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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 4, 2023 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the, you're watching the data we can use live from building the is riley military wide ends. it's ground defensive pushing into south and gaza. it's told palestinians to evacuate out of more pos that the crowd itself having previously told them to move there to escape the bombing in the north. also coming off to him into the ripples side of attack ships in the red sea. israel says it has no link to the vessels. washington though he says a new way, a small ship and multiple commercial ships came under attack. and then the bonus lee good table topping leave. a cruise inside the game winning streak is brought to
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an end as visitors. goldman told them to a drill the jared read. welcome to the program. the riley army stays each has started a ground defensive in southern gaza. earlier on sunday, use riley forces ordered palestinians to leave areas around hon units. this is the largest city in gauze, south is rouse, is it's new ground operation is needed to destroy home us, which has been designated as a terrorist organization by multiple countries. many of causes residents had fled to the south. dr. israel had previously ordered them to leave the north families and friends together outside the ali baptist hospital and gaza city to pray for the victims of this latest round of israel air strikes. mother greets for her young
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daughter and bodies are pulled from the rebel and seems that have become all too familiar to many in northern gods that it was here that israel concentrated most of expire power until now. israel's military is stepping up, it's offensive in southern gaza. and on sunday, it issued a new evacuation order telling people to leave areas in and around the city of con eunice, in the south. as gods experience as intensive environment. once again, is realized under growing pressure from its allies to protect civilians. and it bows to continue on and blames the fighting on him off. be doing the man that's how most has destroyed once and for all there's no hope for the guys a strip and it's people that way. so kind of more than one point. $8000000.00 display sconces are being squeezed into an increasingly smaller space that daily
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bombings and lack of access to basic amenities are taking. a toll seems like these reflect the devastating impact the wars having on this generation palestinian children of the service. since this morning we received large numbers of matches. the majority of them were children, more than 15 children between 2 and 9 years old. and these innocent children not being bombs, and they are in front of you and you can see them send that to you. in the month, uh well um, what this uh, what the walrus entering its 3rd month and there's little hope the siding and any time natalie we ask military, i know this marina mirror. and if the israeli military was merely picking up where he had left off after the week, long pausing, fighting, or if this signal is a change in strategy as well, i think that does they have,
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they have to readjust the strategy. nobody knew how long the ceasefire will last effect will last. we have seen that it has worked out for 7 days. but now a lot of things could have happened during this time, and some of us might have moved it's weapons, might help move down the hostages, the remaining hostages. so obviously it's rarely intelligence would have to be very active during this time in order to be able to assess the situation on the ground and to provide this information to the treatments in order to be able to conduct its operation further. so it seems that it's probably started as a noise. now they want to start in the south, so they will be more concentrating on the south and then bringing those 2 closer together. presumably we don't know, it will depend on how does the military operation of peoples marine the mirror and they're speaking to us earlier? well, yeah, men's who's the ripple is claimed they have attacked ships in the red sea. and
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these riley spokes, person dollar has denied the groups claims that their vessels were linked to each row. according to the pentagon, an american war ship and multiple commercial ships came under attack. the around back securities didn't mentioned noise vessels bounce. it'd be a tax would continue as long as israel continues. it's well we thomas, the incidents come and meet high contentions in the red sea in surrounding waters off to who these saves. denise route linked cargo vessel last month dw corresponded janelle to malone in washington gave us more data house on the attack on the us war ship as well. the u. s. worship in question is the u. s. s. carney. now that is a destroyer. it's part of the us, us, gerald, our ford carrier strike group. now if you remember, that was the carrier strike group that was deployed to the region in the aftermath of october 7, when home mouth attacked israel. we know that the attack started at approximately
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10 am signed a time. it lasted for around 5 hours and the us as carney reported we open and self defense, we since heard that it managed to shoot down to who the to who to drones. now this incident is a thought to be significant because even as we have been seeing a ramping up of who attacks on vessels in the region, this is the 1st time that multiple vessels have been involved in a single hootie attack. saying that however, the u. s. as carnie did not sustain any damage, no injuries were reported on board. i know a seem to believe that this was much more about sending the u. s. navy, a message, then causing any real damage. however, as we have been hearing, this is just the latest in a series of attacks, and there is no reason to assume that it will be the last. janelle don't allow the will. venezuelans have been focusing in
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a controversial referendum that the government hopes will strengthen its claim or the it's a queen by a territory and neighboring guy on the non binding vault. i am to measure a popular support full venezuela's historical claim i've, it's a queen, but it comes off to the you and the international court of justice, ordered caracas to take no action that would alter the guy on is it control over the territory? is a key bar is 160000 square kilometers, which is about the size of grease and makes up around 2 thirds of guy on his land. mass gas and oil were discovered day back in 2015 stylus president. he us on ali said that his government is working to protect the countries borders and keep people safe. i want to assure guy and is that there is nothing to fear over the next, a number of hours this months. i had, of course our vigilance will be enhance, but we are watching
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a wrong the clock to ensure that our board has remained intact on the people and our country remains safe. okay, to enlist oscar slink of joins us now from caracas. oscar, good to see you. tell us how is the version gone today and what interest is there among venezuelans about the outcome? well, the government has just issued an extension of the time. busy these bowling stations will be open, but we have been seeing very low turn out to the polling stations today. so my analyst are speculating less than 30 percent, which is pretty low by then as well and election standards. we well see my buddhist administration optimised about the results, but the ones on social media are already posting about the interest there was to respond to the government's request in this election. this, i'm turn where martha campaigns leading up to the presidential elections next year . some animals argue that this low turn i could find some of the demonstration to even castle elections altogether. they don't gather the support they need to win
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next year. hm. so this, this is i could have definitely wide a long time to fix, always go low as low as it turn out. as you say, the referendum is non binding. the people who basically buy themselves weren't able to void. so what effects will the results really have as well? the selection could serve as a resource for, for models, and to show my, to some of the german legitimacy and support in the international courts. even though turn out was low, the results, what we say were more because most of the people that voted are government supporters, beneficiaries or public employees. so even though it's not binding, they can still use the results as a pretext to further dispute in court. and us, good guy on it is considering the fact to be a step towards annexation. what risk is there of any kind of military escalation
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when it comes to ethically by? well, i think it is unlikely that we will see any kind of military escalation in the border . it could be, however, unexcused to increase pressure insight and that's what electronic approved conditions in the water would go. yeah. although then as well i have the upper hand in military power, we got as much more powerful allies. but the us and great britain. countries which have sanctions against well as we will already and currently hold commercial interest and the people natural resources. the question is, would these allies be willing to defend brianna's government for the interest of companies already extracting the natural resources of this territory? journalist all coastline cadet reporting from carrasco caracas. oscar, thanks so much for that. as the okay. in the bonus league table topping leave, a cruise inside game winning streak was brought to an end as visitors don't mind held into
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a one old drawer. the how i swear the dominant side by the me and got lucky to walk away with the points on top of the table. leave a cruise and that the chance to move 5 points clear of the 2nd place by and off to the gym and champions game. good. postpone due to heavy snow fall in the way wherever rosie adult montu themselves meet a 3 points to cement the spot in the top floor and the visitors showed band and ride from the start. only 4 minutes in julia henri us on tab. please nerve in front of labor, cruise and keep lucas right. that's the the defend this 3rd goal of the season already. one mill development leave includes an onset with angry attacks. granted jock a just centimeters away from the equalizer just before half time. 15 minutes after the break, don't defend them, not symbols and keep cobo stood in the way of to leave at susan's break through
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but 10 minutes before full time leave. a cruise in wouldn't be denied patrick chic setup. victoria boniface, for the easy temp in the nigerian international. it's a cool off this, these and don't want almost all the game in the very last minutes through nicholas built truth. but in the end, both sides split the points and the $11.00 drawer don't want to have dropped out of the champions league spots and find themselves in 5th while labor crews. and i know 3 points clear off by and on top of the building, just league and 5 bug ended a full game windless. strictly the one you'll victory, always loyally minds may say, i'll griego h as gall along 17 minutes was the difference between the sides. the australia and so it is relief at score and he's 1st of the season now that we moves fryeburg up
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to height 12 mines who have just one when this season drop to stick in boston. aux bugs game against interest from fed went ahead despite sub 0 temperatures with the mickery reaching minus 8 degrees celsius, as the gain kicked off in southern germany. and it was the highest through delta based with the cold scoring the younger scoring. the 2nd goal in a to one, when that sees them move up to 9th place in the league, the result deals deployed to frank, the types of european football that remaining 7. let's take a look now at all of the results from buddhist league, unmatched. a 13 on saturday. they were wins from football home glovebox, to live cic understood. con, cologne bait. darmstadt in the friday game, while by end versus when you're on berlin was, was postponed due to the heavy snow or that we've been seeing, and prof. area. let's see how that leaves the bonus like
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a table. leave it christmas, draw. not just van points, a head further ahead of stick implies by and, but the variance now have a game in hand. lot 6, when moves damage of the champions league places at the bottom. cologne's, when sees them go above darmstadt and out of the relegation, places and minds badly needed the 2nd when all of the season to get themselves moving out of the table for the go take a look. now these pictures from the west, in germantown of florida, with the 165 mesa cooling tower of a form, a coal fired power station was successfully demolished using explosives on sunday morning. there are plans to produce green hydrogen on the size of the form of how plant as you're watching dw news, he's remind to now all of our top story, israel has forwarded palestinians to evacuate for more areas around the city of hon . eunice as a wide and states ground defensive to include southern gaza. many of causes to
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causes residents flayed south off today with order to leave the north. after shot break, i'll show report is off. next, this warranty w dot com and then social media to go to www. some. jared rates. thank you so much for your company. the version now understand can have a think like the vice president do you have any news on instagram and follow up with me.


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