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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 7, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm CET

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the, the, basically, the, the news life from berlin, 2 months up to the mazda tags. on the 7th of october, is there any soldiers brofy from us, militants in southern gauze, us main city, hon. eunice? they say they're hunting the guns. i heard of the psalmist organizers and who is believes to be hiding there. when one is right and marks the painful milestone at home. the mazda tags, left 1200 people killed, and 240 hostages of doctor, many of whom austin in captivity, plus the european union and china get back down to please this. do you need to hold
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that fast? folks are trying us change and thinking good with both sides, saying they're hoping to find common ground on a number of issues. the, i'm british manager, welcome. the fighting has intensified in and around southern guns. those main city of con eunice as the is very ministry pursues. it's goal of eliminating a moss. i mean, it's an organization designated a temperature group by multiple countries as is where it expands it's offensive. palestinians are being forced to flee the fighting and ongoing bombardment, thousands of heading to shelters and the south, where there's still no guarantee of safety. of women and children spilled across the hospital floor and families huddled in the
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cona, still covered in dust. and the latest explosion, vanessa hospital in hand, eunice is running out to space to treat the many injured people who are constantly arriving. and rather the situation is catastrophic. in all senses of the word, the lack of medical equipment and resources means we can't treat people of the state of the israel's ministry operation in and around. the goal is the 2nd largest city has intensified in recent days. and the number of palestinians killed and injured continues to rise thousands and now fleeting, con eunice to seek shelter even for the south. but safety seems unreachable now. here in the southern city of rough or on the egyptian buddha, recent arrivals were among those kills by a recent, his radio striking the fridge and the facade service of the house was targeted by 3
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rockets. they targeted women and children. as they can see, they meant to show you the same kind of displace palestinians who were told of science would be safe. besides the supposed to be safe, i guess where it displays from come, i developed to rough enough where it is supposed to be safe with them, and they were all killed. as israel focuses the new phase of its military operation on southern garza, the search for shelter from the conflict becomes honda. everyday. from all i'm joined here and just to do it by justin crompley submitted feedback from the terrorism expert and ceo of cb line and international intelligence and risk analysis consultancy based in the u. k. just welcome to the studio. thank you to solve the fighting. the in the 100 years has been described as the most intense in the wall sofa. why is it the most intense sofa i think i um, obviously as well as been certainly mounting this operation they've,
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they've seen quite hard fighting in northern garza. but in some ways, the operation northern gauze was easier than perhaps we expected that they made progress more quickly than perhaps you might expect. i think these are in the assessment the time is a lot of people, of course, that flags, northern gods, including some of that. how about fighters and con unice has always been pretty important based for how mass, obviously is one of the 2 major centers in the gaza strip. so as i was always focused on that areas being the, the bull play school headquarters of hamas and gaza, they knew it's important. and i think that sense was a lot of people that move that from the fight to get them. and so from us, and certainly that's why i think the fighting in the northern part, it's been a little easier than expected then of course, as well told people move south of the what because of course that told him out so well. so you know, move away from northern gauze or is why the 1st mid shop racial take place. so this is a culminating area, so i'll be going to see different sorts of is there any operations in the south
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then be did in the north, and if so in what way? i think it's very similar tactics. and israel has been following an approach that was used. the most of it was used in basel are actually back in 2003 when i was a. and that's this approach of securing areas. moving in to cities know been areas and multiple different axes to strike particular targets in those areas. so you think of an old fashion cj, it's around the city, and then you bought it and gradually moved. and this is about seizing key bits of ground inside the city, securing the routes in. and then having areas you can operate safely from and striking out. and that's all related to, as well as desire to go off to a particular target areas where they think come, i saw in news and as they are doing this, we're seeing the civilian casualties. the civilian tor mound have the same time that as pressure from the united states and from other quarters for these around to do more to avoid civilian casualties. civilians don't really have anywhere else to go. so that's what the us is saying. do you see any change in is there any tactics
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so that they can avoid the civilian casualties that have been registered so far? i mean, sadly, no, i think it's hard not to be made by this kind of destruction that we see in gauze and the suffering of the people that and of course, the fact is how mouse has a sort of off of them off from all to the really, but they knew what would happen with this route, but it's really itself is that she sort of weirdly proud the sophistic at the moment that i think they've been $15000.00 dead and gods are the naming of which is where i was like, well, 5000 we think of how my spice is, of course they've gone to tell you to expect that number to be up. but that's what i say. got you a ratio of 2 dead civilians to one. how about sports is pretty good, isn't it? that sort of these really approach to this, and i think of course, a lot of the, well, the segments too much, you know, we accept the, if you do an operation in these circumstances, they're all going to be sibling cost. it's impossible to avoid completely, but this is not a ratio that the rest of the well find successful. israel, i think says no, this is actually pretty good. if you look at what we're doing with we think this is reasonable. i'm not is the problem with the rest of the world. i didn't think
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degrees without ration, but that is also not feed into a for the cycle of violence and becomes a pump. not like this man because the higher the civilian told it doesn't. that's mean, then be a recruitment force in a sense the and also the relatives of those with died to then not become the most fighters of the future becoming a problem for is running the future. yeah, i was all the ones he has gay. what next officer i'll call it and i said now the reservation of, i'll call you to for example, i think with a mass in itself, it's initial ration of previous groups. there will be other groups off to it. so israel's mission to destroy mass makes no sense militarily the minute she can do the best job they can, they could eliminate the leadership, they can destroy miss all launching facilities, but they were eliminate the idea or from us. and while some gossen is all totally against the mass and did before in fact, events 2 months ago today, the other people in goals are of course i will sympathize with him and they will resent as well for these actions,
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of course. and it's going to fuel the cycle as it always has done a mess. it was a very big change at the end of this. and it's hard to see the men will. that change will be, i mean, and once cause was left as this ruined wasteland. what comes next? do you see, and is there any plan at all? do you think israel is factoring? this isn't not the 1st time they've been in casa. know, and they've gone through the cycle before of go in, retaliate. there's a clock running of how long israel support this will allow the operation to continue before they say enough. and then things reset. they've been through that cycle again and again. so they are aware of this. but politically, i think they all power lies with the need to fulfill this mission that the government has now assigned the ministry. but the fact that again, a military mission alone will not solve this problem. it needs to be more comprehensive and it needs support the people have caused problems. this is finished and the rebuilding. we leave it there for the timing. the thanks so much for coming into the studio, adjusting crump, ceo of civil line and terrorism expert. thanks so much. thank
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so as it is rarely, obviously, as its goal is, the destruction of a mazda is specifically hunting the leaders of the militant organizers. and then han eunice is not only a militant stronghold. it's also the hometown of a mazda is, does that chief? yeah, yeah. seen what he has not been seen publicly since the beginning of the war, but he's run believes he's hiding somewhere in the city. they thoughts and seeing. wow. so, sing wise in the area of hon units, you have tara infrastructure and come on, sent us that in. well, the scene was not above ground, he's on the ground. no, i don't want to elaborate where and how and what we know in terms of intelligence, this is not the place to talk about such things in the media. all job is to find send while and killed him at the seen a lot below. go to and natalie and i spoke to hans york option last senior director of the content extremes in project. knowing that is well wants to find them kitty. i've seen a lot i austin is red, would be able to do so. of course,
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this is an extraordinary difficult endeavor because because i that is this still functioning underground system in particular in the southern part of cause i thought seemed really is the key need to to get yeah, he was from the very beginning part of setting up the power structure of a mouse from 199898 on rich i. he was also the found out the guys are a mazda intelligence organization, but homes, what they call collaborators. those who have corporate with this route and executes them. so it's really important to talk to jacob. yeah, yes, involved is also, is that the mazda mind of the october 7th, at a tag in israel? can you tell us a bit more about what we do know about him as well? he was born in for numerous in 1962, he joined us from the very beginning. as i said, he was the one who set up the terrace infrastructure. he's a hob lineup,
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if you can say that within a terraced organization who always argued for taking hostages to exchange for ballasting prisoners, he's the one who really strongly argued when he came up to the leadership in 2017, for a stronger relationship with iran and to really build how must his ability not only to conduct smaller scale tyra talk to me as well, but what you have seen, you know, to by 7. so he really is the brains behind over all of this. and in his 22 years that he's spending his rated prisons before he was exchanged in 2011 as part of the large solid field. he also seemed to have learned people. and he, according to many of the hostages that actually talked to him in that cop ticket type dvd as the saloon keeper. and these are the ones to find and kill this man. you called at the extraordinary, difficult, uh, uh, operation we're talking about the a hon unit is, which is a strong hold of
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a mas showing how mazda is ready and waiting for is rarely troops. and these rarely operations. how likely is if i ask you again, that is rarely even be able to catch him as well. it's not a 100 percent guarantee because there is, of course, also channels that stretch into the sinai, which means day is a possibility for individuals to leave class. the assignment does up, however, if israel is going to do in the south, what based on the north, i. e, great, a cordon off military control around the board as of cause up and then escaping through those tunnels is going to be very difficult for mr. thing while he will definitely try his eye, survival is key for hamas, so they will do whatever they can to prevent these raiders from killing or capturing. sorry for the survival is key for a mazda is right, or where to find an killed scene. what would that spell the end from us in gaza?
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it wouldn't spend in of end of 5 months, but to replace indeed that has been, you know, key to the tires, operations from the onset of the establishment of the group is going to be very difficult. and it is going to take a long time to get someone again, with this kind of experience on how to do a tire is in fact not only in the organization, but also back into cause. so taking him out is really a valuable target, you know, but this, this argument about replacing an experienced need to this has been made in the past decade. there was in the late eighty's when i'm us was set up yet from us continues . and now it is a defect or in government in the gaza strip, showing you how most of the other leaders that are waiting. absolutely. so here is the key difference. so how much as an ongoing concern and how much as a major factor is. so what the military operations can definitely cheese is to sit back. i must have ability get from the gaza strip to that i think israel in any way,
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shape or form on the size that it did in october 7th. however, eradicating how much as an ongoing terrorist group and consent will take a much longer time. so of course, as outright as these, let me state have done once they were military defeated in i've promised on any rock and syria as they simply devolved into a network organization with smaller scale terror attacks. and this is of course, then a very long time in denver and river quite a more than just mainly to operate and international cooperation, but also social economic development into policy and integrity. do you want to hazard a guess as to how long it will take? and the reason i asked this is because the hand of israel's domestic care intelligence agency wants to eliminate from us entirely including in the region. what is the time frame we are looking at? is that even possible as well? i mean, there's a military timeline and then there's a political timeline for his right of right now. and it seems very clear that is
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ralph has a comfortable mix, maybe a month or 2 left for his military operations in gaza before international pressure comes, becomes too heavy for it to continue any major military operations. that doesn't mean that everything is going to stop as not on the scale at the scene right now. so this is the timeline that these ram has to destroy as much as possible the tunnel system, find the weapons, thumbs destroy their walk, and launching facilities. right, and then stops to view the long term work on eradicating how mazda is id already and for, that's the israel cannot do this alone. it needs international corporation. we leave it there for the time being. thanks so much for joining us today. how do you? i've of similar senior director of account the extremism project. thank you. so thank you. want those investigations into the mazda service? the tax continue is, randy is a grieving the loss of $1200.00 people, mostly civilians working by the militants. 2 months ago, bought with more than
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a 100 hostages, still being held back from us. the old dean is far from over 10 bags shoes and stories. many of the people who own these belongings working and there will be more legal, strong music down into nightmare. amongst spite this storm detestable. just let me do the we from that goes the border and gun don't as many people that's the good. or the organizers of the festival have recreated the when you intend to be for them . each item displayed here is a reminder of fit that it is strict ality. the bed is the vision and then memory for all of friends. we lost all the people from the community that have died and on the 7 am. and our purpose
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with this exhibition is it's not only for our country to say it's for the whole world to see it. and it's right. a strong sense of photo is supposed to been everywhere. more than $130.00 cost to to austin and garza and his riley's want all of them back feeling you must be released. the number one car should be one more moment. i'm feeling frightened, skids aggravated angry, angry with my government useless government. and i'm hoping that this situation will be results quickly and peacefully as much as possible as the fighting country is dry and has also been doing tools in this family this
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morning. and also for the young soldier, didn't gauze on my legs. i hope that my friend saw jupiter. i know we love to have a low price of soldiers. the soldier for the son of someone, the friend of some, the human beings in this war is the price of this boy. it's really, really high one to many families and his right has been, is gaza at over brand by grief. and with no signs the fees, the water, if like you to bring more something suitable besides this. wonderful. oh no. and here is a quick look now it's a more was news headlines,
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surface president ridge of type at one has met for the greek prime minister. he had been at the meeting as a new chapter between the countries. but the history of rivalry, the diplomatic because of coverage, afraid and migration, as well as to the total dispute in the gmc police in russia, conducting a search in the classroom where the faith and shooting took place. a 14 year old guy that killed the classmate and wounded 5 of those in bronze city near the border with ukraine before killing himself. the motor for the attack is yet to be established. the se shows the commission comprising a 115 islands in the indian ocean, has declared the state of emergency after the last of an explosive steeple explosion on ma. hey, island home to the capital. victoria damaged the surrounding industrial area. people were told to stay at home and schools were closed. the leaders of the european union have hands talks with chinese president children
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being hoping to ease trade disputes, a nato, and already deep divide over the war in ukraine. full. if y'all have been commission president full select from the line and go to and found some head, charles and shell out, and paging through the trip is considered a diplomatic. we start to duplicate rocky relationship in recent years with she's trying to looks like he wants to try not to address a sort of a 100000000 dollar trade imbalances on his, on the street to use china's interest with russia. trying to help and think of a principal she did that as now speak, took out his funding, 5 democrats by who's covering the story for us, and badgering and dw brussels corresponding to jack paddick. welcome to both of you . far beyond to you fast. what are the main items that have been discussed today? so yeah, i just came from the press conference by the european side and sean michelle. and those are the funder line, basically laid down in detail what they discussed um at the list of conflicts or
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list of concerns. um what's really long that range from human rights to what's the rising tensions in the south china seats. but basically the priority was on a 2 topics. um the 1st one was of economic nature, a name b, the imbalances and traits in the european union suffers from a huge deficit and they are demanding more market access for the companies here in china. and the 2nd one is a 4 digit code, a topic named lead china as role um, when it comes to supporting russia by booming trait and also by helping a rush to evade sanctions. um, one issue of concern is um that, uh, a lot of to use uh, uh, quotes word uh, basically come through russia via re exports from china. so they were very frank and open discussions, at least according to the front line. but if you were expecting concrete results, i would say i'm not so much at least get to, but the european side set,
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there will be higher ranking dialogue and the coming months. and all the details will be discussed during the this dialogue from the chinese side. by the way, the rhetoric was written very warm and welcoming. and they did not really focus on the topics of the content, but rather on how to, you know, further and deepen cooperation. and i do want to address this warm rhetoric as you put at 5 in, in a moment, but 1st uh, just uh the you and trying to wondering, show more balanced and rest approval trade relations. how will this work exactly? so yeah, that's the big question. i suppose the european union side is much more keen to rebuttal as that trade relationship because of that deficit. what we seen is a real change in you policy. they use this would be risking all the time. well, they want to make sure is that that impulse,
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especially of things like precious metals that he used in the electronics paraphernalia, that we use our phones, our electric vehicles, etc. most of that comes into your opinion from china. so the issue is incredibly reliance on china and that full contest and leverage itself politically against beijing. so what are your opinions? being trying to do is to sign up trade deals with all the partners around the world, but they've struggled with it a tight deal. they were trying to do with the strain the a has just sort of fallen through his reach to a sort of deadlock, one with latin american countries as well has become very difficult. and that's why they've been that trying to make things okay. trying to look good, i know k with china, well that continuing to try and diversify that trade relations with other countries around the world. and just before the summit, we saw the a tale ins, for instance, polite of china is massive infrastructure investment project to global projects cool. belton road. they decided that it wasn't in their interest,
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and we might see other european union countries continue in that vein. what we saw in the press conference in beijing, a sort of on the line used a very interesting statement. she said, this was certainly a summit of choices, not decisions, no pressure, no agreements choices, relatively vague statements, which i think could really sums up the relationship between the you in china right now. and china has chosen to call this drive to, to talk about the bomb threat to they get placed towards the end you as you mentioned, fabi on what explains this approach from badging to ones that you as well . well china ones um is a business as usual dates, 1st of all, one to maintain the access to what's the if you were p in market. i mean china, us economy, it's very um export driven and basically the european consumer is keeping the
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chinese engine walking. so they have a high interest in keeping that with going up and more on a political level. um, they also don't want brussels to move closer to what's watching in the ice of aging . in the us government is trying to contain the economic rise of china by, you know, um, implementing a tech um, a sanctioned export controls, etc. and you know, seats in pink doesn't want you're up to follow the way of the us. and i think when you talk to diplomacy, europe and diplomats, whenever they have talks with m. m, chinese count pods, they are very, you know, a curious about what do you mean by the risk in your economy. they have really a freight that he risking in the end quote mean some form of the coupling jack the and you crowded with it or the message of the risk gain, but is the you united when it comes to sending the message to china? so yeah, i think that was the whole point in this some essentially to see. so michelle,
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the kinds of president just sort of on the line the commission present. they also took the foreign policy chief of the u. j. sipple rates are basing to try and show this unit unified from what we've seen is a string of different e u. leaders including gemini shows from this is my crohn spins, padre son says go in to basing on their own over the last few months. the in you creates trade policy. the human institutions are in charge of creating trade policy . but the need is a v g u country have political power against beijing, right? so there is a sense that there has been a dis, unified position, a sort of mid key, messy messaging coming out of the different e u capitals and brussels. and i think what they're trying to do with this summit trying to show that unified front. we're live with them with the timing, but thanks so much for joining us. the w busses correspondent check product and the 5 interest by engaging thank you. that's one. what do you want to do? the news here, as a reminder about the top story, 2 months,
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i'll say it was attacked by a mazda is roads, ministry, size. its troops are battling the minute of the group in the center of southern because of largest city commanders and the 100 us for sold say the troops are engaged in some of the most intense fighting yet. i'll text focus here to fix and look at the southern opposition efforts to succeed in this month's parliamentary elections. i'm finished managing the name diesel. the
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survey of faces parliamentary elections. many have had a number of president to boot ships, governments for terry and democratic criminals, corrupt and above who it carries and lots of responsibility for violence. as a country, united opposition is desperately hoping for a change of government focus on europe. the next on dw,
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and all we are being chased and they are holding people ahead. we ask to be very fast check when you have reception please, we might have the zip code for environmental. this are on the run from the to the mass. yeah. the illegal simba trade is a $1000000000.00 business with no regard for people or nature in 45 minutes on d, w. the, the monumental structures of the stone age milestones in the history of mankind. some of its greatest best you can leave a monumental stone arrangements that people elected long before the pyramid technical and logistical feet. that simple as the impossible for you see it. the
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stones tell the story of a powerful resolution. what exactly happened as a 10000 years ago? secrets of the shown age starts december 22nd on d w, and the this is focus on your up arrow below a welcome serbia is due to hold parliamentary and regional elections in mid december. the snap vote was called by the president who was under mounting pressure from the opposition. alexander village church has been in office in serbia for 11 years. under his tenure, violence, corruption, and criminality have increase.


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