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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  November 28, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm CET

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7 percent in 60 minutes on d w, the once people have to say yes to the next why we listened because every weekend on dw, the 2 and the flight to go to a message that the terrace in the king was, this is absolutely insane. and the messages i started reading were like they're trying to break into my house or in my house the, the, the burning my house. the
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advisor was killed 2 weeks ago into terra tech. and some us next guy said my government sales and giving a security and safety to me and my browser and to all of the people living in israel, video manager in point, i'm really worried about what's happening and got them out. i mean, is really just the bombings or people didn't explain this how it really helped us to, to achieve peace, to achieve a better life for us, the people as a, when we'll be so calm. what am i to tell you? what's the right thing to do? right now the question is bigger than me, the, my name is always cancer. i mean there's a few major currently in a shovel,
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which 30 kilometers from the board. it was the guy that live here with that as their wife is 9 months pregnant and we've chapel our dog, seen that there are stuck with number 7, sheep or a whole or a little country. things are not the same. we're still struggles. understand what happened. and we'd like to show you around the world as our show, harris everywhere. because we kind of do it any way that we know every time every face who gets to watching the rest shelter. because we have 45 seconds to run to the sheltering guests. we and i cannot. and yes, well, that's not the best way to ride, so we're sure we need to walk express for the 5 seconds. and chapel already knows. so windsor is the siren was there is an alarm, he's the 1st one to run to the shelter. people here have different perspectives,
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but we're all throwing up are these trauma was paying for things and no one score. but what else can we? well, i believe that at the moment we must here he listens is also survived again and again. and again. my name is the sophie, uh those on the car. i'm a visual office, them to write to mother of 3 children. i live at the very least. it was so i was co director of uh, gallery, it was
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a faithful career. the thing that can do it says the majority of it's a less twin, it's a closely knit community. we have share the holidays. the, the fact that to, you know, everyone, i share my life with them in a very intimate kind of way. since i was a young child. so everyone is like, you know, family in a way, friday evening we had the dinner with the family. we had a lot of fun. we went to play tennis. last thing, everything was perfectly normal and no, no one could imagine what we were going to look up to on sunday morning. i think it was half past 6. very loud explosions. live like nothing i've ever heard,
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but we woke up abruptly and woke up my oldest daughter and i, i told her, you know, run to the, to the say from and i grabbed my little one and then the, you know, and just shut the door on us we were like, okay, so real kids, ms files. we know the drill. we just have to sit tight and it will be over. and whatever in between, we go to a message that there are, there is indication of terrorists, like somewhere but not in the keyboards. and my children lost me, i'm only can they, can they can, they reached the keyboard and i said the, no, i don't think so because we are quite fall from the board to, for almost 5 kilometers. and yeah, it's a lot around to cover. and obviously the army will stop with them on the way the
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so i said no, i don't think so. but like telling a flight to go to a message that the terrace in the cable, the shut up so fast. and the messages i started reading were like they're trying to break into my house or in my house the, the, the burning my house. the cleaning shall help to be saved. the most unbelievable uh, messages were recorded. no, not what some group this mothers begging for their lives.
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one of the recorded the message, the to the short term baby in the head. just just stop though and i couldn't believe this happening the understanding the binding the houses. so i, when it became a bit quiet, i crept south of the safe from and i took all the towels from the shower and just opened the top, the, the, the top in the top and just took full, very wet towels. so you know, if the and so my house and so it's, it's on fire then i can try to stop the smoke from entering the safe from. i bought knives from the kitchen and i just felt the next to the door with a knife in my hand. which in hindsight,
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seems absolutely pathetic attempts. think i can defend myself all my sales when against these sophistic, bob barrick in human people the and the very quickly they realize that the door of the say from isn't bullet proof because it's talking truth thing for suffering hand grenades ands like doing really everything they could to get into the safe front with, with families, hands with their children and just books and then they went and the coverage neighborhood, thats the neighborhoods. and they went from door to door and they killed everyone. they started shooting at the window of the safe from its really heavy metal window
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like hundreds of bullets. and you can hear it like a thing thing, thing, thing. and the kids, well, i just told them, you know, just just hold tight. we have to hold tight, you know, so whatever happens, you know, whatever happens was together, we had to be very quiet. i didn't want them to know that there was anyone in the house. so just like every time i heard voices outside my window, i was likes still don't talk now at some point the kids became very, very tired. the adrenalin is like rushing through your body and you get so tired. my. 1 father is trying just not to fall asleep and i told him, you know, just to sleep as much as you can. but they were scared that the army will come to rescue us and they won't be a wife. but as i said, you know, don't just sleep and me and my, my thought was just trying to stay awake, just praying to be rescued. and that went on for
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hours on end until 6 o'clock in the evening when the army was dying at my bill. and the next thing i know, maybe 10 soldiers, 3 of them offices are standing in my living room and i just collapsed into their arms sobbing hysterically for them to take my children. just take my children and save them the i. i stepped outside. it was already dock the rockets landing. i could still hear like bullets whizzing next to us. that was, that was still fighting. so the soul just said, you know, okay we, we cons is accurate to now. that's too much going on because really the service
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were really close. so they said, go, go up stairs with their neighbors. and we'll come back very soon. it was, i think, half past 6 already, and they didn't come back until 12 midnight. we had no electricity, we had no water and nobody h n a thing since the day before. so we stopped in complete darkness. 2 families, very young baby. my neighbors have a baby just waited, which at that point i heard we heard terrorist in my house. so fun, go the whoever that we were on the that points ends at midnight to they came again and then maybe 20 also 2 of them. the phones a ring around us. we were 3 families when with children, i was holding my total and 2 of my children were holding my backpacks and the so
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just so my kids to close their eyes and also open them until until they tell them to i just stepped outside my house. and i was like, is a different world of different universe, the and so when they didn't survive so many so much pain. children
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and no parents, parents with no children, families, toner pots, families with children and ducks in 2000 the doctor, the children that can babies the slide to where it's tossing. like genesis center, we lost everything, the bus allies. and now we have to start building a new wealth from the ruins of the old one. and it's very scary to feel like they're in. you've lost everything, but it's also the and the thing can happen. the
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village of the, there was an alarm. these are neighbors high, the very sorry, nice. you can compare there and there was a mutual effect on the village. are we leaving town? 7 adults, 3 kids and 2 dogs, chapel sailor, fidelity in some german. i'm far as of age really left when i fought against the right wing forces just to pull over my country. since i believe that piece is the
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only possible place right now. i am totally confused. i have no problem with the people with guys, but i do have trouble woocommerce. i feel sorry for every missing person in guys i who's being killed because of the tax on some us. but what can we do? i think that's one of the set effects both as humans is the fact that we've reached the moon, but we still don't know how to bring justice without going in since the bill to buy keys or menu. the last thing that the moment here is out of the my name is arthur rosco, 1944 years old. i married to the beautiful natalie. i have 3 kids. i was born and raised here a surfer investigator, the
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one of my numbers in 2007, i started and organization in a community called searching for piece together with laurie and passcode the, the idea started 2007. we delivered 14 boards made by as fairly shaffer's to some people that are living in garza. as far as i remember, the is really the sense for them to allow surfboards in because they considered it have fleming story material. it might be used to create some kind of a weapon out of the stupid and it was approved for a connection with the common is really people somebody doesn't like that is really and to us and i cannot to go into the
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1st of all is my partner not olson is an american, was very well connected in his real and also in god's any help distribute these boards in the beginning and really found the people and created for them the guy that serv club. we kept supporting this and then to expand and later on all over the for the muslim in, in jewish world, the 1st of all, i'm a surfer, it was the natural thing for me to do as a devoted sir for the love surfing. and it was
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a way for me to give back to surfing and it was a way for me to show is really is are willing to do whatever they can to promote the idea of peace and co existence. even in the little micro world. the surfboards were just the tool, the tool to create an understanding between people and a very common basis like restaurants level. but um, what can start with 0 right now? the, i'm sorry to say it, but this, this whole idea at the moment is shattered to little pieces. the i grew up in the hardest elevator. i have went to shelter in the 1000000 times. i grew up to the,
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to the sound of buses exploding on my street. nothing compared to what i feel right now. my heart completely changed. i think of my family. i think all my friends think of my people, and i cannot think of people on the other side right now. how mazda is basically decided to commit complete suicide, and thank the people of gaza with the everybody knew its coming. there were threats, the army was out there. the whole background for what happened and the cracks in our defense, 9 months ago and government, i did not elect a hideous government, went to power,
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we were protesting for $33.00 step. it's in a row for them, it was just the greatest opportunity to attack israel. but while it was dealing with in its internal fact, so which was completely devouring us as a society, the people as a one real peaceful problem. who am i to tell you, what's the right thing to do in expressing is bigger than the one of the most beautiful things about living it into more for free, that you have multiple point of views. so let's we agree. sometimes we disagree. so i kind of disagree with noise point of view, but i totally respect that. here's knowing the hello. my name is natalie. i'm be selective. instruments around immeasurable guilt, 2 weeks ago into terra tech,
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a from us next guy. so i'm really worried about my government. my government failed and giving us the security and safety to me and my browser and to all of the people living and as well. because that's, it doesn't want to admit that it's wrong and it did wrong. so it's the tax guys, indiscriminately and adjust those terrible things won't really help us with anything. i mean manage area in point i'm really worried about what's happening and guys are now i mean as relatives, as bombings or people. and to just doesn't care about these things and it doesn't explain us how it will help us to re, to achieve peace, to achieve a better life for us. just revenge. and you guys are there like many years, or is this huge season guys? just continuing, my browser was a peace activist and he'll post ends in the west bank. i know that's what he would
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have wanted to do and he always constitute peace and justice for all the people between the mediterranean and starting fig. so that's why i called 1st because that's like my budget wanted the i'm on my way to shopping during to a fees, which is what they do usually for me leaving the statements room where um, my wife said to me, good bye like you. so going to the war and i had to take crazy detour and drive to the east also deliveries in the west because it was there and we feel attacks i'm going to meet. although most of it's on the bob senior from genevieve. she was born in raising the city she the real see to girl the shut down. my name is a man and most of which i'm an artist, singer and musician from tel aviv, a softball. i make next
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a central bomb and hebrews the biggest uh, usually tel aviv is a non stop city. but the cafe is all sorts of events taking place every day. oh, it's funny on god. let's kick off. this is how to reboot square. and so now it's empty. go, of course everything is kind of square a beam. ok? normally there are children here playing skaters. and so, but now it's like a memorial, the falling off to a 1000. so huh. so
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some of this is your time. a good friend of mine. so he was taken hostage. and the volcano when the worst part, like what prays on my mind. are the hostages fame, sasha. i just don't know what's going on with them. and what will happen for sure. it just seems like the hardest thing in the world to me for a ship all along because of the whole family. wow. so i mean, it should come out and so i mean it's impossible to grasp, but how much did even possible to both to the me the,
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the whole on i got a message from a girl who survived the attacks just saw that she rode to ask me if i could send her instrumentalists of my songs, because she has no music at the moment, and my songs help her feel come play that came to see, and i'm sure the key. so of course i did that in my 11 again, cuz i got the check and i asked her if it was okay if i visited her. so we could sing together and then come over and shut off state of then i'll go and play for her systems and set them like the shift to they are hard sending involved. and then again the it comes on you know i, that's mastic for sharon like i don't know what her story is or what happened to her. and because she, i guess everyone, she knew a general shape. there was
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a massacre who would see clock in both. so long i shouldn't have the nice to meet you. uh huh. last of all, i had people more off and nowadays and yes, yeah. i'm a seo with why it's weird to meet like this. how are you? okay. how about you? i wish i said something was mia. the 1st time i listen to music again was the day before yesterday and then we're going to take the well, it was early in the morning before sunrise and i was like, okay, what's going on with it? and i went out to the balcony with my headphones. for the 1st time i listened to music and trying it will tell you small, the city mileage. and i thought about what music i wanted to hear in your songs
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came to mind. you know, to me there optimistic on me, but heartfelt and i'm down and it's exactly that kind of music i feel like and listen to visual, ever likely by like the instrumental version because it helps me feel calmer home and i like to sing and when i sing, i don't feel anxious for the machine, but i feel because like i said before, and after is one thing. but while i sing and colleen, i feel safe, a lot of constantly fighting with whether i want to cry or not problem because the same thing with and i don't know, i mean, because a lot of course there's no right answer. and so wonderful. now, let's say i push out what you think about the future. hit on a, it depends next name the the i think about the long term dreams. in short term dream. but scows, us, i don't know. what would you like to sing? eh, generally i'll try well enough so i won't let me see. we could do the house and could boots betty was, but that might make me cry and van meal. oh my god,
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of course it will. okay, so uh so um, again the shop should solve a lot of college car because people and i'm just kinda sorry about everything that's happening here. the shuttle and then right now it seems like we have to fight a while and you know, he seemed so distant shudder come, but i can't help it home. it's a cover. i have to open the otherwise there isn't anything to live far from the
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choosing the joy of the ride over the annoyance of the traffic gunners like revolution. nissan, fox likes to verify. thing is miserable. but now that unions was check it out, the big 77 percent in 30 minutes on the w, the climate versus business. the gulf states are massively expanding very renewable energy, but also increasing the annual production of fossil feet with an eye on the upcoming world climate summits. we also can petra estates to climate change global in 90 minutes. the on on
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d. w. 12 in progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic. the 2nd son of about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. the w cost cost the this is dw news, and these are our top stories to the most militant group has released another $12.00 hostages. 10 is released into 4 nationals or now back on is really territory amongst which is classified by many countries as a terrace organization. is estimated to silver over $150.00 hostages and goes up. 30 palestinians held them is really prisons when released and exchanged a pause in the funding was extended to allow for more swans.


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