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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 7, 2023 12:00am-12:16am CET

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a fashion watch. now on youtube, the business detail, the news lives from the end is really forces battle. how must militants in southern causes? main city has been heavy shedding on con eunice, and ground forces are engaged in what plays ready military says is some of the most intense combat yet also on the program military a to ukraine in danger of being the rails by us domestic politics. frankly, i think it's funny that we've gotten to this point in the 1st place of congressmen
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publics and congress are willing to give the greatest gift ticket health republicans at the us senate block president biden's request for emergency aid. the no, i'm told me on the logical warm welcome to the program. israel says it's troops have surrounded and reach the center of southern gas as largest city commanders in the con eunice sold. say the troops are engaged in some of the most intensive fighting sofa. israel says it's aim is to eliminate how much which is regarded as a terrorist group, but multiple countries and the you. hundreds of thousands of people have been told to relocate to so called safe zones. but the un says nowhere and gaza is safe. the survivors sift through the rubble of a destroyed home, struck by his right knee,
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sobs in the early hours of the morning. the commander with her 2 people inside the house. 20 of them were children. that's we don't know what happened to us at the fire. here's all of it collapsed on top of us. none of us made it. i'd completely okay. everyone is hard to that. let me look for the united nation, says almost 1900000 guys and so flat their home since the war began. many wind up here in san eunice. now guys, the 2nd largest city is a possible ground. israel says it's operating against comma strongholds and besides, and both sides report that the fighting is fierce, leaving civilians with nowhere to go. all my, the senior colleagues have been very clear, including the secretary journal saying there is no, there is no, there are no safe places in casa speaking to dw news, the israel defense forces explains why they fire on site zones.
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now if from us use as a what as previous they've been defined as a safe zone in order to fight and to fire rockets will miss outside these ray the civilians all to conduct combat the activities to walk our troops from that area. then there may be a case where we want to retaliate fire, but that is a very, an extremely small percentage. the main hospital in con, eunice is overwhelmed. the un says delivering vital aid supplies is impossible. i mean, the fighting. and still the injured keeps coming. as due to bodies, the devastation in con eunice has left many palestinians with a sense that the world has abandoned them. how do we need someone to stand by our side? we need someone to find a solution. we are devastated. but despite
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a brief ceasefire between israel and thomas, the renewed fighting is as intense as ever ready? i talks to journalist to somebody's local in jerusalem, asking him about a claim from these ready military that they found what they say is one of the largest weapons demos in gaza. journalists semi circle is in jerusalem with more high semi. now we have this claim from these ready ministry that they found. what they say is the largest weapons depot, or one of the largest weapons depot. and guys, can you tell us more to yeah, there's the was a found in the northern, the part of the gaza strip. i belong to how much to the armed waiting to there is i've been in the us. um. and then what we see there is a 100, so the rock gates is some are short range, some are long range. the ones that were targeted towards it. the lot dave,
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we also see lots of a k 47 knowing heroes kalashnikov on top of that. we've seen the drones and the said depot it differently. we know that a lot of this has been produced locally inside the guys a stream. it probably in the underground, in demos and the, the idea was saying and the statement that this was a file next to a civilian in a residential school clinic, etc, as someone would say, maybe to justify the kind of the attacks that they've been waging also against civilian targets. meanwhile, the un secretary general antonio gutierrez, has described guys us through many tyrants the system as being at risk of total collapse and he's calling for a ceasefire reiterating his cool. so clearly israel doesn't look like it's going to comply this evening. the cabinet had the meeting to
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discuss these issues and they decided to let more fuel into the gaza strip. as they said that they are approving the entrance of the fuel in order to prevent the spread of the diseases. but, but the, as in terms of stopping the ministry come pay. well, that is not the agenda for now. the chief of staff, the minister of defense, and the time. yeah. who a gun spent a gun. so all of them have been repeatedly saying in the last few days, that is where it is going to come. the new, the very aggressive the campaign and they're not going to stop it. a gun on the administered defense was saying that this campaign is also necessary in order to bring, how must, to surrender and release the hostages unless somebody so cole,
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in jerusalem. now. now political leaders here in germany have been considering tightening security in the run up to the holidays. the domestic intelligence agency is worn that the israel, who must conflict as increase the risk of terror attacks. a small white sugar retreats and auntie terrorist fall ards, german christmas. markets are alive again. spots with an added age. authorities are on high alert tests are police, arrested to teenagers who dc what flossing on a task as a limit and by so he and another accuse from brandenburg are said to have been planning. and islam is motivated attack on a christmas market, then live a cruise. and at the beginning of december, the to wanted to designate a small truck using fuel and thereby killed visitors to the christmas marketing
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when dodgers because of how to sign up to mark this to turn around, expect malta, russian ski says the potential suspects are getting younger uh, with the daily language fitness but what a key factor is as the ratified zation for setting social media that are being quite often and frequently used by, by this uh, by these types of people who uh, fairly young. what in the teens basically, and they use the social media like take talk, for example and set up and tell around channels 7 of the social media. and the so for me to do quite have a big influence on the rather causation cycles of these young people jam and intelligence agencies and the interior administer have one that events in the middle east are playing a role. except because act assume we have an increased risk situation, but they attribute that to the fact that the middle east conflict is also playing a role here on the streets at the moment that there is
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a lot of hate speech on the internet. and they can only encourage everyone to report it even if they noticed something like that online submitted and the warnings nor the weather to appear to have done pinned. the festive spirit. crowds packed into the world famous noon by christmas market to watch the christian angel formerly stop the party. h. elizabeth, i am not going to let it spoil my mood. now. i think durham, but isn't such a great traditional market where you might have to be prepared for that tax most. yeah, yeah. you think about it for a moment, but you quickly turn it out again. like on certain dollars. not so easy for visitors to the christmas marketed valid where memories of the 2016 truck attack that left 12 people they still linger on. republicans in the us senate have blocked an aid package for ukraine and israel,
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head of the votes presidential by the judge. the opponents to put aside pontus and differences. he won that failing to approve the funds could enable russia to regain momentum. and the one ukraine congress needs to pass supplemental funding for ukraine before they break for the holiday research simple is that, frankly, i think it's funny that we've gotten to this point in the 1st place or congressman republics. and congress are willing to give, putting the greatest gift he could hope for in a band in our global leadership, not just ukraine, but beyond. the w. washington correspondent benjamin alvarez. goobers following this for us from washington. and benjamin to tell us more about what happened with the vote, so that when not enough, those in the senate to pass this bill, the supplemental bill, the president biden, was just mentioning, what is important to you that is not just financial health for ukraine,
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but also for is rather also for border security and also for taiwan indian, the pacific. and the problem here is that republicans have repeatedly stressed the national security concerns needs to start with a they us as a board as security. they said that more needs to be done. there so it's a really big package, $106000000000.00 us dollars. and a few days ago the white house sat and urge congress to approve it dis package by saying also by stating that the department of defense has use 97 percent of its funds. if you create in the state department has used all the funds that it has that that's something that junk kirby, the spokes person of the national security. and council also said earlier today saying that this will be a christmas gift for russian president vladimir putin. if it does not get past congress, no, but, and help us understand, considering the narrative recent because considering the conversations around and what's happening is in the wood between israel and a mass,
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it's not surprising that republicans are block on a package that mentions israel. this is a clear case of showing how domestic policies have international implications for many of the u. s. s. allies. and that's also why president biden mentioned that it's so important also for to re, to show the role that the, that the us wants to take a had a call with 27 leaders and said that it's role that the us wants to have. and also mentioning that allies could have questions saying if the us is not helping them, if not sending additional 8, why should we do that? and he urge them to do it. we have some reaction and some of them. a one of them is the speaker of the house of representatives. whether republicans, if a majority, like johnston, sat at the republicans at house and senate remained united. and he said that we have been clear from the beginning, the national security begins at our board are here to send it to mark democrats and also the wide host of am simply not acknowledging this fact. so we can expect that
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there will be a lot of discussions that will still need to pass and the wind has, has been pressing saying that the clock is ticking. then how likely is vista and what do you expect to turn on from this? so there will still be discussions, most probably, democrats will meet republicans will mean there will be some kind of concession. and that's also what immigration advocates are fearing from the side of the republicans that they will in fate and leave republicans to many options when it comes to the border at policy to find an agreement to then release those funds. i mean, that's a fear that the wide house had, and that's what we also heard. president biden the saying that it's dangerous if these funds gets sold in congress. this is for the fiscal year of 2024. so it does not start on january 1st, but in october. but the state department, when they released the statement today saying that there is a new package for ukraine. it says, unless congress ack, this will be
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a probably the last age package. if for ukraine, there is a high level ukrainian delegation here in washington dc, having conversations both with the state department, also the department of defense and we can expect this to continue. and now the important question will be, who will blink 1st if it's a democrats, or if it's the republicans, dw correspondent benjamin alvarez, group in washington. thank you. now let's take a look at some other story making news around the world. police say a suspect was found dead as officers responded to an active shooter at the university of nevada in las vegas and the las vegas sheriff said there was no further threat on the campus. multiple victims taken to hospital one of germany's main real unions has called a 24 hour strike. the action is expected to hold many train services nationwide talks between the union and the national rail. terry deutscher bank have broken down. the dispute is over pay and working conditions of
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all that's all we have time for. but coming up next, a documentary series ducks on takes a look a relative into the inner world of the conservative catholic sect. most of the day told me a lot of quote in the land for myself and the team. thanks for watching the world in progress. as tough calls to everyone who wants to know more about this topic, that concerned about this story is beyond the headline rolled in progress, the w postcard. what do these do for fun.


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