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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 1, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm CET

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the the business dw news line from biling international. this may, as is ron, tomas resumed fighting in god's on the un describes they renewed hostilities as a return to how long us for cause a while the how most spawn health ministry results. thousands of civilians killed since the troops expired. both sides claim each other for the breakdown of the ceasefire. delicate negotiations led to the exchange of thousands of is rarely
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hostages and palestinian prisoners over the last 7 days and with quite difficult work by media. it's as we speak to a full, but he's rarely hosted to negotiate just on the ins and outs of that process. and it's the 2nd day of cop 28 climate conference with the heads of state for major c o . 2 events is like the us in china on north attended un secretary general antonia with tennis, has bought that the world needs to completely end the burning of fossil fuels. in order to stop global war. the, i'm gonna have those as well come to the program. united nations has described the renewed fighting between our mazda militants and the israel as a return to hell on us for the people of gauze of hostilities resume this morning, often negotiates as failed to extend what has become
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a 7 days these 5 officials from the hamas run health ministries say dozens of thousands have been killed in the hours since then. after a week of relative calm, the sound of war has returned to gaza. explosions rang out across the enclave. dashing hopes that the truth would again be extended. israel said it resumed combat after her mass violated the terms, but her mass, which the us and the you have designated a terrorist organization, lamed israel for the breakdown in talks. in the southern city of rafa, palestinians raised to find survivors in the rubble is the. this is the house of civilians. people who fled from know the area, the young children. there were similar scenes in nearby hun units
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where a hospital was inundated with wounded civilians. over well, we were at home listening to the news. when the bombing stops here, they are comfortable, i'm destroyed. i don't know. this is the 2nd house of us that's been destroyed. and this is the nature of these, right? and i mean, what more can i say people have now started fleeing hun eunice, a city tens of thousands had fled to in recent weeks, seeking refuge from bombardments in the north. or israel is warning guidance to follow, evacuation orders for what it calls the next stage of the war. the idea has been sending messages and announcements to the people of gaza, calling on them to evacuate from specific areas that are being used by how most of
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the terrorist activities in the areas of what all of course, legitimate military targets that will be destroyed in response to the october 7th masika, as how most continues to file a nova october 7th. a sign that is real could be expanding its incursion, leaving gallons with fewer places to seek shelter. lieutenant colonel peter, lena speaks for these really military, and he told us earlier, why as well resumed the fighting. i'm us chose to violate the ceasefire when they chose lot to release the women and children. and this is a very clear violation. it was absolutely a parent from day one that it was only a matter of time until from us. besides not to transfer the hostages. we've been saying since the 7th of october, since that ruthless day at most of us day against attacks against is rarely people
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that there are 2 goals for this will festival to bring home one of the hostages, every last one of them. a 2nd of all to destroy and dispatch on from us as the governing authority and the gaza strip. a pizza, then events did have correspond events as it was and joined us earlier with more details. a k how to spend a day of rocket attacks from guns a into israel, maybe in the south, also some pockets in the north of the country. i'm us and is not yet uh, taking responsibility for those attacks the government. he blames those wrong cause attacks on the breakdown of the ceasefire along with the hostage terms, which it says how mazda is not meeting refusing to release women at the same time. homeless says that israel has persistently failed to meet its terms. it has been offering dead bodies in exchange for palestinian prisoners. the dead hostages. a
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claims died in his way the as drugs. we haven't been able to confirm those deaths yet, though. it's also being the day of the strikes in the north, south and santa of the gaza strip. that days told, rising by the hour, according to palestinian officials, and thomas nemo, find take means no more release of is really hostages, at least for now. what's the public opinion and israel on this? some people here are absolutely terrified that the fighting is under way again. the white, of course, that their relatives could be held hostage in the tunnels. the thomas is said to operate in which the targets of the is why the military that they will parish in those targets. $137.00 hostages, we're talking about still in the guns this trip according to the goes right. the government, $117.00 men, 20 women including 2 children. it's even more horrifying. of course,
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for those above grounds, the palestinian civilians caught in the cross fire. they believe to be mainly in the south. but the way the campaign having uh now towed to the south, according to israeli officials, those civilians are now going to have to move to the no, it's not safe. wherever they go, according to humanitarian bodies, there is no, there's no age getting into the causes for it. now that this cease fire is full of potted hospitals and need to collapse now could toss says negotiations to restore a truce to still continue in the background. also, a mazda official say that the group would be ready for negotiations. do you think a new truce is realistic? it's okay hot up until now we had the 7 date for those who couldn't believe that. i mean, getting together these 2 groups, which was so different in id, ology and method home us,
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which is made to have tens of thousands of bikers. but then at the same time a much bigger is riley full of hundreds of thousands backed by the us. where's home us is backed by iran, that is not an easy feat and also getting the egyptian officials of the us to the table kata is the mediator in all of this is also have home to some home us officials and managing to get that 7 days east fire in place was a huge thing, but is, well, is very keen to get back to the finding. it says that's what's going to pressure how much to release the hostages, and that was the pressure. it's claims. i got those hostages out in the 1st place, so it's going to be very tricky going ahead now and then what is known about the strategy of the idea if in this next phase of that 6 to achieve its goals. so as i mentioned, the idea etc,
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is where the military says it wants to launch a full ground offensive in the south. not just the north, and that's where all the civilians are at the moment. that's the big problem. we're talking about over $15000.00 civilian and combat in depth according to the palestinian authority. so far, the pressure is on for the us, for israel to make it more precise strikes and personalized targets and show that less or fewer civilians heard it across fine. but how it's going to manage to do that in a crammed place like the gaza strip, with even more civilians. now massing in this house is really a very difficult question. but if there's a limit reporting from jerusalem, thank you very much. been the truth between our mazda and israel,
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ended as we followed up to 7 days in that time, a moss and other militants in gauze over the smaller than a 100 hostages. most of these relays in return for the release of more than 240 palestinian presents from these rarely james extensions of the truth when he goes, she added with international help 1st and foremost from a tiny r. m. edwards, who is unique influence over homos has attracted international attention. our citizens of israel break into t is as a condo, it brings a 79 year old hosted china top joy also in the westbank as kind of skinny as welcome women and children who were released from an as riley jail. to get to this point, required a flurry of diplomatic activity involving 3 key international players. number one, cutoff. it almost, i g, not the countries. leadership has direct contact with him us since 2012. it's
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hosted an overseas office, told him how much chief east might of honey yes. and several of the top members live in the gulf. and right. and cutoff has used respect to exhibit influence of the you and us designated terrorist organizations. well, we have a unique position that a lot of the country available don't have a sense uh the united states. we requested that we opened this channel with him us . we have a working relationship with them and we have hopeful that to the amenities that we have, that we can do things that others can do it either. if you're going to be fully honest, we have been attacked for being able to speak to homeless, being able to speak to it on being able to speak to the, to the bond, be able to speak to, to us at the times. but somebody has to make these difficult discussions. somebody has to be able to say, i am going to cross the line and make the discussions that will bring about peace.
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this doesn't happen unless there is a dialog space didn't happen, spots opposing fighting, did also free dialogue with israel. a country with which tow has no official diplomatic relations behind closed doors. contrasts prime minister has hosted the chief of both us and is riley intelligence agencies. and last weekend, a jet, carrie and katara officials made its way to israel and historic 1st an extraordinary moment for the 2 countries. the tulips and israel. a said to have been instrumental and saving the original truth and extending it media to a number to the united states. as well as most important ally has facilitated dialogue with middle east and media. it is and has been pushing hard for further extensions to the ceasefire. on thursday morning,
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the west secretary of state touch down and tele v. for the full time since the conflict escalated has stated, go a longer term solution for israel and gaza. this process is producing results. it's important and we hope that it can continue. the weight of washington's influence has been evident from the stats. the 1st 2 hostages, who were released long before the hostages for prisoners still took effect while us citizens. but the lincoln slate of strip wasn't enough to prevent a resumption of slicing made the item number 3, egypt. the country has opened its voted with garza to receive hostages, released by her mouth and allow trucks to deliver to monetary and h to gaza. as part of the choice in front of the cameras and behind closed tools. egypt has also been involved in diplomatic negotiations. lucky that analysts say
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that egypt influence on the israeli palestinian issue isn't what it once was. but it's interest in ending the fighting and gaza remains. kai, right. doesn't want to take in the hundreds of thousands of people. the boy has displaced guess investor and isn't. is there any peace activist and middle east donald is to mt help negotiate the release of his riley soldier. he loves charlotte in 2011 and he joins us now from jerusalem. now, the fighting, unfortunately, has resumed. what does that mean for the people still being held hostage in gaza at the chances of being released? it certainly makes it much more difficult to negotiate. people being bombed in god's own from us is on the run, is rulers after the from us leadership. israel is also certainly
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a beginning search and rescue operations to find the hostages being held probably underground in gas and the south does a suit. it doesn't farewell for the hostages. that more negotiations and more cease fires are not active right now too. and we are having a bit of trouble with the audio line there. let me ask one, this next question. do need to go here, since you could continue under the circumstances for the ghost asians that are continuing. this is what we've been told they are taking place and cut our end in egypt. they're at a slower pace, as the fighting has resumed. i guess everyone's trying to see what will happen now . what comes from us is reaction be to the renewed finding the deal and do because from us is stopped providing you through with the list of hostages. it was ready to
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release the funding could have been postponed. the deal could have continued more for us to just could have been released and more palestinian prisoners could have been released. but this was a choice of from us not to continue with the deal. and they are suffering the consequences of that. now, as someone who has been involved in similar talks, tell us how difficult is communication even between is ryan, how mazda, with all those negotiators involved? when i was involved in negotiating and i've been negotiating with the master 70 years, i had a direct was the spokes person 1006, i think authorized by the is really government to negotiate with scholastic various points of the last 17 years. when the contact is direct and to go through a person like me, it was not official tool to do right now it's much more
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convoluted and much more difficult because of i'm us leadership outside in the hot breaking day route are not in direct contact with the from us leadership underground because of who are really the decision makers right now. and they're not using digital communication, which makes it very difficult to pass messages back and forth. now we have a majority of the elderly women, mothers, and children among these where any hostages released most of the men and soldiers on our left in gaza. does that set the ball for potential further agreements even higher? as there are still 17 women and children left amongst these really hostages, certainly one we're down to young men who from us consider soldiers. the price will be much, much different than it was until now, which was $3.00 prisoners for every hostage from us has already said that their role is to mtv is where the prisons from tell us the new prisoners. the latest
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count i've heard visit there are 7600 who were serving like sentences for murder, who were captured, a new serial. on october 7th. it will be a very difficult if not impossible, negotiation a to conduct with from us as demands being like that is really, is very unlikely to read to them. although i imagine that is really will want to pursue the negotiations while the military actions and the search and rescue operations are on cash and asking them, and it's really peace activist analysts analysts. thank you very much. thank you. now let's have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. the philippines says it is establishing a coast guard based on the lawns as audited holes in the disputed south china sea. when i last said the facility on t 2 islands would be used to monitor the chinese ships in the area. badging claims
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the island on most of the south china sea colton. russia has extended the pre trial detention of the russian american journalist, also who am i should have up until february. she has been accused of failing to register as a for an agent. the reporter for the us funded radio free europe is the 2nd american journalist to be interested in russia this year. or you and see if i'm telling you, looked at as has a warrant will lead us. that the only way to stop global warming is to end the burning of fossil fuels. speaking that the former opening off the u. n's cop 28th climate summit in due by the secretary general said that merely reducing fossil fuel usage wouldn't be enough to prevent exhaust uh, sol cut off to a stops on the stay with a landmark view for a so called lawson damage front. tap the well 1st countries cope with the federal
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besides offline change. started to tell us more about business to business environment for to better ways for us to follow adventures on day one. what leaders back. but it is called an early victory as they agreed to the onset lawson damage fund. what about day 2? so the highlights today were that 1st of all, call 28 presidents saltado job. it announced that the u. a. e would be a launching of $30000000000.00 climate fund with mass of global investment companies like black rob brookfield, t p g. and they say that this fund called altera will be a what is thought to be the largest private investment vehicle for climate change action. and other highlight is of that as we speak right now. german chancellor or f shots as launching the climate club, which is basically a club of climate and vicious countries. and that's $36.00 countries made up of kind of the leading industrial is nation. so you can think of and also sheila and
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was a big to be part of this club. you basically need to be committed to sticking to the 1.5 degree target of you know, limit in global warming to 1.5 degrees. and you must commit to have conquered yet must have concrete plans to reduce emissions in your uh, economy. and i also said there's been a bit of drama behind the scenes. what was that? yeah, there were reports a few days ago that the host country, the united arab emirates, are using those climate conference and to push oil and gas steel. so of course was a huge scandal because it kind of confirms the fear that this oil giant is using our climate conference to exacerbate the main driver of the climate. craig, what does that mean to push oil deal so that the so basically they are using these talks of boot around her mission is to actually push projects that would still make quite a lot so
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a bit of green washing on the side. and so basically the member of the cop advisory board, here's a honda, she's a former president of the marshall islands, which is an island that's very valuable to you know, rising sea levels. and she was outraged and said that these leaks undermined the integrity of the conference. and that the only way that the united arab emirates will be able to make up for it is to and it was to show that they're committed to a full phase out of fossil fuels. now this lawson a damage fund that has been agreed upon yesterday. if it's been target as a breakthrough. uh, but it's not without controversy. what are the critics, i mean, it's definitely, uh, huge stuff for is just a few years ago. it was unthinkable that wealthy nations would commit to paying for the loss and damage of the damage that poor nations are feeling when, when extreme weather events hit them. but there are some big ox obstacles. one is
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who's going to pay into it. of course we have some obvious candidates like the us or germany, but then there's some other nations that are putting a lot now, but that are historically not some of the biggest polluters like china. another issue is that some countries have pledge millions already or hundreds of millions by germany and the both set that they would uh, pay $100000000.00 into those. but if we calculate how much money these vulnerable nations are actually spending on all of the damage from these extreme events until 2030 this, the cost might be between $290000000000.00 up to half a trillion dollars. so really those funds right now is just a drop in the bucket. and the big countries have been saying that against a full full size out of a fossil fuel, the more and 5 of a phase down. what does that mean? so a full size that would mean to reduce it to slowly reduce greenhouse emissions until
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they're fully gone from burning fossil fuels. and the phase down means that you reduce it, but there will still be a little bit less later. and this is a complicated question because some countries say they're just really dependent on fossil fuel stove for their economy. so if you look at countries like nigeria, angola and chad, these are some of the hardest hit by the climate crisis. but the, they might also lose about half of their revenue if they just were to fully phase on fossil fuels. then there are some areas like that you is calling for a full phase out, but only of unabated emissions. so that means that there would still be great greenhouse gas emissions and the atmosphere, but then you use technology by carbon capture to capture them. the problem with this is that right now, this technology does not work at a large scale business is to file that from the w environment. thank you very
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much. a painting by the famous italian relations office son's little button shelley has been re discovered in naples. the model on the delegate opposite has disappeared from public view in the 1980s it's and we still kept in the private and each family home. the painting is believe to me, was a 100000000 euros and will now be restored as it was found in poor condition. officials will also investigate if it was acquired property. as you're watching, the news is a reminder of our top stories. the how most controls guys in the health industry says thousands of people have been killed in the hours since israel resumed operations in the gaza strip. is really military accused. how mazda, i'm finalizing the terms of the truce, which expires are the 5. i'm also to use israel of refusing to accept or if it's
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offers to prolong video ads. britton's king charles has said has told well leaders at the top 28th time it's told into by that he prays this summer. will be a critical turning point towards action. over the next 2 days in array of lead us from around the globe, us about to speak about the impact of climate change on that comes on. here's what's coming up next, then dw, and use asia. the cop $28.00 conference at doha agrees on our lawson damaged funds fold valuable nations. what does that mean for south asia and what to do about the worst thing? smoke appropriate for the cities in india and in pocket bureau strategy, it has those stories and a lot more often sold. right. and don't forget, you can always go to the news on the go, just download our app from google play or from the app store. and that will give
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you access to all the latest news from the wealth, as well as push notifications. for any breaking news we might have for you. that's it from me and the news team for now i have an update for you. at the top of the i've got office and building the, the, the
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for me it's important to share and message a strong message that move people and to advocate for women nowadays is i wrong to transform spaces, into vibrant galleries. and from these, from the potential about to shape the future. female in particular for her is the bridge that connects us feedbacks into, oh is on the w land,
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jasmine with walls singing clearing the sizing. the award winning offer is available for every language and has never been set up online on facebook and youtube. people and trucks inject what? trying to see the city center of the the straight pieces explain the around the world more than 150000000 people us we
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of mine because no one should have to make up your own mind. dw, may 4 mines the videos coming up today. the cop 20 it's tax agreed to create a loss and damage funds. it's meant to use the impact of natural disasters, unbelievable nations. what kind of means for salvation. explicit tells us to be covered by climate change. and the future of fossil fuels is a so i'm going to go through it and cable again. the phase of comes sooner, not specifically the india and parts done suffocating and blanket of small.


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