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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 2, 2023 3:00pm-3:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the new news live for berlin international this to me, as se, has a little bit of an, excuse me, international display growth, as israel appears to be widening it's offensive to southern gas. you end describes the renewed hostilities as the return to hell on earth or gases, both homeless and israel blame each other for the broken troops. also coming up german chance, they're all laughed shots launch is an international climate club. aimed at getting industry on board with the carbon eyes ation, while france and united states lead calls for
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a boost in nuclear energy production to reduce the use of fossil fuels the next by sir, welcome to program renewed fighting and gas or has stretched into a 2nd day after a truce deal between hom, us and israel ended. israel's military says it has carried out some 400 strikes on what it says we're terrorist targets across the guys a strip. meanwhile, international concern is growing over israel's plans to step up. it's offensive in the south, but how much control guys in health ministry says at least 200 palestinians have been killed since friday. how boss has designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries. as the truth is over and the buttons have resumed. despite international calls, i renewed si size is the lady forces are pushing ahead with the mission to destroy
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a mass. israel stays these as strikes, but targeted to mass undergrad didn't to structure a command center under military compound. but the un as will, and of a catastrophic humanitarian situation in gaza, is hospitalized. once again, struggling to code. a loss being seized far must be implemented. the alternative is i'm thinking about for people who are as a palestinian said to me already living in a nightmare. the not shit out. it's cool is an approval of a chilly children. but here we are developing static just a few seconds of to the face fall according to god's as her master button house ministry casualties among palestinians have mounted since the end of the truce. un health agency size less than half of causes, hospitalization, even pa shooting functional and the bag capacity is just
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a fraction of what is needed and run the go see i sions, continue over the release of the hostages is really operations are not expanded to encompass the whole of the gaza strip, about 80 percent of thousands and now displaced the un size. at the moment. there's no sign of the true story starting. and earlier i spoke with journalist has a blue shot. he wrote some forwarding from us from guys at the beginning of the conflict, and she's now in jordan. i asked them how bad people in the gaza strip were saying the situation was now or indeed, this is what the people say. i was totally teased uh, resumed since uh friday morning. uh it was strikes across the garza strep in different areas. um and there is movement off of uh, sometimes in different and in certain areas, especially in the east to find you and this entire house gallagher strip in japan.
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yeah. in the north east of garza city as well as some people were asked to evacuate . um uh recently there was, uh um, i never strike 100 value recei, camden fellow, j neighborhood and, and a family house that housing over a 100 people. and some reports that coming from they are about 100, were killed, according to the medical and to the doctor of the director of to come out of the one hospital in general. yes, said 12 and wherever we see 12 killed the receive to the hospital and i talked to different people in kind eunice and they said that the air strikes me didn't stop there were ever strikes on. how about uh, compound does about 6 buildings where destroyed they are and it's going up to now, i think, and people are running out of all some certain areas. and it has some
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big picture wise. during the past weeks, we know the thousands, tens or hundreds of thousands of palestinians have flipped the southern gaza, which is where the fighting is now focus. so where are people supposed to go? so this is the question, this is what the people are asking. they didn't know i, i talked today to someone who told me that the, the, the, the haven't run, haven't run and have family displaced for 4 times that with fast from their house to the father in law house. and then the messiah rides in central area. then to east defend eunice, and now they are in the west of new and is they don't know where to go. i talked to other one who's from, who's out east if i knew this and told me that he ran a, he fled from his house before the bose which and during the 7 day of the bose and now again at the run on it was cool. people wonder where to
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go, they are really, they might be off to do to evacuate, and there is no place to go. um, some areas are experiencing some ground invasion, but other places are under airstrikes as well. and you help us if you don't mind understand the sort of no, no safe haven blueshot reporting for us from jordan. and we go now to the couple $28.00 climate talks taking place in dubai and an appeal to revive a source of energy that's been out of favor in many nations. for decades. us climate envoy, john kerry, and french presidency menu. and michael have spoken out in support of more nuclear energy source of emissions, free energy press, and united states for more than 20 nations, calling for a tripling of nuclear generating capacity by 2050. and then a further emmet, at best, or rather to limit global warming,
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the german chancellor. all that schultz said the world needs much more renewable energy while handling fossil fuels more responsibly. yes, much. i mean, going see and to buy office, but let's agree on to binding targets here and to buy one to triple the expansion of renewable energy is any other to double energy efficiency both by the year 2030 as long as we're still dependent on gas, we must produce and transported in the most climate friendly way possible. the point we can reduce maintain emissions from the energy industry both easily and cheaply, improper goods, disability and dw, as chief political editor, me kind of cure for is in dubai. and she sent us this assessment of what the german chancellor said, the the 1.5 degree limit is 0. this is by 2050, the called climate conferences of the past decade. haven't been source on target. but the chronic, a sort of money on political determination to actually fulfill
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a transition towards renewable economy. the government's hans, i held a seat to where he highlighted the need to actually make headway. he wants to see renewables tripled by 2030 also energy efficiency doubled by then and with his climate club, he is offering a full match, which he says would also help the global south make that transition and become wealthy countries at the same time. so he is urging accent, and so i think one of the 3 pledges was offering what he calls before and also for us. and it the ideas on technology transition to make headway notes us amongst the industrialized nation, but also in the global south. the big question here is whether the climate conference over almost 200 nations can find the degree to drop fossil fuels in the future altogether. for more and this i'm joined by our climate reporter louise
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osborne, who's following this summit from beginning to end for us here. facing a fossil fuels. is that gonna happen any time soon? i mean, it's something that they are talking about this time at least they're talking about either facing out fossil fuels, which is what the u. v. u. s. wants to see, although they're talking about on a basis fossil fuels, this would mean that they could still keep it missing from industry, but that it would be cap should using technology coupling cap to technology. um, the problem is that this hasn't been used to the scale. yeah. used to me. okay. yeah, exactly. so it's just not in place that's the limits infancy. but there are other countries that don't want to see that at all. but united arab emirates, which is hosting the cop conference at the moment and is also a big oil nation, still sees the place for fossil fuels. and so they're looking at phase down. so for the reduction of fossil fuels. and i think actually that's more likely given that
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all of these countries have to agree and nuclear energy coming back in the miles of john kerry. and then they're like, oh, i thought i thought it was passing girlfriend showing you what's going on. well, i think that scene is the lesser of 2 evils. so, you know, nuclear is a lot more stable than renewables for example. so it can be used in, in this transition to renewables in the future. um, countries see it as a type of clean energy because it doesn't emit carbon dioxide. so it's best of in coal for example and squares to tune, but the clement activist has even talks about that the, you know, if you have to choose between nuclear and coal, when it comes to, you know, the climate crisis, then we should be looking more to nuclear um the problem is that obviously there are some environmental issues with that nuclear waste is something that we still haven't really learned to have to deal with. and the other issue is safety. you know, with regards to extent, it's like to know people infection that,
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that have happens in the past and they go wrong. they go really bad the wrong. now it, these cops, there's always a, they're always pledges of money. or are there pages of money? will they be substantive? will it be enough? so for us to notice this morning that it was going to contribute $3000000000.00 to the green clement funds. so this is the funds that is made available to developing countries to help them reduce carbon dioxide emissions. but also to help them change the way that they live to adapt to the impacts of climate change. this is part of a much wider funds that were supposed to be available by 2020 and is running a little bit late or was ready at least 2 years after it should have been. um, so these because are still not enough. anyway, developing countries need more money, they are going to be able to do these things. and there are other factors as well as a lesson damage fund. for example, that has been set up at the beginning of this conference. it's been seen as
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a success and pledges have been made towards that. but again, the money is just not enough to cover the type of losses and damages that we're seeing, which could be up to half a trillion by 2030. and the funding in place is around 500000000 at the moment. anyway. okay, we're not quite there yet. i'm looking forward to the days ahead and this is your b. uh, what do you think of it? and i know this is, it's not done to put it, i think if the chances are of a substantial agreement like a landmark, some of this is when things were just, i mean, i think we've already seen that really with the less than that much funds being put in place, that was something that was agreed to be established last year. they can move very quickly to make sure that it can be operationalized. now, um with regards to the phase out or face down discussion, as i said, it is likely to be more watered down. so it's maybe not going to be as strong as people with like other issues are the increasing of emissions over
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a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. ok, we use us on the deed of use. quite a report of thanks so much for the inside of the cop 20th. and we go from the climate to inclement weather here in germany, heavy snowfall has forced the suspension of operations at munich airport until sunday. hundreds of flights have been canceled, severe winter weather also disrupted rail services. long distance trains from new next to other german and european cities had been cancelled with rail operators saying they expect disruptions to last. all day. crews are working to clear snow and to restore safe operations and some festive chair for you. now before we go, one of germany's oldest christmas markets has just been opened by the christmas angel in nuremberg. the christian kent traditionally declare some market opened just
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before the 1st sunday of advent, attracting around $2000000.00 visitors a year. vendors here have been selling gifts, mold, wine and festive treats, including ginger, ready for around 400 years. you're watching dw news life from berlin. i'm next by sir, for me in the entire news team. thanks for watching the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers.
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