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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 29, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm CET

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the the business dw news live from valid katara media just posts for an extension of the cx 5 between the as well and some us. and that i just exchange from boss released 12 hostages on tuesday. the 5th day of the chose deal at the israel fried 30 color stadium presents and some other students are using the seats for our to relocate to the southern part of garza. but israel says, but the truth is over military operations against thomas that will resume loophole to and is really minutes or results. also in the program,
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nato's foreign ministers meet with the ukranian counterparts. the west and alliance reiterates it's backing for the government in keith to spice is the was developing into this family the i'm good. how about 1st? thanks for joining us with less than a day now before an extended truce deal between israel and thomas militants. runs out guitar, you mediators that trying to get negotiated from both sides to agree to and boy, last thing ceasefire arrangement. meanwhile, a new group of 12 is really hostages was released by hamas on tuesday of another nice of israel and mazda is truce boot. another series appointment coming to tying nationals and tina's rates made up the 5th group of hostages to be freed.
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among them, a mother, the teenage daughter, and the family dog bella cradled by her own at every step of the journey back to israel. the young people who welcomed home in the occupied waste bank to withdrew. see, palestinians return to love ones of the being released from his riley prisons. so it's indescribable. freedom is the most beautiful feeling in the world. from the moment to prisoners deprived of their freedom, they await the day they will regain it. although this freedom today is partial and incomplete, it will be complete when our homeland is liberated and all of our prisoners are free to bring more prisoners and more hostages hinges on extending the current pools and the fighting between israel and homos, which is deemed a terrorist group by the european union and the united states. around
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$160.00 hostages still being held in gaza in thousands of palestinians detained an is riley prisons. only a truce could lead to the lease of people headed in captivity and avoid the legion on escalation. this throws, must dead into a pattern and sees fire. israel and helmets accused each other was fighting flareups on tuesday. media i took a ta, said the breeches did not. from the agreement. cut out is again, facilitating troops around extending the fragile truce, which is now in its last day. and that pros has been in place for 6 days. i also correspond to been for student in jerusalem if any indications that the see if i could be extended are ok,
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how the jeeps and officials are saying it would be highly likely. it is highly likely that will receive some sort of announcement as to the extension. today. there's been a lot of back and forth high level tool in the region over night and this morning and all day. otherwise this deal will expire, as you said in less than a day. a former us ambassador to israel wrote, interestingly enough that the pressure and incentives for both sides to keep trading these hostages. the palestinian prisoners is much stronger than the incentive to go back to war. of course, as well as the ultimate goal is to dismantle home us. that's becoming less and less likely alice saying that the destruction in the notes hasn't been enough. that to break this militant group, but it's still intact. it's still able to carry out complex negotiations. keep the ceasefire going among various militant groups. it's not the only one operating guys
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are in holding these hostages and also the screws release of these hostages gallon . now despite the choose, these really ami has not announced that is so called anti terror operation. that is on the way in jeanine in the west bank. well, can you tell us about that palestinian health officials for for the dates of an 8 year old and 15 year old from shots funded by is one of the troops. the is where the military is investigating that. it had previously announced that it had launched this operation. indeed, in the northern west bank considered the stronghold of palestinian militants, which seemed videos overnighted, the sporting of both those as destroying electricity and the infrastructure of these 2 boys. according to these videos, the release being shot and also scuffles and intense fighting. it hasn't yet been confirmed spoke. we've also heard reports of hospitals being surrounded
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and cut off ambulances being held back from delivering patients and more it's resulting at the beam rates throughout the west. thank almost every day of this war with more than 200 pounds of stadiums killed in confrontations with troops dispenses the reporting from jerusalem. thank you, ben. israel, it has made clear that the current truth in gaza is temporary and attention is turning to us. military is next move during a trip to gauze into the gaza strip on sunday. prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowed to continue his mission until achieving victory is visits to the strip was the 1st bodies rarely premier since 2005. it followed statements by the israel defense forces suggesting that the next part of their offensive put include a ground operation in southern gaza. is rarely troops currently
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concentrated in the north, where they have surrounded garza city. a pushed into the south, could follow cramming gauze as displaced population into an even smaller space. the bombings have stopped, but the search for safety hasn't these displaced palestinians. so taking advantage of the pulls and fighting to book south from central garza but safety isn't guaranteed that right on a day before the truth took effect. a deadly as strongly kid can eunice sending residents leading and panic. and it wasn't the 1st time because a south was hit and as well has alluded that it may expand its ground operation to this part of the territory on afternoon, we are determined to continue advancing developer. this will happen wherever homos is born and come off is also in southern guns that are going to be the one on the
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to up on november 16th this rarely, military distributed leaflets to residents of con eunice, wanting them to move out of the line of fiat a woman shows them on a mobile sign the product own, bought to in the beginning, they drop the leaflets telling people in the north to leave a couple 100 and go to the safe places and the size and a lot of cars. but the occupation can't be trusted to or they have some general today they're telling the people in, besides, to evacuate and go to other places, the general in your and to, to the one on one of the one i spoke to you when estimates that some 1700000 people have been displaced by the fighting. that's about 80 percent of guns us population. the foreign minister of the palestinian authority says that when the truce ends, that's could double look on set the rest you ended up with us. you went by the scene of the consideration of the palestinian population has doubled prowess,
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and the sort of all are concentrated in the south of the gods. this trip, they use $2000000.00 of them and half of the territory of the gods us for the guys . and he is really at that and i talk to you is riley instead of killing one child to come with caleb to a meal. but my thought of those in kind of eunice and else when the question on many people slip is, where should we go now that i was in israel has in the past suggested here or in october officials spoke about the establishment of a safe zone in my y, z, a town and a sandy area on the mediterranean coast. that's just a few square kilometers in size. a recipe for disaster says the world health organization attempting to come so many people into so i guess more area. we'd like to lead them in front stripe, jet or services where to significantly increase risks to help 4 people more already
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on the spring. and my why is the, is already stretched. these pictures show you and shelter in the town and event. the 19th families crowning into ramshackle, tends to guard against the heavy rain. how do we to, to be safety in milwaukee, but there's no safety except that israel, it's next step is indeed to go south. and my why is the is no option. it's unclear where else kansas display civilians can go neighboring. egypt has so far, refused to take large amounts of people. and let's talk about these wells. next steps with a tunnel kind of pizza. land ice is the spokesperson for the is really military cut off if no extension is agreed of the ceasefire. that is,
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we see the will resume full force tomorrow morning and we'll move to the south or so what we need to take into consideration is we are operating currently on a day to day basis. um, our primary goal currently is to bring home the hostages to rescue the hostages. and that is why we are holding our fire. we are maintaining our defensive positions in northern gaza strip. indeed in preparing our offensive plans for the next stages . but we are currently holding a fire in order to bring home the hostages that were abducted, buying from us on the 7th of october. from our perspective, we have to be ready for the engagement of home us wherever they are hiding. indeed, we have still not completed our efforts in northern gaza strip, but we've noticed them we have seen that some us over the last few days. i've also continued to operate in the south. so there is a, a huge challenge here from our perspective. we are making the necessary
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preparations, but we are currently focused on bringing the hostages home. but you're saying that the south of gaza is not off limits for you, but you've told the civilian population from the north to seek shouts of that. how does that go together? what i'm saying is that we are currently focused on rescuing the hostages, hostages the word abducted from on the 7th of october by hum us and take control of the different types of locations in the gaza strip. and so we are currently focused on bringing that home and making sure that they get home. and in the meantime, checking out, taking the time in order to be prepared for operations in order to defend our positions where they are yesterday from us, or engage and designated read explosive devices against idea of forces in the north . and then think there is still a extensive home us presence operating in the northern gods district. we have still not completed our mission there. now we will take the war to hum us wherever they are hiding. in order to achieve our goal, how much needs to be dismantled,
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how much is holding as riley, as hostile hostage is holding foreign national hostage. it's also holding the people have guns all set. now the us have one that a different type of military campaign is needed for a densely populated area like the gaza strip. could you not take that into account or is pushing with full force into the south of gaza, an option or indeed, we are very attentive to our, all our allies and what they are telling us, especially the us, but also the u. k. and the germans and we are very attentive to both considerations . and of course we will operate in a way that is in accordance to international humanitarian law. the laws of i'm complex in order to distinguish between come buttons and civilians in order to dis, doing distinguish between those that are perpetrating tyra. in order to distinguish between those that conducted the ruthless, most of us attacks on the 7th of october and the distinguish between them and the
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civilians. indeed, it is a church challenge for any military operating in an urban environments we've seen where how much is operating from, from inside hospitals, from adjacent to you and facilities from inside schools from inside must, there is nothing that they will not abuse. and this is the challenge that we're facing. so you say a differentiate the but a bomb dropped from and from an airplane and it's not very good at differentiation between competence and civilians. is it a bomb is not dropped? start a bomb is targeting a specific location with a specific target in mind. this is the reality of modern day welfare. when a terrorist organization hides in a urban center hides, abuse is the urban arena, hives, and intentionally puts the civilians at risk. what we are doing, especially for instance, when we're calling people to evacuate, especially specific area, is co calling on them to evacuate for their own well being in order to get them out of problems, right? well,
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how much is intentionally operating in order to keep them in homes like that is the difference between us and let me. now, let's turn to the hostages that have been released. what have you learned from them with regard to the conditions they've been kept in, and also about how mazda itself, or we are seeing an up to date up until today we have, of course, the experienced a huge sense of concern every single day is right. these are glued to the televisions, watching, seeing in the states of anxiety and concern, of who is going to be released today. in the last 6 days, a to one is riley's on foreign nationals have been released. 61 is right, these women and children. um, $24.00 nationals mostly tie nationals, but also a filipinos and indeed we are learning both of the conditions. the dire conditions, the state constant state of fear of the threats of violence
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that was surrounded by them by their, from us captors. um, so indeed we are learning and we're hearing some very, very heartbreaking stories about the terms that they were being kept. um, this is, this is how, how must operate. so we are very concerned for the remaining hostages that are currently being held by how much they need to come home. we've demanded that the international committee of the red cross have access to them in order to assess their well being. it is how much that are all responsible for the wellbeing? well, that's an able to see. did you want to say is how much but many hostages seem to be held not by on last, but by minutes in groups or even on the affiliated actors. but how do you deal with that problem? i'm us decided on the 7th of october to storm into his reading communities. and the duct is writers of duct tai work, as they did that, they chose to do it as a strategy and they are responsible for everything that is happening today and guns
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that they are responsible for the wellbeing of all of these riley's and foreign nationals there were ducted on the 7th of october, the 10 and colonel pete elana, the from these really all me. thank you very much. thank you. meanwhile, germany is domestic intelligence chief as well on that because of the israel. hum oswald, the risk of is limits. the tax is real and higher than it has been for a long time. and we see coles in jihad is spectrum's for tax and full. i'll call you done. i asked, toggle on to the middle east conference, said thomas husband vaughan in a statement, adding that authorities were romping up security for jews jewish institutions. and for launch events. from all of that, let's bring in the level of security corresponding thomas barrow, thomas. what kind of threats are we talking about here? the government officials and in particular japanese domestic intelligence agency,
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they have actually stressed for a long time now that they see a declared interest by islam is to groups to carry out attacks in germany, in europe against the west. they basically said mr. had the wrong as well that any day that could be such an attack here in germany. but they've also stress and business particularly important right now that the seeing a new quality a new dime mentioned if you will, to the whole debate on that, that has to do specifically with the current discussions with the current debate here in germany surrounding or around the middle east conflict, i mean, particular what they're seeing is from that jihadist spectrum from jihadist groups, like all kite, also called is nomic state. i. yes. that they're trying to instrumental lies those debates here in the country that they're calling also for a tax. and the concern for job enough forward is the concern for japanese domestic
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intelligence agency. is that basic good, specifically, radicalize debates here in the country and lead obviously to a tax which is something that government apologies would like to avoid. now the term a government has a, a post pro palestinian demonstrations that in many cases even banned them. and so they cited security concerns and worries about anti semitism. is that playing a part in growing frustration among those who support the palestinian cause? this could be possible, however, government officials and again remedies, domestic intelligence agency have stress that most pro palestinian protests here in the country have been peaceful and that most people taking part in those pro palestinian protests are not considered extreme is the concern that job unofficial top in particular, is that some of those protests of being instrumental ised by certain groups and
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that, that's instrumentality zation can actually lead to these pro, just becoming even more emotional radical and even leading to escalations. and it's important to stress that german officials actually see several groups playing the pods in these debates groups that by the way, probably before the conflict started had very little in common or probably nothing in common. so you have the groups that is the mrs. palestinian extreme is tucked right wingfield poops german left wing groups all involved in this, possibly collaborating because they have one goal according to deadman officials incumbent. namely that hatred towards israel, bit rejection of israel, that in some cases as well that, that calling for violence against juice. i mean that germany is clearly, again, so this is again, another area which i'm going officials are particularly concerned about uh, secure correspondence. thomas bear with that. thank you thomas.
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let's have a look at some of the other stories of making headlines today. as dependence coastguard says one person has died after a us military aircraft crashed into the sea. near the island of the machine. rescue is found debris from the all spray ashcroft in the ocean. there was 6 crew members on board 41 construction workers who a trap for over 2 weeks. and then hamilton wrote tunnels, undergoing health checks now up to being rescued. the men were trapped. 200 meters inside the tunnel, they were building when a land slide caused it to collapse. they to a member states have reiterated their commitments to stand with ukraine full quote, as long as it takes, despite concerns that the world with russia is turning into a stalemate. speaking in brussels, he frames for a minister mutual labor insisted that there is no style glass. instead, cold on nato members to ramp up the production of weapons on set that you find the
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goal of we taking all its territory. we remains unchanged off a light to membership for ukraine is also a major topic of discussion in brussels. nato secretary general against start back said it was another question of if, but of when i was degree dr. crane will become a member of naples. we have not provided recommendations on ukraine's priority reforms, including the fight against corruption, strengthening the rule of law, and supporting human rights on minority rights. ukraine is closer to nato than ever before. we will continue to support them on the policy to membership and will continue to support ukraine's fight for freedom. a did i use a nature expert in process goes by and terry schultz is standing by in brussels, where she's been a covering that a meeting. terry, the native cheese uh,
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sounding very upbeat on ukraine. the totals over the past months of painted, assembled bleak, a picture of the sides of you crying fatigue in several, nato member states. what have you been hearing that? certainly we ask about ukraine for to get every turn and almost every nato leader will deny it exists and say that, you know, in the last meeting we heard about this many billions being given to ukraine and these systems being sent to ukraine as evidence that support for ukraine is as strong as ever, but what do mutual cool of a said what ukrainian say, and even what some nato allies say, who are closer to the russian border? is it? this is not enough end. and that that does show fatigue. if you're not going to ramp up and help you create a win this war, because otherwise, as long as it takes could be forever because they've regained 50 percent of their territory, the territory that russia has taken. but russia still holds huge amounts of ukrainian land, and if you create is to get it back, they need
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a vast leap in what's being given to them, the contributions, the capabilities that they have. and so what they are saying is that ukraine fatigue is not just standing by ukraine, as long as it takes it means a huge increase in what you're doing now. now salt, and as i mentioned, his long term plans to keep that ukraine will get taken into the lines. at some point. do i have any more clarity on when that might be or there's absolutely no timeline on that. and ukraine knows that, you know, they asked to be given an offer at the vilnius summit last summer. and they know they're not going to get an offer at the washington summit next summer. and that's because the, the list of things that ukraine has to do, even if it weren't a war zone, is huge. and, and secretary general suttonberg mentioned some of those things. they have reforms in terms of corruption in terms of infrastructure, in terms of inter operability with nato. and those are things that they're expected to accomplish wellbeing under constant siege by russia. now that says nothing about
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how nato would handle a member that still has territory occupied by a hostile $4.00 and $4.00. so those questions are way far in the future should be answered in. so ukraine knows it is going to be a long time until it actually gets an offer to join the alliance. that one of the big topic the front ministers was of course, a continued delay of swedish membership because turkey and hungry are blocking. has there been any progress so they had hoped to be raising a swedish flag at this meeting, and turkey had been given very stern warnings that had it had better have the approval in place. by this meeting we started yesterday. it didn't happen and so were told that there were harsh words once again for the turkish representative, the foreign minister in this case. and then she told the swedes that it will now happen in a couple of weeks. now we've heard that before a couple of weeks, and so no one knows how many a couple is in turkey. and there's absolutely no firm timeline on when turkey will
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pass that boat through his foreign affairs committee. then back to his plenary and then a final approval by president arrow air to one, and then you still have hungry, who simply says we won't be the last, but they haven't set a date for their boat either. so poor sweden is still hanging out there, having no idea when it will get to become a full member of the alliance. use terry schultz, the reporting from nato headquarters in russell's staff. thank you very much, terry. as you're watching do the news is a reminder of our top story category media to push for an extension of the cx, 5 between israel and come up to the latest exchange of mos released 12 hostages on tuesday. and he's rel fried so to the palestinian prison. they took, foreign ministers, have been meeting with the ukrainian counterparts. the west and alliance has reiterated its backing for the government's chief despite fears. the boy is developing into a state of mind and that's it from me and the news team for now. one of
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the world news update for you at the top of the book now stay with us and use agent is up next and don't forget the local news backgrounds out the analysis on a website, www dot got office in berlin. the
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this is the, the nearest patient coming up to date. i read them so 41, construction work as trust enough time in india, they send impressions of the many truck behind meters of debris, a free doctor more than 2 weeks with questions of being honest about safety standards and infrastructure building in a geologically sensitive area, plus freedom also for some ty hostages here in pa, from us some i know it is around waiting to fly home. we report for more piece thailand when he came from and indian tribe to.


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