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tv   Eco India  Deutsche Welle  December 6, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm CET

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to the mediterranean sea and lost her job far abdul karim to us exploring modern lodge style and submitted to a name. meeting people during bedroom. the mediterranean journey to suite on dw, the if you're ice thing, you have a blessed system, golf and the was around do is well enough to gaze. you might find yourself in my city. hello and welcome. i'm sorry, got the body and you all watching eco india and currently within new delhi, the national capital of india. and right to know the city with the west equity in
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the ones as i speak to you for this, for you, for that all i can seen today is hopeless. and i'm sure this is a feeling shed by millions not just across any but across the world. because air pollution is a real big problem, let's 1st started to understand what is causing it and what are affected cities across the world doing to seen that c o, these being done, they show that in almost every major city in the world. the air is found that he has some of the world health organization consider safe. when we look into the data though, we found some surprisingly good news. and many megacities see here it's getting better. so we wondered, what are the city is doing right? and can every place do this? for this analysis, we looked at one measure of evolution, that's everywhere. p m 2 point 5, pm, 2.5. be able to find 5 pm,
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2.5. kids to concise pm stands for packed, take you to us not to make show sorted particles and liquid drops instead of 2.5 microns for this much smaller than a human here. this is only one possible type of information about people's lives. if he could meet from the w h o, use it as an indicator for evolution in general to just as employees. and that can come from very different sources and because it needs to be gets us into work. so there is really no place is the will, that is the 3 of those are to get his mentor and it's big cities that are often particularly polluted. this problem has been well known for years to find out what if anything has changed. we took a closer look at this state domains from the swiss company i q, and we chose average levels of pm 2.5 for more than 7000 cities. over the past 5 years, we put it all into a big excel spreadsheet and check that against the list of the world's biggest cities. those with more than 10000000 people living in them. of those 25 cities, it seems like the air has gotten better in order even when levels are still high.
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what we've seen is that on average, about 5 percent improvement in air quality over the past few years. so we chase help cities that want to tackle the acquisition problems for many cities, changing how people move around just can make a big difference. there was a need to really a push to really have cleaner rachels, but also fewer legal reading from on working side team and the, providing most of the big transportation with electricity. the electric very, to take bank coke, for instance. the city is working on expanding its limited sky train and metro services. and in the meantime, electric alternatives pulled the traditional combustion engine trucks that keep looking around admission for you as well. denny is working on an extra fine 80 percent of its phosphates. and even in coca, sometimes called the diesel capital of the world, a tentative cycle, this electric scooter service of starting up. the next step so which i says can be
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introducing so called low emission zones cities that are restricting emissions and a certain part of their city both to improve their quality but also to improve quality of life from times square in new york city. the competitive address to an area, to reducing traffic uncomfortable or being of horizontal, to more by planes and parents are putting cities everywhere. experimenting with a different kind of urban design. transport is not the only area such as must tackle daddy's action plan against acquisition also focuses on industry and measuring and reducing the dust from construction sites and having more industries shift to feed the fuels and more efficient techniques. the conversion, traditional bank accounts to the exec hills. this is something a lot of cities are doing like here in the heart past on. the method still uses cold, but much less of it and attracts more of the particulate matter inside the account . lowering of the missions. one reason for denny slattery, between these days, might be that in 2018, the city shut down the by the poor coal tall tanned,
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which wasn't comfortable for around 10 percent of the cities particular it's not to evolution alone. one area that progresses still snow is waste to data. i'd be solid waste management vinyl for 2016. this to not implemented every country has been advocating for clean air for more than 20 years. she found that the mother is active as group worry, a moms who campaign against air pollution by petitioning the government and courts throughout india. she says, even in the right policies of that, the governments often doesn't follow through. we do not segregate the ways to source, and mostly it's all makes and that is what is making those huge landfills and the mixed race to insinuated in the middle of a city without organized waste connection. burning is often the only option for getting rid of unwanted materials, causing toxic smoke full of handful particulate matter that can stretch for miles. so preventing waste as well as collecting and disposing of it better has to be part of and he says he's time to curve and pollution. when policies are implemented
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thoroughly that's can have a big impact. take phasing, for instance. the city imposed type limits on emissions from boy that's used in people's homes and subsidized anyone who wanted to upgrade that coal fired boiler to natural gas, which is to level so fuels, but produces much less particulate matter for to electricity which could be produced by renewables countries around the world are investing and renewable energy, phasing out coal from the energy supply in favor of solar, wind, and others for cooking. stove fired with wood or kerosene activity on the option in many parts of the world, especially in rural areas, without access to electricity, such as projects from practiced on to rhonda to the millions or introducing cleanest of models to those regions as well. whether and how 5 cities can implement change comes down to a few things. and the 1st total is bits of data. pick the court impact of some irregular the top solice of the world's most polluted cities. according to the data,
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it looks like it has improved at least a little, but it's hard to say without any actual changes happened that we haven't really seen any trends that would explain why the numbers are going down. so i think it's just that the, the quality or 80 to improve is update on in 2016, he found as a pockets on eck, one of the initiative, which was a community initiative, a life i ended up individuals. corporations, organizations have come together with low cost monitors and providing that data publicly on the internet on base that farms. and that data is what is driving awareness. thanks to initiative. there are no more than a dozen sensors and know for a long showing the current air pollution levels, making it harder for governments and citizens take northeast. and the time monitoring systems have sprung up everywhere in the past few years. cities are increasing their ability to monitor their air quality, and this is something that is extremely important. a very positive trends from our
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perspective. then that's the question of money. changing was able to put a huge amount of investment into the air quality problem. and that is the key question for a lot of other cities right now. do they have the money to invest, to make such a step change in their air quality? and last but not least collaboration. so if you imagine air flowing together over parts of the world, that's what we call in the air shot and it doesn't respect political boundaries and found a place like deli, it's extremely important, but neighboring cities and jurisdictions work together on their common problems. cups of, of learning brings in 10 small to now that india, including daily every year after the hottest season. and the same problem happens, for example, in cairo or across indonesia. we're smoke clouds can reach so far, they affect the air and singapore, and parts of malaysia. so cities, regions, and countries will have to work together to change. because this,
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what we have at the heart of the matter is the health of the people living in a city. it doesn't really matter where the air pollution is coming from. it's extremely important that it's reduced. so evolution is still a huge issue. big cities all over the world are pretty far from what the w h o consider safe, which would be below 5 microphones per cubic meter of it, but it can get better. so that's why i tell people that they get this one disciplined to fix it. it's taking me decade 0 for us, people like us to be fighting the field and the gods, and coming with such a long re changes happen. so the changes in the v and even when really good air as far away any change helps in the reduction in air. air pollution is goofing around and it's more reduction is good. what's more is that the things that clean up there are also good for come much in climate change, which is likewise fuel by emissions from burning waste and fossil fuels. i have a lot of questions and i need some on says,
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so today the i want to go and meet parts each other really who is a very busy environment to list an open policy expert to figure out what is going on and what can be done at the local level, at the state level, i'm as an individual 11th thank you so much for speaking with as body. so how bad is the ad actually in the need? well, the air is deceptively bad. it's really poor because 1st of all, me sitting in this beautiful sunshine that is as beautiful as far as behind us and around us. and we would imagine the air is good, but in fact, it's full. and it's so bad that people shouldn't be outdoors, exercising, running the spice of beautiful morning, always people should be inside children should absolutely not play sports. so we are really in a situation of a health emergency right now, correct. and as we saw in our last report, denny is doing things, you know,
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we're electrifying our bus fleet and some a bunch of the things that happens with tell us a little about that. is it enough and what else can be done? well, i'm certainly happy that with electrifying our bus fleetwood, what's disappointing is that firstly we, we don't have enough buses. we ought to have people say at the very least, 11000 buses, so that we're a long way away from 11000 buses. would equally, we have to push people into these buses, not just bush, you know, people who might, they do windows and say here, now get into these buses. if to push everybody into public transport. so it doesn't have to play a more active role. you don't just say the air is bad, you go next door, you walk as a community and you say, well, my neighbors making a new house or a new floor and they following the laws. and can we help them to cover the cement? are the workers that protected, you have to do those things? what do you do on an individual level to fix things?
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the biggest thing is, when you know your neighbor, you're comfortable sharing resources. so you can see that my cops, me are going to say another part of daily anyone wants something from the anyone wants to lift and those kinds of things look like normal just 15 years ago. and somehow now we, we've fractured as a society, we're in zillow, and we have to break that installation. first of all, correct. thank you so much about people speaking with us. it was a lovely conversation. my pleasure. thank you. and i'm sure our audience is also taken and we have quite to which one is speaking of. so you should already introduction, what do you will do when you're done with you'll see of this outfits? when most of us just throw it away here and in the millions of done or fabric waste ends up in landfill. we met 2 entrepreneurs in 10, they were using the creative
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a. d to make a difference. one scrap of fabric advertise. right? no, they don't have enough gum and just address the next 6 generations of humans. why do we need so much government phone closure. this is becoming a little bit ridiculous. every year, india generates some 8.5 percent of diverse external ways of age over a 1000000 metric tons and up and lend. since it is a significant amount we bought. that is actually something we can do about this. so if you look at that increase, it has a lot of potential, and not only is it you don't produce and in terms of revenue, but also a lot of and government opportunities to, to not initiatives on stepping into this pretension psyche and also correct upside into cities subject waste, one fees at the time. you just need a little bit of skill and a little bit of imagination. and you can mix something beautiful,
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which is really usable, upsize good, as well as good for the planet. next, donnie risk can be generated at any point during the manufacturing process, or when the building or the home furnishings are sorted out and thrown away upside . these approach to dealing with stop request is to keep it local, is because we didn't want those would owned vase from one area to another. and also if we wanted to provide employment opportunities aspects particular place, it says, ups likely mostly makes blackbox and bags number router and whatnot. the main, the gets of fabrics, drugs from local building unit, just incredibly popular in india despite rapid growth of fost fashion. because most of the dealers don't have a new one coming then of taking the waste from that one or they loved bases. so most of it goes into one is for the solid waste and maybe to the landfill. unlike
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ups, likely the demand was crap also accepts fix diabetes such as old clothing and home furnishings. i need to look at the government and based on the condition of service or issues with either do need the common upside because the government recycled, the government, all 3 of the common stock. you know, scrap each have close to what doesn't seem stresses work with them to create these products. so it's improving that awnings to the industry doesn't have each given new life to over fold down to fabric waste or what about forty's up? cycling is an effective solution, but it is one that's difficult to escape believe experts. but there are some ideas to make the products more attractive to consumers. one is what i spotted, it should be quarter to or less then what is available to be in the market. the default form, in spite of the design is to takes all the functionality of the
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product. the 3rd is what i call use of access or ease of use and so on. right? for example, if it is one of the available from one website that it does start as j level as of use. these 3 parameters could provide a sustainable basis for the upside good product market as an under the extended good use of responsibility guidelines, manufacturing brands in new york, for example, a month to take responsibility for the products or the entire life cycle, including recycling and dispose of the indian government does not planning to implement these guidelines in the indian tex dot industries so, but the consumers can also do all bit. the fashion definitely is one of the biggest polluters of the word, but we can start with just our own home initiatives like up slightly and also grab, provide important opportunities to convert x w based into up cyclic products addressing and one monthly concerns and boosting
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the local economy by creating what as we heard earlier, the key to obtaining toxic ad is shifting to p and a few. but how easy is it to make the switch? there's a streets of london that shows us that sometimes all it takes is community to new solar panels of finery. yeah, i'm assuming the street will be producing its very own power residents in east london. lyn much road spends more than 2 years working for this moment. and convincing the neighbors to get on board to day that dream is becoming reality. the pressure of saying something's going to happen and having that power station post is up in windows. so this 1st moment of seeing it come to reality is, is kind of a relief, it's joyful. we wanted the whole street to basically get the solar panels that was go. we soon realized that wasn't going to happen. like it's going to be really
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difficult actually to, to even persuade any one of autism. henry pollen done 8 olsteen came up with the idea originally they'd hope to get the entire street clinton to a great, but some of the roofs on suited to solar panels. and some neighbors haven't yet wound up to the idea. 25 households on lynn miss road are on board. however, i think across britain there are millions and millions of people who want to solve and put money into the climate crisis. if you can offer a direct action solution for it, which is what we've kind of created in, then it kinda floats quite well with the general public. given me, you cannot make crisis in the country, not everyone could just for to sign up. that's why the 2 octaves launched a fundraising campaign that raised over a 100000 pounds split. ready and spend several weeks during the winter living on their roof and filmed it as a crowd fund. wanted to make the streets as the low cost of
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a story. but it also is a kind of experiment, prototype test pilot thing that could help other streets kind of move quickly to act. and that's taken lots of, you know, ideas and failed attempts to find the model that would work. the active essays itself should support innovative ecological projects. mike says to help tackle the climate crisis, the neva engine hoops, the solar panels will help slusher energy bills, the dependents under roof. it's going to be much better for the panels if we can. if they keep going and achieve, and once people see this happen, you know, a ton of you started, they were, it is really all new stuff. and of course, cheaper builds for now,
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these solar powered homes on the rarity here that partner a major british energy company says that pioneer is here in the okay, we've got pretty much like the one of my site dated good systems. so it's really reliant on fossil fuels, so it pink time. so it's like 6 o'clock when people come home and they want to put that in is there's about a few 100 different generate to is that are required by the great, the toilet that demand. what that does is it creates this horrible kind of pollution. and of course it's really expensive on sunny days. and so the pioneers couldn't even produce it, plus energy that can be fed into the grants instead of, sorry for that fossil fuel network, which i'm thinking is decentralizing that great. and instead having 5 thousands of different renewable energy assets that themselves control the grade. and create that flexibility,
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levy from now on meals like this will be caulked with power that comes straight from the roof. so when the rest of the street see this last 1020 houses getting the solar panels and the see the, you know that it's, it's a viable idea and that it's not have, right. and then just a couple of off this coming up with a totally pine. this guy did hopefully more people want to do it. and then we're also hoping that we can save money overall by doing both buying and stuff like that . so the other streets can also get involved. hillary pals and them 8 those dean who this will be just the beginning. that dream is how it to the people everywhere in this city. some pollution like this have is a findings why some other types of he didn't like microsoft micro plastics have been found in drinking water in as an even skin right. then how does
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one save one says on the environment from this or for a visit, substitute? well, the 1st step is awareness and a fine yielding process in some level is doing just that in squeeze. last through. finally, groupings, portable backed with pictures and stories. young students in india state are coming not do are learning about marine life in a fun way. but the subject is deadly serious. and it was like this. the daughter audit risk from fishing nets and plastics and estimated $11000000.00 tons of plastic ended on oceans each year. so what can we do in didn't based and your risk list has designed school lessons about plastic pollution space. leslie and i'm going to say, what are we doing? the risk list is we have designed a column on the face and waste management and we are teaching. it took me longer to
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explain the age group, but the age group we choose is $10.00 to $13.00, from colossus $6.00 to $89.00 already 10. they already knew about the cycle you bought, it becomes the vapor due to heat becomes clouds then becomes gold and falls down as the next thing. they all explained it. when you look at the, what we want to produce done was the plastics we use in of a daily life. also follows a similar cycle or to the form of how wonderful is aside because we're to the plastic alter, goes to a cycle. and if we wanted to be tempted, you know, certainly that about them. and so in the program, but we planned the curriculum in a way that it is not to set the quote again, did you want it there to be hands on activities? it could be the end of it to be experienced based on the front of the 2 experiments. the children are taught how to find micro plastics in every the products. the one
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experiment is to find out if there are micro plastic beads and face washes, learning using all their senses and their imagination. storytelling really captors the children's attention. we came up with was a very creative way of stories. we created the stories these dialogues between choose to marine creatures or sea creatures. there's the wide circle, and then there's a smart student starfish. and they're having a discussion. so all the scientific content that we're talking about of micro plastics like the why deficiencies, michael plastics and planting this is all put in a story. so every less than the story continues and students are able to also read the story. the teacher can read with the students on both of them. the see change
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program has been developed in cooperation with them in not to school or taught of days based listed on to the sequence program. we created a vis, but this is one of the 1st times and the students are learning about micro plastic pollution in the school. using it. with this program has been implemented in a government disclosure in 3 districts of time and not their own governments. it reaches over 10000 students in nearly 200 government. and so i'm going to follow up on the assignment. children will shape the future. the waste left theme believes that this guide you can live with each them, why it is important to slash blog, the pollution, and how to do it. the understanding the solution is the 1st step to finding the solution. while you can ignore my badge, right? but i certainly do see a lot more hopeful than i did at the start of this episode. and i really hope that
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no one in any part of the was, has to live with any sort of solution one day. you like me don't. what's your city is doing to reduce city? you can email us or you talk to me directly on my social media. i will see you next week until then. take a goodbye. the
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listening place of on the mediterranean, its waters connects people of many cultures, sunshine and happens 11 months, rogatories exquisite taste and takes positive beach clean the in 30 minutes on the double. you
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know, we are being chased and they are falling out of people that were asked to be very fast check. when you have reception please, we might have to hire mental this are on the run from the to the mass. yeah, the illegal simba trade is a 1000000000 dollar business with no regard for people or nature in 75 minutes on d w. the taste, we have a problem that was in the us middle class income has fairly risen in the last 20 to 30 years 6, perhaps the principal at the same time that keeps rising.
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everything has to be subordinate to paying the 300 trillion that, that trump stuff, december 9th, on the w. one small step for a robot vacuum. one giant leap for exploiting the ocean floor. cutting edge technology is unlocking the potential of deep sea mining. but this time, a research team will study the possible risk in order to minimize the, the, we have an opportunity to, to get it right from star environmental activists of skeptical is this true nature conservation? well, i mean the green washing rule bill billions to be made out to pot document trees . deep sea greed stops december 7th on the w.
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the does it tell you the the news line from bonding is ready for his bottle of hamas militants in southern causes. main, stacy desperate, heavy shutting on, han eunice and ground forces are engaging while these right the ministry says is some of the most intense combat yet both on the program. uh hello nurse for our family relatives of hostages. how by how much a dogs a fight to keep the spotlights on their loved ones and to get them out to life.
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also on the program to post, i think the long term impacts of global.


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