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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 5, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the, the we news line from berlin is really forces seeking to wipe out her mouth, pushed further into southern casa, israel's military constructs. it's forces on con, units and orders a massive valuation from the city. but palestinians say areas they've been told our space are coming under fire. also coming on the challenges that lie ahead for
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israel's military to achieve it stated goal feel i'm a nation of the is limits militant group come up. plus china is the world's worst pollute are, but it's investment and renewable energy technology could help the rest of the world make the transition away from fossil fuel. the i'm the call for lunch. welcome to the program. israel has stepped up as bombardment of southern gaza as its forces expand their ground defensive israel has told hundreds of thousands of civilians to evacuate from the area around on unit scott is a 2nd largest city there urging people to head towards the mediterranean coast or further south towards the roof of border crossing with egypt is really military says it's targeting homos, which is classified as
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a terrorist group by multiple countries. the world health organization says that the situation in gaza is getting worse by the hour. a scene on eunice residents say they are running out of safe places to go as well. savvy, a little bump. bomb and surround they, savvy of southern gaza, is now relentless with the number of dead. and in just being delivered to this hospital growing by the way among them. abraham's 2 month old son ad. none for just days into this conflict. and now lying injured on a hospital bed again, and they told us to leave god. so there's
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a warning cause of so we left the north and came here to the south just like they asked. but this is what we found in the south. there's what can we do? this is my son. he was born on the 2nd day of the war, and we haven't been able to register his birth yet. the israel's military has cooled some more evacuations and southern gaza, as it continues to extend its ground operation against thomas militants. this latest video from the israel defense quote, this is set to show troops involved in close quotes of fighting inside the gaza strip. although we're not told, well, when this quoted you was taken is ready. tanks have been reportedly spotted close to han eunice in the south.
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what's a good idea of forces in the gaza strip continue to expand ground operation of familiar with the tax today with fighter jets and the entire gaza strip. much more significant and very precise strikes based on intelligence. in addition, we are expanding the ground operation against the mazda centers of gravity, everywhere in the gaza strip. for those choosing to flee. this is walter white's in this so called save soon. people say they are getting no help and do the best to set up, make shift shelters. however, on wherever, how long they'll be able to seek refuge here. nobody knows what a certain value is as real as determination to wipe out time us. but it's offensive inside garza is unlucky to stop until that
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mission is accomplished. that's bringing shayna low from their norwegian refugee council. she joins us from jerusalem. shanika to see you again. the is really are me says it's taking action against time. us close to the city of hon. eunice in southern gaza. what does that mean for the civilians in the area? a civilian doctor has been told multiple times that they need to move 1st from northern god. then god, the city to why the god that south of what the god that and now from southern gaza, even further south or west. there's since b is not space for these people to move their art facility is able to accommodate them. shelters are already bursting out the themes and the places that people are being told to go because they're allegedly safe or, or not. they. we are cells have had staff that have been injured this week in the air strikes on rock and have family members. and there's killed as a result of these airstrikes demonstrating that really there is no safe place for
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people to flee. meanwhile, the ongoing fighting in hostilities have made it incredibly difficult for humanitarian agencies to be able to have any sort of effective response. right now, most agencies are limited to operating within the rock. but in the southernmost part of garza, we ourselves have had to suspend operations because it simply is not safe for our staff. and they are able to reach that be that we have stored in their houses that we were hoping to distribute these days. you say there is no safe place left for civilian. let me rephrase the question then, what is the safest place for civilians right now and gaza? you know, i, i really, it's impossible to answer that because, well, there might be some places that are getting struck with less awe. struck with less the environment. there really are no safe places. our staff has that up in the
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office in southern. got that and bravo. i was on the phone with them a couple of nights ago. hearing maybe shells coming in nearby. this isn't an area close to where people have been told to flee in addition to places that they're be being told to flee to don't have any facility is able to accommodate them. so if they, even if they are spared from bombardments, they not spared of exposure to the elements risk of spread of diseases because people are in close quarters. are risk of diseases from on, on the clean water and on safe food. and just general lack of hygiene. so there really is no safe place. the only way to guarantee the safety of palestinians in gaza right now is a piece fire, a permanence, a theme cease fire so that people can return to their homes and start rebuilding, which will take of course, not months but years. yeah. you say that your organization has had to suspend its operation in gaza. the gardens are still in need of life saving humanitarian supplies. maybe more so than ever. how much and what kind of
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a is actually getting through them? they're still r e trucks coming through some of those trucks have food, water, medical supplies, but we go, cells have been unable to safely access the that we have inside of garza to be able to distribute it. i think there's a very, very limited amount of 8 that is going in right now. uh, the south southern part of casa is effectively cut off from the middle part of garza, which is effectively cut off from northern garza. and so the middle in northern areas, i do not believe that any aid trucks are able to reach them, certainly not in the north. and the, the operations that are, are ongoing are very limited and even seen just yesterday, the world health organization announced that these really army had ordered them to remove supplies from to warehouses. newhan eunice, because they were going to be,
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were military operations would take place. this just simply is not feasible to have any type of humanitarian response. the effective while there's ongoing hostilities shayna low from the norwegian refugee council, all the best to your colleagues. thank you. so much you of israel has said one goal of its campaign and gaza is to destroy from us which to remind her of yours is considered a terrorist organization by several countries. now the head of israel's domestic intelligence service has stated that it will eliminate hamas leaders around the world. here's a look at what israel has done so far and how difficult it state of goal might be fighting, raging and southern gaza. israel has expanded its campaign against a mosque while operations continue in the north. even after israel claimed nearly a month ago, that homicide lost control there. or mr. clement, i forgot it for the truce in northern garza, we dismantled to him, asked brigade,
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hawkins did not completely yet. so i'm, we're still working inside to secure our accomplishments in my dying at the strikes more battalions. good. let's go ahead and do the israel says it is kills thousands of him off fighters, but come off, it was estimated to have about $30000.00 fighters before the war started and many of them are still around. israel also said it's destroyed hundreds of homos tunnels. seen in this video, released by the idea of how mazda is, have 16 years in gaza to build an extensive network that runs the entire length of the country, which will make it extremely difficult to eliminate them. all is real, has targeted many him, us commanders is really newspaper you'd. you'd published images of a deck of playing cards showing top leaders, including if use in well and military head mohammed dev,
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distributed amongst as rarely soldiers. but the senior leadership is thought to still be alive and commanding the group from con eunice. that's also where the most hostages are believed to be kept. as human shields. thomas also has officials far beyond kaiser in the west bank and in lebanon, where they are increasingly aligned with others, or how does movements the political leadership lives in guitar and their fundraising officials and turkey as well. to the campaign in garza, it has also cost and estimated $15000.00 palestinians their lives so far. worldwide support for the palestinian cause has spread far beyond the region. the growing number of civilian casualties and the dire humanitarian crisis will very likely play into how a mazda is hands making the groups resurgence even more likely, possibly dragging the war out for years. beyond all these challenges, it's far from clear. what is real would do if it did defeat, how boss is real, hasn't presented
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a plan for how it or anyone else would run guys of a more i'm joined now by christina couch. she's deputy managing director of the driven marshall fund south think tank. good to have you on the w, christina. israel says it wants to eliminate how much not only in gaza, but everywhere. do you think they can succeed? and i think they know very well the concept see, given the nature of mice, which is a military organization which is a charitable organization and most importantly is the governing house or the not. and the zip report was thing. it's not only is leadership, but also supervisors all spread across the world. so i would interpret views. the formulation of the is a goal to eliminate how mazda, worldwide, one of the top of the public diplomacy line. they know this is not attainable. this is a way of showing, of course, showing resolution uh,
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showing results and, and i think that's what it is clear that they need to define exactly what that means because it can mean different things. i mean, the deconstructing him off those military capacities, which would mean killing all the most to own or, you know, as most of it's leadership deconstructing, it's military capacity eliminating it's weapons. i missile awesome. i'll destroy him all the time. oh, so in other words, it didn't come off as capacity to so i military, that would be one, but it shouldn't been another action would be illuminating the possibility to come off can be a political economy for us in the goddess chair. that's another uh dimension. but then of course, there's also, uh, the, the, the, the, uh, the, the, the narrative, not all that from us. not managed to stand for this strike on something or to what
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was already an international companies across the waiting for almost uh they have managed across people across the world to, to i'm, i'm certain people who are, you know, receptive for extra minutes for the extra missed what the guy got to unfortunately themselves as the defender of the disenfranchised the post seem to find the off your well the list and randy tries. so i think this will be very difficult and easy to see. the needs to be find better. what it means by eliminating come off, yet some analysts say the scale of the military operation will leads to increased radicalization of how can israel then when the battle for hearts and minds in gaza . that is indeed very difficult. um, there is the, the outbound lisa fall has shown over the years that every time there is, is really pumped on by the coming out of the gods of jeff. this has increased
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support for how much the idea. so given that this, a war now is bigger in dimension than anything that everything over the past decade . and you can assume that the adverse effect on what to put it mildly on most people think of is all what people think of all of the goals, the term us complaints thoughts out, which is a to defend the rise of the palestinians, who if by all means necessary uh will be even more popular. and um, you just need to switch on the tv and look at the pictures of and, and gov. uh, the way that in the billions are indiscriminately changed around the phones, killing women, children the thing with desktop, while you will have the most visa numbers, but i think it's around 13000. now. it's clear that that this will not when anybody saw the mind on the white on the country,
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this is not conducive to say the security. this will all the country created generation of resentful angry people. this is best for people who are very receptive to any form of extra man. yeah, just just to tell our viewers here that israel, of course, and says that they are doing what they can to protect civilian lives. but i want to talk about what happens after this war, however, it ends. israel says that homeless will not rule. god side also says that israel fault real gaza, the palestinian authority lacks true authority, and other regional players are in too keen on getting involved either. so what do you think will take charge and will the pal, assuming people get to stay in it as well? the big question, what comes up to the is really government has a big us very big isn't just contradictory position on this because they want to control the security of the gaza strip. but they don't want to rule the street, which is a contradiction. they don't want to pay for teach,
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so they don't want to run the government. the a heard you provide services, but they do want to control that the security that you want to make sure that not no upside but this, that ever happened there. and they do want to make sure that that bad know, estimate both the standard with the dollar straight. no, the problem is that nobody else wants to take over. now i think the, the most, the, the end, the problem is also why this question is not resolved. the more infrastructure government structure you destroyed, and the more likely is there to be a lot to him. but of course, is going to be taking advantage of by estimate forces by, in a moment, you know, both inside the guy that's driven outside. so this is a very dangerous addresses. the situation has a very short time. so it seems to be that crystallizing right and these data to be the most the right now, the most likely option might be some sort of combined guardianship
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with the help of you and organizations would be here for some reason. it locked there's to be determined. it's a national organization, so you know, some sort of like a, like a coalition where everybody would be shipping and, but again, it is a very blunt and nobody really wants to take charge. it's very up to you right now . and the people are very unlikely. and to be prominent involve isn't the device, even though i would think that the, the community would try to make sure, uh that whatever routing authority is there is going to have a minimum of legitimacy, which would mean that the people who call the guy that we've talked to have to say christina cost deputy, managing director of the german marshall fund. so thank you and a quick look now at some other developments connected to the war between israel and how most israel is held and events of the united nations in new york hoping to draw
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awareness of sexual violence against women during the october 7th attacks by a mazda organizer say the u. n. has ignored the rape and mutual lation of women from us, denies that it's fighters, committed sex crimes. israel's military says it's fighter jets has struck, has the positions in neighboring lab and on the claims. this was in response to missiles being launched into israel on monday as the lot is backed by iran and is considered a terrorist organization by the us, germany and others. carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels are set to hit a record high this year. that's according to a new report release today. the global carbon budget reports as emissions from coal . oil and gas are still rising driven largely by india and china, the world's biggest emitters. but historically, china has still contributed less than the united states to climate change. and it's
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investing heavily in renewable energy. the 3 blankets of small here in china is capital beijing, north to red recurrence, while ad quality has improved, it's still a big problem. a major cause is burning coal. we're still unfortunately heavy, decayed to fossil fuel. we actually burn yeah, ogden. now, how often global coal comes on ship every year in china is the world's biggest pollutant responsible for almost a 3rd of all carbon dioxide emission and it's continuing to run pump. it's use of fossil fuels in 2022. the nation permitted 6 times more cold project than the rest of the world combined, according to one report. one reason is climate change. the country is being heavily impacted by global warming and to release his heat waves, a leading to more demand for air conditioning. another reason is industry, china is
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a global leader and both steel and cement production sectors with high energy needs . replacing coal is not easy, particularly when he doesn't have a viable alternative. if a high quality heat is not impossible, but it's very difficult to achieve that. in a very large electricity system, purely whether nichols, china is leading in clean energy to china's investment and renewable energy. in 2022, the wolf dropped the nation's more than $270000000000.00 compared with other big investors like the european union, with $55900000000.00. i mean lighting states with $49500000000.00. china produced is 80 percent of oil solar panels, and there's also a huge manufacturer of wind turbines, electric vehicles, and batteries, driving its own move towards clean energy and making it cheaper for other countries
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to also move forward. and those factors are primarily boost data over the last decade or so on by china is strongly industrial policies and it includes, you know, china's ability to lock ah, be with the supply chains off those key technologies in a very short period of time. it also has a lot to do with just the sheer size of our domestic market. china is set to hitch its highest c o 2 emission levels by 2025 at the latest off to which it's emissions will start to draw, helped by huge investments and renewable energy. but unless it abandons its colla diction, seems like these are likely to disappear any time soon. journalist fabi and catch mind joins us from beijing fabi and as mentioned before, just in 2022. china invested more than $270000000000.00 in clean energy. but is that enough as well?
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it's really difficult to assess. it's china's performance because it's sending so mixed signals. so if you look at china investments into renewables and it's really impressive, and on a global scale, it's unprecedented. i give you just 2 examples. the predictions for this year 2023 of that you know, china will invest in total 70 percent more and renewables than the european union. and the u. s. combined. and also electric motor mobility. china is needing by 5 by, you know, 2025. more than half of the newly sold v codes will be electric. but if you ask me, is it enough? i think it's only enough is china will manage to um, yeah, decrease its high energy demand and that is not happening yet. so i would say, even despite that really impressive investment into renew, but we're not um where we should be at this point. how can we understand the contradiction that china well,
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investing heavily in renewable energy is also building a record number of nuclear power plant. yeah, that's a big contradiction. and if you ask the government here, why are you know, building so many new coal power plants? i mean that is against the, the adults that a seating thing also gave, i mean, basically it's against the green trends formation that the government will always say, yes, those poll paul plants, we will not run them as high capacity. um they are more of a backup plan in case there's not enough. what's apple? oh hydropower. or is this a long lasting draught in somebody, etc. and i mean this something to it, but you basically you have new infrastructure and you called paul pets and it's very unlikely that they will be retired in the, in 10 or 15 years. so that's really a wrong signal. i think the called the problem is that the china economic model is a highly energy intensive. i'm. it relies on real estate and relies on huge infrastructure projects on industrial manufacturing, etc. so that requires a lot of energy and as tulsa, i think the government,
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the things that can combine both, it can keep its economic model at the same time and pause it with renewable energy . and from my opinion, i think this will be almost impossible to achieve me. all of that set of global carbon emissions from fossil fuels are set to hit a record high. we just got a new report today and china had a lot to do with it. didn't yes, so according to the new report, china is mostly responsible to china and india. is it just to be fair and for the increase in and the cost of the this is still and why is that $1.00 reason is also um, a one time reason. china, basically one year ago listed all the 0 corporate restrictions and had a pin demick rebundle trust the rather the late. so now we saw a lot of, you know, construction and a lot of, um, you know, um production of, of, of us cement, etc. because after 3 years of pet damage, it was a, now there was a rebound. so uh, but still it, it's definitely, um,
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allow me that china is responsible for the increase of fossil fuels and we should. yeah, keep an eye on that. so it's probably on customer. thank you so much. on a quick look at some of the other stories making use around the world today. dozens of nigerians have been mistaken me pills in an army drowned, strikes. bombs were accidentally dropped on a northwestern village where civilians were celebrating. a muslim festival president say they have buried 85 people and that 60 people are in hospital. nigerian president has called for an investigation a powerful cycle and has slammed into the southern indian state of under per dash, causing devastating flooding. millions of people were taking shelter. s i phone me, tongue, made land full and the neighboring town will not do. state rental random slash flooding is still at least 8 people. here's a reminder of our top story today. are these really military is pushing ahead with
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its ground and aerial offensive against him? aust militants and southern gauze up hundreds of thousands of thousands indians have been told to evacuate from the area around on units. us as many don't know where they can go for state. we've asked more headlines of the top of the next hour
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. thank you for your company, the a pulse, the beginning of
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a story that it takes us along for the ride to perspective culture information. this is the the news w mines. 2 years after the taliban re took power and it's gone, it's done. international troops have withdrawn from thousands of people's fee of islam is revenge. the german government had committed to protect them with the resettlement programs. to watch us come of these promises close up in 45 minutes on d,
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w. the manuals engine, via you belong to the 77 percent, because who i don't go to 65 last last you'll stop. and here's 3 reasons why. 1115. we are here to help you make up your mind. because i'm much up to you from table topics the new culture financial team and let's say together what's the quote what can be done to reduce the funds, carbon footprint, promise to fund and manage his fields. once you receive your slide start one form, it shows us the way how did cows to see as to rounding. what do they see and see? how should people approach that?


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