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tv   Mediterranean Journey - Cyprus  Deutsche Welle  December 4, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am CET

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multitasking see the modern method because if we do too much, we had it all wrong. we messed things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage, humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary, the, the mediterranean, was once a major crossroads at the heart of the ancient. today it has become a barrier separating europe from africa. is there anything less of a past one share? and what do today's distinct cultures have in common? journalist xena las rog and joe far abdul karim, travel the coasts of the mediterranean, in search of answers. you see yourself as a to be in june and responsibilities. how can you
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help me to join us to get to know the people and their dreams, mediterranean. the it said the waters of the southern coast of cyprus, of the best taste of love. according to mozilla, jean, this is where the goddess fidelity imaged from the sea site. pressed isn't mediterranean melting pumps of civilizations, the ancient greeks egyptians romans, the ottomans and imperial forces came today. it's my journey begins in the picturesque village. took me of
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the cool. it's actually this i finally made is assigned to 1st under condo form. i know i'm guessing here was points no deal. i can't wait to see how it's still for making switch. now i'm going to grab a shower as i'm drenched in sweat on, then it's time to go exploring the nickel store, my foot st. personalize where you're at. africa and asia converge. its position in the eastern mediterranean has influenced the items history since ancient times. in 1974, the independent state twisty volume dates. this house became a republic sledge by greek cypriots. while the news was on keep tied by turkey. mike, i found this magazine well, come about sort of great way to stop my trip with you. i will gladly think through it. so i found this not to come unless cutterson and christina, they have this great idea of, of creating a new wine from an old, great variety. it's, it's always a sugar. i'm meeting them,
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but it's like tough time i came down. we says whole stand, a very winding road leading into the heart of the island. the claim it to you is ideal for wine growing less. dennis mohir knock is, is the vin on the lips of the beaten cost with his wife and christina and the 2 children talked to a here in the true dose, mountains, then making the dreams come the hello. remember looking for you? yes, said o x surge of sweet story i need for your story. and what is this sweet story? the greek cypriots couple of producers that does that wind based on what just might be the oldest wine in the wealth nama, and its successors. i was making wine for the waste of southern grace. i've been working several linus in greece and is elan argentina and south africa. when i came in cyprus of notice and cut the diamond, which is one of them. i'm actually from cyprus. i started abroad and lived and
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worked both for quite some time and uh, when i met the last 30 since everything just kind of made sense and everything kind of fell into place. and because we had so many common interests and especially when it came to work, and that was to create something of our own that had our own identities. christina, i just had his lives and worked for the molto quality before quantity. and that a nama concept is paying off, produced with traditional methods, funding small batches. this mind has been sweeping up awards. i say that relatively new wine, only 5 years old for us is a baby. i mean, you can see on the these, these things on the color, it wouldn't be so another 5 years it will stay in the bar with a dark color. yeah. wow. to hello. every intense, the,
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i'm sorry. i was, i totally different to the ones that it would be is the same thing with an architecture, jesus, uh huh. building building. we cannot understand what to do with the account just by looking at me. this is a good part of being a one major reasons. taste is so sweet and i taste honey. first of all, the way where some drying the grapes is making it sol dental. and we don't have don't mean entitlements. we'll have a complexity too. if you make a quick sun drying process, yeah, you destroy the aroma of the complexity of the wine to walk to get that s like comfortable as a couple. how is that? the islands going to say the least very fun. i had to cost quite a good few years to actually separate our duties within, within the company within the brian and kind of said, right, okay,
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this is where your boss and this is where i am boss, christina, trained goldsmith. cent. leftist. and they know they're just found it the company in 2009, and they don't only care about that wind, but it'll say the packaging. this is my workshop, my design room, where we make got all of the sort of the labels and where i do a lot of the design works, okay? because most of it actually goes on in here. when the one actually starts being produced, we have 4 products at the moment and every product has a different label. one of our fossils on on that um it says here uh, both number $292.00 of a total of a $1678.00. so that's how we number up of tools on is selling silver button. we have the lever that goes on the top that works as a steel. mm hm. um, obviously for sustainable reasons, we didn't want to use a plastic support. i thought here with my, with my left leather and my throat for many, many hours. i said, trying to figure out a way to um, to securely keep the quote numbers. yeah. every single but every single part. all
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the great, so dried on the vine for up to 60 days before harvesting. so they're already extremely sweet. sunlight might be vital for grapes, but i prefer the shades. it's very, very hot, so i don't understand how you can work your lives. yeah. and the very hot friends every day as this is the reality. we live in the fields, we work in the field. we may wear suits and goats presentations and big events, but it's not exactly what we are. we are part of all on that. the biggest percent that so for the qualities made by nature and the rest is a shame on thoughts time to leave the mountains and to the coast. cypress is the surgeon, i just diamond in the mediterranean office to city and cutting in my next to station is i and the beautiful little result with the european union's eastern most
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i'm meeting don't to do is touch you on the marine biologist is tracking in new intruder in the sources. climate change has made the mediterranean into an attractive living space. what might look like a stomach cruise is actually over such expedition. lewis and his colleagues carlos work for and on the tuesdays a non profit organization. so moving income sedation. and there was such as best done on the part that always headed down today with the grain teen joining us at 2 domains is to have, you know, to tell us about the company and the lights they should be there. once again,
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pop from the side came from the red sea. we're not sure if some of the eggs us through this to is the i'd love to dive in with them and see what's going on down that i'm going to skip the diving into the deep blue is no mean feat the to research isn't working on an e, you funded projects, change it coming, this has been a mistake. they have to find us to count them. the risk expects to find many around
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the building to get here, the rocky reef stuff in plenty of nukes and crannies to heighten. since 9 fish have no natural predators, they've been able to spread practically on, checked with each female, laying up to 2000000 eggs. the yeah, the the behavior kind of late the,
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the, if it were up to do is the snow ne, to fish would be caught and sold to eat all this to cause got me thinking about foods, time to head, to the muscle on the island, southern coast i'm surprised by them both knocked tech trip. cyprus is 2nd largest city and especially impressed by its splendid new marina, completed in 2014 a good place to come to fish. quite thomas. i've got a very exciting day ahead of me. i'm not going to be do i have to go out and buy fish? i lose that. have to prepare myself hobbies thankfully i'll be getting expect help from my new friend loading on the
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movie to minus the chef and he sells me to pick up to go head see bring my to speak the language. so have to get by with hand just as they fall. so good. the people say really scaling them here. so how did, how most of the scales been? that's up to you. and we could have said that to do that. how does so many people appreciate good food and drink that goes to the cypriots to in his restaurant to p a to key a ready to minus breathes, new life into traditional vicious. i can't wait to see what the olson and across the chef has in store. for me, so you are very kind enough as to bring us 2 beautiful, beautiful, fresh friday from the fish market to us. how many of especially going into baby
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potatoes? i said yes. style those of one of my favorites my, the rest of. okay, so that's what we're going to do. let's good guy. i take one. yeah. yeah. so this is not all the way in just through the skin, so that the slave we can get into it. we're going to do a lovely, bright green sol such as going to need lots of fresh, possibly beautiful cypriot and oregon, which i have 2 babies and of course garlic and you make sure that all of the flavor goes into the valley. yeah. okay. and goes into all of these crevices. ok, i see how it will print travel, fish. i remind me i'm on the side in morocco, and it's called shamela. okay. yeah, i would love you to like, how would we make this guy to assemble that past one of the american people? they look at me at no time. oh
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kelly, immediately looks divine with dependence. so as normally we put it also in a slower of the home says you hello, this is to have somebody else cooking for me, the you the problem with a lot of my friends. okay. now the land. yeah. but people use the excuses. they said to cook for me, for the flight. i'm very curious what you say. no, i'm looking so forward to explain it. to be honest. it's either the solution. no, thank you. what in greek we say yes. i said yes. so which means
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a blessing and you'll have what do you want to do now, the last thing is just the pencil in moultrie. i see that it's my. yeah. and we got some korea and the quote on this to see exactly exactly. so just pressing but just texting me enough so that the play that comes out. okay, so now we want to make sure i have big these again in the oven, in white wine and olive oil. so now what you want to do is just cover that. ok, or i love to be here because i was we do is to have to come which but my love, this is what i'm like because you know each one of us feel that all members of food is the best and our grandmothers food is the best but it's not particularly that it's a color, mary, you know, the lights, but it tastes magnificent to you because it's from the hands of the prism. it loves you. there's
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a vis or tasting. so look up beautifully. that amounts. okay. mm hm. 7 inches to the plus i don't like boiled colleagues, but here is perfect. okay. yeah, i love it so much the name of rudy's restaurants, a p as a key, i mean little tapes funded schools. the covered with plates from all over the world . i say one place from no wow exactly. have um grow up next time i have to bring a play from morocco. that could be fantastic because i don't have one from the time is very much my pleasure. the,
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the next step is the tombs of the king, the apostles. but this isn't a royal burial site. it's web local aristocrats when they to read the greek roman and ultimate implants of cool less than la. com site. chris, one very visible reminder of its cost to becky, a portia aqueduct, new non nica, geographically speaking, slight pressed is closer to asia, but politically, it's culturally it's positive. you read the to the division of the islands between the republic of site 1st and the south and the turkish control newest and 1974 lead to the creation of a de militarized buses zone. guarded by un peacekeeping forces. this so called green line separates the 2 signs. it's not any dusted with ghost towns this bit to the contested demarcation line also comes straight to the capital,
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nicosia. here in no man's land is where i'm going to meet mario. send to new piece parts of the organizations by case the cross bowery is sweet choices. unique, blank tools that cross the divide by we know, hey, where is i leave it up. i lost the buffer zone about to head north in the search criteria. and this was always throughout the years of the surface division that a check point that remained open after presenting our passports and the check points normally say quickly kicks and again, things are a little different here though. the majority of people here, muslim no christian, they speak to kish, the greek. they carry different ideas and have a different government. so this was the fear me, me, of course there's over time. all these old houses,
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look at this one over here. it's like a russian style just a little bit, these were the prime proper fees or for the most affluent, the armenian people of the community over here, the . so there any casias sandwich primarily used usaid funds and fixed monuments, but all so the streets, but to fail only fix the facade of buildings. most of the buildings in the street are hop trip, but many of them have never seen any renovations, even on the facade since the early 2, thousands. oh, when the, the nicholas yeah. must have planned fixed place area. maybe when we come back again, i use a face to face for we'll have collapse. okay. we have to look at another movie
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at the so many beautiful building. oh yeah. busy okay, the to the left, we have the out of me and church and say for work because the catholic church, the catholic church, the pension is in fact on the other side of the boxes on the now we will head back to go see one of the most of the see because here for election locks. yeah. okay. the . * the,
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as we see the most could with bills as the most know what am i saying just because when the ultimate entered into an associate, when they call into this type of insurance for catholic churches all the time being to most therefore we have most right over here that look like the dresser. so we have here the classic, the most with one main domes and for half of those around this and then 3, those in the front. so we see how a lot more a is a work on the line stone on the me not it is. it is really spectacular. an event today on cyprus tools to explain the tomorrow. i'm heading to the beach. cypress space,
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300 days of sunday yet. and i've reached the temperature of 20 degrees celsius count this cultural treasures on 620 kilometers the beach is a china taurus from around the world. in 20142400000 visitors came here by 2019. that number had reached full many of the tourists eastern means majestic waste. the conservation organization at the is battling against the grubbing problem of trash on the beaches and its impact on the environment. one way they do this is by raising awareness of schools during the summer school, kids on site press carry out speech cleanup memory. yeah, we do around 4 on site 1st. we're trying to think god is in pete's school attendance activities and see the problem. it's
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a hands on experience for them. they see what's the problem and some of these expands that get more than just the navy because they're too late to get the. 6 the hi, this is tia toodle from the organization for strode along the beach. oh, you mean the
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kansas points out one company in particular. it's difficult to suppose because it's benny visible a month this times, the very rarely how can you see it over there? at the beginning of the course, we have the the buttons of microsoft like you so me over the yeah. you've never had the chance to connect piece of it confusing and then they start the what's the problem with that they, they stop spinning. they actually race yes. i mean,
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we have in these products, we think that we're trying to use model without border asap piece to bring that together at least when it comes to cleaning up the trash, the north and the south. i mean, agreement the, the of the roof. i mentioned here some incredible people here with great ideas. great ideas for preserving cultural heritage while bringing it into the here and now i'm looking forward to the next leg of the jetta. yes. but now i'm off to enjoy the coast of site press a little bit longer than i assume by the
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2 years after the taliban re took power and it's gone. it's done. international troops of withdrawn from thousands of people's fee of the islamists revenge. the german government had committed to protect them with the resettlement programs . port has come of these promises close up in 30 minutes on the w a pulse,
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the beginning of a story that takes us along for the ride. it's about the perspectives culture information. this is the, the news, the w. mine's, the taste. we have a problem. it was in the us middle class income has fairly risen in the last 20 to 30 years. at the same time debt keeps rising. don, no,
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but this is derek. g leads to higher unemployment and slows down the economy was economy, which includes the deposit of the 300 trillion that that trump dot, december 9th on dw, runs small steps for a robot back to one giant leap for exploiting the ocean. slow cutting edge technology is i'm looking at the potential of deep sea mining. but this time a research team will study the possible risk sucks. in order to minimize that, we have an opportunity to get it right before we start. environmental activists of skeptical rules fail billions to be made out to the entries deep. the greed dots, december 7th on dw, the
12:00 am
or you're watching the double you use live front or lean. he's rouse, military rent, round soft air strikes in south and gone to i said, why didn't see it's offensive against hamas militants of tanks had been reported in the, the southern city of con eunice. that's where tens of thousands of displaced palestinians have been trying to find safety and shelter. posts are coming off, the pos will cycle and base down on southern india. the storm has begun. battering the region with heavy rains and strong winds. they have an expected landfill within hours. several people have already been killed.


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