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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 5, 2023 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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the, the dw news live from berlin is really troops and southern guns, and their commander says the fighting is the fears is seen so far is really voice and say that they've surrounded the city of hon. eunice hospitals. they are filling up. the un says there is no safe place left for gardens to go. also coming up in grief and confusion in nigeria, 85 people killed in the military. drone strikes, gone wrong. president is ordered an investigation into the attack, the army as yet to say, i think the
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bridge off, it's good to have you with this. israel says tuesday, i've seen the fiercest fighting since the board and gaza began almost 2 months ago . is really for us to say that they had surrounded the city of fun. eunice in southern garza, the military says that it is targeting him off, which is classified as a terrorist group. by many countries, israel has told thousands, hundreds of thousands of civilians to evacuate the area around on eunice and to head towards the mediterranean coast or further south towards the border with egypt or the world health organization says that the situation in gotcha is getting worse by the 10 cities on that we'll come inside and come eunice, many palestinians set up a camp in the city of to flee and gets really strikes and not on golf zone. but being here hasn't been safe either. and it's getting worse. it's even difficult for
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people to speak safely to reporters, get in a box on the and the dead of finding out outside the moves. yeah, the oh god, all the out of one is looking on and cannot stop dimension. what have they done? why are they being killed? what crime did they commit to died is that the, the market is really the tree has released footage that it saves shows its fighters pushing deeper into southern gall them. but if she shoot me, i mean 60 days since the beginning of the law, offices of surrounding con eunice in southern casa, you know, who we are operating with professionalism clearing the population ahead of time from the combat areas is the lack of what gods have been told to
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full the south to reform what awaits them. there is molten cities and the long queue to get drinking water. now the thing about the only d sunday nation planned and rough uh that is providing inhabitants with clean water, is powered by solar energy. when in winter, so if that stops and we will not be able to provide people with any will to and i think that enough and then that's a list of my united nations. so he's more than 80 percent of golf. those population have been driven from the homes and space on the small coastal strip is running out . many simply don't know where they can find refuge. or the i spoke with journalist and the circle in jerusalem and asked him to tell us more about the fierce his day of fighting to date. so when we're talking about the 2 areas of both in the styles, with the guns, a strip, but also the, the area of the guns, a city,
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a israel has moved, blow bright in the south, but it still does not full control. and over garza is city and its. busy area it may have been a heavy fighting in jamalia, which is a refugee camp in the north of the gaza strip on the outskirts of the city of garza . and there's been heavy fighting. it shows yeah, yeah, which is just east of the city of gaza. then of course if i knew this, we have forces that are now inside. ready the city of the eunice and the on top of the ground truth. we have see again, more hair strikes. again, is striking a both with me cool military targets, but also residential areas where a i d, f says that might be a how myself are a tips. so what do we know did about the strategy that the idea has planned for
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the near future? and i want to ask you about a report that says that the military may be planning to for the extensive tunnel network that how much has constructed underneath gone ser, to when a prime minister benjamin netanyahu was asked to get precisely this question. and then you press conferences today, and he said that he's not going to give the details on the authoritative steps. and he was also addressed by the same issue was meeting today with the families of hostages, but also hostages, who were released from gaza. and they had a meeting together with the prime minister and the war cabinet. and there they said that they're hearing that they're going to flood these condos, and that they're run up there. and their family members are inside these tunnels. and they were very concerned not only about plans to flood the damage,
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but also the bombing in goes, uh they, some of them were saying that is what i should stop the bombing. some were saying that we were bombed when we were in gaza and we were feeling more of these really bumming then of him us. in these words, it was a very tense me thing. i can tell you that. yeah, and speaking of the hostages from us, have said that there will be no negotiations or exchange of detainees until israel's military operation in gaza, stops. as there been a reaction from is really authorities to that. it sounds like basically what you're saying is you're getting pressure not only from hamas, but also from the families of hostages. all of this on these really military and government. and there was a very dense mistake. members of the, the families and those were hostage that were saying that in the day that passes, it puts their families in danger as we were saying that there is
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a shortage of the food that the men not being treated. the dogs. ready there that there is a few that there's not good intelligence. and they were also say that the they also have doubts about the collapse of the ceasefire. nathaniel said that they both have muscles full, but there was one the cup they would say no, it's not true. so there was a heated debate at the end. many were saying that they don't believe that from y'all was actually committed to the release of the hostages. others have the different position. but i can tell you that the yellows message was the 1st through news was not as a result of these, it talks about browser are the result of the minute to refresher. and therefore, israel now has to continue it's military pressure on how much and did, how much one of the surrender and the hand over the prisoners or the captives that
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are held by how much in the gaza strip. only time will tell me circle reporting tonight from jerusalem semi as always. thank you us and here's about the developments now connected to the war between israel and tomas israel has highlighted sexual violence against women during the october, 7th and last terror attacks. organizers have an event at the united nations in new york un has ignored the rate and utilization of women join us. most denies is fighters committed 6 cross. israel's military says it's fighter jets has struck, has bullet positions in neighboring living on. it says this was in response to missiles being launched into israel as bla is backed by iran and is considered a terrorist organization by the us, germany and other countries. officials in nigeria say at least 85 people were killed when a military jerome strike kid civilians by mistake. the president has ordered an investigation into the incident which took place in the northern state of kaduna.
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he's called the strike. very unfortunate, disturbing and painful jerry. his army have so far made no comment. shock, then grief. as family struggled to process what happened? they loved ones killed by. what else are these a calling a mistake? residents in the village of to didn't barry was celebrating the muslim festival of my loot. when the bones began to fall, a drone struck, launched by the nigerian military officials say the strikes were part of an ongoing campaign against the militants in the north of the country. do you manage it? i mean, was on a routine mission, james categories. but unfortunately, some members of the to be a community where i think we are affected those residents say they have
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now buried modem, a t people dozens more, a said to be injured. you know, jerry and president bullet to new bu has ordered a sarah and full fledged investigation into the incident and cold for come. but rights groups say investigations into nigeria is military are usually secretive, and mistakes are rarely punished, leaving the victims, families as the ones who are paying the price. dw correspondent, you ways each was in a boucher and told me that this is not. nigeria is 1st fatal drone accident. yeah, you, i better, correct. this is the 1st time we had seen the light. is he dances? in 2022. we had a military attack severely as iran in border must paid on. in january of this year . we had similar attack in duma. that's what i wanted very close to our buddha. we
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had another one in may just, it is an indication of lack of quotation between the air force and the military. and surprisingly this time around, it started in the air force that used drunk a talk. it was the military people are asking, ideally, in nigeria, it to the nigerian f was the do the with the responsibility to of using drugs if you allow different security agencies using drugs. and we're going to have you ever petition of this kind of side incidences. and so what is different? nigeria, here are some other stories now that are making headlines around the world. at least 2 people have been killed in a russian artillery strike on the southern ukrainian city of here. so look, look forward. he's released this footage showing the aftermath including craters caused by the show. the british interior minister has signed a new asylum treaty with vermont. u. k. supreme court previously ruled against the government's plan to send the asylum seekers to vermont in order to cut immigration
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for children. and when adults have been injured in an explosion in northern pakistan, rescue officials say an improvised explosive device went off on the busy road in charlotte. no group has admitted to carrying out the attack. rescue wasn't even an easy. i have recovered the remains of 10 more climbers killed in a volcanic eruption that takes the death toll now to $22.00. emergency team say 75 fibers were on more of the volcano when interrupted it 2 days ago. a british research team is crossed paths with the world's biggest iceberg. scientists from the british and arctic survey became the 1st to see in film a 23 a which rises 400 meters above the surface of the sea. last name for an iceberg. and they were able quite literally to test the waters around to monitor the effects of climate change on the ocean. it extends as far as the,
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i can see. iceberg, a 23 a is estimated to be more than 3 times the size of new york city are twice as big as quaker london, often being fixed in position for some time to use. the iceberg broke free last month. scientists on board or research ship located near the tip of the antarctic peninsula. that one has won the investigating how new thing stored in the ice released into the ocean when the ice melts. and what impact us hasn't the eco system on back home for us. so that's how much of that it was the same. as the a $23.00 a was drifting out of and arctic waters. scientists were able to collect samples of sea water around this mega iceberg to investigate how climate change is affecting the southern ocean. before it broke free, it remains in iceland in the windows, the indian doctor. now it is scattered with the ocean gardens towards the southern
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gothic archipelago of south georgia and the south atlantic. though it is still not clear why this 4000 square kilometer mass suffice is on the move. and finally, news of an unofficial competition between the local authorities binding to have spain's tal this christmas tree. the least, say small town in the northern calabria reached plains to have one winding up. what it says is, issues like that biggest tree, the structure, 65 meters high tree is it's twinkled to nearly 20000 l e d lines christmassy as it is, the structure is made out of scaffolding, know, nice greenery there stretching perhaps the definition of what a treat uh you've got that right. you're watching the diabetes who's reminder of our top story. these really military pushing ahead. the ground in aerial offensive against a mazda militants in southern gauze. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been told to evacuate from the area around hon. eunice,
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the un says that they don't know where to seek refuge floats up, is up. next, i'll see you next time. the name is the calls back. said loud. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud, you guys would have being nosy, bay like good everyone to king. check out the award winning called com. so hold back the.


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