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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 7, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm CET

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to the, this is the, the news life from ballad in gaza. these rarely minute to says it's focus is one mind, all job is to find seen well and kill him. besides, for ya, soon was the need of her mazda in gaza as that to feels buffalo's bombardment and multiple listing and casualties in southern gaza. and calls for just as grow as is rarely investigators present prompting evidence, including how much video footage of sexual environments committed by many times during the 12 a 7th, the tax plus yup. and union and china get back down to business and you
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need us hold their 1st thoughts return. i'll shoot your opinion. yours with both sides saying they're hoping to find common ground on a number of issues. the find bit expanded. you're welcome. the fighting has intensified in and around southern causes, main city of hon. eunice as the is rarely ministry, pursues its goal of eliminating a must a militant organization designated a ton of risk group by multiple countries. this is rarely expensive. it's offensive . palestinians of being forced to leave the fighting and ongoing bombardment, thousands heading to shelters in the south, where there's still no guarantee of safety of women and children spilled across the hospital floor and families huddled in the cona,
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still covered in dust. and the latest explosion, vanessa hospital in hand, eunice is running out of space to treat the many injured people who are constantly arriving. and rather the situation is catastrophic. in all senses of the word, the lack of medical equipment and resources means we tend to treat people of the state of israel's minute trio operation in an around goals. the 2nd largest city has intensified in recent days, and the number of palestinians killed and injured continues to rise. thousands of now fleeting, con eunice to seek shelter even for the south. but safety seems unreachable now. here in the southern city of rough or on the egyptian buddha recent arrivals were among those kills by
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a recent his radio striking. besides you and the facade service of the house was targeted by 3 rockets and they targeted women and children. the, as you can see, this is kind of displaced, palestinians who were told the science would be safe. besides this, supposed to be safe, a, b, i guess where displays from come. i developed to rough enough where it is supposed to be safe with them, and they were all killed. as israel focuses the new phase of its military operation on southern garza, the search for shelter from the conflict becomes honda. everyday, a small i'm john jared and just to do of i justin crum feasibility that's on the terrorism expert and ceo of super line and international intelligence and risk analysis consultancy based in the u. k. just welcome to the studio. thank you to solve the fighting. the in the 100, this has been described as the most intense in the wall sofa. why is it the most intense sofa?
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i think i are obviously as well. it's been solely mounting this operation. they've, they've seen quite hard fighting in northern garza, but in some ways the operation northern gauze was easier than perhaps we expected. they made progress more quickly than perhaps you might expect. i think these really assessment the time is a lot of people, of course, that flags, northern gods, including some of that have mass fighters. and con, unice has always been pretty important base for how mass obviously is one of the 2 major centers in the gaza strip. so as i was always focused on that areas being that the bull play school headquarters of hamas and gaza, they knew it simpletons. and i think that sense was a lot of people move that from the fight together. and so from us. and certainly that's why i think the fighting in the northern parts been a little easier than expected. and the cost is rel, told people move south of the what because of course, that told her might as well. so you never move away from northern gauze, or is weather for us. michel pray shall take place. so this is a culminating area. so i'll be going to see different sorts of is there any
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operations in the south then be did in the north, and if so in what way? i think it's very similar tactics. and israel has been following an approach that was used. the most of it was used in basel are actually back in 2003 when i was a. and that's this approach of securing areas. moving in to cities know, and there is a multiple different axis to strike particular targets in those areas. so you think of an old fashioned, see just around the city and then you bombarded and gradually moved. and this is about seizing key bits of ground inside the city, securing the routes in and then having areas you can operate safely from and striking out. and that's all related to, as well as desire to go off to a particular target areas where they come out, saw in the news. and as they are doing this, we're seeing the civilian casualties, the civilian total amount of the same time. that is pressure from the united states and from other quarters for these ran to do more to avoid civilian casualties. civilians don't really have anywhere else to. so that's what the u. n. is saying.
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do you see any change in? is there any tactics so that they can avoid the civilian casualties that have been registered so far? i mean, sadly, no, i think it's hard not to be made by this kind of destruction that we see in gauze and the suffering of the people the. and of course, the fact is how mass is a sort of all for them up from all to the relative and they knew what would happen with this route. but it's really itself is that she sort of weirdly proud of the sophistic at the moment that i think they've been 15000 dead and god's or the moment of which is where i was like, well, 5000. we think of how my spice is. of course they've gone to tell you to expect that number to be off, but the source i got you a ratio of 2 dead civilians to one. how about sports is pretty good, isn't it? that sort of these really approach to this. and i think of course, a lot of the, well, the segments too much, you know, we accept the, if you do an operation in these circumstances, they're all going to be simply cost. it's impossible to avoid completely, but this is not a ratio that the rest and well find successful is real. i think says no, this is actually pretty good. if you look at what we're doing with,
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we think this is reasonable. i'm not, is the problem. the rest of the world, i didn't think agrees with that ratio, but that is also not feed into a further cycle of violence and becomes, of popped up like this man, because the higher the civilian told it doesn't. that's mean, they'd be a recruitment force in a sense, the and also the relatives of those with died. do they not become the most fight as of the future, becoming a problem for is running the future? yeah, i was honest ones, he is gay. what next officer i'll call it and i said now the restoration of, i'll call it a for example, i think with a mass in itself, it's initial ration of previous groups. there will be other groups off to it. so israel's mission to destroy him, us makes no sense militarily the minute she can do the best job they can, they could eliminate the leadership, they can destroy miss all launching facilities, but they were eliminate the idea or from us. and while some gossen is all totally against the mass and did before, in fact the events 2 months ago today, the other people in goals are of course,
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i will sympathize with him as they will resent as ralph these actions, of course. and it's going to fuel a cycle as it always has done, unless there was a very big change at the end of this. and it's hard to see that the man will, that change will be, i mean, and once cause was left as this ruined wasteland. what comes next? do you see, and is there any plan at all? do you think israel is factoring? this isn't not the 1st time they've been in casa. know, and they've gone through the cycle before of go in and retaliate. there's a clock running of how long is rail support? this will allow the operation to continue before they say enough. and then things reset. they've been through that cycle again and again. so they are aware of this. but politically, i think they all power lies with the need to fulfill this mission that the government has now assigned the ministry. but the fact that again, a military mission, the line and will not solve this problem in need something more comprehensive and it needs support the people have caused. once this is finished and the rebuilding will leave it there for the time being. the thanks so much for coming into the studio, adjusting crump, ceo of civil line and terrorism expert,
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thanks so much. thank or 2 months off of the minutes into each time is groups 10 to attack on these? well, there's mounting evidence of extensive rape and sexual violence on that day. police us the combing through extensive video footage like face for the nova is approved by how much it ends as well as social media and security camera footage. audit has been difficult to collect evidence because most victims were mother by the attack, as ones from from you know, doctors and rights groups who were at the scene on the day of the attack. say, well they so leaves no room for interpretation. and that the attack has raped and killed multiple women and guns. we saw things there. that is, they were shocking to us. women that was raped, brutally raped, and been killed, withdrawn from the nurse. is there any way to with guns you and they were burned
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alive? and i tell you these, the things we saw, we will never forget them to. and earlier i spoke to yard shadow from the advocacy group survivors of sexual violence. i asked her, what's become known about the scale of sexual violence committed on the 7th of october. i worked with the other organizations in old branches of government and this an investigation has just started. we have a police investigation. the spice investigation is um towards um, having court cases against people with court alive on that day terrorist, tomas operatives and the testimonies that were collected were quite shocking. we have now both come us footage and own footage,
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our 1st responders that shows crime scenes where people, both men and women were raped and sexually abused. the bodies came in such a horrible perfect condition. and we do have eye witnesses accounts, people who so other people being raped and abused and also a small number of survivors, both genders. how hard is it to, to, to collect and correlate this proof and present it in a court of law and be a show that this when stand a scrutiny in a court of law simply because most of the victims did not survive the acts of section a source, if you're talking about when it's one clear now that we will never know the full
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extent of the sexual miners. that's how much perpetrated here on the 7th of october . as we cons, collect the evidence from people who uh, burns and dead. now, almost i went, this is also killed and this is going to be a very hard investigation, but, but we already have is shocking. and there's no question that this happened on the 7th of october on multiple occasions. and we have multiple crime scenes and i'm sure just this is going to prevent the boss which is considered a tighter group by many countries, of course is denying all of this. it is saying that rape is against the islamic uh, beliefs and they have said something to the effect that and i code we categorically reject the false allegations of raped propagated by the occupation, particularly the recent false allegation insinuating, but members of the resistance engaged in sexual violence in
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a recent weeks based on everything that you're saying, i see that the points of the 9. it's don't see the point of denying it when how much themselves took pictures and videos of it. and we have live terror as being held the are in the as will being interrogated. they admit that they say it was planned, they say is blank me, they've uploaded onto the social media footage of it. we have eye witnesses, that sort, it was wide sprint. they absolutely didn't. yeah. and i don't see the point of denying it, sorry, 1st preplanned or i think it was pre planned, they said was pre plans in the investigations. and i think this is a foreign influence. we never saw this kind of behavior before the 7th of october. so you did mention that in
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a while was heavily influenced by iran. i. i never saw anything like this in this conflict before. i think this is foreign and influenced by other terrorist organizations and groups like kind of like i says, this is a foreign influence on this conflict that was brought in. this never never happened in such a wide spread the way before it's new to us and was absolutely documented and verified. right? why planned this? what is the purpose behind committing crimes like these? well, this is not an ordinary conflict. this was not only a matter of the raping people, it was a matter of humiliating people. people were shocked in the genitals genitals were cut off. i mean, a people would be headed. there was
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a lot of unnecessary violence because this is a terrorist organization. and that is to scan people and spread hara. this was psychotic and discussing things that they did to the bodies they performed acts that i don't think were meant to. this is not part of the normal conflict. what was done to the bodies was meant to spread fia right. it was this big, disgusting. do you think it can be possible to bring the public radio to justice? i will see the police investigation is it just started? i mean, of course this is going to be brought to a court of law in front of the judge and people are going against defense lawyers and prosecutors. and we'll see what happens then. what comes of him a lot. does he have to be published? yeah, you're also working with survivors of these brutal crimes people who witnessed the
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hardware that you speak about. but this hot out that was committed against their friends against relatives. how the survivors coping? no, i have not spoken to any. anybody in general, i've just been advising and working with the government on the kids as they deserve . they are all very traumatized by these events, which is understandable and not only with a victims of this brutal act, people that they know carol demanded or kidnapped. they're not living at home. the homes were burned down. they called beacon. so they're gonna have a difficult time in front of them, and i, i know that we as a state, as a country, as a society, we're going to support them. we're living there for the time being. but thanks so much for joining us and speaking to us today. yeah, i just had a head and founder of the survival of sexual violence advocacy group. thank you so
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much and thank you. are the leaders of the european union have, have talks, the chinese president sheets and paying, hoping to ease trade disputes a narrow and already deep divide over the born ukraine? both europe and commission president close enough on the line and the autopay and council head shot and michelle are engaging. the trip is considered a diplomatic restart due to the rocky relationship in recent years, which is a china young you once trying not to address a $200000000.00 trade in balance. and it's one see to use china's influence with russia to help. and the white queen was corresponding farther and crushed by engaging and dw brussels corresponding jack eric covered the china summit and summarize the main topics discussed at the meeting. i just came from the press conference by the european side and sean michelle. and those are the funder line,
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basically laid down in detail what they discussed um at the list of your conflicts or list of concerns. um, what's really long that range from human rights to what's the rising tensions in the south china seats. but basically the priority was on a 2 topics. um, the 1st one was of economic nature, a name b, the imbalances and traits in the european union suffers from a huge deficit and they are demanding more market access for the companies here in china. and the 2nd one is a politic cook topic named lead china as role um when it comes to supporting russia by booming trait and also by helping a rush to evade sanctions. um, one issue of concern is that a lot of people use goats word, basically come through russia via re exports from china. so they were very frank and open discussions, at least according to the front line. but if you were expecting concrete results,
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i would say i'm not so much at least get to, but the european side set, there will be high ranking dialogue and the coming months. and all the details will be discussed during the this dialogue from the chinese side. by the way, the rhetoric was written very warm and welcoming. and they did not really focus on the topics of the content, but rather on how to, you know, further and deepen cooperation. and i do want to address this warm rhetoric as you put aside in, in a moment, but 1st uh, just uh the you and trying, i'm wondering, show more balanced and rest of the pro cool trade relations. how will this work exactly? so yeah, that's the big question. i suppose the european union side is much more keen to re balance thought trade relationship because of that deficit. what we've seen is a real change in you policy. they use this would be risking all the time. well,
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they want to make sure is that that impulse, especially of things like precious metals that he used in electronics and power financially that we use our phones, our electric vehicles, etc. most of that comes into your opinion from china. so the issue is incredibly reliance on china and that for con, leverage itself politically against beijing. so what are your opinions? being trying to do is to sign up trade deals with other partners around the world, but they've had struggle with it and tried to they were trying to do with the strain the is just sort of full in through is reach to a sort of deadlock, one with latin american countries as well has become very difficult and that's why they've been that trying to make things okay. trying to look good. i know k with china. well that continuing to try and diversify that trade relations with other countries around the world. and just before the summit, we saw the a tally ins, for instance, polite of china is massive infrastructure investment project to global projects
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cool, belton road. they decided that it wasn't in their interest, and we might see other european union countries continue in that vein. what we saw in the press conference in beijing, a sort of on the line used a very interesting statement. she said, this was certainly a summit of choices, not decisions, no pressure, no agreements choices, relatively vague statements, which i think could really sums up the relationship between the even china right now. and china has chosen to call this dread to, to talk about bomb threat to that, at least towards the end you, as you mentioned, fabi on what explains this approach from aging to ones that you as well, well china ones that um is a business, as usual dates, 1st of all, i want to maintain the access to what's the queue or p and market. i mean china, us economy, it's very um, export driven and basically the european consumer is keeping the chinese engine
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walking. so they have a high interest in keeping that going up and more on a political level. they also don't want brussels to move closer to what's watching in the ice of aging. in the us government is trying to contain the economic rise of china by, you know, um, implementing a tech um a sanctions export controls, etc. and you know, seating thing does one, you're up to follow the way of the us. and i think when you talk to diplomacy, europe and diplomats, and whenever they have talks with m. m chinese culture pods, they are very, you know, a curious about what do you mean by the risk in your economy. they have really a freight that he risking in the end, couldn't mean some form of the company jack the and you crowded with it or the message of the risk gain, but is the you united when it comes to sending that message to china? so yeah, i think that was the whole point in this some essentially to see,
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show me is that with the kinds of president just sort of on the line the commission present. they also took the foreign policy chief of the u. joseph o rates are facing to try and show this unit unified from what we've seen is a string of different e you need is including gemini shows from says my crohn's billions, padre son says, go into basing on their own over the last few months. the in you creates trade policy, the human institutions are in charge of creating trade policy. but the need is a v c u country have political power against beijing, right? so there is a sense that there has been a dis, unified position, a sort of mid and key, messy messaging coming out of the different e u capitals and brussels. and i think what they're trying to do with this summit is trying to show that unified front. we're live with them with the timing, but thanks so much for joining us. the w busses correspondent check product and the 5 interest by engaging, thank you. definitely. today is the start of hanukkah, the 8th,
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the jewish festival of lights and to mark the occasion. the german chancellor is expressing his solidarity with the countries jewish community that is telling me shout in the berlin. well that charles is the 1st german john said to preside over the lighting of a giant tunnel comment or in front of the german capitals, brandenburg gate this. your festival comes meet the ongoing wall between israel and homos, and an increase in and to submit ticket tax. yeah. in germany and the deputy chief political correspondent, nina has followed the start of the honda festival for us at the brandenburg gate. she explained the significance of this year's event when is around, is fighting a war. now, this is an event that has been going on in berlin since 2008 and the so from 15 years. and a is usually a festival when the jews community in germany celebrates its existence and stresses the fact that the jewish live is a positive dom society's life. but this year,
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the organizer said that the message coming out of this event this year is move that to slice needs to be protected. also in gemini. so these, this event here at the moment here at the bretton but gauge is one where there's a lots of high ranking politicians and actually more and hong kong, capitalistic hold as so those mental rugs that we see in the background as well are in the city and then ever before they see if there's some 50 that are setup across the town. now we'll have sides trip to the states today. he was also the one who lived the 1st candle. now that is of course highly significant as well as your new speeds. he also said that he wants to make it clear that he's standing by the jewish community side attempts to 7th of october, germany seen an increase in cases of anti semitism. for instance,
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what is being done to come to that and to submit to incidents off to the 7th of october when to appear in germany some 320 percent. so that is a very, very steep rise that was on average 29. and to submit 6 incidents that were recorded by the official bodies that take stock of such incidents so that ease of clothes, extremely alarming. and the result was that of to the secure seas. 4 steps off, around 2 years. institutions such as synagogues, all across germany, edgers institutions are anyway, they're always protected. they always have at least one policeman standing outside . now they're up to full. so i'll protecting serious institutions that again, this organizes here at this event this year are also saying it's not just a way of protecting service live. if you say we need police presence that you also need to make it clear that jewish life is a positive gemini and that things like under the nazi regime,
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90 years ago with jews were killed in such high numbers, back could never happen again. the devastating political corresponding mina how's the funding budget building? thank you very much. and that's it for now. up next comfort zone terms. invested interview was released on the list out of david miller. i'm british bandage in berlin. thanks for watching the
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into the conflict zone with sim sebastian 2 months into the guys of war, america is still insisting as well as killing to many palestinians. aaron, david miller was a former senior official or the state department. what does he think? give israel tactics in baffled, and what kind of country? by too much in this context for bites, i should be a pretty wide conflict the next on dw.
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but we'll tell you who we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa in 60 minutes on dw, the, the money mental structures of the stone age milestones in the history of mankind. some of its greatest, the best we can do since it is a monumental stone arrangements that people elected long before the pyramid technical and logistical feat. that simple as the impossible. see it,
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the stones tell the story of a powerful revolution. what exactly happened as a 10000 years ago? secrets of the shown age starts december 22nd on the w and the 2 months into the guise of war. america is filling this. this thing is way is killing too many palestinians for the administration is also on the pressure itself. this time from an unprecedented number of its own officials. the members of the democratic party protested yet this advice and support for the war. aaron, david miller was a former senior official of the state department. he says the timing is good for the president. if this were playing out in october of 2020.


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