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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 2, 2023 6:00pm-6:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is a totally new his life from the growing international peace may, as israel appears to step out, fits offensive, and southern causes, hopes of fighting. but the time preachers repass will be 5 soon. as israel withdrawal was ex negotiators from talks and cutoff tulsa on the program, the world must increase its use of renewable energy. i'm size out fossil fuels pass the message from germany's chime. so that's are the comp $28.00 climate toasting to buy us farms. and the us coal for great,
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so use of nuclear power the i'm feel good. you're welcome to the program, gaza how see the 2nd day of renewed fighting following the end of a ceasefire. deal between israel and thomas, israel's militaries, as it's counted as around $400.00 strikes and what it says, what terrorist targets across the gulf a strip is growing international concern of israel's plans to step up. it's offensive in the south of the territory. the health industry in gaza, which is controlled by home assets at least 200 palestinians, have been killed since friday. assets being designated to a terrorist organization by multiple countries, as the truth is over and the buttons have reviewed. despite the international calls that i renewed si, size is right. it forces
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a pushing ahead with the mission to destroy a mass is what i would say is these as strikes, but targeted to mass undergrad into structure come on, send to 100 military compound. but the un as will and a catastrophic humanitarian situation in gaza. this hospital is once again struggling to code. a last thing sci fi must be implemented. the alternative is on think of all for people who are as a palestinian said to me already living in a nightmare. that should adage cool is an approval of a chilly of children. but here we are developing static just a few seconds of to the cx. 5, according to god's is how massive on house ministry casualties among palestinians have mounted. since the end of the truce, you and house agency size less than half of cause is hospital, is that even partially functional? and the bag capacity is just
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a fraction of what is needed around 80 percent of thousands. and now just place the un size at the moment. there's no sign of the true story starting started to tell a very valuable rejoin that comes upon rebecca wrist as welcome rebecca, and let's start with those reports of israel has withdrawal, and it says fine negotiate is inc. cutoff as well. that has, that happened in the fact that prime minister actually was holding the most of the intelligence agents. uh that was there to continue the truth to cuz they were then sick with kind of defensive negotiations. like there was some hope that they would be able to renew the attorneys and be able to extend that a little bit longer in order to have some more of the hostages. that is still inside of the release federal hopes were dashed when the, when the to today. and as i just mentioned, prime minister's office actually pulling as far as negotiations from israel back.
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so those folks at the moment complete a full, but there is of course, among the international community, a heart among the hostage families that something will be able to, to be negotiated to be picked out for the remaining move and one on the paperless. still inside garza will have the opportunity to be released so we know that many of the inside calls are in fact the military name is not old, but we do believe many of them a man and miller members and asking for a higher price in order to release, excuse me. now the noise behind you either stands a protest in mining the release of mole hostages. i'm how much public tasha is asked for. another choose to allow more hostages to be freed. a wholesale, that really depends on who you speak to the hostage families and many of the release hostages are quality. there's still many of whom still have family members
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in cause as i uh very they are, they urgently wants to be able to see their family members return. so you're getting a lot of pressure from the families there. some of the family members actually putting pressure to meet with present prime minister netanyahu and the will cabinet this evening, demanding that they get more information about the, the break and the se far and the ongoing fighting now. um, but it really depends who you talked to. we know that the international community, many and international community international and here is a cooling for a continued ceasefire or assumption of that phase 5. but when you speak to people here, it's a mixed bag. and many of the people here have said, have told me this evening that they don't think that war is the onset that they, they would like to see a continued safe spot. but all the people i spoke to pretty much that even though they want to see those hostages release, they do stand behind the government's decision to continue the fighting. they do believe that ending a mazda toppling mazda is the only way they tell me that they'll so really feel
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that they can live in pain. so it's quite a mixed bag. but of course, people's, you know, here, particularly the people who were coming out in solidarity either they had noted people who are still engaged at all. they just hit a to show this solas our so you, for those people who have family members in jobs that they certainly want to stay the release of the more than 100 and has the prime minister and that they're released hostages, older families yet. no. he has not, and that's, i've just mentioned some of the families of and of course some of the people who have been released as well are demanding that they may wait 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu this evening. they want to meet with the wood cabinet because they want more information on the breakdown of the truth. so they've, they have families and family members there and there tends to be worried about what's going to happen with continued foaming. but yeah, at this stage he still hasn't met any of the people that have come out. so maybe it's something that these right populous. the people here are frustrated,
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xyz. we're seeing tonight in a little over an hour and he'll be holding a press conference just around the corner from the military base here in tel aviv. and he will actually be taking read questions from is really media. so we'll have to say what he has to say a little over an hour, but so far not having met any of the hostages releases yet. thanks about rebecca, rebecca, rich as the in the service. and i think we'll take a look at the civil stories making news around the world, the you and it's called them countries in south east asia to rescue the hinge of refugees at sea members of velocity, mostly minority groups. and yet, after landing on the coast of intermediates, they often use bugs to escape persecution in me and my the when refugee agency going back to hundreds more attractive on to vessels in the on demand see united states as expelled. and mine suspected of killing popular focusing evicted genre during cherise and 1973 to fuller to be an army officer,
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was expedited to santiago, where a national authorities to commit to custody is to stand trial or becoming accent. john, who supported to post the present a salvador allende with ours is in the philippines of one of us. so none of that could cause disruption. it follows of magnitude $7.00 quake in the south. this anomaly which could be a meter high, is expected to hit the southern philippines and pots of japan, indonesia, apollo and malaysia officials of other people to move to higher ground or not to the un comp 20 i climb. it talks taking place into by an appeal to revive a source of energy that's been out of favor in many countries with decades. us climate town boy john kerry and french present to manuel macro. i've spoken in a support of nuclear power as a source of emissions free energy funds in the us in a little more than 20 countries. courtney for a tripling of nuclear generating capacity by 2050. and then the assets and limited
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global warming, german chancellor on our shelves to the world, needs much more renewable energy while handling fossil fuels more responsibly. i think one see and to buy of to buy. let's agree on to binding targets here and to buy one to triple the expansion of renewable energy and the other to double energy efficiency, both by the year 2030. as long as we are still dependent on gas, we must produce and transported in the most climate friendly way possible to see my point. we can reduce maintain emissions from the energy industry both easily and cheaply. i'm from a good disability. yeah. well, they definitely the chief political, adequate mckayla customer is at the conference in dubai. and file this assessment of the chance of his speech. the, the $1.00 degree limit is 0. this is by 2050. the cold climate conference is of the past decade. haven't been source on target, but the chronic, a sort of money on political determination to actually fulfill
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a transition towards renewable economy. the government's hans, i held this feature where he highlighted the need to actually make headway. he wants to see renewables tripled by 2030 also energy efficiency doubled by then and with his climate club. he is offering a format, which he says could also help the global south make that transition and become wealthy countries at the same time. so he is urging accent, and so i think one of the 3 sledges was offering what he calls before and also for us. and it g ideas on technology transition to make headway notes us amongst the industrialized nation, but also in the global south. the big question here is where the climate conference over almost 200 nations can find the degree to drop fossil fuels in the future,
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all together. is the customer in due by friday was world aids day and global organizations, including the world health organization in the u. n backing tockets to and aids of public health threat by 2030 donna is using age ivy self testing kit to help people find out the status without having to visit a doctor. but the trisic site is, will affect the quality of data gathering. rejoice not heavy doing. it's very happy about it. you to have yourself test key. she works in a mobile phones told by d. and as a 6 wake up at night in the past, she would have gone to the hospital to get tested for each of you. but she cannot test from who or says met is easy on this place of going to to be called in. this is when you get to the hospital and running those
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days to see some weights on on that. so it's even easier sometimes it does not come up. no, i think it's got his bottom to it is, did you rise up each of the infections? and if that's helpful, 2022 alone. nearly 24000 people were tested positive for the virus. according to the guy that used commission, research shows that up to 30 percent of infected people, unaware of the test pages before being tested. why the reason why this, so that's good. could be a game changer 6, which is among the highest risk groups in governor over the years, the country set up a test to send test hospitals for people to walk in and test. i mean, they're way too embarrassed or simply too afraid of being some degree. so gun it is non pain in these hopes on the new kids to get people to test. if they have to come to the hospital, they have to me,
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they may assist the help to scream them or do you have to take the information before they get to day a lump? but then the screen at home. if the ladies negates, if they belong, you would know of what the company is. one of the positive cases or the reactive cases that would come here. well, each of the infections have decreased over rolling. gonna get rid of adult infections and death leading to the child is, has remains to bully high over the past because the full force has been on such short intercourse as the main source of transmission when they do sharing, enforced analyzing practices have also contributed to the higher adult infection unless it is cute skewed stores do is maybe going to have sex with that. well, we're thinking of 6666. but get them back to the shops. that's
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a one time engage in or one kind of gets it to no matter how divide resistance and meet the kids. we make it easier for everyone to test for rejoice to proceed yet is simplicity itself. she does how to swap her guns and then plays a swap into 2 body agreed in 20 minutes. she has a results. if the test shows a single line, it means lowering section by 2 lines and these days, i mean section a while and rejoice hopefully dislikes these as soon. but until then, this keeps when she come money to health any time she wants a good line of sports. a gentleman who has one demands on the 17 football woke up for the 1st time after defacing the 2001 champions front. the wind in indonesia came
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thanks to a penalty. she was out front of a tool drawer. domains that pottery. she, joshua bruno natural, the in the match to help jimmy when that made him under 17 well comp title. i set you up to dates and just a moment shift looks and have dates. i technologies being used to manipulate and focused a hand off collections. and i'll be back at the top of the good, the people in trucks engine trying to see the city center. the straight pieces explains the


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