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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 3, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the dead traps, the december 9th dw, the your watching, dw, and use live from the lynn talks on renewing sci fi in gaza, heat and even pos. israel withdrawals from deadlock negotiations and cons to accusing how mazda of not holding to a deal to release women and child hostages. israel has been stepping up a strikes on southern gaza, also coming off of controversial referendum in venezuela. people will focus on the future of as a key by the territory, legally, part of a neighboring a guy on
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a venezuela hopes. the paul will strengthen its claim to the oil rich region bought the u wanes. top cost is warned against us and didn't football. the draw for the mains european championships, it's usually in novels. months of germany against scotland in the evening match will bring your reaction from humbug with withdrawal to place the . jarred, re welcome to the program, talks in cas bound, renewing the seas 5 between the israel and how most have sold is roused. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered his team to return home home us, which has been designated a terrorist organization by multiple countries. this told the media is that he will not release anymore hostages into old palestinian prisoners held by his around i
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released his riley stepping up as strikes on the southern gonzo, which is where it told civilians to flee to during the 1st phase of the war. relentless strikes on southern gaza when many people have sought safety pipes. the some here is now gone. i the, there's nothing left to fear. our houses are going to, our property is gone, where money's gone to the whole sunset been murdered? some died, some left disabled in the hospital, the what's left to cry for. and then they tell us will get a and then the where is it? the guy the these to month war has seen entire palestinian families wiped out. many people have been displaced multiple times, like those in this makeshift camp near a hospital in the city of han, eunice, they say no place is safe with his riley bones dropping everywhere. some are
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ignoring israel's calls to move for the south and to stang push the guerrero hot in the 1st showing. they told us to backdate to the south because it say the whole. now they told us to go further sell the red. this is nonsense, the we're not going anywhere, highly will remain here and they can do whatever the police will because the, the israel says it is struck hundreds of her most targets including what it says were a command center and military compound. but it denies claims, there are no safe places to evacuate to in gaza. where graham colors mind, we determine safe areas in gauze and coordination with international agencies and with our american friends who is when we determine safe areas to where the
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population knows and can evacuate to bundle dish. oh, i see the ones that we did it in the north and we will do it elsewhere. 0 to and this is important because we have no desire to harm the population and then from what's on his global. so there is no sign of another pause in fighting israel has pulled its negotiate out of deceased by a toolbox, the deputy leader of how mosse said any further release of hostages would only happen as part of ending the war. but let's hope side for and now the truth between israel and how must militants relatives of hostages, of organized or riley until a beef the the 10s of thousands of people down to the outside is rouse defense headquarters. the relatives and afraid hostages renewed coals for the immediate release of the
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remaining hostages, held by how mazda and casa is real belief that some 136 people are still in the hands of the military faith, which is considered a terrorist organization. by many countries, correspondent rebecca races was at that riley. she spoke to a teacher cooling for her former people and he's girlfriend to be released. it's believe that the capital is still being held in gaza. the 2 people were holding here. this is of the not done or this is his girlfriend. no. are the money. they were together at the nova music festival. they were kidnapped when the shooting started. they ran, they found the cover under a bush, but the terrace came and drag them out. and everyone has seen the famous video of their kidnapping because she was taken away on a t v. it looks like a motorbike. after that there was a 4 2nd video of noah inside garza sitting on the mattress on the floor. drinking
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water. have you had any others? absolutely not. there's been nothing, no sign of life. but how do you feel about how the government is handle the situation in particular, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu? in the beginning, it wasn't clear to us to the families and friends that they were putting the hostages as priority number one. that soon changed, and we know now that they do put the hostages as priority number one. their decision was to get the hostages back by bringing her mouse to their knees and a defeating them. know it's terribly. that's how it started. and what do you think about that? examined the time received by you. he is the cold, wherever assumptions all the 456. now this is fire. we were more helpful that we would get more hostages facts. a we got more than we might have expected in the very beginning. but then it seemed that if the
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government has called off the se speier and returned to fighting a that they believe there's no other way you have faith that on and no i will come on. absolutely. we believe they're both come home and we much, and i will sit together at their wedding. they're due to be married and we're going to be at their wedding together. or that with some friends of hostages, held in gaza. days speaking, to all correspondent rebecca reese's. intel aviv, let's get a round up now of some of the stories making headlines today. french authorities say an attack it empowers has stopped a german tours to death and injured to all the people. the south bank supposedly shouted allah who i file of gold, his grades before being arrested. the french interior administer said the man had spent 4 years in prison previously for a violent defense. at least 8 people were killed in northern pac is don,
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including 2 soldiers. when gunman opened fire on a passenger, pass. officials are holding it. an active terrorism pack has done. his blamed is limits, militants crossing the border from afghanistan for a race. and optic and attacks authorities in columbia have seized over one ton of cocaine, of to smugglers through it overboard during a chase, the drugs are wrapped in disney teams. packaging are estimated to be around a, with almost $14000000.00 off to ditching the contraband. the smoke was abandoned, their bodies in escapes for people in venezuela are going to the polls today in a controversial referendum that the government hopes will strengthen each client. or if it's a quip or this is a territory that's legally part of neighboring di on up the vote is non binding and comes off to the united nations top court, ordered caracas not to take any action that would alter
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a guy on his control over the territory, it's a queen bar is 160000 square kilometers. that's about the size of greece makes up to. so it's a guy on his territory. gas and oil, we discovered day back in 2015. while nick nix report takes a look at the mood in guy on an engine as why light in the run up to this vice this is acreedo. life is slow here. jungle and farm land against the backdrop of mountains. at this market, farmers auction off produce. we're praying, we're hoping and we're having faith stuff and nothing negative would come. you know what? all these rumors that is happening. we're just praying and hoping and having said that, this is all legs. venezuelan say it's a quibble, belongs to them because the region was with in its boundaries during the spanish colonial period. president nicholas maderos government as also stepped up its campaign since the discovery of oil and gas. and that's equivalent. the referendum
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asks if it's a queen both should be a state within venezuela. we will not be calm until this people decide what we are going to do with the esick. we will territory and it is you, dear brother's comrade. it is not the bullets, it is not the canons. it is the backend. as a queen though, people are used to being ignored by the government. information on the referendum has reached them mostly through social media, much of it inaccurate. they're angry with their own officials, but that doesn't mean that they want to be part of venezuela either. i would send it to no, but i did indeed, if people are not prepared for any takeover, nobody has informed us actually. no, it is being put on the table by us here as of the just trying to inform or people of the day. and just that is that was at the moment life goes on and
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ethically though it's unclear how the results of the referendum will play out if it passes. but many here fear the worst for the future. the withdrawal has been made for the means european football championship, which takes place next year. right here in germany, germany place scotland and the gardening matching unique on during the 14th hungry and switzerland make up the rest of group. i cop hold is easily face a difficult task to even get out of a group. they've been drawn against. heavy whites spanned in croatia as well as albania, us and tom, getting away from dw sports was in handbook for the drawer. we asked him what he thought of germany's chances given the poor recent results that there's a lot of work to be done if they are to, you know, put a good showing in at next year's tournament. now, i always say money is that city your own off to the door to speak to a couple of full met. well, when is from the germany side among them?
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well, mind vide, instead of who was the backup? goalkeeper 2014 when germany one that woke up in brazil, i do, as i said, it was on who was the captain at dental. and then now philip, mom was quite forthright in his criticism of the car in germany, team and whole mind fighting. tell us that the german football is on its knees at the moment. but only last night. germany's women took a step towards qualification for the powers olympics next year. and only today, germany's on the 17 team won the world cup in a year in which they've already been crowned european champions. so tell me if it was on, it's nice, but it's not true of all of the teams, but it is true of that 1st team. now i asked for that, um, what it is that the gemini 1st team can learn from the, on the 17th. and he said that the team displays each joy and its pride in planning for germany. and that's one of the things that he threw was, has been missing from the performances of duty and not was mounts team recently. so i'm plenty of examples, at least of how it used to be done within the gym. the football federation is the
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gym and team need some inspiration. that was tom going out and general a reporting from handbook that will germany's cards eulley and now guzman almost missed out on the year. right. 2024 draw off to his flight from unique was cancelled due to the snow for munich airport. came to a standstill on saturday. it remains closed until sunday. long distance rel services of also being disrupted by the extreme winter with off for some munich, the heavy snow for men's front slid dried in the park. i saw that you need to add poles. travelers knows what tested pains where ground it. they're bringing everything to a standstill in the in the morning they said flights would leave after 12 o'clock. then we had to take our way into the car park with shovels. we had to pick a taxi to the terminal because the buses weren't running, which no one told us. and now we don't know what to do either. so it is something
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that we just have to wait. it's all a bit annoying, but it can't be helped. similar scenes that unix central train station with thousands of passengers are also stranded or have to use replacement services if there are any and such a base football game between by and unit can union berlin was called off to the heavy snowfall has caused damage in the region surrounding munich and triggered serious traffic disruptions in neighboring austria, switzerland, and the tech republic. dozens of trucks were left stuck. a major motor ways for those whose travel plans haven't been up town. the snow has turned tourist hotspots, like prague into winter wonderland. just in time for the start of the christmas
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season. so it's called your up to date here on g w after a break is sports lifetime to get there is more on dw dot com, you can follow us to and get the latest on social media at cdw news, i'm jared reading buildings. thank you so much for watching. have a great day. the imagine how many portions of lots us are now in the world. climate change. the story faces much less the way from just one week. how much was going to really get we still have time to act. i'm going to like this.


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