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tv   Close up  Deutsche Welle  December 5, 2023 4:15pm-4:46pm CET

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been told to evacuated from the area around con eunice. the un says they don't know where to seek refuge. next, on the close of ask guns who fled, tell yvonne roll fear to partition from their new house countries. i'll be back with more headlines at the top of the next hour. i'll see you then the last name is the calls back. saved loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy bay. like good. everyone to king. the healthy award winning called called the called back.
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as ganeth stand 2021. the taliban surged back to power. after a lightning campaign, us and allied troops scrambled to leave kabul, which was mired in chaos and violence. many people were attempting to fleet but tens of thousands who put their hopes in germany and a peaceful future were left in the hands of the islamist human in women's rights activists. artists their lives, all in grave danger. the german government made sweeping promises. you have not been forgotten. the pledge to give shelter in germany to any one who needed it was even laid down and the new government's coalition agreement. but what remains of that promise 2 years on the
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who don't start september 2023 time on. that'd be that lives here in eastern germany with his young son and his partner. the civil engineer fled afghanistan in 2015. he learned the german at breathtaking speed. since 2016, the 35 year old has worked for an architectural and engineering company for a life in freedom in peace. but it's one that he cannot saver who it should be included. but here i am here vice. yes. as out from that, as you know here, and we're also in a bad way to switch time, because you're deep on thinking about our people in my state and our family in afghanistan. one is off, i'm in good enough goodness for 6 months earlier, his younger brother, a human rights activist, was brutally killed by the taliban. on the systems of that for me. yes,
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the rest of our family is still in danger. one for us to can and, and how you doing, but then when i'm hoping that i can find a way to save them so that they phone every day. i'm on that these are that is tortured by anxiety for his loved ones. i'm to make up. so the video going to sort of the brutal killing of i'm on that these are does, brother is not an isolated case, torture, murder, and bloody acts of revenge. our daily occurrences under the taliban regime, the, the, the, the mentioned place to, to, to human rights situation. in afghanistan at the moment is bleeding to find out it couldn't be any more catastrophic, really the goal in particular, for women to man, the people who defend the rights of others. it's new supported media, freedom and jonathan's as to women's rights advocate. calling the people who used to work the n g a lloyd to the those who worked and the humanitarian sanctum must
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be off at the top educational individuals issue money form a police officer who's by should be those fees. and in that way of being prosecuted, embodying a pre type, i'm tendon, i'm to the vet and support. what risks do they face, developing that killed? no one knows how many killings and acts of torture are being carried out. there is no one left in afghanistan who can count them. yet the german government had wanted to give special protection to people at acute risk. with its action plan for afghanistan presented in december 2021 fighter for him 2 days ahead of the new year . it is important to me is german. he's born minister to say, you are not forgotten. he's in ms. we are working extremely hard to bring you to safety dot com. we must do everything possible to make all travel routes out of afghanistan, more and bureaucratic cause. i've got a con, we will concert shots who were stipend in
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concrete terms, the plan envisaged accelerating departures from afghanistan, eliminating bureaucratic hurdles for afghans, particularly at risk. reducing red tape for routes out of afghanistan, facilitating family reunification, expanding humanitarian assistance. foreign ministry staff on site in afghanistan from 2022. contributing to teachers salaries of girls are permitted to learn and women to teach scholarships for female students. protecting women from gender based violence protection and support for human rights defenders and media professionals. german help for those left behind was intended to be easy to access swift and own bureaucratic as lama bod pocket's done. the amount of sally has been living and a secret safehouse run by the german initiative comma lift to pluck up for 2 years
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. her father was killed by the taliban for refusing to let his daughters enter into force to marriages as an artist and supporter of women's rights for life was in danger. toner was a whole bunch of them sees the country that was fighting for over a month and around and will know evening. at 730 we heard gunfire and the sound of most of bikes in the street of we little at home and also selves. what's that happened just and everyone was good and such and say the time of them was here. but as us could you more momentum with us? i can not off as long as the shops went through a window of autonomy, one crushed or within the officer that was frightened and the cry. it was in with the cafe, the official. i couldn't eat anything that's evening. okay, now it was a summer night and i cried until daybreak and corner 0 of so did my little sister
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my hold like motion hold on. chevy. thought of a savannah brown was swimming all over the country for the c o ticket. you've seen the pictures on television, this a comment on getting spend as i was good because the others told me that the television with the rest of the office was understanding them. hey, you know, they came to last think a telephone with them. my mother and my sister, and i got that one of my pictures together and you and me get on that's going on. we remove them from the rules and took the mouse of the frames quite all the time. i wrapped them in plastic, put them in a bag and hit them in the attic so that they wouldn't find my things if they search the house into the as the whole going to be doing cattle and even the i had house was my stuff in the st. can't the police take? i'm the guy. i didn't take them to my uncle's family or another push to boil. it would have been too risky. i think that was done. i came down in the they didn't want to talk to. you don't read that to you, they don't,
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they said we comp time to go pictures. i want the most of us when you have to do that. 20 mostly will be the holding jerome now little still, i guess on august on my big brother told me to find my aunt. she wouldn't be so that they couldn't find them. but i mean, but i said that i wouldn't find my pictures. nothing a 100 years mixed delay dropped, sets all. the young artist got a scholarship and a place to study at the berlin university of the arts. but rather than studying, she's now stuck in pockets. don't say that i'm sick of living and pack a stone. i have been here for 2 years without my family. i'm far away from my relatives. to mamma of sally has relatives in germany. a network of helpers got her a place at the university and apartment and enough money to live on.
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but when after a year's wait, she got an appointment at the german embassy and pockets done. she didn't get the visa, she was expecting. but a surprising task. instead, the hall by the level for the move they offer to me where my office works when i called on hold. as i promised, i told them i was only able to take a few pictures with me when i left just kinda some tech guy tomorrow evening. and that's why i didn't have them with me talk to them. it wasn't me boss, i have my portfolio with me and i have copies of my pictures. the i showed them was all i told them that they were my pictures, but i couldn't save all of them. was my biggest on google, the blue on black solution. what that in my mind that gave me a picture of an lion. i'm told me to copy it and yeah, and i said yes. okay, cool. yeah, i'm the biggest one. i gave me, she gave me a ball point pen, and i asked if she had a pencils and long as i drove with pencil. he said, we don't have any pencils here. but he was very on friend me. and he gave me
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a piece of paper and the pen boots and left the picture lying behind the big last petition. i had certainly drawn the little bits when he said, that's enough. your time is out to come. i said, wait, i'm not finished yet. for, for me, but he replied, no, you don't have any more time. that was after 10 minutes at the most of the law. a 2nd artistic aptitude test carried out by embassy staff. professors that to model of sally's perspective university, find it hard to believe they had organized everything. so their scholarship holder could study in berlin. the young afghans artistic talent is obvious. the contest sign. when do i know how can that be when we are all agreed that she should study here, that she has an enrichment for the university, the class. we want the class to be diverse. we want people like her to study here, but she's still not here. and the embassy thinks it knows best tough month to
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specialists with his advisor, the german embassy and pockets tom sees things differently the and stays out the seriousness of her intent to study the least thing. her performance gave considerable close for doubt. whether she would be able to successfully complete his studies, and in the prescribed time and inside of severe and couldn't to mazda of sally's fellow students organize the campaign in solidarity with her. with no success. when the university's president intervene and asked to speak to someone at the embassy, he got no response. this time, even though that's 4 times i can only base my judgment of what type of tools. and it's not acceptable when guzman done. if there are no other reason standing in the way, reasons, i don't know about that, so it's been that i'm not an expert when it comes to visas. and then of course, we need to give this person who has passed the aptitude test, the items,
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the opportunity to study for the young to model of sally is not the only one who is dependent on the embassies goodwill. some 14000 others like her are waiting for an appointment in pockets done. former employees of german organizations in afghanistan and other vulnerable people with conditional approval to come to germany under previous programs. it was all meant to be swifter and easier. in 2020 to one year after presenting the action plan for afghanistan, the german government announced a federal program for admission of afghan nationals to germany. it was intended to replace previous admission programs. berlin promise that people in grave danger would finally be given on bureaucratic health. in reality, what was described as an bureaucratic worked like this. anyone being persecuted by the taliban has to approach one of the engine goes working together with the german government. the names of those organizations are not publicly available. if an application is accepted,
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the n g o passes the case to the german interior ministry selection poor. here cases are earmarked for admission. they get a case number rejections are not sent out. the lucky ones have to apply for a passport at the taliban passport agency. extremely risky for human rights activists and then get a visa for pockets done where the german embassy is based. that often takes a long time and cost several $100.00 in pockets done. they need a visa appointment at the embassy. people often wait for months, and while they wait, their visas for pockets done often expire. people have to go into hiding to avoid deportation. if they get an appointment in time, they have to pass that security interview as well as the admission interview. then the embassy decides whether to approve admission and provide a visa. if they get the final approval, they're allowed to go to germany. if they're rejected,
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their case number is deactivated. the program was meant to bring $1000.00 people in a cute danger to safety each month from october 2022 onwards. in spring 2023, the program was suspended for 3 months to introduce new security checks. upon request, the german interior ministry revealed these figures as of november 24th 2023. 30 people have been permitted to enter germany. so one year on some point, 25 percent of the possible of 12000 people with admission approval have come to germany under the federal admission program. and yet the german government had such lofty goals. the coalition agreement laid down a humanitarian admission program for afghans will documented terry and visa as for those in danger, a digital and swift approval process. but the federal admission program won't be reviewed until 2024 at the earliest. so there will be no time for any major
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changes before the next general election to google cox and who to me. so if you ever chronic capital should not be this high, we have this the same kind of pragmatic, realistic health has to be available pockets. time you have to realize that these people on site and pockets down either on impact just on that or or so tyler bond who are looking for dissidence, like them from listing lloyd. and you have to make it possible for people to leave pockets done swiftly talk is todd and don't force them to go down this bureaucratic routes in order to leave it isn't constant, isn't the mission. so again, that's the only way to say people otherwise in this plan is just a hyper tiger, toothless, ineffectual, yet to go with dimensions which will disclose holly alum door, which is not his actual name is one of those people who aren't being helped by germany. he's stuck in pockets done and he can't risk being identified. the danger from the telecom is too great. his visa for pocket stone is still valid. for now.
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he used to work for a big human rights organization in afghanistan. he also organized women's and minority rights protests after the taliban take over and this made him and his courageous fellow campaigners most of them women in the target for the islam s it matters the tomorrow after our demonstration, the taliban arrived on november 3rd 2022 by the zoo. uh they did change me in a number of my colleagues sort of saying own, but i spent 2 months in prison, not at least kind of a. they don't have them call. they tortured me during this time. the effects finally, they shot at me in my mind that she can just for those and honest with on by let's go for them. we consolidate a move, send us a salt. i was dad and called the district elder to have my body picked the some of
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that to me for them. but i don't think it's kind of it was on commodity as mine came together with my family matters or not. and they realized i was still alive and took me to the hospital. he was tortured for 2 months and lost teeth from the beatings and the shot gun alone. now has great difficulty eating. they took it out, the fingernails beat him with types, gave him electric shocks. after getting out of the hospital, he and his family managed to flee illegally at 1st. to puck, us down, the torture has taken a great toll. he may never be able to walk again unaided. laptop. i'm one of those. i'm on a, a to after getting here to jail for week. so we come screaming in the night. turn the machine. i thought of my son and my wife were scared of the state away from me
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. so in order to have homer to my children, i don't find out why would we come in the middle of the night? i'm just screaming. the student was only so that it was the worst thing when they had as in don't get a response that my family was frightened. that was worse than being in prison. my phone, minimize my tears. my son would look at me. i actually was so afraid by to him as long as you know, so he wouldn't come anywhere near me. allow me to say to my case, i have completely lost my mind. i thought of this a little longer. so it's only a long dark case for germany's federal admission program in theory. guess what? who should he turn to? there isn't any kind of central coordination point that people like him can get in touch with. you need contacts and network and he doesn't have that. so he just
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has to stay put and hope for the best. no, that's what i'm uh, unfortunately i am not in touch with any other country. i can come live for a few minutes here in visa any where they have a bust out of the front of age. but even with us, find a way to i don't even know where i could apply for an admission program like that. and these are you by side of the sun on my tongue, but i'm off all the alarm door. couldn't apply to germany's admission scheme, even though it was meant to help people like him to get a recommendation from one of the secret and g o's. he would still need to be an afghanistan to the program is of no use to people whose lives were in danger and had to get out fast. so he's not eligible for legal evacuation to germany. he appears to have been forgotten. tell them all. ask
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surely that it might have hopes and expectations of the western nations which helpful democratic values and human rights hopefully was out of the window. but somebody throws these volumes, democratic engagement, when all that is so much of that, cuz then yeah, it has their director in direct kind of parts. we were also trying to implement these ideas and the dentist and then i am was stuck in your writing was stuck in the well you also hope to facilitate the introduction of human rights stuff kind of started as costly for sure that it'd be, was better for us to, i know we expect them to defend the human rights activist, you know, but i, we has actually people like molly new have not only lost their homes in their country, but whose health as most are being destroyed or her policy had to her that i thought you and are you ready for the nothing. ok, people who don't have enough tickets for the you only live sacrifice their lives. so i know, and they put a as they still that. okay. the west will help human rights activists like me and
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give us visas. i don't know if i'm open on line one on anatomy that we can only alondo or is not safe and pockets done. it's government wants to get rid of atkins, whatever it takes, he stranded without any prospect or money without any way out. live session germany. the sisters soleah and maria mu hummadi were lucky. marty, and had already fled afghanistan to eastern germany in 2019. and afghanistan both had been studying economics and were organizing climbing courses for girls. inconceivable under the taliban of the smarty, i'm was able to extricate her little sister from the chaos in afghanistan in 2021. with the help of the cobbled lift book, an initiative that was very hot and the very dangerous because every there was
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a tyler bond and that sure thing and they hide the pupil, hit the pupils when i got into money time in the airport. but i couldn't go inside due today, 2 years horrible mario move hummadi has started training to be a physiotherapist. soleah is learning german and hopes to get an apprenticeship and health care. later she'd like to study medicine and become a doctor to politically, she was not, but the 2 sisters are weighed down with worries about their family. back in afghanistan, their father, mother and siblings. and they are in germany and freedoms, working, getting training, but they had to leave their loved ones behind. even though the action plan for afghanistan made generous provision for family reunification, so far the 2 young women had been unable to bring their family to germany. as
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a sphere there's no totally dish fund if it's difficult, of course, because we don't know what is happening on to yeah. these in a month to how they're stuck at home. oh, nice way off of my little sister hasn't been able to go to school for 2 years now. surely again, on to the same with my big brother, the core support at all goodness. but he was in the music school. was a cooler on that, but it's been closed and that's for bidding in afghanistan. now that's a simple way to go assessed for it is difficult feelings and yet in tech meet in and we have to talk to them every day. so just find out what is happening, see if this is wrong with it there. well, yeah, this is really difficult because we don't really know what will happen to my family, a fearful enough if they're in afghanistan. and then again, it is a boy uh, from the combo lift book uh, initiative has been following their progress since they left afghanistan,
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ones i stopped real estate and refuses to accept the reality that you comp just separate families and think that they'll be fine on golf and comes to suspension and often just because someone is 18, it doesn't mean that they don't need the parents anymore. this is the other 4 really hard to take the we've managed to get the families of some of the very young women out. and i know that they are doing much, much better than mari. i'm and soleah for example. it's like it's a smashing volume on sunday. after the tele bond take over a couple of the book up again helping people who were in a cute danger to flee from afghanistan. but the people fleeing and their helpers are putting their lives on the line. thus, via we are the only ones helping women traveling alone to escape the german government in germany's international co operation agency. the guys that don't take any women traveling alone out of the country because the town of under how much it
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says. and since germany follows the rules, must be, we are the only ones doing this on the other nations basis hosting i comp tell you exactly how we do it for safety reasons, but it's guessing more and more difficult to complete. see it we asked the foreign ministry for comment in a written statement. they told us the german government did support women traveling alone. but that a male guardian was required yet and their coalition agreement of 2021. germany's government said it would pursue a feminist and value driven foreign policy. there are hardly any legal escape routes out of afghanistan's august voice when he broke it on my knees. come because it's the programs they're not implemented on the napkins have no option, but to use these illegal roots of a like a daily color. but unfortunately, as it is illegal then for to so many outcomes are affected by push bags and ones that are prevented from getting to europe. this overall evaluation via kemp invite
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that won't be the expert from people as a german n g o supporting refugees had to flee afghanistan herself before that she was a deputy minister in the state ministry for peace, where she also works to both the democracy and women's rights, there were many women in her ministry, but all that changed overnight. once each or 9 boxes, one week later, this same ministry looked like this. as on the taliban are sitting there. fits in the college on. do you hope to return to afghanistan one day with the taliban? no longer in power? yeah, it's been, i know yes for not to have a very positive person by nature all buttoned into i believe in this day. the one day we will return and support the rebuilding of afghanistan. feel i've got a son to be that are both on, on science. it's in the civil engineer. i'm on that. these are the is also trying not to give up hope. after his brother is killing, he unsuccessfully tried to get his family out through the federal admission program
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. but he was unable to contact one of the secret n g o is that can issue a recommendation for the good? now he's applying to the state of the range. he has admission program. it permits family reunification for people who have the necessary funds. unlike many others who have flood i'mma, not these are can afford to support his relatives who have a form in it. the so when i am standing surety from my older brother, via this protocol, the document that i've sent all the necessary document within my time and immigration authority. and that's why i'm the german embassy. and so i'm about to, we've been waiting to get an initial needs appointment for about 4 months now. fine into mean so of course, behind the diesel. or he hasn't had a reply yet. so there is no way out of afghanistan for his family right now. stan lindsey, this will been z a phone can you imagine if many younger brother had been murdered, a boy and the rest of your family were in danger. the 1st thing a fondness,
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and would you even see my, as you'd be frightened to have an audience equal to germany, promised to offer protection and help to people like i'm on now these are does brother, but very little has happened in practical terms. why is that the interior and foreign ministry is declined to go on camera, and the people in afghanistan are not just suffering at the hands of the telephone . in october 2023, the country was struck by powerful earthquakes. hundreds died in thousands lost their homes, including come on up sally's family. the harsh winter months lie ahead and $20000000.00 afghans are already going hungry. the world has lost sight of this humanitarian catastrophe. berlin fledged to pursue a value driven and feminist foreign policy. many people in afghanistan believed this promise and have been let down
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the ones small steps for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is unlocking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the we have an opportunity to get it right before we start environmental activists of
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skeptical is this true nature conservation? well, i mean the green one to rule bill billions to be made out to pub documentary, deep sea greed stops december 7th on d, w, the a brand new city to call home berlin has been a big change for it and you'll get back. i'm not putting them on some 10000 indians . and the last year alone moved to but it's a johns to make new friends from familiar places. they may come from all over india, but a bound by a ship. gotcha. and memories and a need to support each other. that's the beauty of me that everyone comes together but not as no different community but as one.


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