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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 4, 2023 2:00pm-2:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin and is really commander says, the military is close to completing its goals in northern gossip is really forces are now expanding their offensive into all parts of the territory. palestinian health officials say they are struggling to keep up with the flow of the dead and also coming on attacks and the red sea, the united states as one of his warships and multiple commercial vessels came under fire there on sunday, humans who see rebels claims partial responsibility the
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on the coast really welcome to the program. israel's military has expanded its ground defensive into every part of the gaza strip. its troops are now beginning to move into the south of the territory. is really forces are continuing operations in the north, but a senior commander says israel is close to completing its war aims there. and as renewed calls for evacuation from the southern town of con eunice or tens of thousands of displaced palestinians have sought refuge. army has told civilians to evacuate to the town of rafa or to a safe zone along the southern coast. israel says it's new ground operation is needed to destroy him us, which is classified by several countries as a terraced organization. meanwhile, health officials say they are struggling to cope with
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a number of dead and wounded in gaza. the victims of overnighted talks i brought to this hospital in central garza, there are almost no medical supplies to treat them relative to survived. their tax are in shock. what can i say? it's a catastrophe. the strikes are coming down on us. i have my 4 year old daughter is under the rubble. i don't know if she's dead or alive. as more civilians are being killed in the gaza strip. israel says it has heat more how much targets across the territory. this is the latest video published by these really army. it claims these buildings were being used by hum us. agencies is trying to avoid civilian casualties. we are giving, besides instructions to govern residents near from us centers of gravity, urging them to temporarily move away from the denture that from us puts them in.
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we're dropping leaflets with q r codes. that opens a met, guiding cousins to say for areas. in rough up a southern gaza, people try to pull survivors from under the rubble. the claim is really, authorities told them it would be safe in the sea to look on the we were asleep and safe and they told us were off, i was a safe area, but a 20 past 10. they struck it, destroying all the block. there were children, women in martyrs. there is no safe area, neither rafa nor fine eunice, nor gaza, nor dare which month ago no, no, no for a whole front of me. one is what address the, the israel expands itself. variations in gaza. the barely function hospitals. there
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are expecting more arrivals in the coming hours and days. it's across now to the w . correspondents. rebecca rivers are standing by in jerusalem. rebecca, what more can you tell us about israel's operations in the south now? as well as he's been reporting the call. we did get confirmation yesterday on reports that we were already hearing. troops had made that is made their way south, and that was indeed confirmed by the as riley military yesterday evening. we know that hon eunice in particular that city in the south where many people have been told to evacuate too, and many hundreds of thousands of people have been trying to take shelter. they, we know that is a focal point for the military. they have said that they will be doing a similar operation as was taken as was taken in the news that they will not be changing, tackle, pulling back as have been has, as has been called for by the us in particular saying that they didn't want to stay
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the same kind of ferocity that we saw in the know that has been ignored by the israeli military. and they have bound to continue in the same manner that they're going to be targeting what they deem to be come on, st as of come off. of course i'm us members and an infrastructure. so we can expect to see a lot more heavy fighting in the south, similar to what we've seen in the north. of course, we have the problem. now we're seeing all of these people that are sheltering. we've got one point. $8000000.00 is the estimate of internally displaced people and they're all trying to take shelter in the southern areas, including hon. units. that's why many, many, many of them are and they've been given this kind of map that's broken off into the squares. oh, each has a number and they've been told to work out to locate where they are in that map under that number. and then each day they'll be given a, they'll be a list of numbers of places that will be targeted and people are expected to move. the problem being of course,
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that these people really don't have any way to go. they're running out of places to run and hide and we know that the bombardment has been taking place in the south. even as the operation was, was targeting the know so the places are becoming fewer and further between. so the don, a humanitarian at terry and situations of people in the south, certainly not getting any any better. and in fact, set to get a lot less israel, you mentioned that there is coming under increasing pressure to avoid civilian casualties in this new phase of the war as well. of course. is it showing any sign of changing its tactics in gaza because of that? no, i mean the short answer really is no. we've heard from benjamin netanyahu. we've heard from the heads of these ready miller tre, that they are going to keep up the pace that they, what we was saying in the north, prior to that limited cease fire that they are planning to carry on at this with the same porosity in the south the we know that they were told that that sold on
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the we can completely came to a halt to renew a say sign. we know that israel pulled out on saturday finally from us saying also that they are not going to assume any talks until that they're that until there is a cease fire to there is some pulls in the fighting and then they'll resume towards you know, that both sides have made these kind of the month before and then have joined towards when the time has come, right? we know that the us, that's our in egypt still pushing to reduce those piece talks. all those at least see sign limited, safe side talk a bit at the moment they have been completely stalled. and so the situation looking to get a lot worse in the south, although as you say, they are operating as it goes over. it are supporting from jerusalem. thank a it's the u. s. military central command has said ron enabled attacks on and american worship and other commercial vessels in the red sea
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. on sunday, the pentagon said the us as carney shot down 3 drones and self defense. several commercial vessels were also targeted germans who the rebels have claimed responsibility for 2 attacks. they say they will keep up the attacks as long as israel continues it's war with us. so the 1st time the who these are fired a targets in the red sea or on israel itself. but it seems like these attacks are getting more and more dangerous, middle east experts, daniel gala told me why. of course, the piece of showing all the military capacities. but i think it's also clear to your message from the wrong that the way wrong doesn't want to get involved directly in the dogs of war. uh once to show it simple attention of the terms. and of course, the other one to the area which is like positive control of the who is these is an important strategic place because it's a, it's a straight for international trade. and so is, of course,
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the persian gall. and it is a reminder that the war can become regional also without start to know if you are. and what is the who pays attention here, supporting her last in a fight against israel, or sparking a wider conflict as well. of course the nbc is really easy to strategic because on the, for the movies it's part of the claim that israel is the main enemy though. actually there is of course, no, no, no, no frontier, no direct territorial contract with israel. so the, who's the lucas visits a main strategic target. they want to show the entire muslim and be as well, that they're on the side of the palestinians at this time. and again that israel is the main enemy. and of course, they see the not united states as the main geo political patient of israel. but again, i think, uh they are doing best to support uranium because of the terms in the region and allow around not to get directly involved in the conflict. because ron wants to
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shift the conflict away from the persian gulf area where it's about to normalize with the saudi arabia and other a gulf states, and it wants to again shift the conflict. uh, so the west and then for the rest, see in the area around around the m and around the bottom under is a theater for that kind of the consultation. we have seen in recent days. so i'm on the drones and as i was fired from human hit, other targets like addiction border towns because the whole thing is cause a wider conflict by accident, by miscalculation, as well then as the basically possible. uh, we would quite impressed over the last few years by the precision strikes of the piece in saudi arabia and the persian gulf area. but of course the who piece we mean week this is more political signal than a military threat to israel. but they of course be involved one of the who is a major problem and for saudi arabia and other countries that though they are not on the side of israel, are not in favor of a major regional escalation. and therefore the who the attacks are product 50. mm
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hm. and you mentioned are wrong there of course close allies to the who would fees just like has the law in level not are these to attacking israel because they choose to, to support or ron or is tear on actively pulling the strings here. what i think is putting this things, but at the same time, of course, uh as well. uh, i said clearly that uh, the cause of war and the operation of a, to a 70, the, a mazda sold on israel, is it kind of seen unit there. that was interpreter, that was assigned to us on the secretary general as well. that does not want to get involved and does not want to let from us uh, come on the time table for a consultation with these groups. but what i see whats the complete and the last couple of days is that israel may, however, prevent preemptively attack and not wait for his while to get involved. because these are the military doctrine says it's his belie,
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includes us that military capabilities and have more than we saw that they can use to attack israel. they will, so we better do it preemptively. and i think it is definitely possible that we would see preemptive surprise. these are these strikes on, on, on his blog. this is a realistic scenario. and i see another source of contention. another problem in the west that if this situation, institution of the west, they escalate. and if they receive violence, interrupting router, a slim, for example, between settling militias and i'm assuming forces, then i think as well, i would feel uh they have no choice but to intervene. and therefore, this is another very uh no worrying scenario possum. what's happening? god? yeah, i'm returning to israel's fight against him. us. we've heard the head of israel's or internal security service, say they would eliminate come us, not only in israel and the palestinian territories, but an 11 on turkey and could tar as well. how achievable a goal is this as well?
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it is real, has the code to talk to assess the nations of brought against some of purchases and other palestinian figures that they consider leaders in spring photos of the terrorist attacks. but um, if we take like this right seriously, that would mean that israel would have to eliminate its own words. several thousands is known up to 20 or 30010 miles of purchase because this is the estimated straight from us. and that is a, a grid, a scenario. and i think also a very unrealistic one, if you will take into account the fact that whatever we assess initially for every time to, to legal say how much opportunity for a mazda member, several other civilians would certainly be targeted and certainly die. so this uh you can do the math yourself. this is a a grim and in my view, not very realistic scenario that the international community would comply or as mill is to analyze and then you get a thank you so much. thank you all. and before we go,
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a quick look at some of the other stories making news around the world today. a chinese leaders, aging pain has welcomed his belo, ruzen counterpart, alexander lucas shank. go to beijing in his 2nd trip to china this year. location go, pledge that his nation would always be a quote, reliable partner for his host nation. she's at china would oppose any interference by external forces in bella. rue switch hosts russian forces. prominent hong kong pro democracy advocate agnes chow says she's left the chinese city for exile in canada. 27 year old was jailed, and visioning security crashed down on the once. economists territory says pressure from authorities has left her with mental health issues. at least 11 climbers were found dead, and 3 were rescued after volcano erupted in western indonesia, sending 3 kilometers of ash into the sky. officials say several hikers are still unaccounted for. rocky mountain is on the 2nd highest. are russian alerts
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coming up next we have a special program her with 3 women and asia, sharing their path to happiness through health and nutrition states you for that. i will be back with more headlines at the top of the next hour. the ones small steps for a robot vacuum, one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is i'm looking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time a research team will study the possible risk such.


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