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tv   Kick off  Deutsche Welle  December 5, 2023 3:30pm-4:01pm CET

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to discover, change your mind just a click away. find out best document trees on you to see the world, the subscribe. know to dw documentary the called the pro. is there any short simple, we go for the one they've signed and receive the new and good will. 5 years ago the me to movement reached bollywood how much has changed since that escaping poverty. a young woman in brazil is helping people on low income set up a financial plan, the and of to the african savannah why one
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conservationist is on the hunt with his camera in the me to has had a huge impact on the lives of many women in the phone of 2017 american act, alyssa, milano, made an appeal to women on social media. if you've been sexually harassed or assaulted right, me to as a reply to this tweet, millions of women responded. a global movement was bull. when you start to unbutton your bad desired, her dress soft and with one hand to holding on the back to me as soon as just one trust of him associated implied. these are professionals who are simulating an intimate, seen the quality, all the fees and be filmed. with actors for the forthcoming volley would movie.
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stage royce is rado new to the eyes, intimacy coordinators. it is a department that deals with very valuable seen. so this seems that for performers in extremely sensitive spaces, many bollywood actors see they have felt violated by assuming intimate scenes. these professors hate set ground rules for consent and safety during filming. this is one of the changes that is slowly making its way into mainstream bollywood phones. because of what happened. 5 years ago in late 2018 body wood was dropped by allegations of me 2 against several prominent producers, directors, actors and celebrities. this was after the fall moments, india and actor. then we'll see that the abuse technical actor not bought the goods of sexually assaulting her during filming or for song on the said. so for a movie during live, janice equate i was there and witnessed what took place. she told the story to do
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it now called x. with it spread like wildfire. like i put together a series of tweets and clean it out a little way, not knowing what was going to follow. i remember in less than a few minutes actually you started getting the lead. tweeted like easy then the meet a woman took the lights of life. it's all they put a few days. that's all it was like every day there was either a phone voice, not a d, a someone from a different industry or comedians act does. everyone was being caught out the phone, i'm about to raise a prominent play vaccine, good in volleyball. after the meet the movement, the game theme, she decided to be co sign and i caught it out to people on the link and kayla k. the big names, one is a music director. composers,
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somebody who gives what to play back soon goes. it's the whole system in bollywood . so big part of the music industry collage kate is a huge, big music guy who said this very well calling out and did some go to use, not necessarily of the people who bought a cues, but on the visit floors them says, the fact that i spoke up was troublesome for them. it created some kind of orthodontic view from within the search like this one, many of them in one knows what happens. okay, then the backlash, i didn't expect that i'd be towing off the television show. so they kept it safe and clean the to me out of the show. so now my about john lost some projects, but 5 years on, she's made a document the door to the band and has her own music label. but she no longer feels she can 1000 people on board was on the movement,
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did have some great book rushes, production houses. what does all streaming giants demanded better combined and the waves of a debate about consent and complicity. but so far there have been no convictions, and overtime the men who would accuse received was asked of it and some evil underdone, more thoughtful, then before so has anything changed for actors still struggling to make the vein to the limelight? many of the many live in this rod, the unglamorous spark of moon, bye, in formerly known as desktop los calling me one of the scheme here 5 years ago to become a bollywood hero. and but she has struggled to find good drawings. she says it's hard without any connections in the industry. and many men in positions of baba wanted her for just one thing. i to say clearly
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where the community are spoken to come through is a very short simple sweep. go photo a nightstand thing. and you see fit, who are new and good. welcome living and moon by is expensive and book is hard to come by. mona and her flat, made stride to pick up smaller drawers. why they are waiting for the big break the see, they regularly have to deal with predictors at the workplace. oh, by the name that coordinate the was dropping all of the female actors. so i was the one who is dropping again. i still have no words that was the touching you well, that's good. why wasn't catching me? he was touching himself. covian was over. i was perplexed and didn't know what he wanted to go. and i guess out of me do found expression in main stream productions
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signaling change cream. i'll include that. sure. last of rights and direct popular streaming shows some we've been lost and smiled. so i made a show quite well, maybe a gums story of the sexual harassment of the workplace. and then there's one young or um, you know, was new in the one it was. she's a junior in the bang. she comes out in her story and nobody wants to need help, but it's a thing go for the or look at it. the see of the bank, the played by will jump 100 more minutes of i've gotten after him something, but the number to survival is the caddick to eventually close out her book by 3 to many years later. it's hard to break things in one shot. so i guess it's a process, the went along good that she lost of joined the ball. it will be your symbol. there were hardly any women at out. now she's the star kind of sweet spot in the industry when her work achieves commotion,
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success. she's now making space so that more women can be heard. the one big shift that has definitely happened is that are so many move in on a set. so i think that i'm all of them in a system that actors move them in assistance and the dollar for the new level of them. and it goes and you know, if that's how it's sort of works annually. quanch's hiring mix shuttle highly announced women in or like, you know, in berries, whether it's as visual needs. it's other systems and all of that. you know, not has another audition here she's doing profiles, shorts, in hopes of being big as an extreme defense. but she's still battling with the same dilemma. the problem for me is that the money will not compromise. and then i only have one thing, my talent and my skills, and i want to move ahead with that high you. but no one wants to see that cases off
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. and i do think this is all of useless that i should go back home. but the more not situation and the situation of many before heard deflect the power dynamics of the industry. so has anything changed as a result of volley woods? me to? i think the wind for see i've seen been among the launch because i think the power structures in the industry and the wind changed and in the u. s. and the meeting was meant to me to when happened. it was a very strong investigation. marietta and therefore they had a lot of stuff to different go to court. we then all of that. i don't think we had that to your so i think he already just became more likely loving, quite loud. and then, you know, it was like some of the bad enough things that he came of it or so it's to think of in this as cause for the, those that are, those to be more careful produces are lot more careful that these things shouldn't happen on the 6 and the ones who are waiting to sort of become your allies and
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change that, conditioning that a lot more then in a smaller number, but they are also the and what about more not dilemma we she find in on so which we keep trying a when she leaves, the almost one set of brazil's population lives in poverty, millions of those residing and poor communities on the outskirts of cities until bless. many of them are in debt. but there's hope in the form of some tailor to find that to advice. crump and tail tech. that's the image. many houses rios pull communities but what to the people who live has think
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jersey nissan toner is happy and how community. she's busy building up her writing business. it's an open. i nail studio at the local. bizarre no matter what prices come and go, beauty is always important. so when you just want to look good, like somebody on a here, she takes good care of herself and eyebrows. that many have a problem during debt and shows you all. nissan toner is no exception. a matter of 3, she called to full to splash out on on these things i got into debt using my credit card. and i haven't been able to reduce that amount of debt because
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the last few years have been difficult since this town and demick she still help from us financial advisor who's focused on helping in published communities. it's the only thing you leave will be organized and create a financial plan, a sure it's annoying, but if you do it, it's so much easier to make your dreams country one of my spice comments, that's because out of financial paneling, you know what you can afford today you'll be debt free and no longer need to pay when the interest rates on your death. i'm giving a full 5 guys orders out. she's just one of many types from not chief and i'm says will finance not to leave as natalia rodriguez calls herself for 25 year old who used to live in a poor community. she gained a degree in business administration and now runs of stopped up the financial consulting. i used to get up at 5 am. i had to take re buses to the center every
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a. i 1st went to work and then studied business administration in the evening and i didn't get high, you know, to the 11 p m value. then i'd would code my 1st videos in my room, getting financial to stop assessed videos with quite simple to do since then, she's produced hundreds of clips and now has hundreds of thousands of followers. most of them live in a poor area just like she used to and she thinks the st. the castle with your credit card so you can lose control, so fine. so they never give you a call to anyone else. otherwise, you don't have to pay all said that, i give you the gold rush. i'm also on 2 sides of results, population, or inductance. the poor especially hothead, is always good on my news. the only the wealthy were involved in the public debate over investment. what about the poll from the suburbs?
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how can they increase the little they stay asked for a nice note for the into the debt track, where they pay lives of interest. i just finished my ged precious little cottage fios yale is among those who have avoided guessing into debt. thanks to not chief and i'm stuff you know, invest has money in the stock market. unimed 6 times savings accounts. why he benefits from high interest rates. that's how he's financing his studies, marquise, a company and you loved when i learned a lot from not use videos, we the for a start. she explained that i don't have to pay certain bank charges. if i simply opt out of the fact that was on that was fantastic. when i say 15 years a month in one fell swoop these sites to nazi, i'm no longer losing money unnecessarily to $1.00 another government. i'm assuming fabio jail has also line to keep his credit card spending under control. and that's
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key statistics are 80 percent of personal debt temper, so is linked to credit cards. loans, parents often give the children a credit card for the 18 daily funding, but usually a family member with us, the called the 18 year old is left with a debt to buy. i think it's an entry in the debt register because of a lavish relative. so well, you're probably going to be that providing financial attached to the disadvantage so they can help themselves is taking preserve right now. the organization box, this help small scale entrepreneur smallness to that ring, come and outgoing when preparing to wiping ahead, dressing solid on for example. killed best. my? yes, i'm spending more than i and i have to rein in my spending all the numbers loan tied up. my confidence home from the symbolical them says, a realization that spreading songs also to not chief
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a nonsense embryos pul communities, providing financial advice means above all, we can prevent debt that makes people fearful because the debt collect to agencies are constantly cooling. that makes people anxious side, i can even lead to psychological problems. to use spend, spend, spend was almost a month truth, so many residents of poor community. now, people like jersey on the santano are changing coals. she's focused on building a future for herself and her family. yeah, because most i want my children to be able to study at a private university, a bigger house, even the community would also be a dream. even if it's difficult and expensive, more, it's my all dreams the to increasingly coming train. thanks to hardware, can the help of financial advisors?
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i do recognize the huge potential for sales, poor communities, the world wide more than 42000 animal em. tom species is threatened by extinction, according to the international red list. that's more than a course of all species. among the many wild animals in africa, ambrose late to lie is a man. if many tenants, he knows just once, he's got sneed. but the 3rd to year old canyon is also a gifted photographer. it also said was bed watching i for he just wanted to take a pee off for the about
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a month. so like i able to identify that and the, or at what levels of vision mostly like elephant as well as did alpha and the other wonder if that thread and the, the only thing that they're gonna be able to use is for the program on the desk to 10 home on the new shed, the out of the out that i didn't the out and do you want to share your story? you need to of a photo. what i feel you waiving the night bu conservancy in central kenya. this is where i'm rose late on why was he came here straight from college where he studied wildlife management on nature conservation. today he not only photographs, beds, he catches nearly all the wild animals that man on the $11000.00 impact site, but photos alone unless enough and his aim is to protect the animals. and that also means getting local people on board, but educating them so it hasn't been very difficult at the beginning. but now
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i am getting being supported by less simple data by women, some of the debate children. so those are not able to excel to this is kind of, uh uh, you know, the problem that we have and didn't solve the problem together. i like having this you monica difficult, except we have on the soap to get out with the task when we need one animal that always creates conflict is the method. but others like to know why no has fewer opportunities to photograph these big cuts. poaching in a twinkling habitats, of course the numbers to permit method. so now on the international red list of threatened species, the black coated less little black complex is especially red cameras . later the why has the truck down tend specimens in the area? he says they showed just how vulnerable the entire ecosystem is for minute the
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plants spaces uh that disappearing. yeah. just because of the claimant's, since there is no rains in this area, we. ready we the 5th, a very diverse did think aid the dropped. and i'm the because i bank so in and that'd be, that'd be for die then the low but in the past where like, in addition to that, but it's often killed by locals because they threaten the nice talk. wonderful. that now i've yet ambrose they to the why sees himself as a mediator between the wild beasts on the one hand and the local community on the other. these went in used to because left it says the enemies. now they're working to protect them. they called themselves to be my mother's olympic mothers. we have come to understand the close of each one and then put them over it. because now the formation of 3, my, my us, me a little foods. because the animal and subtract tourism, which in turn brings money that they to benefit from the women have now built their own small headquarters in the middle of the savannah. another is ambrose nathan
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allies. projects is this information center. it's ange president, really young. he actually teaches children how to use a camera, taking them out into nature, to practice the skills equipped with learning sheets and a knocking is they head out on safari today they're watching, but let's click on it will belong to some of them. and so i'm going to just send that to learn about 12 day. of course, i won't feed them to pick up for the about this particular, but on the line that you won't even know some names is pictures of some plants that do funding this particular area. and they know the use, so that is somebody that makes me happy because i know this kid when they grew up, they can go to college and then instead of both my services and they can become someone who can become saying that his students office 17 and 15 years old, off to the safari, they analyze what they've observed so many, it's
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a completely new experience. support. so don't go on the ground when i grow up. i want to be a ranger who go quick is here. i mean, not a lot of people know very much about animals, so dumble, but during, during a long time ago, some people used to killed them all the time. yeah. and then of course, almost durable. but recently i wrote a book in school and how we can help protect animals with this, and you can now, i want to educate people about their importance. and then if i get there, that would be one of those people who stops poaching to now going on. what's on the chrome or the or for friends of mine. now i know given that the name of course of over i would like to protect these animals because they help us as a country is going to change it. for example, one day attracts torres, which brings us money into one really as the one that people come to see the animals and that generates income for our communities. and another thing is that it
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improves people's living standards. incentive members let to the why is talk to mistake about the future. he said young people here are becoming more environmentally aware using has come with teachers. attention to the beauty and vulnerability of their environment. conservation is to keep things up in mexico. so using the difficult connected and the conservation goes and he hopes to seem build a big uh, name and information center. one way even more children can grow and then knowledge and appreciation of wild life on such a safaris. the
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this week we may tell global team in gone the my name is edwin name moreno course. i live in across town. try hill yellow house as a terrorist events. yeah. area way to do sports activities. the i like watching movies in my free time and i hung up in my career and i would like to go and the x ray i silva to america, the united states of america. my reason is they have the best, who's over there, and it's a recreational over to me who they have a whole lot of over to me too. so when they get
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the was for the few that is going to the best. who gets in the well paid jobs and help them? i finally financially the climate change. yeah, we just take, it seriously. says they did that as for example, right now when there is rubbish in design and it's flat, it's still so new to that. so can this, it's a little slow, the place the and i was, i mean, vague. so right now i would like to you said that my son dollar read because my i want to read because mind and know how we keep the very we keep. so it's no,
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this person i'm dealing with is rule of the the, the
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2 years after the taliban re took power and it's gone. it's done. international troops have withdrawn from thousands of people's fee of the is the best revenge the german government had committed to protect them with the resettlement programs . and ports has come of these promises close up
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in 15 minutes on the w. a pulse, the beginning of a story that takes us along for the ride. it's about the perspectives culture information. this is the the news w. mine's the imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you. actually the hamburger is not made from the house. it's made from golden retrievers. 2 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2
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2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate, what, you know, on youtube dw documentary, the taste of us, we have a problem that was in the us middle class income has fairly risen in the last 20 to 30 years at the same time that keeps rising. don. no, but this is derek. g leads to higher unemployment and slows down the economy was the card you've reached the 300 trillion that trump dot december 9th on dw,
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the . this is data we news line from berlin is really forces pushed further into southern gaza as well as military orders, a mass evacuation of the city, of con eunice and wounded gauze, and their families fell. hospitals saying they have no safe place to go. also coming up grief and confusion and 9, syria as 85 people are killed by a military drill and strike gone wrong. the president orders an investigation into the attack on a village and the northern state of could do now. the army has yet to come.


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