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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  December 3, 2023 2:30am-3:01am CET

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in 45 minutes on d w, the words people have to say that's why we listen. because every weekend on d w, the christmas is not far off. so we're getting in the spirit with these special angels from germany. here's something to think your teeth in 2, tasty, tomorrow's from spain and a reporter i used to serve sun, texas on a tour of norway's natural landscape. all this in more coming up to day on your own mac. the
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. how do you decorate your home for christmas? well, how about with some typical ornaments from germany? many of them are still often made by hand and sold worldwide. for example, these adorable christmas angels. when painting these charming little figures, experience is key. fine, because you need dexterity the ability to paint and work with paints plus a steady hand. and it took over 6 different workshops and 6 weeks to make these christmas angels. they're known as the green jaime sion angels and are recognisable by the 11 dogs on their wings. they've been made for more than 100 years. and so i'm kind of show a town in the mountains about 60 kilometers southwest of preston. but what extends so special insights, especially from their design,
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is truly timeless with your son. and they have this innocent and carefree look hide . that is clearly one over people's hearts the help. soon as i mentioned, a life event in tune have created some 2500 figures. to date, the treasure trove of models and technical drawings is carefully guarded. demand has always been, i want, disney was a fan in the swedish royal families to collect them today. the company and system making the angels by hand. why is since the company was founded, everything's been made by hand, so as it couldn't be made any other way and was, couldn't talk on this. and you can do a lot with machines, but you're never in the same attention to detail as before. so the intel is and so you can only be done by hand expansion on the christmas. angels are also connected to a story about strong women and emancipation. but more on that later every
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angel starts with a piece of wood from regional trees. what turner's workshop is that the heart of the process with a delicate individual parts, but the figures are made. the each angle consists of 14 elements or more depending on the design. working as a wooden toymaker is a procession and its own right involving vocational training the . here you can see how the little individual pieces fit together to make a complete figure. that's what so impressive and exciting about it. but at the end of the day from on you'll see what you've accomplished. the end of the clock is was on the 12th. the company was founded in 1915 by 2 women, great event and margaret to clean to at the time they were the odd women out later,
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great and her sister in law always determine the state of the company. for decades, the angels appeared in 1923 achieving international renown and 1937 at the world's fair in paris, and winning a gold medal. the angels design has barely changed in their 100 years, and they've always stay true to their or mountain origins. as soon as they were inventors who were trying to create something new, the input noise to it said that when they were invitations because of my great and would say, okay, let's come up with something do my best to them. it looks like a perfect and she'll be the best. so innovation came from those new ideas and the doors know this approach as well as stablished here. i might have this closeness to home is deeply rooted and of course that's reflected to an extent in our work. the family business also places great value on documenting the history of the company for posterity. great events,
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way of cutting the woods so the pieces can be glued together in a way that created the illusion of the movement was her own innovation. today, like back in the day, the angels are assembled furnished and then painted by hand. the this is and this is actually the final stage where i did read life into the angel by painting the face onto it. pushed position because these talk more and so another green, jaime sion angel has earned her wings. every european country has its own sweet treats. in austria, it's kaiser sh mind. in france it's come. and in england there are scholars. what do you know what is typical in spain? here's the look, the depth in sick melted chocolate is how people enjoyed me here and
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the thread times the king of st. food in spain. way outside on his case june. let us tell you the do's and don'ts of $200.00 and why spaniards go crazy for us. but for the newsletter and like the name delicious us will find you dip it and you open your mouth really big. so that we've been eating terreros our whole lives if it's typical us thing. no. so neither neither to salty nor too sweet. i have a neutral flavor. we are widely thought of as a cure for hangovers and a treat for sunday breakfast. but we're much more than that. in case you've never met us when we are crunchy sticks made of wheat flour of water and salt. nothing more. and if there's one man who knows us, well, it's him. hi, i'm rolando. i've been working here for more than 20 years and true. it was all my life. rolando sally works at one of the veins most popular to that of yes. to fill
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out that e. s on the scene is founded in 1894, the madrid we're so popular that even the really famous people come here to try the after mixing our only 3 ingredients together, the water must be hot, the hard work to get we mixing ingredients in circles, so that the flour doesn't stick to the bottom. not a good idea. and when it starts to get harder, we mix the deal with much more strength and we mix it while on what's on the then our friend rolando puts the doe in a mold and then tosses us in boiling oil. so we turn on nice golden brown here. in this tiny and really warm kitchen base price, thousands of charl wheels every day. i
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make one wheel in the oil, then another one and i checked it. they have more or less the same color as the same golden brown. i turned them over and i take them out, so my colleagues can cut them into pieces. but we're not here alone. we have big sisters. the board of us, which look quite similar, but are much fluffy or, and thicker than we are, but not necessarily tastier. as the spanish kings of st food, we 2 rows are often ordered to go back to the other. yes, our home turf are quite popular all across spain. people of all ages come here for us. let's see how they enjoy us. when's the best time to eat us in the morning? but if you get one as a snack, you don't say no either. she, you know, what makes it a good king children? when i went up to the feeling of the image, heroes have to have
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a good job and then they should be crunchy and they shouldn't get too early. and the chocolate is spectacular. if dark chocolate is very good and 8 of them are when a p. uh, what are the color? oh yes, hot, big chocolate is our best friend. consistency and flavor are everything. the leaders of water and lots of chocolate powder are mixed here every day and heated to a temperature of 90 degrees celsius until a 2nd. just imagine that there are many theories about our origins. some say we had arabic roots, others that we come from china and the recipe was brought to europe in the 16th century. the old chinese to earl, originating in the 12th century, is called your child, and is one of china is the most popular street boot the
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in spain. you don't need a special occasion to enjoy. our fans have us 7 days a week. they can't ever get enough of us. the monica to the guy has been working outside the scene is since 2015 last name brought us on. the seasons are high and very high. we don't have low season and the very high seasons are always full of people. in the streets 247 in the high season goes from september to mid january. i bought the land so damned the metal. and now for some do's and don'ts, my friends do eat us warm. don't you dare need us cold? eat us using fingers, you don't need to get fancy with us. big chocolate or sugar. it's your choice. oh, that makes us the kings of st. food in spain. what do you think?
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have you tried as yet? for now off to witness some of norway is natural beauty, scandinavian country is known for its impressive landscape. a reporter ayesha sharps on texas on a trip to the fewer. welcome to bergen, norway. the city is known as the heart of the fjords and is used by many torres as a base to explore. no is natural wonders. today i'm thinking you with me on a stunning short cruise. all of this was just unbelievable. we'll look at burdens most instagram same as spot find out what a fjord is and show you some of the most stunning nature you have ever seen. when you search for images of bergen, you'll discover but again, a picturesque worth with colorful wooden buildings and historic brick houses with connections to the hands, the arctic league, a powerful trading alliance from the middle ages. we have the arctic worth of the broken is the cities oldest area used to be
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a key center for trade between norway in europe. and today it says vibrant area full of shops, museums, galleries. how are these wooden houses? these houses are so old that their swenson the i am right. ed versions, harbor areas where various cruise options and departure points make it an accessible way for tourists to experience norway's iconic fjords. today i'm meeting with our old from guided floor towards who will be joining me. you know, the germans had the monopoly here from about the 1350 up to the 1700s drums from the german hands. the arctic merchants are the reason why burdens court became such an important hub for trade and fishing. today, it is always the 2nd largest seaport,
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and one of the most popular crews destinations in northern europe. there are plenty of offers, including cruises that last several days and cost hundreds of yours. but i recommend the smaller for our trip to see the fjords. it is available year round for $750.00 norwegian crowns, or about 63 year olds per person. so could you tell me what exactly is the fjord anyway? if you would, as the opening in the bedroom is filled with water and it's been created by eyes, sand, boulders, stones, all types of settlements. but it difference the shape like n u is usually created by the heavy ice cast about 10 to 12000 years ago. oh no. it was covered by ice. this catamaran is taking us up to 27 kilometers auster fjord in the northeast of oregon. one of the most popular flor
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towards the fjord is surrounded by steep mountains, lush greenery and cascading water falls. here you can really take in the very landscapes of western or waste fjords. the field is like a you can just imagine the bottom of it, the rest taking, but the highlight is still yet to come. the best part here that we're going through is like the narrowest part of the tour. it's called the most common in a few seconds. we're about to see something really impressive. the lemma strawman waterfall the . ringback ringback ringback the,
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now we're heading back to bergan the same way and can really absorb the majestic surroundings once more. the, all of this is just unbelievable. stunning. the i love the straight from the streets at bowie to u. d. w. fill in for us, discover one of the most vibrant cities in your experience was hot and bones clubbing st. explode the cities hidden gems, and learn to understand some peculiar durham and habits. pals create is a here for you to join us now at the w underscore building,
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press on tick tock. classical music fans can get excited about the new work from the media. the african countries. first opera, it tells the story of the country and it's colonial history. a musical journey into a difficult past the on more than 20 years ago. as long him do dreamed of conducting the 1st and then maybe an opera. i've had that vision know that the dream of one to standing in front of the big orchestra with the big choir during these huge, beautiful music. so it was always been the scenes. the very early age now, 27 year old as lawn has done it. he's conducting the berlin radio symphony orchestra, performing his 1st composition, t t young. why do people look breast ultrasound?
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you know, my music have been performed and, and so for me it was, it's, it's really overwhelming. only a couple of decades ago, elaborate classical performances were unthinkable in his home country. the country on new car dates independence in 1990. and there was quite a lot of restrictions and nothing that contributed a lot in, in, not having good and maybe an all try it on. and also seeing most of the composes that really started coming up with started coming up from 1990 after the independence. the only protel's of no maybe is culture and history in the 19th century and its relationship with the former colonial power germany we don't really know. i was college where we come for my wife tried dish and so we don't really know about that. so i wanted to write something that would trigger, then that means to go and find out about that epsilon him doing to started the
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joints and it may be in german project with german director, kim miller, maya in 2019. they assembled a team of 80 people consisting of choir orchestra and creatives with one lost the im, creating this world of to, for young law together and to make it really. and it may be in german, german that may be in doesn't matter who you are, whether you're german and everything and everybody takes everybody. but in the days of being able to tell the story, that phone goes the color t t young glad is signing into languages german and she had a though one of the $25.00 african languages spoken in normally the, the lowest janice phone holy isn't trolls by this work a really long time in my life. i always had to leave my country to find a task for music and all that we have it here. it's it's, it's
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a really amazing feeling on south african baritone. so key way more co sign up plays young, why the offer as protecting us when people ask about assessing that may be an offer, they'd be like whole case i q a is, was part of this big project. so it's, it's really an oil not to be to be part of part of the project. natasha q. type the place, maria, the daughter of the german missionary and things in german. the most special thing for me in this opera would have to be the collaboration between the different cultures and the exchanging that we do as loan him do into was born and raised in vin, took no, maybe he studied singing at the college of the arts and i made the music at the audio and school of music in south africa. ready ready ready ready in 2015 she began composing karl music. he was himself a soloist, and that may be
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a successful country youth choir. while touring, he discovered his love upon per a we went to america, and during that time we were chosen uh to, to either go to a mall or an ultra hollis. and i chose to an oprah us. and since and seeing how this thing goes with singing, seeing how, you know, in the most uncomfortable minute yet creating these amazing. so i decided that i would love to continue doing these as long as you do. does work also addresses the crimes of the german empire in maybe during the colonial period. a fact still rarely discussed in germany. i realize that these stories of the colonial is also very important because a lot of us do not want to confirm the post. but i think that is very important that we really confront a policy in order for us to move forward just like this project that is happening
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with and it may be in german cultural cooperation as long as indeed do has created a courageous work, the italian art is julia reload, creates the real world sit, are fascinating and somewhat disturbing. we take a closer look now it help her works. are created an ice cream bar to sink your teeth and 2 fingers and cigarettes trade places. this is this the real world of julia. i agree though, the italian artist self portraits are fascinating. the serial isn't to me is like the liberation of the unconscious. so i like to put
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through really isn't with, that's our fee because it's my way to bring my ideas to life. so it's something that just exist in my mind that i actually might have to make you 3 o julia. toledo often goes browsing through the antique and vintage shops of count in passage north london, a native of italy. she moved to london in 2018 i'm up to london because i've always been coming to a big city if one of our facilities is actually where i come from. i'm afraid to say there's not much space we're creating like made in here of course creativity though with around the corner. she likes to take on different persona and uses every day objects to evokes the real world. her creations combined elements of theater, graphic design, and photography. on occasion,
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she collaborates with other artists from europe, united states and japan. for some of her portraits julia incorporates artificial body parts typically used in theater and film. she calls her latest project. i'm all years the many people told me that in my work it's quite disturbing. and i actually want to find the balance between the beautiful and the start being so. so for me, it's important like to provoke our reaction as a sort of shock in the mind of the view where i ones and you were to come from themselves when they like their deepest fear. so maybe desires it takes her about 3 hours to get dressed, made up and do her hair for her photo shoots. the
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julia often appears in the guise of a dog, as suggested by her, known to to the name is betsy, though, because i'm quite petite. and also because i want to simulate the appearance of adult as you know, in the book series painting is it, is this, those. and i think it allows me to create this kind of dream is scenarios. and also arrays. question about what it's real and what is not. here she sticks on as many artificial ears as possible. this point to the right, makeup and outfit is crucial in all of her projects. julia toledo completes, most of them on her own. occasionally, her personal life linda had the artist likes to translate verbal expressions visual,
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bringing out those, the whimsical and the metaphorical. i started to share my work on social media and now i think i create the kind of community and i like it because it's like a digital museum when you can showcase your work and have people's feedback. but at the same time, it can be like corrosive. because i feel like our teeth have to adopt every time to new trends. in addition to photography, the artist has been experimenting with videos on social media. now petite dog has over 250000 followers on instagram. and she's racked up several 1000000 views on tape talk. i like to think that everything in life can be, are even, you know, the most simple themes. so i can see arts and everything, and this is why, for me, art is not something complicated. and so she continues to look for this real in
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everyday objects. and with that, we wrap up another edition of your emacs. be sure to follow us on social media for more from the world of european lifestyle and culture. as always, thanks for joining us and see you again next week. the or the
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6th tourism in time and off to the convent and locked down german men all back and passed away. uh sissy. and they say that they are helping poor families by painful sex prostitution, child abuse, and cynical double standards. shadyside of power dies
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in 15 minutes on the w. the sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow or to bring an environmental conservation to wife with learning facts like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing. download it now for the soft are we can change. i mean the for a station in the rain forest continue carbon dioxide emission passwords and again the people of the world are
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we what impact the biggest change doesn't happen the make up your own mind? me the news that the to these food, the food can new listing before mary's news. we had a lot of the drop out of this food because the way they do nothing when it comes from home that could have easily been us. any one of
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the, this is the delta you and using these around the top stories talks in casa on renewing the truce between israel and how much the militants have sold is riley prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has ordered his negotiator to return. hi is riley stepping off. the air strikes on southern gaza where he told civilians to flee to during the 1st phase of the war. hamas is it will not release any more hostages until old palestinian prison is held by his round released.


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