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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 5, 2023 7:00pm-7:15pm CET

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the, the, this is dw news line from berlin is rarely troops in southern guns and their commander. it says the fighting is the fiercest, seen so far as really forces say that they surrounded the city upon eunice hospitals. they are filling up and the u. n. says there is no safe place left for gardens to go. also, it can be up to 9. how many weapons is the us sending to israel? questions about transparency at the white house under pressure to reveal all the numbers to go on the
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brink office. good to have you with this on this tuesday. israel says that tuesday have seen the fiercest fighting since the war and gaza began almost 2 months ago. is really forced to say that they have surrounded the city of han. eunice in southern gauze is really military says that it is targeting come off, which is classified as a terrorist group by many countries. israel has told hundreds of thousands of civilians to evacuate the area around hon. eunice and to head towards the mediterranean coast or further sale towards the border with egypt. the world health organization says that the situation in gauze is getting worse by the all running out of places to keep their family safe. palestinians more in their loved ones, after striking the vicinity of a school in con eunice, this is his blood. may he rest in peace? a dozens of bodies arrive at the hospital. many carried there
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by regular people. but i'm on, i la my cousin called me and said my sister was killed. the said, the body was on the floor in the school yard. we had to carry the body out of selves and we saw for millions of people, plugged into bits the following. many thousands and con eunice have already been displaced after evacuating their homes in the north some more than once. now, israel's military has released footage. it says shows troops pushing deeper south and people and con eunice have been built in new evacuation order. israel's using a numbered block system to issue its evacuation orders. those are ready in the strip south for being asked to relocate even further south of this year. and we are preparing ourselves to leave the hon unice area and go towards rafa
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who we've been here for about 50 days. now, in the end, we're just looking for safety, let them use of as many fear that even the so called safe zones they're asked to evacuate to will not be spared the bombardment. i asked christian when my of the board help organization, what the encirclement of hon. units means for civilians or no thanks for having b y. this is just another step in the nightmare. as the reports already said, people have been sometimes 2 or 3 times already relocating some of the very norfolk gaza to the, to the city from gaza, city to upon eunice. always being promised a safe place. a safe route. i have been bombed on the shelves on the road, then funding as well as the safe space for a while. now hunting is the surround, that's moving. or it is asking people to move for the south and where to then by
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the us. this means that the last big place with the cost bottles the with, with $3.00 partially or in total the whole south with 12 partially functioning hospitals and the only big remaining hospitals. 2 of them on nessa and the european hospital. um are now having the same uh, states coming up as we had for the same is all she find other hospitals in the north meeting. the put out of service um either by being sheldon bundle by not having access to any material anymore. that means the people who are already distressed and wounded and displaced and fear have no single spot to go to any. want to find any support, any relief quite anyhow. one of your colleagues in rafa, it says that the situation in the gaza strip is approaching humanities. and i'm quoting here, darkest hour. on what more can you tell us about that? i mean, can you, can you say that street a book we have 2400000 people in gaza,
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about 2 thirds of them are descendants from the, from the refugees that were pushed out of these rail already. what now? 70 years ago. um, so they have being displaced to displace them display as that being told, find the safe spot. they even told where they can find the safe spot. and then that being bumped the child is in schools and hospitals. that's already made more than you can imagine. and something you have to that scale team anywhere around. now they're being pushed to another se so called safe area with, with diseases looming because in the cramped situation with no hygiene anymore, completely pressed together. people of wounded people because regularly diseases, i'm not having any supports anymore and not no, no possibility to to go anyone. anywhere any more. because the southern border is the egyptian border, where they con, apart from a few evict creations, can't really trust the other part of this. the, the c side of the part is disease really no place to go to. so how, how dense with you, when the pressed them together,
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you want to press them on the sides of a football team. somebody would compare the size the should locate. so now to the size, double the size of a to the size of a key, for example, i'd love you throw input. just imagine 2400000 people in the size of a he's throwing up with yes, that is a humanitarian catastrophe. so the scale which i think all of us is working humanitarian area, i have a barely see. that was christian, a little minor there with the w. h of the pedagogy has quietly ramped up weapons shipments that are headed for israel. and i say quietly because there are some transparency concerns with the bite and white house under pressure to disclose the extent of its deliveries to congress. that offense and not hillary rocket system tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, how they coped us unmanned aerial systems. that is just some of the us as military assistance provided to ukraine. a detailed list of weapons is released with every new military aid package for keith. why is washington not doing the same with
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weapons for israel? we are providing assistance to israel through very different mechanisms and how we provide assistance to ukraine and the funding mechanisms and how we're supplying aid. it's, it's 2 different countries to different wars and, and again, you know, 2 different areas of responsibilities. the biden administration faces the pressure to disclose the extent of you as long as and is with at least 2 congress in the national security funding requested to congress. the wide tells included an exemption for h. 2 is rel, citing the countries and meet the request include c o, for the to wave, congressional notification of requirements, something washington never requested for ukraine. this means the israeli government would be able to purchase billions and military articles and services incomplete secrets, as well as the world's largest camille active recipient of us age and support for israel security has been a cornerstone of american foreign policy. but with israel's intense funding of the
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gaza strip scrutiny on the roll, the us is playing is also increasing is absolutely critical that congress is able to, to review, to have transparency on all of the weapons that are going so that it can determine as an appropriate funds to tax care funds, frankly, to continue to buy these weapons that they're used for, you know, the, the urgent defense needs. but that are not used in ways that contribution us laws, policies, uh, or international law on waging or it is like his agent scro. this a us government is not complying with the conventional armstrong policy. some democrats are talking of conditioning, future us military aid to israel. if that happens, the pressure on president biden, to take a more critical look at the americas military support for israel will only increase on the pulling now clicked. and alan, he's director for the united states at duration group enjoys be from washington dc
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. click this good to have you with this tonight. what do you think is behind this double standard arms to ukraine or publicly declared military assistance to israel shrouded in secrecy? first. thank you, brad. i think that the difference here has less to do with israel and more to do with ukraine. actually, ukraine a is extraordinary. it was all supplemental funding rest standalone bills that go beyond normal baseline funding. and it's been relatively politically sensitive for colleagues as the members of congress and republican voters have been somewhat skeptical of the need for ongoing, very high levels of usa. and as the warranty creams continued on, that's led to very high levels of transparency in what exactly is being set that's more to modify. domestic political concerns, the practice of not disclosing specific military a or a massive arm being sent to israel is actually continuation of relatively long
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standing us policy. so it highlight the political sensitivity around it proving or even sustained, you crated as a primary difference for the primary reason for that difference and transparency. essentially, the lack of transparency with a going to is really just saying is correct. it does nothing new. do we have any idea what type of weapons are being delivered to israel? we only have limited information. i would, i would echo some of the concerns that you personally noticed that you highlighted earlier that, you know, there's a wide range of weapon systems that have been sold to is really incentives room. and in years past, every fast precision guided munitions, small them bombs. we know that those have been said, those have been highlighted by the tech. i think the open question is what other things are being said. one area of particular concern this thing highlighted by members of congress and by the administration itself, is small groups. there were some reports that the us might constrain, or limit shipments of small arms that were being just uh,
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sent out to is really security forces unless there was additional oversight of clarity offered and exactly who was ending up with those weapons. so there's a wide range of things being said, but we don't have any specific sounds like that to be that gives us what is real remains the largest recipient of us military aid. the by the administration recently requested that certain congressional oversight rules regarding weapon sales to israel. that those rules be waived. do we know why or it's really a matter of expedients. that's the white house's art in your rational notification and review requirements. add some amount of time, it might be weeks, it could, in some cases, be months. and in certain instances has been years of review, a potential delay and weapons being set by the ministration included a request to waive those provisions for israel. specifically, i think to avoid the risk that the future a package, you know, once you've approving overall not a funding breaking up in packages later on to avoid the risk that any one of those
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future packages might be delayed. that's the best argument that you know, we can kind of come up with the best we usually we can come up with for why that was included. and there is some pushback. i'm coming from both republicans and democrats in congress. they want to pin aid in both of these conflicts to funding in domestic issues. i'm talking about border security, the border between the us and mexico. it could this trigger a policy shift in your opinion, um, for the government it absolutely could uh, the negotiations around trading or mary border security provisions in ukraine funding. and that's really the trade off that's being made here. so they're on the, they're, they're kind of low right now in the senate. there's every possibility i do, i don't think it's likely yet that you could see ukraine a curtailed or potentially delayed forcing some role in a deliveries to ukraine. again that's, that's not my base case where i think happens right now, but certainly that's all the table is real is a different, slightly different scenario. republicans in the house are looking to cut spending
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elsewhere in government to offset the cost of addition was really i don't imagine that that's actually going to be something that enters into into us law. but imagine that israel aid has a slightly clear pat. there are easier pass to visual approval and congress clicked now along with the research group in washington. as always, we appreciate your time and your analysis. thank you. thank you. as officials, the nigeria say at least 85 people were killed when a military, drones strike hid civilians by mistake. and the president has ordered an investigation into the incidents that took place in the northern states of could do not is called the strike. very unfortunate, disturbing and painful by jerry as army have so far made no comment. shock, then grief. as family struggled to process what happened? they loved ones killed by. what else are these a calling? a mistake? residents in the village of to didn't bury,
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was celebrating the muslim festival of my loot. when the palms began to fall, a drone strength launched by the nigerian military officials say the strikes were part of an ongoing campaign against militants in the north of the country. do you manage it? i mean, was on a routine mission, ideas, categories. but unfortunately, some members of the to be the community where i think we are affected. those residents say they have now buried more than 80 people, dozens more, a set to be injured. now jerry and president bullet to new bu has ordered a sorrow and full fledged investigation into the incident and cold for come. but rights groups say investigations into nigeria is military are usually secretive,
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and mistakes are rarely punished. the leaving the victims, families as the ones who are paying the price. you want your dw news lied from berlin. i'll be back in the top of the hour with marble news. i hope to see you there the, the taste of us, we have a problem that was in the us middle class income has fairly risen in the last 20 to 30 years 6 perhaps the next week at the same time that keeps right. 300 trillion. that the truck stuff, december 9th on dw, the.


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