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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 4, 2023 7:00am-7:16am CET

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the, the, this is the, the, the news coming to you live from berlin is real expands. it's ground defensive into all parts of the gaza strip. the is really military launch is more air strikes as it pushes deeper into gaza after ordering civilians to move even further south of a city and say they're running out of places to go. also coming up trucks in the red sea us is one of his warships and multiple commercial vessels came under fire there on sunday. demons with the rebels claim partial responsibility. and the bonus league table topping labor crews and
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a game winning streak is brought to an end as visitors don't, but hold them to draw the hello. i'm terry morris. and welcome to the program. is really army. it says it has expanded its ground defensive into every part of the gaza strip. heavy bombing has been reported in the southern city of con eunice, following orders. biased rarely forces for palestinians to leave. the area is real, says it's new. ground operation is needed to destroy a mouse, which is classified by several countries as a terrorist organization. palestinians in the field of territory say they're running out of places to go outside this hospital and gaza. cc more and more bodies aligned up that there is no room inside. it's
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full with the wounded. as the focus of israeli bombardments turns to the crowd itself of the strip. people say they have no way left to go. the territory is sealed off. death is everywhere. where should we turn the survivors of strikes, report, evacuation? what is coming to light before the bombs hit and say that it's homes, businesses and civilians that are being targeted. c we came here in the street, so i'm marchers wounded here and there. we don't know why. we don't know for what reason. i was a little much of ordinary milk. why did the striking all in the middle, i'm sure, is just a little bit is round, maintains that it does not target civilians and claims that teasing him off locations now expanding its ground operation into the south as well. i'm. she's
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been with these really defense forces continued to extend the ground operation against a mouse in all of the gaza strip. because that's what all of gaza, where there is a how my center. the idea is operating a whole cycle face to face with terrorist bloom and killing them from these riley goal of eliminating him off, apparently stretches far beyond garza in audio obtains by israel's public. broad costa, the head of the internal security service. shin bet vowed to eliminate tomas leaders overseas to in the cabinet set a goal for us to eliminate from us. and we are determined to do that in every place and does a 2 day samaria live in. i'm in turkey and kids are everywhere. it will take several years, but we will be there to do it on as the warheads into a 3rd month. there's little hope that the slicing and any time soon is rails
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closest ally the us whose cold from lea missing home to palestinian civilians. but on the ground and gaza there is no sign of risk. spite from the constant attack. journalist husband boucher used to report from gaza. the now join just from jordan housing. what are you hearing about the situation and guys are right now and according to the people on the ground and from the reports and from different sources that um, some people described last night that was like as the war started over again. and there was a huge bombardments and air strikes in across the ghost read from the north area and from the south. and many people said that they hear that sometimes are entering some areas like she heard one in in garza city. then using that, the, the tanks are trying to, to cross and from the feet with, sorry,
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from the south, from the south, from the eastern part of the south to the west. trying to con, goes a strip on eunice from other parties. people in guys had been told to evacuate areas that are being targeted by the is really military. where are they supposed to go higher? so this is the old was the, the, the question is oscar, and by every for the, by the people they have no place. i know people who got displaced like a from 5 or 6 times. some people are more. so i'm from the north, displaced to garza city, then to the south, and then so at the other place in the south now they are asked to move somewhere else. and i'm talking to people and they are asking. and if you look at the social media, people are sharing and asking about places to go. people in in
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dropbox, for example. yesterday i saw plenty of of boast asking people where to go the, they are literally in the street. they have no place to go. as the people ask from 100 units to need, the area of the ground invasion is expected to invade the area. they'll israel says it will continue it's offensive in gaza until the threat from from us has been eliminated. what, what it goes expecting to happen there in the coming days and weeks has them as the expect ation is the worse and it's, it's getting worse from day to another, from a moment to another. the distal is increasing destruction is and is widening people losing cold. and i can see that in their words, when i talk to them, when i read their,
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their messages. and it's very hard for them. they have no, no hope. of course anything would happen or change and of course the they are willing that to see the worries over but the, the reality on the ground that the have no no signs or anything with them through with improve, especially with the increase in the south. now is like the tanks is improving and, and getting new areas and especially a middle, the lack of food like water and electricity, communication and people are not able to shelter and they are moving from a place to another husband. thank you very much. that was journalist housing pollution in amman, jordan, thank you but you know, across to our correspond to rebecca rivers, who's standing by in jerusalem. rebecca,
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israel is coming under increasing pressure to avoid civilian casualties. isn't showing any sign of changing its tactics in gaza due to the international pressure a terry not at all. in fact, quite to the contrary. we've heard from both prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the heads of the military that they will push on in the next phase, as they call it, of the ground operation that they will press on in the same fashion. yesterday we had the head of these rarely, military saying that this would be no less powerful the operation in the south and no less successful. we heard that on thursday, anthony, blinking the us secretary of state did speak to hands of the is ready government. and these are the military or the leaders here saying, urging them that the what we saw in the north couldn't be repeated in the south. we heard coming to harris the, the vice president of the us saying in doha that the civilian casualties which is
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too high. so we are seeing that pressure, but we're really seeing the exact opposite coming from israel. they are vowing to push on and to continue. they maintain that they, they give sufficient warnings to civilians to be able to get out of the areas that they've been bought. and we have confirmation yesterday of course, as you'd be reporting that they have now moved into the south and in all areas. and have, you know, from all accounts that way, guessing have of coughed up much of the area or into what's being called a calm get board game if you will, numbered areas in the strips that citizens can then look up and see whether their area that they're in is going to be attacked. so i think it's unlikely that we'll say any less out from these. riley's and we're very, very likely in fact, to see a similar level of disruption and civilian casualties. now home us is still holding hostages in gaza. is there any indication, rebecca, that is really in her mouth might return to the negotiating table to talk about
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another hostage release. another pause and the finding. it's always really difficult to say terry, the talks always kept very much under wraps but, but you know, there is intention from the negotiate as we have see the us cuts are in egypt was pushing for the resumption of these talks. they were ongoing even off the unlimited se side broke down on friday they, they were continuing, but on saturday they, uh they did come to a complete halt when israel pulled out its negotiators from dough ha, where they had been there trying to discuss the resumption they blamed from us for, for not sticking to the promise of providing a list of the women and children to be released in the hostage exchange. but, you know, they, it is, of course likely that they could rejoin talks down the track. we know that they're under immense pressure, israel from the families, from the relatives of the hostages, and from all the, you know,
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from the whole nation, really to, to make sure that these hostages returned to israel. but the stage, those talk still sold. rebecca, thank you very much, shar correspond to rebecca rivers there in jerusalem. meanwhile, united states worship in the red sea has shot down 3 drones for humans who the rebels attacked a number of ships in the region. the pentagon says several commercial vessels were targeted. the, they ran back to these who have claimed 2 of the strikes. they say they will keep up the attacks as long as israel continues its war with hom, us, and is really spokes person has denied the groups claims that the vessels were linked to israel. the incidents come and they have height and tensions in the red sea dw correspond to janelle do malone in washington and gave us more details on the attack on the us worship as well. the us worship in question
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is the us as carney. now that is a destroyer, it's part of the us, us, gerald, our ford carrier strike group. now if you remember, that was the carrier strike group that was deployed to the region in the aftermath of october 7, when her mouth attacked israel. we know that the attack started at approximately 10 am signed a time. it lasted for around 5 hours and the us as carney reported we open and self defense, we since heard that it managed to shoot down to who the to who to drones. now this incident is a thought to be significant because even as we have been seeing a ramping up of who attacks on vessels in the region, this is the 1st time that multiple vessels have been involved in a single hootie attack. saying that however the us as carnie did not sustain any damage, no injuries were reported on board. i know
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a seem to believe that this was much more about sending the u. s. navy, a message, then causing any real damage. however, as we have been hearing, this is just the latest in a series of attacks and there is no reason to assume that it will be the last catch up on a couple of other stories. making headlines today, at least 11 climbers were found dead, and 3 were rescued after a bulkier were rocked in western indonesia, sending 3 kilometers of ash into the sky. officials say several kilometers, but several hikers rather are still unaccounted for. low rocky mountain is on the 2nd highest eruption over officials intensity, say a land slide caused by heavy flooding has killed at least 47 people, an injured dozens more in the north of the country. local officials, one, the toll was expected to rise east africa as recorded. torrential, rain fall from weeks due to the l. nino weather phenomena met us.
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well, an official say a vast majority of citizens back government efforts to claim an oil rich region of neighboring deanna known as s. s a. we both caracas said 95 percent of voters supported the move in a referendum held on sunday. comes after the us international court of justice ordered venezuela to take no action that would alter, get out of control over the count territory. gas and oil were discovered in as could we, as a queen boat in 2015, venezuela has argued the region was stolen when the border was drawn more than a century ago. but again, as president, if on ali disputes that claim and said this government is working to protect the country's borders, i want to assure guide is that there is nothing to fear over the next a number of hours this months. i had, of course, our vigilance will be on hans. but we are watching
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a wrong the clock to ensure that our board has remained intact. and the people in our country remains say you're watching the update of the news up next to our magazine shift to take. so look at how things fix pose a threat to elections. i'm terry martin. thanks for watching the vacation. as an applicant, do they have good weather? i, when i told me that they don't have violence, do this, can we go say colson tissue today? because when they go to that, we set up here. you know, medical people are stuck with car bama, tenants otherwise. so not because the.


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