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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  December 6, 2023 7:30am-8:00am CET

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up in 60 minutes on d w, the words people have to say that's why we listen to every weekend on d. w. did you know camilla go in your nikita yamaha? they're successful entrepreneur and their business is beauty. tabs on social media . each has over 10000000 followers, and they're not the only skin flo answers. face masks creams and spot treatments are popular, cosmetic products. but there's a new great snail slot, said to give you a great complection. does it work or not?
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we find out if there is any science behind the height, we also learned about the new treatments for x amount and how to protect ourselves against skin cancer. welcome to in good shape. the . we have a lot of fun co skin full. it protects us from uv rays, close up, all these in the heat. it keeps us in the cold it seems a barrier against intrigues like viruses and bacteria. don't like this rubber dump . it can regenerate itself if it gets damaged. it's because our skin is not just a shown, but the living organ. stem cells constantly produce new skin cells, while old ones die and shut away top layer of skin. cool. the academic news itself
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completely about once a month. the scan has a complicated relationship with the sun on the one homes is dependent on the sun's help, for example, in the production of victim. indeed, 3, on the other hand, sun rays, especially in the ultra violet spectrum, can lead to inflammation of the skin cells and damage that genetic materials. these patients of stem cells in the lower layer with the left over coming close at 10 cancer, special cells, cool mulanda sites for protection against this. they produce melanin pigments that absorbing scott to you, fee raise, and that by protect the cell, the adults you melanin pigment. is particularly effective, the more that the skin produces, the darker it looks. nice. yeah. but this is the dumbest vicious way you find
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enough and things that register and transmit touch or pain. blood and lab vessels that supply skin cells with nutrients and bringing immune cells to fight and beta have fall across the coast that we produce and you have the patient's clones whose fully secretion phones are protected phones and keeps the skin supple of sweet scans. some wisdom secrete smells, but the bubbles i cooled about the by producing sweat. this vested rights from the surface of the skin. the fuck, the tissue even meet the damage. on the other hand, can it's a school. an energy is stored here in the font cells. sometimes mold them, we'd like the skin is our largest heaviest organs, and yet it's surprising the elastic all through the body it surrounds is constantly changing. the sun's uv rays triggered the production of vitamin
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d and your skin. this vitamin keeps teeth and phones healthy. whether it also protects against infections, cancer and heart disease has not been scientifically proven. but what has been proven is that you should avoid too much u. v. radiation, because it can cause skin cancer. uv radiation has been classified in the highest category of carcinogenic factors, just like as best of sort tobacco smoke for lung cancer. son beds are also carcinogenic. you can't train your scan nor immunize it against the sun. by tanning slowly, there are various types of skin cancer and ligman. melanoma is especially dangerous today in the a palm sized sky remains on mount co, hoffman's left shoulder blade, his sweat, the skin legion was caught out. his wife tina discovered it and asked him to go to the dermatologist for the doctor recognize the mold as
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a 2 man similar in appearance to this one. huffman never suspected that could be a fatal disease lacking in his skin. skin cancer was something that affected old people, not a young man like him. now for years off to being diagnosed with malignant melanoma, he takes much better care of his skin, a local ticket. so as to i'd check myself over more often. you the seen a whole set looks of my back mine, but if many of the doctors at the hospital who looks movies that though the cut was the 43 year old goes from regular checkups, his dad, the toner, just examines every part of his body from head to toe, including the genital area, buttocks and between the toes. 4 years ago the doctor didn't have to look too closely. the suspicious mole was clearly visible. after it was removed, it became said it was already 3 millimeters thick for the doctor. a great cause for
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concern, no one, no most attentive metastasized relatively early. this is a characteristic of malignant melanoma to miss. and that's why the thickness of 3 millimeters was serious on and step of want to be using. met a name is developed in the up the nice layer of the skin at 1st the homeless, but then the treatment begins to grow deep destroying tissue in the process. when cancer cells shed and travel with the blog or link fluid to other parts of the body, secondary kansas on the test to seats develop. huffman stokes it immediately referred to as patient justine a looks a and under bias on those in a special skin treatment center because it to send to me is the radius a skin away around the original site is a safety margin glimpse snowed closest to the to man, the circled sentinel nose was about 70
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flight is not on. we do the secondary cut to stop the melanoma from occurring at the side where the initial in decision was made promote the sense of the lymph node tells you whether or metastasis had already taken place. by that infected route at the time of diagnosis, at 1st the results was reassuring. eliminated wasn't affected. smoke, a horseman believes the issue had been resolved, but a year and a half later the cancer was back. for months he was plagued by recurring headaches . even small amounts of alcohol made him nauseous. sometimes he had difficulty finding his bearings, but he didn't think it was serious. but i thought it was tension in my neck. there was traveling upwards, so it would get it while working. but it will be gone after 15 or 30 minutes was able to finish. one of us feel free to vic and then it got so bad. i spend a week lie on the couch and a brief hold. i know the north dakota an m r i scan revealed the cause of his
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sentence. several metastases in his lungs, but mainly in his brain. one of them was as big as a table. tennis ball had to be operated on immediately. that's based on assessing the thing about the brain is it's around $530.00, so that's the space time home. if something grows direct creates pressure and you have to fix it quickly. it's much name the hoffman felt better shortly after the procedure. the swelling disappeared and the headache subsided. the signaling pathways and the cancer cells. if the treatment has a specific gene mutation, those treatments together was successful. the metastases disappeared. hoffman's condition has been stable for 2 years, then he's told, arranging the treatment well. because i'm probably one of the few with no side effects with the other. say that very todd afterwards. but i haven't had that. i mailed the 43 year old as regularly checked by the toner just at home and at the
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treatment center, he goes the every 4 weeks from you know, sarasota is back to and me so we still don't know exactly when the right time is to stop the treatment, just keep saying there was sensors that stop up to 6 months of stable therapy, a e stable results once you some after a yeah, that does not truly reliable data. the studies are still ongoing at some point, well no more malignant melanoma or is especially deadly because metastases can still develop, he is later the chances of recovery a much greater if it's detected and removed early. do treatments of working well, some uncle hoffman, he knows that he's been very lucky. researchers at oregon state university are currently working on an m r n a vaccine against skin cancer. this research has been going on for many years. although m r n a technology
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only really started to gain more attention during the corona virus pandemic. the new vaccine should enable skin cells to combat genetic damage, but it's not yet available. so you should still have the doctor examined, you remember to check your own skin regularly or how can i tell this alone round of the blemishes homeless well might be skipped. but the a fence for a symmetry if you discover a mole brown spell. so blemish that has an a symmetrical shape. let's a dummy told to just take a look at to be stands for boundary or border of the edges fringe door.
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irregular. do you have any suspicious moles or marks like that? do you see stands for color ration not perfect, would be black, brown, grey, red or white areas, and many colors that could also be assigned to skin cancer di, dense for diameter, everything which is bigger than half a centimeter could be a problem, and a moles are blemishes, that size the biggest should be checked out. a stands for is the pets and the rated for evolving the then it's a risk symptom. so you should go and see your dermatologist. skin cancer is not always of this. often does look oh no pain for quite a long time. check your skin once a month. it's easy with the a, b, c,
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d. even. it's also important to check your children's skin for any changes and have your partner or a friend. take a look at your back to to prevent skin cancer. avoid direct sunlight, especially around midday. loose skin kansas are result of exposure to use the radiation. if you come to void the sun west, so protective clothing, and don't forget to smother on some hall, yet some screen in your body produces vitamin d through sun exposure, but it can also be taken in tablet for pregnant women with a deficiency take regular vitamin d tablets, the babies have stronger bones, and another study also discovered that the babies were less likely to have eczema in their 1st year. a topic, eczema is a chronic disease, the skin becomes scaly and inflamed. it's not just the severe itching that can
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drive people to despair exclusion and stigma can as well. so here's a, remind her eczema is not contagious. the disease can be excruciating, but the latest treatments offer real help. going out in a sleeveless talk as something layer on a has been nothing used today. correct. smith made this impossible. now as soon as healthy. yeah. but she suffered for many years chaplain led me to a side dish i've had eczema since i was born on say for 21 years now since july. and the worst thing was and all that time, i couldn't sleep through the night property because i was just so it she, that i lay wasteful nights to flock, even just working on spots and used to make her rich pet to buy his also suffered from ex mess since boss the new on fine. this kid mainly affected my face, neck chest and also my hands, especially the palms of my hands and edged all over the ash talk to you. and
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sometimes i scratched and send it blood. and especially as a child and teenager to teach the cost cutters is continually leisure around 230000000 people worldwide stuff for pro maxima, for a long time to really limited treatment options. but doctors can now prescribe highly effective medication and kind of do different items if there's been a on some limitations. definitely the severe cases of eczema used to be very problematic. but over the last few years, we've developed excellent ways of treating these patients are in town q them type, but we can make them a symptom free as possible in the cleansing vita scheme should be at a fight, according to the tried all sorts of treatments for yes, fire residents, therapy appointments and special diet. nothing help the attorney just got less and less. less. and doctor simps, this is let's increase the worst thing is the edging on the stress associated with
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the key dummy on the energy you lose because your body of mind are constantly dealing with. they asked me to you guys though. they need me to some team all by the stress exacerbates the symptoms at tuba travels a lot and has a demanding job. not good for expectations. 3 years ago he looked like this. escape and i you, there are a number of inflammatory mediators, stuff. messenger substances called into luc, instead of responsible for inflammation in nevada. you've seen it since the sheet and the internet's. there are various institutions. we can determine the specific ones that caused information on ditching new clients who died. excellent, makes you scratch which makes your skin it even more. and you scratch more vicious since 2017, that's been a new medication from all direct specific patients to whom nothing else works. a so called biologic as it contains the pull him up
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a monoclonal antibody the blocks and to lead tends to pick them up as injected every 2 weeks. treaty intend to set an intelligence all responsible for the inflammation for that in this case, institution is full and 13 to cover and the anti bodies simply deluxe. the attachment side of these 2 into lieu drive to the cell into the key. it gets it as a result to that, these inflammatory mechanisms are no longer activated in the cell and the information subsides, pushed melany hogue, but also tried everything going from doctor to doctor, bought her eczema kept coming back, which was very stressful. the think is a special going have to do this, not saying about having a thin skin is that comes from somewhere. i can tell you that the constant which makes you so tense that you can't sleep at night. and i can spend during the day or so susceptible to any stimuli that it's like a vicious circle when you can't get out of it. and there be some type of crisis of
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the minus pulse come to. things got worse and worse until she no longer left the house still went to walk. so that's couldn't see from virus send 2 shots on her skin and was completely exasperated on the fly. logics didn't whole body so they don't what role patients but who that lands about, some new medication that have a jealous kinase inhibitor down. this kinase is a runs arms that play a role in inflammation. the honest cannot and he be to the janice kinase inhibits, is work inside the cell. they inhibit the signal transmission for the information. and this interrupts the information very quickly to call them. so yeah, there are portable x my patients need is good skin cream. for example, with clustering or uria, the skin needs extra oil and moisture applying cream twice a day. you can reduce flower so it's like quote,
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design can help in acute cases. usually start roy to reply does a cream tablet. serenity rarely necessary changes. molden it truly even cranes on his face. cold topical counts and you're in inhabitants. the tanks in the skin like steroids. com so that please remember that sort of, we always advise patients to do courses or next man because it helps them to understand the disease better. so then strategies on how to interrupt these itching cycles and some things about nutrition video and this helps the patients a lot and also makes them more independent. so today may when he heard, but finally feels good in her skin. correct. so there is much less aggravating thanks to the new medication. we're mad about science and technology. that's like dw science is now on take time. what do you
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want do gravitational ways that that is when the people begin getting high and laughing gas out of the drums boogie to the beads and what's the perfect kid football find? find the on says gets most dw signs on new, tick tock channel. they live on your skin and all the time, micro organisms over a 1000000 back to you or your live, and a single square centimeter of skin. these tiny organisms can also be found in the hair follicles where they help the skin to protect us from pathogen. but when we soap and scrub ourselves, so we drive away ours beneficial co inhabitants. excessive cleanliness is therefore often the cause of skin problems. dermatologist say don't wash so often soap or shower, joe should have a p h value of around 5.5. this also applies to other skin care products. but what
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makes the skin really beautiful, radiant, and wrinkle free? and can you trust the latest fat snail slime as talented as a cosmetic miracle product on social media is created a loss of bonds on line. is it just another gimmick, or can snail slime really do one does for the skin? we asked damage ologist dunning, a guy next we got. the inspector's time had to enter a spanish scientist made a discovery about snail sign back in the 1991 steam. besides all, fine noticed that when vineyard smiles had minor injuries, they were able to repost himself and decline to find it. so when it happened, betsy to set up in quite the cam, this time also repair off skin. the idea has been around for several 1000 years, at least back in ancient times. people use the sign to treat skin injuries,
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but not all snails line is equal. snicker puts you at this now produces a mucus hills that same wounds him, but it doesn't produce a tool of time. this is the special, this isn't the slime. it leaves behind when it splits us down the road as it's a different type of secretion. and it's as of sales, just simply placed on this kind of random. there's no guarantee that this particular extract his presence he's of with most every smile is suitable for this up to date and type. it says it's either should make it difficult. i expect that the vineyards now is it's mucous as the pores. the extract did for expensive skin creeps for the holidays, which even a thing came to be inflicted. she lives in smell slime contains antioxidants that protect the skin out in the homes and, and there are products in it that stimulate you college and production on the one of those kinds of water and i, 10, it was tested on patients with radiation damage and psyched addresses there is a will show that the way until the lunch foster fluid to the skin was less red. and
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i found less and felt less dried. and you can talk to high school food college in and antioxidants. and now ingredients and lots of beauty products. they often claim to have an anti aging and protective effects then you'll and don't give them when you're around to in about environment to talk sense have an impact on our skin. i just with cell phones of a how i so things like solutions and cigarettes. nice and as a tool, so something like that, all i've off to some of these. and all these boxes lead to the formation of free radicals in the scan. which damage of sounds interesting, which i responsible to skin aging, but also for the development of skin comp surface out clips. which is why auntie oxidants are so important because they can neutralize these free radicals. ok. even if college in and dungy oxidants do tighten the skin and smooth wrinkles, there's no evidence that you'd get this effect from applying snail slime to the
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skin. there's even a need for medical, we're not talking about medication had to come in. if we think of a blood pressure medication that's been tested on a 100000 patients and now we know exactly what the side effects saw and how it works across music, but we don't cosmetic products. it's important that they don't close invitation dr . tested with and that must be proof of advocacy from the lab in level what this really does to the skin and see it some where the river skin is suitable for it is still unclear is just it's kind of just the state of the on saga animal. rights activists also criticized this new craze. they say collecting snail sign is not possible without cruelty to animals. and based on the research they saw, there's still lots of questions about the anti aging powers of snails, fine. and if it's really was the investment and for beautiful skin,
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it's also important to do something for the body underneath. fitness trainer tim has another great exercise for us all to try out. hi, today if i test the exercise for you but, but it makes you look good in your genes, but more importantly, support zillow, back and step eliza seal, pelvic floor rights, take a man, and they down on your back. place your feet slapped on the floor. so that your hands can touch your heels and your fist as the right distance. mooney. now, lift up your hips. hold for 2 seconds and squeeze. you'll buy cheap and go down. that's the exercise the
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or try to do with 15 to 20 repetitions. remember to hold for 2 seconds that helps you to really engage all your hip. and that's us. we hope you have fun trying that out yourself. that's all for this week. see you next time by the
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2 years after the taliban re took power and it's gone, it's done. international troops have withdrawn from thousands of people's fee of the is the best revenge the german government had committed to protect them with the resettlement programs. port has come of these promises close up in 30 minutes on d,
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a documentary about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music in nazi germany, watching out one youtube dw documentary. what i mean, i know, did i write just do it that i'm hosting dw newport past? thanks. trace amount. bother. today about joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. and i need to talk to you about just a subscriber id. listen to take you along to the right the,
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the, the, this is the w news live from the land. is there any forces surround, southern garza's main, sissy? these ran, the military says it's troops happens at the cost of on units of to some of the most intense pricing. and it's again a month and how simians with few options left hundreds of thousands of being told by israel to pack up. and fleet further south, but the u. n says noah is safe goals or any.


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