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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 7, 2023 7:00am-7:16am CET

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to the business dw news line from the is rarely pulse is pamela mos militants in southern gas. as mine, city is being heavy showing in hon. eunice, 2 months end of the wall. ground forces are engaged in what the used by the military says is some of the most intense come back to you as well. so coming up is ro mocks, a painful mile started as a month to month since the homeless terror attacks on these ro, image $1200.00 people were killed. and $240.00 hostages, done. and do you crime in these route pull funding in jeopardy?
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united states will make us a file to agree on an ice package, which could put ukraine's will if it's in danger, sending signals on the system the anthony out. welcome to the program. as well as military says its troops are battling homeless militants in the center of southern galvez, largest city commanders, in the con units a salt side, the troops are engaged in some of the most intense fighting sofa, 2 months after the october 7th attack. these ro says it remains committed to its goal of illuminating a mass which is regarded as a tara group by multiple countries around the world. meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people have been told to relocate to so called sites sites . but the un says no way and gaza is safe. the survivors sift through the rubble of a destroyed home. struck by his randy, me,
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sobs in the early hours of the morning. the commander with her 2 people inside the house. 20 of them were children. that's true, we don't know what happened to us in the fire. here's all of the collapse on top of us. none of us made it a completely ok. everyone is hearts anatomy. look for the united nation. says almost 1900000 guys and so flat their home since the war began. many wind up here in san eunice. now guys, the 2nd largest city is a possible ground. israel says it's operating against comma strongholds and besides and both sides report that the fighting is fierce, leaving civilians with nowhere to go. all my senior colleagues have been very clear, including the secretary general saying there is no, there is no, there are no safe places in casa speaking to dw news,
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the israel defense forces explain why they fire on site zones. now if from us use as a what as previous they've been defined as a safe zone in order to fight them to fire rockets. well miss, outside these ray, the civilians all to conduct combat the activities to walk our troops from that area. then there may be a case where we want to retaliate fire, but that is a very, an extremely small percentage. the main hospital in con, eunice is overwhelmed. the un says delivering vital aid surprises impossible. i mean the fighting and still the injured keep coming. as due to bodies of the devastation in con, unice has left many palestinians with a sense that the world has abandoned them. 4 how do we need someone to stand by our side? we need someone to find a solution. we are devastated. but despite
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a brief ceasefire between israel and thomas, the renewed fighting is as intense as ever. it has been a 2 months now since a mass launched a tara attack on israel is riley's increasing the loss of $1200.00 people. mostly civilians who were killed by him must militants, and with more than a 100 hostages, still being held by him. us, the ordeal is far from i've hon. back shoes and stories menu for people who own these belongings working and there would be more negative jobs music down into nightmare. come on spite this storm the festival. just let me do the we from that goes the border and gun don't. as many people, that's the good. the organizers of the festival have recreated the brand new incentives for them. each item displayed here is
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a reminder of fit that it is strict ality. that is the vision and then memory for all our friends, we lost all the people from the community that have died and on the 7 am. and our purpose for this exhibition is it's not only for our country to say it's for the whole world to see is and it's right. a strong sense of photo is supposed to been everywhere. more than $130.00 cost to to austin and garza. and his riley's want all of them back feeling you must be released. the number one car should be one more
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moment. i'm feeling frightened. skids aggravated angry, angry with my government useless government. and i'm hoping that this situation will be results quickly and peacefully as much as possible as the fighting continues is dry and has also been doing tools in this family this morning. the last for a young soldier didn't go to the bathroom. now let's hope that my friend saw jupiter. i know we love to have a low price of soldiers and the soldier for the son of someone, the friend of some, the human beings in this war is the price of this boy.
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it's really, really high, quite a one to many families and his right has been, is gaza at overprint by grief, and with no signs the fees, the war, if like you to bring more something suitable with, sorry. oh, lou stage of leasing the international correspondent, funny facade, joins me now from jerusalem. 2 months since the i'm us attacks on israel of funny how is why these dealing with the fact that more than a 100 people remain held as hostages by him. us on top of the loss of more than a 1000 people in those initial attacks on october 7th, the people here remain very much traumatized over the fact. what happened on october 7th, because one has to understand a more day pass by, the more details actually emerge of what happened on the day before the people that killed or before they were abducted. and with that trauma and with that, sorel becomes a little frustration as well,
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especially among the families who are missing their relatives. apparently more than 130 people still remain in the hands off of the homeless submitted since and gaza strip. and it is just really unclear in which states these people are the live audit of a going to make it out alive from gaza strip. and just earlier this week, in fact, it was a very emotional encounter between the families of those. abducted also including to release hostages and prominence. significant. yeah. when you pull to the meeting was really emotional because comedies were asking promised anything else to do more . in fact, a lot of people were asking for a ceasefire. unplug associations with almost many things, making sure that everyone is being released. but this is exactly what a division can be really a seen and heard in the society because you will also hear voices that say the ceasefire was only for a long before. and in fact, thomas minisey and submit to be wiped out once and 4 or so this is where did the baby actually under discussion and also the division is visible and he's really
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society. but i have to say one thing that a lot of people here can agree on is the question. just walk is going to happen once this war is over. really, what is the vision of 5 minutes finishing out to bring about security, both for the palestinians and the people here in israel. and that's where they are . a lot of unclear ends, the 3 d. and once again, as the school continues, there is a growing frustration just over how long this is going to continue. and what is this going to mean for the people here in israel as well as obviously for all these hundreds of thousands of people right now in gaza, trapped and into profile. and this ongoing, more user monitoring developments in gaza. specifically, what is the situation lock in the southern city of hon use so what we're hearing from the is there a government? is that apparently the home of the soon of are the prayers you master mind?
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i'd be hard to, to us attack of october 7th and the may need all the, unless many things in gaza strip that apparently his house has been in circles, but it's really unclear whether he or his families inside of the house. we do not know more about that. we really just receive that information from these really and governments without being able to verify on location what exactly is going on as far as battle between the is really and forces and homeless militants keeps all going on. one host understand that the tunnel spread across causal strip. it wasn't just in the northern part of the street, but also in the south. and it's exactly these totals that the is ready and a force is want to eliminate. and by that to the find a have access to, to the remaining hostages, this is really unclear hosting. so going to continue just one thing is for sure that unfortunately more and more people are once again cooled off to leave another city that was deemed to be safe just a few weeks ago. they definitely send you an international correspondent funding
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for sha reporting from jerusalem. thank you. or us republican senators have blocked a bill. i ended providing billions of dollars of military id client and each row they insist, but any i to you brian must be tied to strong the policies to control immigration across the border with mexico. assault of the bible, st. low. mike is a back to the negotiating table president joe biden, the signal he's prepared to make compromises to get the i approved that are the deputies benjamin alvarez group. it has been following developments in washington dc. so that when not enough, those in the senate to pass this bill, the supplemental bill, the president biden was just mentioning, what is important to you that is not just financial help for ukraine, but also for is rather also for border security. and also for taiwan. indian, the pacific and the problem here is that republicans have repeatedly stressed the national security concerns needs to start with a, the us as a board,
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as security. they said that more needs to be done there. so it's a really big package. $106000000000.00 us dollars. and a few days ago the white house sat and urge congress to approve it dis package by saying also by stating that the department of defense has use 97 percent of its funds. if you create in the state department has used all the funds that it has. if that's something that junk kirby, this folks person of the national security. and council also said earlier today saying that this will be a christmas gift for russian president vladimir putin. if it does not get past congress, spinning an average group in washington dc. or let's take a look now, some of the other stories making news around the world, the cell, russian president vladimir food and concluded his visit, the saudi arabia, following a meeting with crown principal home. and in some that discussed cooperation in the pick plus square of oil producing countries. this trip to riyadh was put in his 1st
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face to face meeting with the savvy prince since october 2019. and the us 3 people have been killed and one is in critical condition. after shooting at a university campus in las vegas, police at the suspect was also found did at the side of las vegas sheriff said that they would not for the threat on the premises and multiple victims had been taken to hospital or for is ex president of the food you, marty has been left like go from prison and it happened after the country's top court flushed is 25 you sentence for human rights violations. support a celebrate of the head of the release. but the ruling has caused this, my young victims of abuse has committed during his role in the night and not us pop out. as taylor swift has been 90 time magazines, person, the, the american news magazine described to her as a musical force of nature and price towards by the bronze to end the hero. story.
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swift is the 1st woman to be a board of the title twice. she also won in 2017 we asked in time and generalist katcha and massey k j matthews. what she makes of taylor swift and why she's so pop and she has dominated the headlines every single month of this year. i mean she's done everything. we're now looking at the fact that she's in a new relationship with an nfl player. she went on concert a tour and she bought a bro records there. she's breaking records at the box office with her film about her concert. she's out there doing it all. she's every woman and we all love her music. and the most important thing is she lose the local economy. everywhere she goes, everyone is happy because people come out, you have mothers, you have fathers, you have people buying memorabilia, staying at the local hotels, renting car. so she says great for the economy and she seems to be bring families
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together. mothers and fathers come out to see a tailor slip perform along with their teenagers. so it's great casually mack easily and that is all the time we have full use this i'll up next a special on the 20 on the 15 month, which is tentative fortunes around by investing in renewable industries. one of these and $40.00 the how many platforms can you handle single, attain usually without having the feeling that it's just too much it might seem easy. how much can we do simultaneously.


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