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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 5, 2023 4:00pm-4:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the we news line from berlin is really forces pushed further into southern gaza. israel's military orders, a mass evacuation of the city, of con eunice and wounded gardens and their families fell. hospitals saying they have no safe place to go. also coming up grief and confusion in nigeria as 85 people are killed by a military drill and strike gone wrong. the president orders and investigation into the attack on a village and the northern state of could do now. the army has yet to come.
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the on the call for lisa to have you with us. israel has stepped up. it's bombardment of southern gaza as its forces expand their ground defensive. they is really military says it is targeting how much, which is classified as a terrace group. i'm on to for countries. israel has told hundreds of thousands of civilians to evacuate the area around con units and had towards the mediterranean coast or further south towards the border with egypt. the world health organization says that the situation in gaza is getting worse by the hour. running out of places to keep their families safe. palestinians more in their loved ones, after striking the vicinity of a school in con eunice, this is his blood. may he rest in peace? a dozens of bodies arrive at the hospital. many carried there
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by regular people. but i'm on, i la my cousin called me and said my sister was killed. you said the body was of a flowing the school yard. we had to carry the body out of selves and we saw for millions of people blood and spits the father of many thousands and con eunice have already been displaced after evacuating their homes in the north some more than once. now israel's military has released footage. it says shows troops pushing deeper south and people and con eunice have been built in new evacuation order. israel's using a numbered block system to issue the vacuum ration orders. those are ready in the strip south are being asked to relocate even further south. and we are preparing ourselves to leave the hun,
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eunice area and go towards rafa. you know, we've been here for about 50 days now. in the end, we're just looking for safety. and the many fear that even the so called seasons they're asked to evacuate to will not be spared. the bombardment shayna low from the norwegian refugee council in jerusalem told me what the offensive means for civilians and southern gaza civilians and dogs. i have been told multiple times that they need to move 1st from northern god, then god, the city to why the god that south of all the gaza and now from southern gaza, even further south or west. there's, since he is not space for these people to move their art facility is able to accommodate them. shelters are already bursting out the themes and the places that people are being told to go, because they're allegedly safer or not. the. we are cells have had staff that have
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been injured this week in the air strikes on rock and have family members, and there's killed as a result of these airstrikes demonstrating that really there is no safe place for people to flee. meanwhile, the ongoing friday and hostilities have made it incredibly difficult for humanitarian agencies to be able to have any sort of affective response right now. most agencies are limited to operating within the rock, but in the southernmost part of garza, we ourselves have had to suspend operations because it simply is not safe for our staff. and they are able to reach that be that we have stored in warehouses that we were hoping to distribute these days. you say there is no safe place left for civilian. let me rephrase the question then, what is the safest place for civilians right now and gaza? you know, i, i really, it's impossible to answer that because, well,
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there might be some places that are getting struck with less awe. struck with less environment. there really are no safe places. our staff has that up in the office in southern garza, in rasa. i was on the phone with them a couple of nights ago here in may be shows coming in nearby. this is in an area close to where people have been told to sleep, in addition to places that they're be being told to flee to don't have any facility is able to accommodate them. so if they, even if they are spared from bombardment, they are not spirit of exposure to the elements risk of spread of diseases because people are in close quarters. are risk of diseases from on, on the clean water and on safe food. and just general lack of hygiene. so there really is no safe place. the only way to guarantee the safety of palestinians in gaza right now is a piece fire, a permanence of themes, these fire so that people can return to their homes and start rebuilding, which will take of course, not
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a month but years. yeah. you say that your organization has had to suspend its operation in gaza. the gardens are still in need of live savings, humanitarian supplies, maybe more so than ever. how much and what kind of a is actually getting through. then there's still r e trucks coming through. some of those trucks have fluid water, medical supplies, but we go sales have been unable to safely access the that we have inside of garza to be able to distribute it. i think there's a very, very limited amount of 8 that is going in right now. uh the, the south southern protocol that is effectively cut off from the middle part of garza, which is effectively cut off from northern garza. and so the middle in northern areas, i do not believe that any aid trucks are able to reach them, certainly not in the north. and the, the operations that are, are ongoing are very limited and even seen just yesterday,
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the world health organization announced that these really are, we have ordered them to remove supplies from 2 warehouses, newhan eunice, because they were going to be, were military operations would take place this just simply is not feasible to have any type of humanitarian response. the effective while there's ongoing hostilities shayna low from the norwegian refugee council, all the best to your colleagues. thank you so much. you some, here are some other developments connected to the war between israel and the mos we're following. israel's military says it's fighter jets, have struck, has bullet positions and neighboring lebanon says this was in response to massage being launched into israel as black is backed by a ron, and is considered a terrorist organization by the us, germany and others. a funeral has been held for a palestinian man killed during an is really rate in the occupied westbank territory. i've seen a surgeon violence since the finding in gonzo began l. a. sydney and authority say
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more than 250 people have been killed. israel says it's targeting individuals linked to terrorist groups. officials and nigeria say at least 85 people were killed when a military, drones drag hips civilians by mistake president bullet you knew who has ordered an investigation into the incident and the northern state of could do now. he called the strike. very unfortunate, disturbing and painful and serious army have so far made no comment. shock, then grief. as family struggled to process what happened. they loved ones killed by what a far as he's a calling a mistake. residence in the village of to didn't very was celebrating the muslim festival of my loot. when the bones began to fall. a drone strength launched by the nigerian military officials say the strikes were part of an ongoing
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campaign against the militants in the north of the country. do you manage it? i mean, was on a routine mission, james categories, but unfortunately, some members of the 2 to be a community where i think we are affected. those residents say they have now buried more than 80 people. dozens more, a said to be injured. you know, jerry and president bullet to new bu has ordered a sarah and full fledged investigation into the incident and cold for com. but rights group say investigations into nigeria is military, usually secretive and mistakes are rarely punished, leaving the victims, families as the ones who are paying the price are corresponded or his interest joins me now from boucher and nigeria. it was, this is not the 1st time arm. drones have killed civilians in nigeria. is it?
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yeah, you are very correct. this is the 1st time we had seen the light is the dances in 2022. we had a military attack severely as iran in border most paid on in january of this year. we had similar attack in duma, and that's what i wanted very close to a booge i. we had and that the one in may just to is an indication of lack of coordination between the air force and the military. on surprisingly, this time around is already been the air force that you're drunk. a tug it was the media to. people are asking, i didn't. in nigeria, it didn't, i didn't f was the do with the responsibility to of using prost allowed different security agencies using drugs. and we're going to have the over petition of this kind of side. incidentally, the government has announced an inquiry is the truth likely to come out though it
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is very or likely to get any results from such investigations because we have never seen any anytime. when there is any, this kind of problem, the government will come out and say we're going to investigate, would get to concrete, but at the end, you don't get to hear any to that to the end of the story. that is why some organizations demanding for the investigation they've been composition on this top to this because it, you don't punish those who are as possible, then you ended up having it again and again and again without saving us to detect. so why are these arm drones being used in the 1st place? who were there really targeting? well, they have to get to bind. it's a good thing to them and is sergeant from border know where we're having vocal higher um, who did not with some parts of nigeria, where we're having this bind,
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it's will have been attacking. and the put, the reasons for using drones is an advanced technology. is precautionary to use drones because the pilot will not be affected. and then drones cause 10 loan that then any extra you can put your drum on for 3 days. no air trap can be air borne for 3 days working. so that is why they're using drones in the idea of, you know, to fight this bundy and this time it went horribly wrong. that was the dw corresponded or is address in a boucher, thanks for that. is a look at some other stories we're following for you today. the british interior minister has signed a new asylum treaty with rwanda. b u. k. supreme court previously ruled against the government's plan to send the asylum seekers to the country to cut the migration to lawmakers and france have voted overwhelmingly to band single use e cigarettes,
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signing, health and environmental concerns. the waves contain plastic lithium and other pollutants. tens of millions are thrown away around the world every day. and these 22 people are known to have been killed, animal cane, or russian in indonesia, around 75 for thought to be on the mountain when mara arrived to rescue operations have been hindered by rain and further river options. indonesia sits on the pacific ring of fire and is more volcanoes than any other country in the world. plumes of ash over mount model b and surrounding villages. the volcano often erupt suddenly, without the typical trembles that helped geologists raise the alarm. authorities close the with candles popular hiking roots, but it was already too late for some the local conservation agency saves 75 people on the mountain at the time of the russian. if i look at my,
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my rescue was have to search for high goes on foot because helicopters could not fly over the atrium. many of the victims, bones and fractures of those little dent the fact we are facing problems with unpredictable weather allow me and then. yeah. and also tough to rain where the wind is still carrying volcanic ash and hot clouds. so it's not easy for us to evacuate the body's skin outside. the authorities have begun to identify the dead. while many families can only wait and hope for news of their loved ones. here's a reminder of our top story today is really military is pushing ahead with its ground at aero offensive against come off smell events and southern gaza. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been told to evacuate from the area around con.
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eunice un says they don't know where to seek refuge next. on the close of atkins who fled telephone and roll fear to port patient from their new house countries. i'll be back with more headlines at the top of the next hour, helps the that the name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that as soon about paying a loud noise would have been nosy de la, good, everyone to king, to check out the award winning called called the called back.


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