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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2023 2:00am-2:15am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the this is beat up in use live for, but in these really minutes it's southern guys of main city hard but faces the newest resistance from us military gun fire artillery and as strikes lead to more understanding of casualties also in the program neighbors all venezuela. i'm diana, say they worry about the tensions between the 2 countries. the us analysis joint minutes, the exercises with diana. this follows have been as well as referendum to
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a set. it's claim for an oil rich region off pm and german chancellor schultz mocks the 1st night of hanukkah by lightning, a minora at berlin's, brendan, the gates. what impact is visuals war and guys are having on the annual jewish festival of lights? the i'm totally illogical. welcome to the program. fighting in and around the southern guys and city of of han unice has intensified as these really miller cheapest use. it's goal of eliminating him us a militant organization designated a terrorist group by multiple countries. as israel expands it's offensive, thousands of palestinian civilians are being forced to flee and had for shelters in the south, where there's still no guarantee of safety. women and children scrolled across the
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hospital floor to the families huddled in the cona, still covered in dust. and the latest explosion, vanessa hospital in hon. eunice, is running out of space to treat the many injured people who are constantly arriving. and rather the situation is catastrophic. in all senses of the word, the lack of medical equipment and resources means we tend to treat people of this site is rails minute trio operation in and around goals. the 2nd largest city has intensified in recent days. and the number of palestinians killed and injured continues to rise thousands and now fleeting, con eunice to seek shelter even for the south. but safety seems unreachable now. here in the southern city of rough uh on the egyptian buddha,
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recent arrivals were among those kills by a recent his radio strike. besides you and the for says, service of the house was targeted by 3 rockets and they targeted women and children . good, as you can see, this is kind of displaced, palestinians who were told the science would be safe. besides the supposed to be safe. i guess that's where it displays from come. i developed to rough enough where it is supposed to be sites with them and they were all killed. as israel focuses the new phase of its military operation on southern garza, the search for shelter from the conflict becomes honda every day. while these really ami says it's goal is the destruction of how much it adds that it's specifically hunting. the leaders of the militant organization handiness is not only a minutes on stronghold, but also the hometown of a massive chief in gaza. yes, yes, and why he hasn't been seen in public since the beginning of the war,
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and israel believes he's hiding somewhere in the city. the big thoughts of the civil also seemed wise in the area of hon units. you have tara infrastructure and come on centers that in. well, the same was not above ground. he's on the ground. no, i don't want to elaborate where and how and what we know in terms of intelligence, this is not the place to talk about such things in the media. all job is to find seen well and killed him at the seen a lot below. go to, as you heard people and guys finding it almost impossible to locate a truly safe place to live, i meant the conflict. access to food was a and medical help have been limited by the slow trickle of humanitarian aid. the u . n's emergency relief coordinator says the lack of safe areas as obstructed a plans. we do not have your monetary operation in southern gaza that can be cooled by that name anymore.
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that the pace of the military assault in southern gaza is a repeat of the assault in northern guns that it has made no play safe for civilians in southern gaza, which has been the cornerstone of the humanitarian plan to protect civilians. and thus to provide a to them but without places to safety, that kind of as intact as the earlier dw spoke to martin, i'm here on, she's a military analyst and research fellow at kings college london's war studies department. and we asked her about the whereabouts of yes, yes, in law and the legality of killing him instead of capturing him if he's found it is difficult to say because there are quite several people that the idea softer and the israel intelligence is trying to locate them. and obviously you will know that a company, eunice is
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a how much stronghold so perhaps um they are targeting also other is not just the idea of cinemark. but there is also a possibility that even if it is sort of our home that he is not waiting there for the idea of he could have escaped through egypt because for him us, it would be important to keep so key leaders, the military leaders, a lot a life and, and also one being mohammed died for instance, who is a wanted man and these rel, as well, the debate about the legality of so called targeted killing. and it has been going on for many years now and send war and mohammed died. they both have been designated as tourist, for instance, by the united states, and say, normally you would expect them to be found. but this is a little bit like in the case of a sudden i've been martin as well that you know, if you are identified him,
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then you have the allowance to strike him to strike him dad. and so it's a complicated legal matter because they are considered as terrorist. they can be targeted indeed or no. so us says it'll conduct joined military flight drills and diana as tensions rise. we've neighboring venezuela over territorial claims. washington says the exercises are routine but reiterated what it called it's unwavering support for gay annas sovereignty venezuela has described the drills as prompt as a provocation. last weekend, it held a referendum aimed at reassigning its territorial claim to the oil rich as a cable region. speaking at the macro, so summit of south american nations resilient president, louise, you nice to let us silver expressed his concern about the deepening dispute result . she has a border with both venezuela and today on
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a new book here. she one point that you know something we don't want in south america is war. we don't need a war, we don't need conflict and what we need for is to build peace voice. 3 advice of the dispute is over as a key will begun many decades ago. we off the w's less than america. correspondent nichols with white president nicholas and my doodle revived venezuela's claim over the region. a rich resources, not only offshore, are they also in the dense forest off of the it's a key will region. we're talking about the gold medium risk of so this is quite a money making machine. this would be quite a boost for any economy of any country. really. that's why that's so much interest in the region. and at the same time i doodle is heading into election campaign next year of and it's a lot, it's probably going to hold elections. he's trying to be a position himself. he's also trying to void a to, to talk about the real issues,
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the severe political and economic crisis in his country. and this could be a tactical of course. some analyst also seems that he might declare a state of emergency over this whole issue just so that he can postpone the elections. but at the same time i do to is also made clear that you already considered as this region part of industry. like he's drawn up actually a new official medical vendors, really including this region. and he has called on national companies to start drilling and extracting already. and if you went it that way, i think this would quite escalate everything. we have the brazilian military in the region. we have to us who's paying a lot of intention of right now. and at the same time, this comes as us is actually softening the sanctions of venezuela. so this would be quite a difficult situation for the country itself and it could quite turn around on them in the end as well. dw latin america correspond to nicole with that. but let's take a look at some more world news headlines. media, and as the by john have announced they are working on normalizing relations. this
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comes just months after azerbaijan capture they're going to care about the region, forcing almost all of its ethnic on medium populations to sleep. after decades of finding over the territory, your event. and bach who have now put out a statement saying that working on a peace treaty, the finish, the danish parliament has passed a law making it illegal to desecrate any religious text. it follows several koran bindings that spots angry demonstrations in muslim countries. but just as ministries is not, that has increased the tariff pricing system and democrats, you more position lawmakers condemned what they called restriction and probably on free expression to the leaders of tuck in greece have held what they called a new chapter in their relations. after years of tensions turkish president red pat on angry crime. and if that could be, that goes to the doc is signed a friendship declaration and a dozen other cooperation agreements in athens. even subjective,
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says he'll soon visit and that you can do. cook reading shows the meters of the european union and have held talks with chinese president shooting ping hoping to ease trade disputes and narrow an already deep divide over the war in ukraine. again, commission president who was left on the line and your family council. president shaw michelle, are in beijing on a trip, considered a diplomatic restart of that use relationship with china. that's become rocky over recent. yeah. so the ones china to address a $200000000000.00 trade in balance at once. she too, was china's influence with russia to help and the ukraine award. she seemed a correspondent, 5 being crush, moss covered the meeting for us from badging. and he told us more about china has become nomic and political interest when it comes to the e. u. as well, well china, once it, um, is a business as usual dates. first of all i want to maintain the access to what's the
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q we're p and market. i mean china, us economy, it's very um, export driven and basically the european consumer is keeping the chinese engine walking. so they have a high interest in keeping that with going up and more on a political level. um, they also don't want brussels to move closer to what's watching in the ice of aging in the us government is trying to contain the economic rise of china by, you know, um, implementing a tech um a sanctions export controls, etc. and you know, seating thing does one, you're up to follow the way of the us and i think when you talk to them and see europe and diplomats and whenever they have talks with chinese culture pods, they are very you know, a curious about what do you mean by the risk in your economy, they have really a freight that he risking in the end could mean some form of the company. hanukkah,
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the 8th day jewish festival of lights have been gone then to mock the occasion. jeremy's chancellor has expressed a solid verity with the countries jewish community at a ceremony here in berlin, while i felt is the 1st chancellor to preside over the lising of a giant honda coming or in front of the german capitals brandenburg gate this year . as best of all comes, i made to be israel, a mazda more, and an increase in anti semitic attacks here in germany, the dw use chief political correspondent, nina has joined us from the brenda book gate and explained the significance of this year's event. now this is an event that has been going on in berlin since 2008 and the so from 15 years and is usually an festival when the jews community in germany celebrates its existence and stresses the fact that the jews live is a positive gem. society's life, but this year the organizers said that the message coming out of this event,
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this yeah, is move that to slice needs to be protected. also in gemini. so these, this event here at the moment here at the bretton but gauge is one where there's lots of high ranking politicians and actually more and hong kong, capitalistic hold as so those mental rugs that we see in the background as well are in the city and then ever before they see if there's some 50 that are setup across the town. now we'll have sides took to the states today. he was also the one who lived the 1st candle. now that is of course highly significant as well as your new speeds. he also said that he wants to make it clear that he's standing by the jewish community side. you're watching dw news. he has a reminder of our top story of israel's village. he says its troops have engaged in
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cs fighting with the minutes in groups of mice and stuff. on the gas on the bullets and bombardments have led to more palestinian casualties. and what the u. n is calling an impending humanitarian catastrophe. next is dark film looking at love and the search for true romance told me all logical for myself and the team here in by the, in the, the taste of us. we have a problem that was in the us middle class income has fairly risen in the last 20 to 30 years perhaps the next week at the same time debt keeps riley 300 trillion that the trap,


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