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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 2, 2023 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is indeed a juniors live from berlin. international dismay grows as israel appears to be wide in the defensive to southern gas on the un describes the renewed hostilities as a return to hell honors for the gas, both hamas and israel, blaine each other for the broken troops. also coming up german chancellor over schultz launch is an international climate club and it's getting industry on board with the carbonized ation while france and the united states lead calls for
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a boost in nuclear energy production. to reduce reduce the use of fossil fuels the next by sir, welcome to the program. renewed funding in guys that has stretched into a 2nd day after a truce deal between israel and thomas expired early friday. explosions lit up the night sky over the eastern part of kan eunice. as international concern grew over, as rarely plans to expand. it's offensive to the south of the strip. these really military says it has carried out some $400.00 strikes of what it calls terrorist targets since fighting resumed with can eunice it seeing some of the most intense bombardments since the war started? the how much controlled health industry and gather says almost 200 palestinians had been killed in the renewed hostilities. the resumption of fighting is compounding
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the suffering of summit 2000000 palestinians trapped inside gas or and for more on this we welcome. now journalist hassan pollution from jordan hash and the you into monetary and office has said that hell owners has returned to guys that you are reporting for us from there. the beginning of the conflict are now in jordan. you have friends and relatives back there. how do they say the situation is now indeed this is where the people say i was totally teased uh, resumed since uh friday morning. uh it was strikes across the garza strep in different areas. um and there was movement off of uh, sometimes in different and in certain areas, especially in the east of fun eunice in paris, gaza strip in jamalia in the north east of garza city, as well as some people were asked to evacuate. um uh, recently there was uh,
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an error strike 100 value recently can been fellow j neighborhood and, and a family house. the housing over a 100 people and some reports that it's coming from. they are about 100, were killed, according to the medical and to the doctor of the director of to come out or the one hospital in general. yes, said 12 then where we see 12 killed the receive to the hospital and i talked to different people in 10 units and they said that the air strikes, we didn't stop there were ever strikes on. how about uh, compound us, about 6 buildings where destroyed they are and it's going up to now, i think, and people are running out of all some certain areas. and it has some big picture wise. during the past weeks, we know the thousands, tens or hundreds of thousands of palestinians have flipped the southern gaza,
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which is where the fighting is now focus. so where are people supposed to go to? this is the question. this is what the people are asking. they didn't know i, i talked today to someone who told me that the, the haven't run, haven't run and have family displaced for 4 times. that was best from their house to the father in law house. and then the messiah rides in central area. then to east defend eunice, and now they are in the west of new and is they don't know where to go. i talked to other one who's from who was out used to fund units and told me that if he ran a he fled from his house before the bose with 10 during the 7 day of the bose. and now again at the run on it was cool. people wonder where to go, they are ready, they might be off to evacuate, and there is no place to go. um, some areas are experiencing some ground invasion,
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but other places are under airstrikes as well. and you help us if you don't mind to understand the sort of no, no safe haven situation. israel says it's carried out some $400.00 strikes on how much since the end of the truth i'm. it says that around $200.00 post indians have been killed since that began to do those numbers sound plausible to you. accurate? well, um, just like um, uh, less than half an hour. the minutes 2 adults held them at a brisk conference in garza and said that the, the desk told raise the over 15 thousands. actually this number of 200. what was, was uh uh full yesterday. and um, today this still is not updated yet. so these numbers are happening because there is an overcrowded areas and people are killed when there was
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a single error strike or activity show. a journalist has a balloon reporting for us from jordan. thank you. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. the medical charity doctors without borders has accused israel's military of deliberately attacking the groups, convoys as it tried to evacuate from kansas city. 2 weeks ago, 2 people were killed and the incident, israel's military did not immediately comment. un officials have called upon southeast asian nation is to rescue ro hinge of refugees at sea. members of the large, the muslim minority group. seeing here, after landing on the coast of indonesia, saturday, often used boats to escape persecution in mid mark un refugee agency warren, that hundreds more are trapped on 2 vessels. in the end, a man see united states has expelled a man,
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suspected of killing popular folk senior victor. how during chiles 1973 to the former too late, an army officer was extradited to santiago were national authorities, took him into custody. is to den trial in the blood. brutal killing of hara, who supported deposed socialist president. solvent already ended us republican lawmaker. george santos has been expelled from the us house of representatives over criminal corruption charges and investigation. found that he paid for botox treatment luxury goods and pornography with campaign money. he is only the 6th member of the house ever getting thrown out of the house a 100. and we turn out as a cop 20, a climate talks taking place in divine and an appeal to revive a source of energy that's been out of favor in many nations. for decades. us climate envoy, john kerry, and french presidency menu and mac whole has spoken out and support of more atomic power as a source of emissions. free energy for us in the united states were among more than
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20 nations calling for a tripling of nuclear generating capacity by 2050 in a further effort to limit global warming, german chancellor. all actual said the world means much more renewable energy. and while handling fossil fuels more responsibly, fema comes on. i mean, going see and do by of, let's agree on to binding targets here in to buy one to triple the expansion of renewable energy is going the other to double energy efficiency both by the year 2030 as long as we're still dependent on gas. we must produce and transport it in the most climate friendly way possible to see my point. we can reduce maintain emissions from the energy industry both easily and cheaply, improper goods, this river and database chief political editor. and the kind of teacher is in dubai . and she sent us this assessment of what the chancellor said to the 1.5 degree limit is 0. this is by 2050 the call climate conferences of the past decade haven't
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been source on target. but the chronic, a sort of money on political determination to actually fulfill a transition towards renewable economies, the dom and tom. so i held his feet to where he highlighted the need to actually make headway. he wants to see renewables tripled by 2030 also energy efficiency doubled by then and with his climate club. he is offering a format, which he says could also help the global south make that transition and become wealthy countries at the same time. so he is causing accent, and so i think one of the 3 sledges was offering what he calls before and also for energy ideas and technology transition to make headway notes us amongst the industrialized nation, but also in the global south. the big question here is where the climate conference
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over almost 200 nations can find the degree to drop fossil fuels in the future altogether. spend for more on this i'm joined by our climate reporter louise osborne, who is following the cop 28 for us from beginning to end. let's take off. but if you don't mind what mikaela just said, is that even on the cards that the nations could agree to be done with fossil fuels, it is on the agenda that talking about so cool phase out of fossil fuels. so this would be just dropping fossil fuels altogether over a particular timeline. or they're also considering a phase down which is increasingly bad for reducing fossil fuels. um, the thing is, is that, you know, your opinion about us would like to see a say he's out. but only of unabated fossil fuel. so this basically means that they would want to keep and ms. chang uh,
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in an industry for example. but that the mission should be captured at the source. so, um, through coupling cap to, for example, the problem with this is that it's a technology that still in its infancy and hasn't been proved at scale. the united arab emirates, which is hosting the conference, says there's still a place for fossil fuels in the world. and so i think the likelihood is that we are going to see language that is more focused towards reducing fossil fuels more than getting rid of them together and easier steps. the path of least resistance has done nuclear power. bit of a surprise, it hasn't been in vogue particularly the past, you know, years. why no. i mean, i think it's being brought up as the lesser of 2 evils. you know, people are seeing the climate crisis as being a crisis. you know, over the past couple of years that's become the case. and so nuclear does no, and it's carbon dioxide, which means that it's technically kind of a clean energy. if he thinks that in that way, you've even had a clement act,
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westlake rest tune book say that, you know, if it comes down to you, clear opening coal nuclear as back to um, so that's why they're kind of moving more into this direction. the problems obviously with nuclear is, but you still have other environmental problems like nuclear waste. yeah. and then there are the safety concerns with, you know, accidents that have happened in mobile and frequently last about supporting it. but i'm certainly okay, 1st of all time giving it to future kind of this, it all comes out the money, billions are needed from the, you know, richard, countries to the rest of the world. what kind of shape of a deal do you think there might be? well, i mean the us has put forth a $3000000000.00 this morning actually for the green, clement fund, which is a good contribution. it's for the mitigation. so the reduction of fossil fuels in developing countries and also to help them make changes to their lives,
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to be able to adapt to the climate change impacts that they are seeing. and it's not enough money, so i want to jump in north. yeah, of course. yeah. and i'm actually industrialized countries have promised a 100000000000 by 2020. they got there 2 years late. it's there. but again, it's still not enough on developing countries are seeing, you know, or one thing to see an increase in this amount of money. money is trust for these countries and the trust is wavering because the money just isn't there. we're also seeing this and the new funds that's been set up on less than damage on the pledge, just have just been too too small. okay, dw climate reporter, louisa. osborne, thanks so much. i to and some festive tier for you before we go. one of germany's oldest christmas markets hasn't just been opened by the christmas angel of course. in nuremberg, the co skin traditionally declares the market opened just before the 1st sunday of
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advent, attracting around $2000000.00 visitors every year. vendors here have been selling gifts, mold, wine and festive treats, including gingerbread for around 400 years. and it here in germany, heavy snowfall has forced the suspension of operations at noon airport until sunday morning. hundreds of flights have been canceled. severe winter weather also disrupted rail surfaces. long distance trains from unix or other germany, rather german and european cities have been canceled with rail operators saying they expect disruptions to last all day. winter services are working to clear snow and restore safe operations of the and you are of course watching dw news, latham berlin. here's a reminder of our top stories. renewed fighting and gas has stretched into
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a 2nd day after to steal between israel and how most of expired. early friday. 10 units has come under some of the heavy as bombardments yet as international concern grew over, is really plans to expand. it's offensive to the south of the strip. you're watching the news live from berlin unexpired for me. the entire new steam. like to watch the words people have to say that's why we listen to every weekend on


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