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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the menus live from the and then these ready ministry hits the southern guys of main city hod, but faces this resistance from how much militants gunfire tillery and ask strikes lead to more palestinian casualties also on the program neighbors of venezuela. i'm diana, say they worry about the tensions between the 2 countries. the us analysis joint
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military exercises with diana. this follows venezuela as referendum to us said it's claim over an oil which region and after decades of conflict over the region of nego on a car, back our media and as a by john say they're working to normalize relations. the, i know i'm totally on logical welcome to the program. the united arab emirates, his hospital a vote in the un security council on a sci fi and guys of the us and british governments who whole vito right say a truth will only aid him. us, which they say which they and all the country say is a terrorist group. fight fears, fighting continues and southern gaza where is ready, forces have surrounded and entered. the city of han use to the physical
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and emotional to continue to rain down on the palestinian people of god. and despite is real declaring some areas to be safe zones. air strikes are constant threats. we are with children, the old people and women. i beg you not to bomb us and she and her family are among the 1800000 people who work internally displaced at 80 percent of the population places to seek shelter, ever shrinking. those who are able to escape bombings with their lives are barely living at all. food. water and other basics are scarce. seen as i'm a quick game here. what am i? and as you see there is no shelters. i have no dent. i'm not seeing anyone, water, tyler, or no toilet margaret long look at our children, how they look. there is no place to shop for them. but that today there were fights
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with people because of a small place. no, we can not set up dense northern we cover our children. this is the milwaukee camp in southern gaza. this really military has designated it as a safe so, but there is no aid. it's undeveloped land. we're already desperate people are living in squalid conditions and strikes and ross, i near the rejection border have shown fear in those who have fled their homes to seek safety in the cities camp despite international calls for a ceasefire, heavy urban combat intensive, i don't even same be the best has been fighting along the entire trip rather than 2nd stages of calling by to the mid 19 terrorists, including senior combines, is hiding an underground tunnels and you know, and also destroy and terrorist infrastructure. the steel table. the un has warrant
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that garza is teetering on a humanitarian catastrophe. with hospitals unable to care for the injured and the growing threat of disease. sweeping through refugee camp. as he heard people and g as a finding it almost impossible to locate a truly safe place to live amid the conflict access to food, water and medical help had been limited by a slow trickle of humanitarian aid. the, when's emergency relief coordinator says the lack of safe areas has obstructed age plans, or we do not have your monetary operation in southern gaza that can be cooled by that name anymore. that the pace of the military assault in southern gaza is
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a repeat of the assault in northern guns that it has made no play safe for civilians in southern gaza, which has been the cornerstone of the humanitarian plan to protect civilians. and thus to provide a to them, but without place to safety, that kind is in tatters. and while the use ready, army says its goal is the destruction of how much it added specifically hunting the leaders of the militant organization con eunice is not only a militant stronghold, but it's also the hometown of masses chief in gaza. yes, yes. and why he hasn't been seen in public since the beginning of the war, but israel believes he's hiding somewhere in the city. big thoughts and seeing wow, so sing wise in the area of hon. units, you have tara infrastructure and come on centers that in well, seen, was not above ground. he's on the ground. no, i don't want to elaborate where and how and what we know in terms of intelligence,
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this is not the place to talk about such things in the media. all job is to find san juan and kill him. get a single video over to or are they at e? w spoke to marina miran, she's a military analyst and research fellow with kings colored london's war studies department and asked her about the whereabouts of yes, yes, in law and the legality of killing him instead of capturing him if he's found it is difficult to say because there are quite several people that the idea is softer and the israel intelligence is trying to locate them. and obviously you will know that com eunice is a how much stronghold, so perhaps they are targeting also as there is not just the idea of send bar, there is also a possibility that even if it is sort of our home that he's not waiting there for the idea of he could have escaped through egypt because for him us,
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it would be important to keep so key leaders, the military leaders, a lot, a life and, and also one being mohammed died for instance, who is a wanted man. and he's rel, as well. the debate about the legality of so called targeted killing, and it has been going on for many years now and send war and mohammed died. they both have been designated as tourist, for instance, by the united states, and say, normally you would expect them to be found. but this is a little bit like in the case of a sudden i've been martin as well that you know, if you are identified him, then you have the allowance to strike him to strike him dad. and so it's a complicated legal matter because they are considered as terrorist. they can be targeted indeed, stunning elsewhere in the us as it will conduct joint military flight drills in diana as tensions rise with neighboring venezuela over territorial claims.
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washington says the exercises are routine, but reiterated what it called it's unwavering support for dan a sovereignty. venezuela has described the drills as improbable cation pretensions have overshadowed a summit to all the south american trade lot make us our in rio de janeiro. south american leaders came into this summit to work on international trade deals and the future of their own common market. but the docs in rio de janeiro soon gave way to concern over a growing border dispute between diana and venezuela. ok, see you and point. thank you. something we don't need in south america is walk. you know, because that with the we don't need a wolf. we don't need conflict. what we need is to build pc advice. tensions have searched over the squeezable region and or a rich standard treat administered by diana,
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but claimed by venezuela when his beloved president nicholas liberal rule has called and been as villain or in the mining companies to begin an exploration of s quibble after he emerged victorious and the controversial referendum last sunday, some 95 percent of venice valence who voted back the bid to claim. so going to be over the region. they my that e mail yet, the little salem. i've got a id visa on cvd, most amazingly proceed to create the pay the visa as a key vote on c v. as a key vote division of the apple. perfect, i do need is the proceed to grant operating licenses for the exploration and exploitation of oil, gas and mines in the entire area of like i, yadda is akiva. and the one where memorial has shown no signs of backing down guy. and these people and the leadership a like have a bose, the move. even though regional cooperation remain center stage where the marcus or
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summit, the risk of a regional escalation looms large. let's take a look at some more world news headlines. the us department of justice has charge hunter biden with 9 criminal accounts related to tax avoidance. some of the us president joe biden faces a maximum 17 years in jail if convicted is already facing possible dale time on federal firearms charges up to a p bargain deal fell upon it. is the danish parliament has passed a law making it illegal to desecrate any religious text with as follows. several koran bindings a spot angry demonstrations in muslim countries. the justice ministry says that has increased the tara thread in denmark, a position, lawmakers condemn what they call to the restriction on we expression by more local media and as a by john have announced they're working on normalizing relations comes just months after as a by john captured the nagondo camera by region,
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forcing almost all of its ethnic medium population to sleep after decades of fighting over the territory. yet yvonne and bach who have now put out a statement saying they're working on a peace treaty. they also exchanged prisoners of dw, you a chateau, travel to armenia, which is where most of the 120000 people who lived in the car by fled to you met refugees to find out more about their concerns and hopes for the future. as the drum and sees mazda bundles took with them, what did they quote when they fled from their home? now, gordon o'connor. i g o n z a jump lee these blankets and a few other warm things on the 24th, just the we only took new household electrical appliances and some fruit i had driving up a, we had a small car and that was all we could fit you show is split, squeezed the give little guns, have been sharing this house with 2 of the reputation families for the last 2
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months. there are lock you that one leaving here on her own. let them stay without asking for any of the families from the gardener. corner of possible also living here until a few days ago. but that they have now moved out into athletics over there on the new supposed to previously a refugee in the 9th and nineties. fleeting took maintenance done for now, gar, no colorado. actually the sold does that one day should have to pack up again and to look for a new home. this time, nearly every resident has left in the garden of car boston. even asked, at least that they haven't to get to come to terms with often more than 100000 to armenians escaped from the guard up or above. many of them are still in the shop for a nation deeply rooted in tradition, being super right from the length of their ancestors is perhaps that the biggest blow of all every day armenians come to pay their respects to those killed in divorce over. now, gordon,
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i've talked about these so called cemetery for heroes open schemes, a capital years on in the early ninety's is a conflict, has a sense claim to more than 35000 lives on does the armenians side. we've lived through 4 wars, and that's enough. we're tired of war and bloodshed. we just want to live normal, quiet lives. this is the giver against trying to lease normal lives in place. the village, along with dozens of the refugee families from the if they get along well, we have the letters, but the future looks bleak. most out of work over the summer and earn a living driving taxes. many of the refugees depend on social services provided by armenia. the european union and international agencies also help. but it's not enough to be different. the 2nd level of the, the arrival of more than a 100000 people from the going to cover a bucket is a huge boot. and on the i mean in economy,
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i bought the invest spots. most of these people have outstanding bank loans. you'll know the banks and they're going to cover of ok. what all i mean in all my copies and their customers are half a $1000000000.00 on bunker. you know my god to support stock. mon barksdale man. most of the refugees find no position to pay off the debts. they have lost everything. zip on to the night. many i can use the army union, the government of giving up and a gardener are about to easily enter. they want to why so many men lost their life easier verse of independence tiguan to follow the dawn of it for 2 weeks ago. no quarter of bucks, army, and like all that form of soldiers is be totally disappointed. he's under no illusion that his family has a new long term future in our media. yeah, i'd show up so the way we want to leave and go abroad on each or that just gives the children the future then. so me see give our dance. i'm not alone in wanting to be our media, but most of the refugees just want to read,
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tell them to their beloved homeland. now gardner, colorado, but they have no idea whether it's that will ever be possible. coming up next, that's doc film looking at a loves and the search for true romance. i am totally illogical in the land whenever you're looking for. i wish you the very best. thanks for watching the bees do for fun. via do gravitational waves squeeze out body. how do i the drums for the 10 feet and what's the perfect kid for approx side? find the on says yes,
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with dw signs on the picked up channels. the


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