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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  December 4, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm CET

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let's see, chris live behind the discover new adventures in 362 and explore fascinating. both tire a tips, dw world heritage, $360.00. now the hello and welcome to another edition of the 77 percent. the show that gives voice to africa's youth. i'm your host michael team, across africa that information communication technology o i c t sector is expressing must've got the id, say, thought is expected to generate about 24000000000 dollars in revenue by the end of this year. all of this good means opportunities for you, and today i want us to talk about this opportunities and some challenges so here's what's coming up. with the baby to the dean,
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this fall side bubbling includes the name then we go to lagos in that area where the livelihood spoke office as a preston, life pirate. and in gotta, we learn about exciting new developments in artificial intelligence. let's pick off today's show from kenya, where the gatekeepers of the digital. well, the full size, the internet on the right the you know, how platforms like facebook and took talk. we move content. if it shows valez blog, or self hom young canyons have to sit through as of feed, use, and post to make those decisions with little or no mental health support. now, joe bless and traumatized. some of them have decided to take a stand. you know, the ones that i did was very,
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pretty much isaac i usually visit bucks. i don't. uh, maybe at least for my own mental health being close to the trees. you know, the brushing with the leaves say what operating and they would think it comes with those motions. his life is very different than it was a year ago. that's because he's now one of several canyon workers suing some of the biggest tech companies on the planet. i didn't know that i was going to ask for the data an app like they have, like i've seen that, but i played full with 4 uh, customer support agents, content moderation involved screening, user generated images, text and audio for explicit content like blood, weapons or sexual abuse, that's amazing. the content that we used, if you used to challenge them on mental fortitude, you know, you'd find that these are the guests expedius,
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the traumatizing on 6 on the exclusive videos on a continuous basis and step out source employees for tick tock, sub contractor merge, well, logins and his colleagues had to watch over a 1000 flags videos daily and exchange for about 2 years in our montez realized he wasn't the only one struggling with the pressure of digesting dramatic content for long hours with low pay. he raised his concerns with supervisors, but it didn't go as planned. the moment i spoke up spoke, or what do we have of my colleagues. i was automatically blacklisted on a cd because basically i've done years from, from the company for how i used to speak up and the address some time it is that we're facing me. philip believes firing work for voicing concerns is illegal. under kenyan labor law, advocates like mercy moved to me say that more young tech workers are forming unions as a way to fight back to what has been sold as
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a dream for every young king on how do we make sure i protect them for me without a doubt is just safe guiding that right to unionize. that's exactly what matches and workers like him decided to do. he began reaching out to others with experienced the dark side of working for big tech. they to say they were blacklisted from their jobs for speaking up for better pay and working conditions. as members of the african content moderators union there, pressing big tech companies in court for rights and dignity in the workplace. they anticipate that can you ro as an ai, out sourcing hotspot, and want to be prepared people on the box of their lives and that's to effort on the country. so can i see uh, id investigation because it looks for i guess from the university and the drum players. and just keep our body shop. i wanna pass is just full. it's not because k
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i invest taskbar to commit both invest tots. know that a lot of my time, but if they come but it is by political fairmont about the guys. then. in august, genius, president rudo met with tick tock, representatives, ranting the firm. permission to open an official office in the country. more western tech companies are sure to follow. moderators like much as see, they're ready to do the work. provided. accountability is also part of the bargain . and even though the walk was meant all the time is going to be able to think it's, and i lost my job making something that i just did want to do. because um, you know, being the front line and defending the online community. something that's good. um, it makes me feel proud of that. i need that job is there, like i want to leave it off to salt lake. i'm a troublemaker, in order to complete an editing. i guess one of the companies teaching agents sadly,
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you know, and the fabulous to be flex. we don't walk into the d or tennis . that's all the asking for. because what you've seen is not one of last year summer opinion company that was working on behalf of open a i the parent company of chart g, p t was accused of simula felicia's aust, more people go online. the risk of online abuse, violence or exploitation increases and ask me about to find out the abuse that people sofa online can help real world consequences. and this week street debate come all rajeet and continuing fine salt. how young binding y navigates the opportunities on pittsville as of the internet. we have a new the system. welcome to the 77 percent of the debate show for young people by
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young people. this week we receive you in control of the economic capital of bending, and we are going to discuss a topic of concern cyber political until you see there are still more. let's 1st hear from much was much what is an activist against cyber bullying and an influenza? she will tell us about the experience with much why. how did it all start for you? been beverly festival. i was bullied in real life as a teenager. and because of this, i developed a complex, these people harassed you. why not? because of my small breasts. people used to ask me, why don't you brush getting bigger? see if i could change anything of what my breast size. so in 2017 pulling and argument with a friend who knew that i had a complex and book my small address. well, that's possible such as reading things about it on social media. and we've been just one week old on 60000 people had subscribed to my account to my personal facebook profile. definitely. and those people did not subscribe to support me,
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but rather to insult me even. what's a while and now we're going to to talk to mr. seco who is a slam poet of a good dealer? the more busy you've heard much was touching story. do you know people who have been similarly affected by cyber bullying for like a body? see be awesome. all the time i've been trying to do with the type of bullying is that it's could come from your best friend hiding behind. so don't even me off. i'm always watching you and you don't realize it. well thank you very much mr. seco. the other thing we've learned from much was testimony that the hateful comments follow you every way men try this even when you try to escape them. they keep chasing you in a way that the monday uh, i would like to aust missed a fee. that was a who is a young entrepreneur for you with a cyber bullying. start costing me almost that it's easy to hide behind and i like to but most of us what i tell you to come like telling me the same things are
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related today with the internet that are so many ways to attract a percentage from anywhere else in the world, it's like a gift, think there's no way to see each other. so anything goes, i don't take a lot of positions on the internet and it's not because i'm afraid of being harassed or anything, but because as well. all right, we're going to listen to someone here who wants to comment on the theory that men generally are not as often victims of cyber bullying as women. i think you don't necessarily agree with the idea. what does your experience do you know any men who have being bullied online or how do they deal with it? for single more defense in my opinion, it's just that meant don't fail to say it's just because men don't try to fly. and my nose with going, we've been a such enough. i'm just not that man knows where he's going. well, no, no, a mind knows with that's no question. i mean, i might get, the majority of men would not be tempted, replied to comment. so what the do not see them goes on it is that they won't react
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to things that don't help them reach. they'll objectives. and that from last year i say, well, when we attracted like to those comments and the ones that are going to but the, someone here does not agree with that. yes, i'm just making sure it shows us. it was a good to have on the i'd like to react to what did use just said when he says that men usually don't react to that kind of things. i think it's not the case. that's what the people are boss. the only shows it look good and i'll send it by go through it costs. but another aspect of cyber bullying that hasn't been mentioned until now is that is we also contribute to add in social pressure to our own publications that go on by. all right, there are other aspects in this debate. we'll now explore the consequences of cyber bullying. i just saw the some one with the microphone there. what off for you, the consequences of cyber put down a double digit? and you see that i assume will go back to the one thing. when a person is a victim of cyber bullying,
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they will be traumatized and those. and they cannot simply ignore that cyber bullying and the mental issues progressively, per box look, look month. that's just it can have a really severe consequences on everything you undertake on your entire life. social. i mean, mother dispute that the auto mall will keller, or what role should parents play in their children's education to stop sight publicity, and they often more hope with a clue. you can be a stuff, a single and be sign of lead, read through ship, delete that if you can be ahead of states. and besides, i believe simply because you are taking a stand that is politically correct, but someone might not agree with you. and if i duck all of it, so parents need to prepare the children to defend themselves. if they aside, the police get some feedback. absolutely. also welcome and we see that they are 3 actors inside the body and the victim, the bully, c and z. observe,
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it speaks to that i'll be more, might as well quickly, much what you told us about your very touching story when we do need the piece to can you also give us the possible solutions so that young people avoid taking part inside the building. only don't see even if i have small dress it's my will be beautiful and different. think different is valuable. i accept that i am a woman with less cost. the 1st solution is to accept who you to be your seligman. we yes, you and there a accept who you are endorsed that other people get. you don't get good a that's a for to be mentally strong. very well. thank you very much, much. well, i was states must also take more responsibility and ensure that the less young people participate in bullying in a virtual world that is almost permanent, that is in our pockets and follows us every way. thank you so much for following this episode of the 77 percent we were in control. now you too can participate by
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liking the sharing and giving your point of view. what the point of the the internet is, a space where we set opinions. we share ideas and you might not always agree with someone's opinion, but doesn't mean you should believe them. and if you want to see a lot more of that debate, then hit pause right on that youtube address and headed back to that point. you'll see a lot more 5 videos and i'm sure you will love them. and i do have the film industry or not. what is a wealth that largest industry based on the volume of productions, but it barely translates into economic benefits to the phil make us the world bunk . estimates that for every legitimate copy of a film that is sold 9 of this pirated. but how does piracy work? let's find out in the for letting report on the streets,
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both young and old hassling supplies. but when it comes to music in film, the pursuit of wealth sometimes takes of mackie of past. oh my god, what's the point i richard videos everywhere. even the latest movie juggle juggling . it's an illness, it's trade in broad daylight and it's good business for those seeking to make a quick buck. privacy is probably when you wrote people on the a walk real demo gigs on the prophy. on the night, june copyright, little sellers and produces of pirated content can either be find, oh, and present. all about international markets in famous for each rule in mass producing pirated movies offers a wide range of elicit flooring and local films. yet the big question is, where does the piracy start? and how the defenders obtain the movies? that's the most up to understand. for the most part, then,
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what is your mazda has it's, i'm pretty much, well, that's one of the mass production movies, taking into the market for moving markets is to purchase a wholesale prices. many sell us like candy travel from fox to buy movies. that's all about international market. and i always tried to buy a diverse range of movies, including korean and american series, spending several seasons. i sell both foreign and local food. you music, obviously. well young about a well known may, june, comedian, recently said his experience of having his coincidence pirated on instagram. the v cds came complete with his big to n, a fick tie till 4. but he bought the, the new i, i've made also you have to be the one who funds the president, part of that new products on the lord is going to get a good side. is that i own
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a go with. yeah, i was, i got to do, i brought this 5 to the digital shifted to online streaming the demand for video cds, and pirated movies continues to plague mattress entertainments, industrial awesome movie pirates and market. this profit made us content creators calling the thirty's to crack down on treat sofa with little lock, very particular themes, quote antibodies, the what am i for the obvious and the level not good. the i've tried many times, they just called we came down with what is it very, very difficult for the clearly the last need to be a forced or is this something that can be tackled using artificial intelligence? i cannot say for sure. but what i can see is that in gonna a i, technology is changing the way which is done and they've been faster results. recently the country is parliament debates at a low that would regulate how
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a i o plates. but that haven't stopped. they used for me embrace and this new opportunity. let's find out more. the end of it go, the drilled cup to the fuse, the tope cause she's come of money to the across the images they capture a process to the machine learning tool to fix pests and diseases. so thomas can take steps. preventative krupps from suicide. stomach andrews, konica and his team from the clara group are behind the technology. why did they get this? they knew exactly what is wrong and they found notes that they have to glass coffee and try to figure out what is wrong with this. and you kind of just deposition pinpoint exactly what you saw it by the think with ice disease with dice best. that's just a just didn't deformed any kind of control each other call it will teaching hospital in the, in a cra as if you sure, and the is also making it to be g a n a i platform is helping health care well cuz
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read x ray images more effect. it's fixed the diagnosis, festa, reports in families very much as new kids. we are using you guys with a shortage of health workers in many hospitals. the developers of the mental health platform once the a i to to fill the gaps. the only way we can actually catch up with the rest of the well to sleep frog. and this creates a platform for us to be prompt. and your other way to live broke then with a pile of robots. this one's called cello and it's develop, ah, benjamin notate has programmed aids to be a personal assistant answer questions or even help you take your medication. at the right time, you can use cello to, you know, access the elderly within the customer service environment. you can actually place opposition show bad to perform. um, you know, guide people who come around this of america do you know,
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display of prices. this new technology is seen by many as a way to both hold on me and create new jobs and kind of wants to have a bite of that. but there are fees that the existing jobs could be as risk. generally people should be willing to ask joe and then the yeah, i've screwed himself menus goes then how do you guys, how would he, i hope to make your job easy. i need to stop leverage and do stuff. in the meantime, this developers keep pursuing new ideas and solutions they believe can change the fortunes for people in ghana. and beyond. is an exciting, new, filled with lots and lots of opportunities and seeing these young people do. all of the things that they are doing really excites me. now let's focus on something, not i see 2 related, but still amazing that come early and fast and national women's conversion for peace is the winner of the 2023 gym on africa prize. it's 3 representatives sadly
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implemented as the old man and mock one do all fighting for peace and women's rights in your communities. in spite of the various social challenges, like the youngest one crisis on the book of hom, insurgency, they are fighting for young bills and women to have a better life. this is the village of different shot in the south west and come a route. the people here have come from me and fall to get medical consultations and free medicine. clashes between separate systems and the army have disrupted life and left communities defend for themselves. this clinic was setup for the day by s to a mom and a n g o reach out to cam a root. we know that there been a complete break in full of, of, of, of, of a mitigation for people living with h. i v. and it's with the community. people cannot access presence as easily
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without being afraid that they will be tempted to for more than 20 years. as to own mom has led efforts to provide humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable people. thanks to her 1000 people, mostly women and girls benefit from free health care every week. you'll see the need for multiple websites. the need for 5th education. these are the issues with the f as in i'm, i stuff are those same thing as still a mom stands with the women of come a ruling and amplifies day of voices. by helping them set up small businesses, she aims to break the cycle of poverty and depression. one woman at a time it's the start of a new school year in northern. come a ruin lawyer and women's rights activist mocked one do is here to talk to the pupils. she has a special eye on the female people's not old parents. let the girls go to school here in camry woods far north. i'm on the swastikas. my dream is that every girl
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and every boy has the possibility of going to school up to the level they want to, even though it is not just cultural and religious customs that restrict women in this area, the extremist group buckle. hi rob is also active. aisha not a real name is 21. in 2016 book of her rom, captured her entire family and she was forced to marry one of her captives. it was the come. we may not be to him for no reason and constantly raving somebody to a choose to have a minimum of protection. when your husband dies and you're not ready to marry another month within 24 hours, you immediately be headed. you know, it was the lot. i sure escaped bulk of her. i'm with her baby. thanks to month to one. do she receive the psycho social health and financial support? she can now run a business offices you for the see just field trip home. we sometimes live through
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very difficult experiences, but it is important that you need this experiences behind you. but you re gain hope and courage to take your life back into your own hands, like a bustling with dignity home. in fact, so as to said to me, like i shot many of the women carry a traumatic, paused. yet most one do is determined to help them build a better future by me and kind of the route sally with me and works here with the old female organization comment action for gender development. the group of champions, the sexual and reproductive health rights of women and girls, each week, sally blooming and her colleagues with the dozens of calls for help always go all the stuff to the people. we talked to them before, so economic support some sometimes some people absolutely says that they do not have to be able to do that. so you blew me in regularly organizes meetings like
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this one with young girls this morning. she has brought together a total of 20 girls from different backgrounds. they on board, encouraged to speak out about the issues affecting them. the we meant to that yet. she said pick on me, kelly the a to that in terms of yeah wellbeing. what do you do will tell me they don't have it? and then indeed a sheep, they do not have the ongoing civil unrest complicates the groups efforts. bremond is a city in the english speaking pond of come a ruling with separate off fighting to create no tunnel misstate. the conflict has killed and displaced thousands of people. women and children remain the most vulnerable. as inspired by the young women looking up to her for guidance, selling, put me in, continues to pursue dialogue and advocacy to solve the issues in her community. and she's putting women and goals at the for the gym and i forgot. price has been
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awarded since 1993 and, and it's to, it's yes anniversary i cannot imagine. but how witness these women and the organizations i'm making the world a better place for everyone. or despite the telling this offer test is set to an artificial intelligence initiatives are expected to grow. this shows that a continent is resilient. and in today's show we have met young people who embodied that to present it is. if you enjoyed this program, you can give us feedback. just drop us an email or remember to full us on social media. i leave you with this beautiful song by i'm the lead teacher teacher and been a boy. the call this to yourself. enjoy and until next time thanks for watching the
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or the actually ride through the guides know the way around is strictly scientific truth. some pretty cheap places. curiosity is we tried tomorrow today. in 30 minutes on d w. actually we don't have
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a choice. i think that we have little time list to save the planet. so we have students who become as fast as possible. can we abandon fossil fuels completely? some are pioneering the energy transition today. for them, the future is already here. the renewable revolution in 75 minutes on d w. the taste we have a problem. it was in the us middle class income has fairly risen in the last 20 to 30 years 6, perhaps the next week at the same time that keeps right. 300 trillion that the trucks stuff, december 9, dw,
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we are all set and we're watching closely. we all seem to bring you the story behind them. you as we rule about unbiased information. fremont, the,
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this is dealing is going to lie from berlin and is really commander says, the military is close to completing its goals in northern gaza. is really forces are now expanding their offensive into all parts of the territory. listing and health officials say they're struggling to keep up with the flow of the dead and wounded. also coming up. attacks in the red sea, the united states as one of its warships and multiple commercial vessels, came under fire there on sunday. demons who with the rebels claim partial responsibility.


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