hostages. i think the negotiations over the soldiers will be much more difficult, and i just sincerely hope for they to have family stay to have loved ones that want them. she would be re united just as much as the thousands of palestinian prisoners and is really jailed. wanted back by the families. i sincerely hope that we will understand now there is no military solution to this process. i think they did the reality, the heart of what has happened, the infliction of really hurt on both sides. this is a moment when i think that we should see that it's only a political process that will find a jewelry about solution. i come from ireland, the irish had to learn that very hardware as did the british,
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that you couldn't have a military solution to the irish problem that it had to be a political process. but what's just essential that process has to be inclusive on the significant people with constituency need to be involved in the negotiations. inmate does desire. i bought. there's one of the c cochran independent palestine. otherwise, i see the agreement is reached, as we saw with all flo will stand the test of time as oliver, my turn and a former hostage negotiator and director of forward thinking thanks to the of the rape is the cheapest. and possibly the oldest weapon of war. it's also the least condemned and most silenced war crime. it's against that backdrop, that is really rights groups are trying to raise awareness about reports of sexual
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violence committed by her mos militants during the october 7th attack. this week protestors demonstrated outside the un office in jerusalem, calling on it to address the issue of violence against women. by whom us some is really activists say that you one is down playing the issue. the one says it has requested access to collect information about the attacks, but it has not received a response from israel. kristy the lamb is chief correspondent for the sunday times, and she's also the author of the book, our bodies there battlefield, in which she chronicles the lives of women in war time and house sexual violence against them is used as a weapon. christina, so good to see you again. your in israel at the moment. what have you heard about the sexual violence perpetrated by him? off on and after october 7th. so i've spoken to a number of women's organizations and police and others to
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always say that they have a body of evidence from people at large. the music press or not to discover that might witness is of women. young women be briefly rate scan rates at the festival. i was a lawsuit of the atrocities against women and how does that compare to what you've been able to document and other attacks and conflicts? so the problem here at the moment that is that the most divided sup actually come forward. so this is all the information coming either from people who are like 1st responder or people who are hiding that day and say that they saw things. oh,
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certain videos that how much themselves or how the time as we know that were purchased live streaming service, the address it is um oh, take from interrogations from from us. fights is to be cool. so that, you know, there is quite a, a body of evidence suggesting that they see that happens um, or systematic. uh, it unfortunately is something that we see in every come say there has been widespread criticism of international women's organizations and the one not responding appropriately to the acts of sexual violence perpetrated on october 7th . or if it protests and hashtags like meet 2, unless your do have been trending. why the silence? you think i i think part of it is that we
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actually had a surprise. it's come forward back here, let's be on it. so there's been a lot of property down there this on saturday. so i, you know, that as an attendant see, to sit down to those things because quite often things we had sold at the beginning and somehow not speech it. i thought. so that's why the reasons that i came in to actually, you know, go through and talk to people and try and find out for myself as much as you can. what's really happening. and then suddenly, you know, there are people that were collecting the, the 40 eastern party remains, talk about, you know, clear the evidence forensic evidence that women were 8, bruce, she rates before they were code. so, i mean in some cases you say bright date that tells me friends for break.
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um, so that's a lot of anger here. i'm home women scripts that this isn't being taken seriously. they think at the international community and that different stand, it's a being applied. i mean, one thing i would say is usually it does the same, but as inspections means he puts that statement very quickly about this in other places. i'm not sure. but people, yeah, for example, would agree with that where, you know, complaining for months that this was happening before anybody said anything. if you look at the r c, i think that they just say something like 60000 women, that rate they see it. so nobody's really talking about fact. so you could argue that, you know, this is an issue that doesn't get enough attention. generally it's not something
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specific to, to israel, but it is the case. the us women take care not for out a state, they could put out a statement, for example, expressing that concern a direct quote. say that person commitments a yeah. right. screws have been calling for the i say, see, to investigate the acts of gender based on sexual violence as a crime against humanity. now, considering everything that you just laid out and that the licensee has prosecuted only 2 cases of rape and over 20 years, you know a scenario as chaotic as the october 7th attack. no, the survivors who have identified themselves as victims. how hard will it be to establish some sort of accountability as well? okay. so is there isn't a member of the i c c so that, that complicates things. but um, um, as you point out, i see she does not have
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a great record on this as an opposing record to both the parent to prosecute. securing con, when he was selected last year on its pages, was precisely do something on this issue. so here is a good example, but it is starting to see cool. it's certainly to collect evidence of this, but there is, there's 2 things going on here that a says no, and should be the investigation. i see evidence and those are those who a civilian commission, them numbers, if they used to mean it shouldn't be the case that you do actually have to have the women themselves come forward in order to believe it. because this is something often very difficult for people to talk about it. you know, it's the wrong crime where the victim is of damage to that they did something wrong . exactly. and you've also tried to find an answer to why this keeps happening.
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have you found an answer? i mean, it seems clear to me that it's happening more more. i think one of the reasons it's the same thing, special community there is to be empty unit state aside, the rate is a very effective boyfriend. if you want to humiliate your enemy, your entire ice demo drives them out of an area. so the mainland, no one's paying price to that, because on this nobody is brought to justice. interestingly, i mean the ones that have bright spot, and in this, in terms of getting, just as if they used to be the best of jurisdiction, which means that any country can prosecute somebody for will crime anywhere. it doesn't have to be a car to where it happens in germany. it's actually kind of yeah, it's this because germany has now convict saves iraqi for
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taking a z mother and child and the child actually was chain dog outside died. so that's, that's the best conviction for what happens to the easy the so that is something a model. the other countries could be using cause author and reporter, christina lam, safe correspondent for the sunday times. i highly recommend to read her book our bodies, their battlefield. thank you so much for your time or thank you. the the, the christ citizens can rest assured that the government will stick to the promises it made. we will not abandon any one with the challenges we currently faced. you will never walk alone is once i promise last year and usually remain that way.
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that was germany's chancellor left shots promising to maintain government spending in the face of a budget crisis that has rocked germany once a by word for financial virtue, a ruling by germany supreme court has left the government, unable to agree a budget for next year that spurred some countries to question jeremy's reliability and left others to enjoy some shot in florida over berlin's predicament. in a moment, i'll get some analysis on why germany's finances had been thrown into disarray. but 1st a look at how exactly we got here. winter came early this year and was ordinary german scrapple with the pitfalls. it's government 2 faces a slippery slope. it all started here with the verdicts from jimmy's constitutional quote, a couple of weeks ago, but called the country's finances into question. the government had moved left
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over emergency funds from the private 19 pandemic to fund to count the climate change. the court ruled that was the legal. why an uncle and look over them. pallet gemini introduced the so called step break, it is enshrined in the constitution. i'm limits how much government can fall, right. it can only be suspended in emergencies, such as the pen demik. the verdict lift gate can comb with 60000000000 zeros and the government's budget. the sad news already we can clear to me that i'm interested in vic friday. to fish, to losing the 60000000000 euro. it's in the climate fund total will result in an executive trop of around half a percentage point in growth next year. this will continue into 20252026 via top. it's also bad news for some of the governments biggest plans. the money had
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been allocated to semi conductor and battery factories. so the funds and even trains and half of it has already been spent. so the government needed to take emergency action. so for 2023, that break has now been suspended, which means the bottom of it has been suspended under government. good for me. it's not clear yet what will happen in 2024. but it could spell a hard winter ahead for the governing coalition. unfortunately, due to a technical problems, we don't have that analyst. i promise you. but we have some news coming out of armenia because 2 months ago, a long running ethnic and territorial conflict on the costs of europe and asia interrupted. and you all out finding and lead to be effective dissolution of self proclaimed for public in the south congress. this region, the gore know, care about lies in azerbaijan, but was historically home to
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a majority of ethnic. armenians will operated autonomously and had their own government that changed in september when i was there by, john launched a lightning military offensive against the break away of region. very forces declared victory within just 24 hours. and most of the regions, 120000 ethnic armenians all themselves forced a fleet to neighboring armenia. at the start of next year, the republic they called home will officially cease to exist for our next reports, double use your river shadow travel to armenia and met some of this conflicts refugees, to find out more about their concerns and hopes for the future of the drum and seize mazda bundles took with them. what did they quote when they fled from their home in the garden? o'connor bottles? i g o n z a jump li, these blankets and a few other warm things on the 24th,
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just the we only took new households, electrical appliances, and some fruit. i had drives from the bar. we had a small car and that was all we could fit you show is specifically the give her against has been sharing this house with 2 of the reputation families for the last 2 months. there are lock you, this one leaving here on her own. let them stay without asking for any of the families from the gardener corner possible. also living here until a few days ago. but they've now moved out into athletics over there on the new supposed to previously a refugee in the 9 to ninety's, fleeing took maintenance done for now, gore know, colorado. actually the sold to that one day she'd have to pack up again. and to look for a new home this time, nearly every resident has left in the garden a quarter of boston even asked at least that they haven't to get to come to terms with often more than 100000 to armenians escaped from the guard or above many of
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them are still in the shop for a nation deeply rooted in tradition, being super right that from the length of their ancestors is perhaps to the biggest blow of fall every day armenians come to pay their respects to those killed in divorce over now going up the box. these so called the cemetery for heroes open teams that capability areas on either early ninety's is a conflict, has a since claim to more than $35000.00 lives on does the, our media insight. we've lived through 4 wars and that's enough. we're tired of war and bloodshed. we just want to live normal, quiet lives. the give her a guns are trying to leaf normal lives in the village, along with dozens of awesome refugee families from the law. they get along well, we have the ledgers, but the future looks bleak. most out of work, although some men are living driving taxes. many of the refugees depend on social
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services provided by armenia. european union and international agencies also help, but it's not enough different. the 2nd level of the, the arrival of more than a 100000 people from the going to cover a bucket is a huge boot. and on the, i mean in economy about the invest spots, most of these people have outstanding bank loans. you'll know the banks and they're going to cover about what all i mean in all my gosh. and the customers or half a $1000000000.00 on bunker. you know my god to support stock. mon barksdale man. most of the refugees find no position to pay off the debts. they have lost everything. zip, i want to have a night. many i can use the army union the government of giving up in the garden of the above too easily. and is a wonder why so many men lost their life easier verse of independence tiguan to follow the dawn of it for to wish no go, no quarter of bucks, army, and like all that for my soul just is be totally disappointed. he's under no
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illusion that his family has and the long term future, the an army. yeah. hydro actual the way we want to leave and go abroad that i need that to get the children the future. and so me the give our dance. i'm not alone in wanting to leave armenia, but most of the refugees and just want to read, tell them to the beloved homeland. now gordon, a car box, but they have no idea whether that will ever be possible. and with this report from my colleague your shadow, we've reached the end of the day. that's our time, but make sure to stay informed, stay engaged and stay in touch. you can follow our team on social media and you'll find those at the, the news and myself at the colt underscore, squarely if it is the latest headlines you're looking for. there is of course, always power. westside s d w dot com for now though from the entire team here on the day. thank you so much for spending parts of your day by
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the is around life after the terror attacks. nothing is as it was since the mazda attacks on october 7th. the country isn't shown how do people experience this trauma? and the daily danger stopped in 30
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minutes on the w. choosing the joy of the ride over the annoyance of the traffic gunners. b like revolution goes to verify. thing is good news about you but but now the news was checking out the 7710 in 90 minutes on d w. imagine how many portions of lots of turn out in the world climate change, the stores. this is much less the way from just one week. how much was going to really get we still have time to act. i'm going like this fast fashion as an environmental name,
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a clothing graveyard in the to land desert. this is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and lightest textile waste gets stranded. fashion, watch now on youtube. advice and listening place of long submitted to a in its most is convex. people of many cultures and most of us and jeff are up to coming to us pieces of 30 palestinian prisoners in exchange. also on the program rescue teams in india. free all 41 construction workers draft inside a collapse mountain tunnel for more than 2 weeks. and germany struggles to fill
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a 16000000000 euro hole in a sponge it out for a cord will that.


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