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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 4, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the you are watching the double you news live from building the is riley miller, tree wide insights, ground defensive pushing into southern gaza. its told palestinians to evacuate out of more parts of the crowd itself. having previously told them to move the day to escape foaming in an old post on the program, the m and 3 p ripple side i've attack ships in the red sea east rouse is it has no link to the vessels. washington, obviously, if that will us warship and multiple commercial sheets came under attack and went to kyle's, it's southern germany. after we've gotten some 40 centimeters of snow here,
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i'm standing it up to my knees. dates for the absolute best. the bay area resumes air and rail operations off to the region is paralyzed by heavy snowfall. we'll pay more for mouse, no down report on the jared read. welcome to the program. these riley armies say is you just onto the ground defensive in southern gaza. earlier on sunday is riley forces, or did palestinians to leave areas around con eunice. this is the largest city in gaza, south israel says it's new ground operation is needed to destroy how much the militants, the u. n. estimates that one point is off. the 2300000 thousands have been displaced since october. the many of them are forced to live in cramped quarters in
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the south of the outside this hospital and gaza. cc more and more bodies, a lined up. there's no room inside. it's full with the wounded. as the focus of israeli bombardments turns to the crowded south of the strip, people say they have no way left to go. the territory is sealed off. death is everywhere. where should we turn the survivors of strikes, report, evacuation? what is coming to light before the columns hit and say that it's homes, businesses and civilians that are being targeted. c we came here in the street, it's on marchers wounded here and there. we don't know why, but we don't know for what reason. i want us to much of ordinary milk. why did the
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striking all in the middle, i'm sure. it's just a place to fit these round, maintains that it does not target civilians and claims that teasing mosse locations now expanding its ground operation into the south as well. so i'm, i'm, she's been with these really defense forces continue to extend the ground operation against the mouse and all of the gaza strip. the cool that's what all of gaza, when there is a how my center, the idea is operating, qualified, you know, face to face with terrorist glue and killing them to these riley goal of eliminating him off, apparently stretches far beyond garza in audio obtained by east rails public broad costa, the head of the internal security service invest vowed to eliminate tomas leaders overseas to in the cabinet set a goal for us to eliminate from us. and we are determined to do that in every place . some guys, a today, a samaria lab,
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and i'm in turkey and guitar everywhere. it will take several years, but we will be there to do it on as the warheads into it's the month. there's little hope that the flashing will and any time soon is rouse closest ally the us whose cold from lea missing home to palestinian civilians. but on the ground and gaza there is no sign of risk spite from the constant attack. well, earlier we asked military analysts, maureen, a mirror, and if the is riley military was merely picking up where he left off after the week, long pausing, fighting, or if the signal is a change in strategy? well i think that does they have, they have to readjust a strategy. nobody knew how long the ceasefire will last effect will last. we have seen that it has worked out for 7 days, but now a lot of things could have happened during this time, and some of us might have moved its weapons. might have moved the hostages,
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the remaining hostages. so obviously is rarely intelligence would have to be very active during this time in order to be able to assess the situation on the ground and to provide this information to the treatments in order to be able to conduct its operation further. so it seemed that each route was started in the north. now they want to start in the south, so they will be more concentrating on the south and then bringing those 2 closer together. presumably, we don't know, we will depend on how the military operation of peoples us, military analysts, miranda mirror, and dame. well, humans, who, excuse me, humans, routine rebels. i claiming that they have attacked ships in the red sea. but in this riley spokes person has denied the groups claims that the vessels willing to use route. according to the pentagon, in american warship and several commercial ships came under attack and the warship shot down the civil drawings in self defense. the you run back to these didn't
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mentioned those vessels, but said they would keep pump the attacks as long as each rile continues its war with how most the incidents come and meet, highest intentions in the red sea in surrounding waters opportunities seized. and he's routing to congo festival last month. dw correspondent janelle do rely on in washington gave us more details on this attack on the us war she as well. the u . s. worship in question is the u. s. s. carney. now that is a destroyer. it's part of the us, us, gerald, our ford carrier strike group. now if you remember, that was the carrier strike group that was deployed to the region in the aftermath of october 7, when her mouth attacked israel. we know that the attack started at approximately 10 am signed a time. it lasted for around 5 hours and the us as carney reported we open and self defense,
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we since heard that it managed to shoot down to who the to who to drones. now this incident is a thought to be significant because even as we have been seeing a ramping up of who attacks on vessels in the region, this is the 1st time that multiple vessels have been involved in a single hootie attack. saying that however, the u. s. s carney did not sustain any damage, no injuries were reported on board. and always seem to believe that this was much more about sending the u. s. navy a message then causing any real damage. however, as we have been hearing, this is just the latest in a series of attacks, and there is no reason to assume that it will be the last is janelle dom alonda, reporting from washington. let's get a round up now of some other stories making headlines today, at least 11 hike is have been found days and 3 rescued after a volcano erupted in waste in indonesia, sending 3 kilometers of ashen to the sky. officials saying several hock is still
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unaccounted for. more up the mountain is on the 2nd highest, are optional this officials and tons and me a say a land slide caused by heavy flooding. that's killed at least 47 people in, in judge thousands more and they know that the country, local officials won the tall, is expected to rise. east africa is, are quoted, torrential rain full for weeks to, to tell new york the philippines says, and he's alarmed by the presence of more than 135 chinese boats encroaching on one of the islands nation coastal re island nations close to race with sunroof is more than 1000 kilometers from china, which claims and much of the south china sea between the 2 nations as its territory . badging has so far not commented on the new list complaint, a heavy snowfall in northern england to shut down roads and knocked out, pallets of thousands of homes and businesses. police say around 200 vehicles with
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stock in deep snow, the u. k. where the service has received an ice warning for large parts of the country. for venice, wireless, electrical bodies is a 95 percent of vices have backs the countries territorial, claimed as a queen by an oil rich region, a neighboring keanta, the controversial non binding referendum. so low voice voice, it turned out that comes off to the lands international court of justice, ordered caracas to take no action that would alter the honors to control over the territory. is a queen by is 160000 square kilometers around the sides of grace, and makes up about 2 thirds of guy and his land boss, gas, and oil. we discovered that back in 2015. okay. on his president. if on the holly said earlier that his government is working to protect the countries borders and key people safe. i want i saw a guy in is that there is nothing to fear over the next
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a number of hours this months. i had, of course, our vigilance will be on hans. but we are watching a wrong the clock to ensure that our board has remained intact. and the people in our country remains say, well in the buddhist league, a table is helping leave. the cruise inside game winning streak was brought to an end. his visit his daughter and held them to a one old droll, the house with the dominant side. but indian got lucky to walk away with the point top of the table leave a cruise and that the chance to move 5 points clear of the 2nd place by and after the gym and champions game got postponed due to a heavy snow fall in the way wherever us the adult montu themselves meet the 3 points to cement the spot in the top floor. and the visitors showed band and ride from the start. only 4 minutes in your young re us on tab,
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please nerve in front of labor cruise and keep lucas read that ski to defend this 3rd goal of the season already. one mill development labor cruise, an onset with angry attacks. granted, jock, a just sent the meters away from the equalizer just before half time. 15 minutes after the break, don't defend them, not symbols and keep cobo stood in the way of to leave at susan's break through but 10 minutes before full time leave. a cruise in wouldn't be denied patrick chic set up victoria boniface for the easy temp in the nigerian international. it's a cool off this these and don't want almost all the game in the very last minutes through nicholas built groups. but in the end,
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both sides split the points and $11.00 drawer don't want to have dropped out of the champions league spots and find themselves in 5th while labor crews. and i know 3 points clear off by and on top of the building just league. well fried the, again, did a full game window, a streak with a one new victory, always loyally. mine's miss hale, good, good gold, which is gall. on 17 minutes, was the difference between the size, the or 3. and so he's released that score and he's fixed at the season. the wind moves fryeburg up to 8. well mine, so you have to adjust one when the season dropped to stick and bought in. well here in germany, munich airport has resumed flight operations off to being closed because of heavy snow full that's blanketed south and germany. thousands of travelers were stranded in the bavarian capital where the extreme winter weather also disrupted public transport and long distance round services. one of those strands of travellers in
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munich is dw reporter william glue croft, people who are out and about they've been telling me that this is the most amount of snow that they've seen at one time. and this early in the season, some time for some of them in their entire life. i've been here since thursday. it's been snowing since then just like full of this powdery, beautiful, perfect snow. of course, underneath all this snow is quite dangerous ice and there is as much as 40 centimeters in places of this snow. and as a result, i was supposed to come back to berlin on saturday. there was no way that was going to happen because of the night from friday on the saturday, just everything came to a standstill. all means of transport. of course, taxi's ride chairs, almost impossible to get hundreds of people crowding at a train station into hotel lobbies. i was almost one of them cuz i didn't think i was gonna be able to get to my hotel, which was just a few kilometers outside of the center of the city or i was, it was just impossible to get there. it took me 3 hours to move just a few kilometers and all these things to
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a very nice woman who let me share her over with her. she was going to some other part of the city. it took us a very long time. the car actually spun out to the other side of the road once. unfortunately, there was no on coming traffic, but that's the kind of dangerous situation we're in. and the roads, at least from my perspective, from my experience they were not treated, they weren't prepared for this. even though it wasn't a huge storm that hit them all at once. it was just accumulating over a very, very long time until we came to the situation of friday and saturday, just to complete shut down, dw is william good croft in munich. then finally pull we go, take a look at these pictures from the west and germantown of florida, where the 165 meet the cooling tower of a form. a coal fired power station was successfully demolished with explosives on sunday morning. there are plans to produce green hydrogen on the side of this form without. this is a quick reminder of our top story is ralph has ordered palestinians to evacuate for
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more areas around the city of funds. eunice as it wide and states ground defensive to include stuff in gaza, many of gauze as residents, but south of today's were ordered to be the know after pick break global aust looks at the me to be mentioned india to bully, which i'm tired creating fairly thank you so much for watching have a great the votes, people have to say mercy as to the . that's why we listen to based on the ritual every weekend on d w. the interest the global economy.


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