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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 1, 2023 10:00am-10:15am CET

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the, the, this is taken with the news live from the then funding between israel and how much resumes in gaza. oops, for an i to die of. com and mol hostage release is attached with israel saying it to ship that abroad. good 5 from gaza, even as negotiated, scrambled full and i live in boundaries. extension also coming up before is real resumes, major military operations. it must put in place humanitarian civilian protection plans that minimize further casualties of innocent palestinians with an estimated 15000 gallons killed sofa. international pressure is growing on his route to do
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more to protect civilian law. also on the program international, if it's a roundabout and devoted to counsel, one of the biggest threats facing human con kings, presidents and prime ministers take the place on the world stage before addressing the comp 28 club. the anthony had welcome funding has resumed in the gaza strip. after a 7 day pause in the conflict ended this morning. a spokesman for the him must run guns. the health ministry says at least 29 palestinians had been killed in his riley strikes since hostilities were issued. the temporary cease by expired at 7. i am local time, but negotiate has failed to agree a further extension that would have secure the release of more. i must have its
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hostages. israel said it resumed, come back after the militant group violated the terms of the truce, is by no immediate comment from us, which is considered a terrorist organization by the us and a you joined now by date w, correspond to ben facility in jerusalem. ben, it's been a number of hours since the resumption in finding what more can you tell us about the situation? so just confirming in that last hour, up until the ceasefire, early this morning. the is right, the middle tree saying that it had intercepted this rocket from moss. it said, and the gaza strip towards heading towards is where the civilians and towns is. well, it blames thomas, but uh, how much is you said hadn't taken responsibility yet. we've just heard from islamic jihad taking responsibility, photos, real good attack, saying they were reimbursed funds to crimes against how people lives. the other
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main is that make militant group in gaza. there are many operating at the moment betty holding those hostages. so a very complex, complicated situation. how much though has blamed israel for resuming hostilities and it's war and aggression saying is, are projected all overnight hostage offers. so there's a lot of back and forth going here going on here. israel saying that the hostage demands did not fit. it's a, it's agreements with home us. it had warranted or we've been brought out by today. that doesn't look like it's going to happen with the ceasefire. having broken down this hostage and prisoners swap isn't going to get go ahead 1st of all, but as you mentioned those uh negotiations still continuing. we've had rocket alerts before and just after the cease fire even more just in the last
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minutes and just 30 minutes after the seas fly. the id. if the is ready, miller tre, confirming it is going ahead with its strikes with uh on ground combat. and the they were being bombings in the north and the south. the test tow rising in what is known about the strategy of the audience at this point in this next phase of the wars at 6 to achieve its goals as well. it's not clear. yeah. down to the, if this is both sides postering is that these, this rocket fire is simply to say the sci fi is over, this is what we're capable of this way. these likewise moving ahead with its own preparation. but what these wiley's had signaled until now was they were going to move into the south until now they focused on adults with huge parts of the northern gaza strip, reduced to rubble, and 1700000 people displaced so many civilians in caps in the south who would
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now, theoretically have to move to the gulf. there's nothing to go back to, in many cases, for them and the safe. so instead of being set up in the south by the use riley's on big enough according to humanitarian organizations. so we're still facing a humanitarian catastrophe of huge proportions. the total, as i mentioned, is already rising according to the palestinian health industry in the home. us run gaza strip around some sophie now this morning including combatants and civilians and the fighting set to continue the deputy correspondence in physical than in jerusalem. thank you. earlier i spoke to hasn't police your journalist from gaza, who is relocated to the jordanian capital a man. he has more about what people in gaza like going through in the face of
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ongoing funding or yeah, since the, the time and the the, the ending the ceasefire. or the, those the, the airstrikes continued clashes reported from different areas, whether from the north, from the east of the jeffrey deacons, in the area, even in, in the south. and many error strikes that place. i'll send the refills here from different places, according to the medical and officials in guns on many casualties are reported within from 100 units or rough i or even from kansas city, is well accused. how most of following rockets from northern gas of this morning. how soon can we confirmed that? well, it's not easy to confirm any, any part of the statement on this regard. nobody is a close to the fighting. a front line is well accused time us come us. they didn't
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admit this. it could be the happenings or we didn't know nobody on the ground can confirm or deny this. this is a compacting area of anybody approaching. it would be shop. many incidents happen before, but the seniors approach some areas the just to check their houses and they were shocked. that was about the humanitarian situation in gaza. hasn't, hasn't noticeably improved during the week long pausing, fighting that brought us to this point. so if we compare between before the bose and oft, uh, of course there is a little bit of improvement, but whether it's enough or not, it's not according to the people they there, there are shortages of every thing of food. and oh, well, it's a no electricity to the communication is very for access to the areas is
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limited and people are suffering from a finding basic needs like um, cooking guys, the lines are still there and people are taking the long time will reach out to 3 charts, seeing their, their device is mobile phones to, to be connected and items of food that entering the artist like it's, it's very limited cans and some medical supplies as well. whereas the, the access to the water is, is, is very hard as well. so it's the flight for daily necessities, the as riley male, the tree is cold on palestinians to stay in southern gaza. how safe do they feel that um, if we, if we talk about today, more airstrikes happened in the south. then the noise, um there was a strike uh the voted in dropbox uh city. it's in the south twin city or of dallas,
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west red, one in san eunice about 200 meters away from nasir hospital. according to a colleague there, there was another strike in mother as the east of a central area. many casualties were reported there. so people to the lake, there is no a complete safe place in and across like all this for it just hasn't pollution. thank you. so much thank you as well as these robbers and so for i, since against time us militants, international pressure is growing to do more to protect civilian bots. according to the home us run health ministry in gaza. 15000 palestinians have been killed in the i would conflict you with secretary of state antony blinking was in the as well before the truth ended. and this is what he had to say. i meant clear that before is real resumes, major military operations. it must put in place humanitarian civilian protection plans that minimize further casualties of innocent palestinians. that means taking
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more effective steps to protect the lives of civilians, including by clearly and precisely designated areas and places in southern and central garza where they can be safe and out of the line of fire means avoiding further significant displacement of civilians inside of gas. it means avoiding damage to life critical infrastructure, like hospitals like power stations, like water facilities. and it means give the civilians have been displaced, the southern gaza, the choice to return to the north. as soon as conditions permit there must be no enduring internal displacement. frank lab, which is a military expert by student auction, i often really if what us secretary of state antony blinking was calling for there is feasible from a military perspective. as i saw, i was advising the ideas which looked at least of them. i am not, i would suggest that a safe area pacific leaves might also constitute
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a safe area for the remnants, such as it is of hamas icon to much of these way the military a very keen on this side to. so it's a very good reasons, and of course i don't the only ones that box on the other side of the spectrum, egypt has said that it doesn't like them because it sees that was a precursor to expulsion. in other words, gathering people one place to be moved about, and humanitarians rather more recently say, look, you kind of crowd of people in areas like that, without proper supplies, food, medical facilities and so forth, and expect me to survive. obviously supports to get by the world health organization for slightly different well, the very closely connected reasons of public health. and so it's a very co load of this and up to bounce back to the military. su, save some for civilians. how mouse is made to defensive weapon, of course, is the civilian population. and they will use that because a city then has, are already been hit particularly hot us with saying over another. what more is
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they to achieve for the israeli military that has already been achieved? and that's for getting some us with mot. israel's focus be from this point on as well. i'm finished. i haven't finished dealing with or saving the northern passive garza yet. in fact, it might take on a map, so to available, they probably about one side of the way through that and they found it not time for 100 tunnels that killed probably hundreds, maybe thousands of outside to this and they will continue to do so. i suspect by the way, that the rates and so they didn't casualties time people go down policy as a result of clinton's intervention. but back back to what they have yet to do. it's a token i think of how much there is to do that. none of the 3 major targets esau tie. you find a level st laurie have yet been killed or did captured. and i think those would be
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major target studies wayllace in as individuals. and as we will no doubt see how my still will retain some coherence as a ministry for us, we'll see what the extensive thoughts over the next few days. no, there's plenty for these ways to do a sector site blink. and this concern is that while she's ready, defense processing through planning for an operation for months, he says, look politically, you've got weeks and for them to, to, to cheaper objectives. and not time will be really difficult. i think. is there any way of knowing frank, how much of a threat, how much still poses to the better equipped is rarely military at this point? how much capability does, how am i still have? as i said, what these writers would say considerable, and we will, we will know when these right is the things that they have to create the objectives when they, they say. so when the operation robinson ground grind so close that when nowhere near that, i mean the 1st thing that happened this morning was, was a rocket attack, which shot seems to embrace the ceasefire and caused
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a resumption of hostilities. we know to note by the way, under the wait time, a still retains of significant terrorist capability within israel as well as a huge terrace capability. but they've gone to haven't killed a bus stop 33 civilians. i've no doubt it'll have us. it's still a going concern, and so the other groups alongside it. and of course let's not forget as well, the remaining $150.00 or so perhaps even more, depending on whether we can believe how many are still alive according to our boss . scope. so within goss at the summer school he's really got to do you prefer to the fragility of the truth, frank? how, how does that going to be to achieve another truth? what does history it takes us about breaking a truce and then shaving a pause in fighting again. yes, i think that's, that's a very interesting question. and we have to remember here that the people involved in this on all sides. a really great gritty, pragmatic. let's say if we can call them not a problem,
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i take it individually. you got most side on the one side and asked me to sit by safely ensconced. aaron cats are on the other as well as americans, categories to some extent to other other act as to these a religious. and it may well be that both sides may calculate a someplace in the future. just as i did last week, is that the styles are aligned for another. another sees 5, possibly for your monetary reasons, possibly to release more hostages and exchange more prisoners. now i've, i've been told that this could be repeated, and i don't think we may well see that, but that's a, we're testing headed to the future, the 70 contingency. it's very difficult to say obviously correct to get your info at frank miller track x, but frankly, bridge in august with thank you so much. thank you. i think i believe middle east, unless johnny bruce on us is here with me in the studio. could just see it, we get shiny, i'm.


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