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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  December 2, 2023 8:15am-8:30am CET

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the the, enjoying the views and come to take a look at this. i'll tell you the highlights. every week inbox, subscribe. now imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you. actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
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in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals of edible, and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate, what you know, on youtube dw documentary the sold, who is the fairest football nation? where are, seems like these rarely seen and cause i rarely given where is football more like this? there is a parents list, so to speak, the football observatory in switzerland compared to 87 countries. how many cards are given, where from the unfair and plenty of nations from to south america. we don't want to go into this, but all these countries at the bottom of the red car pile of from that to the
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america. in this video here, we want to see where the referees show the fewest read cods. where do we find the cleanest football? and why is that the case? so let's go to the other end, the fair end of the table. now, why we scroll down the card charged? let me say, of course we know the amount of cards, there's no perfect measure for fairness. but there are countries in the top 10 where fair play is part of the football culture. in the top 10 of course, is good countries you would expect. there's no way in sweden, this community, even countries that the noise in the show up top in every positive statistic, happiness, ralph human development, fight against corruption, etc. one can't help thinking that these statistics are connected to our read cards . write them in 2nd place, moneisha,
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maybe someone out there can tell me why because i'm not familiar with my nation. i am familiar with the top spots. japan, the fairness of them all. and i'm not surprised at all. i have noticed that disparate of support in japan is different from that in europe or south america. i have been observing the football culture here over a few years now. that's not quite long enough to have witnessed the days of deal with different needs tradition of football game. i mean it's non competitive with all players cooperating in trying to keep the ball in the air today, the j need has the fewest cards worldwide. $2.00 cards are given per game and the chance that the red one is among those needs the 8 percent. and the other one up
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this month, i still have like i said, 30 mall once again. i food for thinking, want to know what the thing that i filled out, the one at the university of tacoma. most i keep calling on for just tenants regularly, make it onto the world speak stage of the window is going to produce the law. i think for the, i mean one second, i think you can what's here, it's about the way my so the car, the, the i'm on and you want to night the ones that the not put of all you well monday night the same with the blue some of right, the national team, you've seen them as the last word cup, even in the feed. they play fair. and so grace, again, know, read carts into 25 word cut matches. japan has played so far. they've never received every single read card. and if that was nice enough to top it off the
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fence, clean the stadium after the game, and the team cleans up and look over the world. couldn't believe the niceness in russia 2018 japan became the 1st of a nation to progress to the knockout stages on fair play rules being leveled with seneca on points and goals. it was the, you know, cards, but by the select office that brought japan to the next round. not only the man after the disco, one, the word cup 2011. of course they gave them to fair play cups as well as the scale. how do you mean that kind of school, hey, well, any other sort of, uh, a company and so at the end of the, you know, no one's in the other side is either at the one with it. but also with that example done that i find out that can be seen in everyday life. japan isn't industrial nation with hardly any crime. a country that can look like a us from the outside,
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but no, it isn't really shoot on codle the out of precision walking. describes japan no, not sail located or not one little touch. the megacity like tokyo would not function without mutual consideration. there is a place for smoking your fag and you q up for it before hand, and someone will be there to help you do it right. japanese society has a reputation for putting grove harmony above all else, save and football in fall sports the same
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with the other school system. so local, you one day will ask you that the long this get it. the law says i can meet mcguckie preference or physics education and to show university in cuba. toad political do this in a team. oh, good. like to more that the how you doing now? that g mail as well, most fit in the city because also they got to do to see and it put a sort of, you know, most of the type of news you will do or see if there is a purpose. of course the looks of planning to give a play such a big role early on. sport is meant to prepare for life and dies interested in, oh wow. i know you guys saying that we wouldn't be paid on the move on this man. i know maggi may need to come with the duty officer that they've got to move that to the come update the devices, skagit it. so cock has good value to to call i do. i mean that the one that is totally up wish that it showed the game or kind of, she may not want to sit on the same. find me. i know it's got to go. she just
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started out with the ice at the shields and saw you don't know the cut, those are going to kind the show. they've got the animal you and this get it the more you know more chantelle. on nicole though she on this in the us, we're going to finish the, the mazda, how that for the course, the so you and that's the kinds of stuff. it's a long diche, i'm assuming most and get it. i'm all so football is a scheme of life where teachers and referees are respected as a corrective. that's why only punish fair play goes beyond the number of yellow and red cards. and that's why there's also a green card in japan. the easiest thing to furnish the 5th the for the cheese on so it's it still with us to get that if somebody will know who to talk to him to give them but they still don't get
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a good body. steve, with the the, the little, the supervisee kind of the little words kick her body means watchfulness, but it also includes to care for someone to be attentive and to be prudence. communication in japan has a strong non verbal element in the country that is repeatedly hit by natural disasters. the village couldn't afford to listen to everybody's opinions and the reconstruction with virtually never start in life couldn't go on again. the good thing where there is less talking. there's also less swearing because here people also believe that every word can be heard for every word. and if you heard for, you know, the team player, and if you're not a team player, it homes, your family, your village, your nation, and indians yourself. already this constitution from the 7th century, 2 months that one should be, hey, tanya,
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sleet and refrain from dispute in japanese footballers still somewhat, i'm here to the code of the some of right will she don't the way of the worrying you hold in the she don't doing a lot to go play me sticking out. doing this kid at a more. what was this? do you know uh to join me. i know you can. uh so the more stair you been the baby or do you uh not i know to begin to do the i know cuz i she me do a sort of deal that you will know should issue for she who will do more. know how that see me distilled those to you. that gives you all if you only dies and you sit on this get to the mall, you know, and in doing a type of sports and the zip bro. so definitely need a new home. do they get a kaiser wisdom come and costs a sol sentra to japanese? this beautiful assist is just as important as the goal itself. and the opposing team is not seen as the enemy, but as friends. one to enjoy the game,
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just as much. but way, way more very it's not that the japanese have a soft gene in the d. n. a. if they play in other leaks, they adapt become tougher like us come up, but here in the crowd around the rest, were you during this at this time in the corporation? no chance for him to win a fair play award there. so what kind of item is got a couple of 100 uh i bought a new home phone that i could watch it on the home, throw it away the one your home, the budget of our events and to visit, to go on and off after that you get all that, but if pod and all see us, i'm going to go see fine and those got them all to put to go see cool. i love that in all. non to don't wanna a little timing of it for this sort of thought of to not put them was in that to going on that to go room call to go to come see goes issue. you don't like student . so what town thought is fixed also to those who need take
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a also it'll take you over to. okay, hold on. what was the idea of what's up something that helps him as the founder of top your football academy and doesn't manager in the j leak. but when i put in a quick hold on, i saw something called dick, you must hand the suck uh, started. yeah, the sports is enough there. i think i left it. are you guys the fun like this? i pulled down right the most of the dental ones on i mean that sounds. a good, i still got to go up to set up the 90000 on there. now that i cannot see up there, that right now come all ties. any sort of okay. now come on. the speak to sit at the top, mario sizes instead of putting multiple types of animals. what another, you know, does it take us in a lot of the compliment? them was it, that's a lot. but isn't all this niceness holding the japanese speck? there's no violence, please don't jump offense. something the more successful south americans would die laughing over with japan ever get to the top. being nice
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that when you must guess that was what i got called the 6 i the positive i was looking at the point of the negative and then i also push out the cut also and will not quite like enough them. oh wonderful. cool. the show with them on top of what's going either one of the notable the non big i pulled up out there next to you. whole that is the, is it? so they will, but also neither the, any one less group take right? the silver so that they are severe that i cut off. and as we have seen, this philosophy seems to work just fine. since 1998 the blue summer, i have made it to every word come. the
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truly right guides know the way around is strictly scientific trip to some pretty key places. curiosity is we tried tomorrow today. next on d, w. the race for the optic is on russia is expanding its military presence. nato is also preparing for the possible caution in the optic circle with our reserves of oil, uranium and gold. and the ice continues to mouse. the optic you frontier in 45 minutes on the wi
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fi, she's got issues with a lot say what? the what can be done to reduce the funds, carbon footprint, how much to fund and manage has few to what you do. you see just not stop one form . it shows us the way how did cows to see the surrounding? what do they see and see how should people approach them and animal feel naked guns be all close as to beautiful through the house. why, of.


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