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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 3, 2023 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news line from bud and these really ministry tells more palestinians to evacuate southern gaza as a intensive. i'd say it's offensive that that's after previously cutting people to move south to escape on me in the north. they spied base. israel rejects criticisms that it's doing too little to protect civilians. also on the program i'm unit can afford reopens after heavy snow and sub 0 temperatures hydrolyzed transport across the region,
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leaving thousands stranded the unfilled gale. welcome to the program. israel has ordered palestinians to evacuate for more areas or on con eunice, the 2nd largest city in the gaza strip. the idea says it is intensive funding is competing southern, gaza, the target thomas, which has been designated to a terrorist organization by multiple countries, many of goss as residents flag to the south of the territory after israel ordered them to leave the north families and friends gathered outside the alley baptist hospital and gaza city to pray for the victims of this latest round of his right in the ash dikes. a mother grieves how young door to the bodies uphold from the bible and seems that to become all too familiar for many
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a northern godsa the it was here that isabel comes in charge of most if it's 5 power until now is why it was military is stepping up it's offensive and southern gaza on sunday, it says you to new evacuation order 10 people to leave areas in underground. the city of con eunice in the south. more than 1800000 just priced gardens are being squeezed into increasingly smaller space. the daily bombings and the lack of access to basic communities, a taking it tell seems like these reflects a devastating impact. the boy is having on this generation of palestinian children leaving those who do survive deeply traumatized to a sub a sub. since this morning we received large numbers of matches. the majority of
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them were children, more than 15 children between 2 and 9 years old. these innocent children not being bombs, and they are in front of you and you can see them and that they in the month, uh well what this uh, what the ward is about to enter its 3rd month and this little heart decide to go and anytime soon or give them those writing warnings to people in southern gaza. i asked the military on the list to marina made on if this is assignment, israel is about to launch a new ground. defensive a good evening. so yes, and every single point is a fact that israel is about to resume its operating has completed. it has already started and it will be intensifying show will say the operations. that's why it is real, was trying to get the civilians out. also place where israel will presumably be conducting its error strikes and concentrating its operations,
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namely in this house. the problem here is of course, how much time is civilians have to leave. and so after the 7 day pause and fighting has these right oh essentially picked up where it left off. oh, do you note it? do you see any change in strategy as well as thing does is they have they have to readjust the strategy. nobody knew how long the ceasefire will last effect will last. we have seen that it has worked out for 7 days. but now a lot of things could have happened during this time and somebody might have moved its weapons. might have moved the hostages remaining hostages. so obviously is rarely intelligence would have to be very active during this time in order to be able to assess the situation on the ground and to provide this information to the treatments in order to be able to conduct its operation further. so it seems that
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each row started in the north, now they want to start in the south, so they will be more concentrating on the south. and then bringing those 2 closer together. presumably we don't know, it will depend on how does the military operation of goals, right, and we're looking at something like $10000.00 palestinians. the dad was using estimates from the, the how much controlled, how far seeing in gaza. but the u. n. a us has let a growing chorus of disquiet at those civilian deaths. why do you think israel has not changed it strategy despite those warnings? so it is very difficult to bridge. 2 strategy especially if you are fighting under regular force and then the regular forces come off. so according to the international war, both sides would have to take all feasible precautions in order to get the civilians out. this is unfortunately not the case,
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and this is we're normal. people who have nothing to do with this conflict, saw her as a potential collateral damage. but we don't know all the facts. we do not know why each row is true. choosing the locations and that is choosing to strike. and we see a lot of those locations of civilian locations. so these of assessments will have to be made post more of them. so to say, and i think and the reason why israel doesn't want to change its strategy is because it would be a military disadvantage for israel. se is ro couldn't be much slower, much more discriminative perhaps, but that would allow more time for us to move around and then use roll. wouldn't be able to use its entire mind to strike from off the targets. so the rest of the trade off and i think right now israel is not ready to make that staff despite the
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fact that from us this is very beneficial because it looks like that was a disproportionate response in order to be able to film it. and then to put it out and go back to psychological operations in terms of showing how preparing the site are clear as and i thank you so much for joining us again on this sunday, rita administrator. unless marina, amina, i will take a look at some more stories making news around the world. now, i am associate level survey attached to ship some that i'd say that are linked to israel depends it. on his set, an american warship also came under attack. who is this didn't mention the us to ship. it said the attacks would continue as long as israel continues age war with how much that is, what happens of everything in the referendum that the government hopes will strengthen its claim of as a key by a territory that's legally positive. neighboring a guy on the votes known binding and comes after the you ends at the top costs
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ordered, correct us not to challenge guy who has control over the line. india is routing page i'd be pottery has top the full and regional elections and 3 out of 4 major states. the beach. i p a one rod just on, on that track these go from the opposition indian national congress projects and they retained matthew dash results give a boost in the prime minister under, under moody ahead of next year's national elections. and at least 4 people have been killed and a bomb attack on a catholic mass and the southern philippines. dozens of others were interested in the blast and the university gymnasium in the raleigh countries. biggest majority muslim states, a so called is why make states this kind of response about munich airport resume flies operations early on sunday, after being closed on saturday, due to a heavy snow full thousands of travelers were stranded in the bavarian capital with
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big stream winter weather also disrupting public transport and long distance rail services. this video posted on x shows a jet frozen into the rugby at munich. i bought the heavy snowfall. i brought everything to a standstill and called savvy chaos. in southern germany. in the, in the morning they said flights would leave after 12 o'clock, then we had to take our way into the car park with shovels. we had to pick a taxi to the terminal because the buses weren't running, which no one told us. and now we don't know what to do either. if there's something that we just have to wait, it's all a bit annoying, but it can't be helped. similar, it seems that munich center is going to station bid thousands of passengers are also stranded. or have to use the replacement services if there are any
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and such that is football game between buy in munich and union. berlin was called off to the heavy snowfall has caused davids in the regions surrounding munich and to go to see this traffic disruptions in neighboring austria . so the land and the tech public, the dozens of drugs were left stuck on medium. what are these for those whose travel plans haven't been up turned the snow has done to it as talks. lots like drugs into a winter wonderland. just in time for the start of the christmas season on one of those travelers, stranded in munich was dw report. so with him glue croft, people who are out in the palace, they've been telling me that this is the most amount of snow that they've seen at one time. and this early in the season, some time for some of them in their entire life. i've been here since thursday.
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it's been snowing since then just like full of this powdery, beautiful, perfect snow. of course, underneath all this snow is quite dangerous ice and there's as much as 40 centimeters in places of this snow. and as a result, i was supposed to come back to berlin on saturday. there was no way that was going to happen because of the night from friday on the saturday. just everything came to . ready stand still, all means of transport, of course, taxi's ride chairs, almost impossible to get hundreds of people crowding at a train station. it's a hotel lobbies. i was almost one of them cuz i didn't think i was gonna be able to get to my hotel, which was just a few kilometers outside of the center of the city where i was, it was just impossible to get there. it took me 3 hours to move just a few kilometers and all these things to a very nice woman who let me share her over with her. she was going to some other part of the city. it took us a very long time. the car actually spun out to the other side of the road once. unfortunately, there was no on coming traffic, but that's the kind of dangerous situation we're in. and the roads, at least from my perspective, from my experience they were not treated,
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they weren't prepared for this. even though it wasn't a huge storm to hit them all at once. it was just accumulating over very, very long time until we came to the situation of friday and saturday, just to complete shut down state w before sir william blue crossed in munich. i will leave you now with some impressive pictures from the western germantown of florida, where i have the 165 meter cooling towels of a former coal fired power station was successfully demolished using explosives on sunday morning of times to produce green hydrogen on the side of the form a power plant now if you, if you show that dominance of the long distance or rather from around the world, i'd be valencia mounted on sunday. if you, if you're study 3 year old saying that man broke the course record in spain by 5 seconds member who also went to london madison in 2021 cross line in 2 hours. one minute 48 seconds,
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and he's compassionate to what mess they gave him when the women's rights to give the east african nation a clean sweep. for bull added, the bone does make it live sick who had lost the 2 of the last. the 3 lea games got back to winning waste with the victory against promotion 5, hide on the host with dominance, but wasteful with that chances and how to overcome a late scare to ultimately come on till after a narrow 32 last 2 men. just a city in the champions league during the week, it was back to building this league business for life sake. and they needed a weight and against promoted side tied to 9 to cement the claim for top 4 spots. and the visitors made life takes task a lot easier. up to 29 minutes. no, montoya account with a clumsy tact alone. louisa. pend penalty for life sake. opened. took the spot to
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take himself and send tide. and i'm steve by kevin middle of the wrong way. one new blood sick, the home side continue to dominate and they were eventually rewarded. in the 44 minutes, davi stone with a pin point cross and to use of pallets and short sound space where there was none to nail. but when lights like settled for halftime, height of 9 pulled one back, 3 minutes up to the home sides, goal benedict kim, bob got his team within one to one lovesick. at tough time. life tickets when the 4 shots to hide in time 7 and came close to making it 31 numerous times. but either would work or hide in times, keep the middle of we're in no way and keep them by all means make them pay with a loss, sort of the match height and i'm just centimeters away from the equalizer. let's say killed onto a 2 on waiting to cement their impatience for
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a champion slick spot. while the failure to stay in the relegation battle. i said, show up today, i'll have whole world news, the top of the out and just development task tech show shift on how deep fakes of threatening elections by manipulating, focused on social media about in just a minute. out of the day, the people in trucks injured was trying to feed the city center the straight pieces explain the


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