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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2023 8:00am-8:31am CET

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the, the, this is the w use life from the and protecting civilians must be a priority. that's the message from the united states, secretary of state. the waste says israel has the right to defend itself and cause that that's, that comes with conditions to be motley, as well as military campaign intensive funds in the south of the kansas strip. it's facing face resistance from homeless militants, gunfire tillery, and as trying to be to even bold palestinian casualties. and we'll take you to the united nations climate conference and divide the irony of discussions about the
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future of fossil fuels save. one of the world's most oil rich regions. activists want to he phones of energy production, phased out as the planet continues to boma the bank visible and welcome mold. in 2 months of war between the as well and the palestinians of boston. the death toll continues to rise, palestinian health officials and how most wrong kansas trips. they have a 17000 people who have died in the fighting, mainly civilians at stoking international calls for a ceasefire. us secretary of state entity blanket, it's cold on israel to prioritize the protection of civilian life. again, underscoring washington's position on the wall. as we stand here almost a week into this campaign and the, the south after the end of the amount of training applause is imperative,
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it remains imperative that israel put a premium on civilian protection. and there does remain a gap between exactly what, what i said when i was there, the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we're seeing on the ground. i also have correspondent in jerusalem, tonya, claim the about the reaction to blink and strongest public criticism. yet of these wells conductive the war on how much we've heard over the policies is more more pressure by the united states and more pushback. know to do more to protect palestinians by the civilian population in gauze. i know as well as said for many weeks as well that they're claiming, basically homos that they are using civilians as a human shield. and they are saying the military here that they're doing a lot to protect civilians to tell them to lock you in a certain areas to give them career doors to move. they're also published in that,
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you know, detailing uh, putting splitting up cause and hundreds of little districts. but i talked to people in dollars on the phone as we, as doing this kind of a go there. they're telling me this is very confusing. uh we, we have to understand that over an estimated number of 1800000 of people out of the 2200000 residents in garza, that has been displaced. the old move to many of them move to the south and of course know the ground operation also being expended to the sales people simply have no place to go any more to, to be safe. there's no safe area. that's what they are telling me. and even if there are a vocation close to go to certain areas, there's still also as strikes and other areas. so people are saying, if there is no cold for full seas, for there's no safety and security for, for them in also at the moment, antonio and i see mandatory in front, we've had that as well. setting up a 2nd check point for trots, bringing
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a goza. how is that going to help? well, there's talk about the opening or do use of partially opening of the the tell them shalom crossing. know, the beginning of the war is well, had close both of its crossings that are going into a garza so one is the north of the air is crossing just is only for a people to cross in and out. this one is close and there was also the term showed on crossing in the south, which has also been closely suspect uh before the war. usually goods were going in and out, right? no age is only coming in through the south of crossing re egypt. so that has been told us no timeframe given if this would actually happen that the crossing detention on crossing could help with the screening. and you know, the security mechanisms that is really wants to see in place. but the other problem actually is not just the crossings. what we're hearing from you monitoring
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organizations from the united nations is actually right now the distribution of humanitarian aid coming into cause a because as this heavy fighting reported also in the south. so most of the trucks that are coming in and then not that many coming in, but those are coming in, you know, they cannot reach the middle areas or the northern part or even in the south. it's quite limited. we are hearing from the united patients and we had the under general the secretary much increases a saying that we don't, we do not have you many turn operation in southern gaza that you can call it you monitoring operation and power fuzzy phrasing here anymore. because, you know, this is a very difficult now to get the monitoring age to people there. and then as you mentioned, the finding of yourself, what is the military situation right now for it is right? is a, it's a pushing ahead where is its ground operation? they're still fighting, going on also of course,
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uh in the northern area of the gaza strip. but there's a lot of focus now on the south, especially on the city of san eunice. where is ro is saying that they assume part of the cedar ship might be in that area. it's also the hometown of y'all, have seen where they are mostly the res, seem but as well as the main architect of the october 7th, a terrorist attacks. so most of the, uh, a lot of focus is on the southern area at the moment with a, you know, bombardment, evelyn bergman, and, and ground operations focusing also know on the whole of, of the goals and strip time. you thank you very much for the updates now corresponded in july, so that way as well says it will not light up in its drive to eliminate tom. i was considered a terrorist group by us countries. he's more on the finding in the south of gaza and the dias, humanitarian situation. physical and emotional trauma continue to rain
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down on the palestinian people of god. and despite is real declaring some areas to be safe zones. air strikes are constant threats. we are with children in the old people and women. i beg you not to bomb us and she and her family are among the 1800000 people who work internally displaced at 80 percent of the population places to seek shelter, ever shrinking. those who are able to escape bombings with their lives are barely living at all. food. water and other basics are scarce. seen as i'm a quick game here for them. as you see there is no shelters. i have no dent. i'm not seeing anyone, water, tyler, nor toilet margaret long look at our children, how they look. there is no place to shop for them. but that today there were fights
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with people because of a small place. they know we cannot set up dense nor can we cover our children. this is the milwaukee camp in southern gaza. this really military has designated it as a safe so, but there is no aid. it's undeveloped land. we're already desperate people are living in squalid conditions. and strikes and roughly near the rejection border have some fear in those who have fled their homes to seek safety in the cities camp . despite international calls for a ceasefire, heavy urban combat intensified i don't even think the we're little bit persistent fighting along the entire trip rather than 2nd stages of calling by to eliminating terrorism, including senior, combined, this hiding underground tunnels. i mean, not working, and also destroying terrorist infrastructure,
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the steel cable. the un has warrant that garza is teetering on a humanitarian catastrophe. with hospitals unable to care for the injured and the growing threat of disease. sweeping through refugee camp. the conflict continues to polarize the world in many places, both at ease, semitism, and is. lemme phobia, have searched since the homeless attacks in october. london has seen regular matches in support of israel and palestinians. they don't use book at most reports on efforts to overcome the divide to make any known as the son of a vegetable salma. prepare themselves for his children in his kitchen in london reminds him of home home that was a wooden house. and israel, in this little village, near the gaza strip 1st, his collins roadside. it was attacked on the 7th of october and complete the bronze on what was mar them. here it is, goes beyond my barons. it's,
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it seems as if my childhood was murder that day. and again, the non, his wife and kids spend many happy. some of those with his parents the where he grew up of those. uh, almost nothing less than both my parents really loved uh, working in the garden. and immediately after his parents were acute, he and his siblings made a pact to not give into hatred of that. that's why he's here and i did meet you in central london to get before you manage the jews whose lives christians and on to leave us ordinary london, this one standing side by side. so. so piece to move forward, we should recognize the suffering and loss of innocent lives on both sides. the active is to say they face pressure has to take sides. and indeed they might have different political views. but they all refuse to give in to polarize ation. it
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sounds move at the moment, but moving forward towards some kinds of a face to face more people's situation. it provides meaning more than anything else. everything outside rather meaningless. if we keep going through the cycle, we're going to come back to the same result which is the destruction of death. there is no other alternative then to remind people that we have to end this. we have to find a way to share the space the candle, to the audit for the victims. not just for one sign, the beginning on has impressed the most senior cleric of the church of england who attends the video. where we swim against the stream. with forgiveness, with looking for building something rather than destroy line. we can change other people and he's cool that vision and these are most extraordinary,
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extraordinary mind. getting on says the middle east conflict can only be resolved by people seeing it's office humanity a quick look now at some of the other world news headlines for you, for us to positive. johnston says johnstown to biden, with 9 criminal counts related to tax avoidance. the son of the american president faces the max of 17 years in prison, if convicted is already facing possible jail time on the federal firearms charges after a plea bargain faith and he government demonstrate his took to the straits of bruise capital lima to month. the 1st year in government of president dana boy jamante, she took office following the impeachment of pedro castillo, but attempted to dissolve congress and bill by decree. route has had 6 presidents in 5 years. you will see the danish problem. it is past and you little making it
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a legal to desecrate religious texas. it follows several grand buildings that sponsor angry demonstrations in both them countries. the justice ministry says that's increased the tower, threatened deadlock or position lawmakers condemn what they call a restriction on free expression. china has slashed visa fees, the travelers from thailand's japan, mexico bid them and the philippines. it's the latest efforts to boost the flagging tourism industry. last month the china were offered, these are free entry to visitors and business travelers for the use 5 business economies, 5 biggest economies to trying to improve its image in the west. as well as late as discuss climate action at the you and climate conference at 2 by one time comes up a lot, one and a half degrees in 2015 hundreds of countries agreed to grandpapa efforts to limit global warming to that talk time to take stock and look at what if the limit is
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exceeded. a wild fires in canada floods and libya sweltering heat and brazil, and extreme drought and the horn of africa. this is a world 1.2 degrees hotter than the early 19 hundreds. a world that is edging closer to the temperature limit leaders agreed would avoid the worst impacts of climate change. 1.5 degree celsius compared to pre industrial levels. that's like a 1st line of defense where we want to tell the few months the need to change our behavior in other save the planet in order to keep the planet for future generation. as we hit the after spear by burning fossil fuels, scientists say it will lead to even more extreme, whether or drought and the disappearance of more animal and plant species. people over the at risk will suffer 1st and more like this family in southern iraq, an intense drought force to, to leave behind the countryside and settled for poverty in the city. during the
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night, when there was water, we used to grow everything on our land, including vegetables, as we lived on that agriculture. but when the water started to dwindle, it would be available for 2 months for a month until it stopped completely linmore. by the end of the parts of the middle east, africa or asia may be some of the hardest hit right now. but the risk for extreme weather is increasing everywhere. different parts of the world are going to be affected in different way. but what we also know that those big stream events, the pads are both extremely advanced, is also going to shift and in the places where currently you may feel, well, we are not going to experience as much. i'm sure that that's not true. to keep the planet habitable plants and animals, they to work with their environment. but key eco systems like these are already starting to break down. i sheets are melting. permafrost low storing,
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and coral reefs are dying off is going above one point. 5 degrees doesn't mean complete disaster, but any fraction of a degree makes a big difference in people's lives and the environment. according to climate scientists, we need to stop burning fossil fuels, the pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by 2050 to keep to the 1.5 degree target. very, very close to $1.00, but at the same time, uh, it shouldn't be a signal to give up a call, then do nothing. on the contrary, we need to do more in order to prevent the even bigger increases in temperature. the closer we stick to the target, the more we can hope to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. the fun, how much 9 is covering the conference for us. larry, tell us more about the goal. she is focus on the future of fossil fuels. of the yeah, exactly. so what we're heading into is really the crunch time off this conference
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now as professional negotiators handing over to their ministers to really hammer down on the details. and, and what sort of, at the heart of these negotiations is the global stock take. it's a 1st off, it's kind in un climates uh some of its negotiations because of basically, you know, look, that's how far the world has come since the 2015 pairs agreement and what it still has to do next. and that's exactly, you know, where we're coming to the fossil fuel face out because that really is at the center of the debate here because they're very opposing views on what kind of language to include in this final text. will they actually be a fossil fuel phase out of all fossil fuels, like many countries are calling for? will they be awarded donald version? and we have to remember, you know, that all, all states have to read on those texts. and there's a lot of different options on the table. and it's really up to the political negotiators to know how about the details and, and make some decisions in the next coming days. and there are so many livelihoods
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here. it's taken people's lives. how likely is a just and equitable phase out of fossil fuels. yeah, exactly. that's, that's the big question here. just this morning, delegates representative activists from the pacific island states. some of those dates were most affected by the consequences of the time of crisis already stage to protest here as comp calling really for an equitable just transition out of all fossil fuels. but there is there also, you know, powerful players. and in the negotiations name, the states like saudi arabia offered you say oil producing saudi arabia who are, who are opposing even including language on a face diving of fossil fuels. and we've heard from, you know, people inside the negotiation rooms that as soon as, as a country, like saudi arabia, detailed why it's light is opposing such a fossil fuel phase down. i'm representatives from small island nations really got
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very emotional because for them you said it is, it's really their survival. that's at stake here. and uh is they've been huge business interest at stake as well. as you mentioned, they're telling me more about why this is conference is being monitored. so bunch of controversy. so yeah, there is many reason for that. you know, above all of the head of the cop 282000 all java or who's also ahead of the national oil companies. but then you mentioned the business interest. um, there was more lobby use fossil fuel lobbies tier than at any carpet before. $2400.00 is, is the estimate that's more than even the delegates representatives from the 10 most effect or time and vulnerable nations, combines and many a warning that's these business interests to get more room then the interest of those who are suffering, the consequences from the consequences of the, of the climate crisis. there is a lot of controversy i'm something algebra has said that he wants to make this
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a historic, a cop annual certainly depends on the exact wording off of fossil fuel face. and that's what spaces out. that's what everybody is watching, whether it will really be, you know, measure ops to these expectations. he said he wants to get the call on top of done on time. and which would be the 1st time in 20 years that that has happened. but there is a lot of pressure now to, to not border down and what is in the final text. and to really make this, make this count. very interesting point and interesting figures to probably only fun homicide in to bye thank you. and united states says it will conduct the joint military flight drills in guyana as tensions rise with neighboring venezuela of a territorial clients. washington says the exercises of routine reiterates what he calls its on waving support full di in his sovereignty. and its why the has described the drills as a publication. the tensions have overshadowed the summit of the south american
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trade book miracles. so in rio de janeiro. the south american leaders came into this summit to work on international trade deals and the future of their own common market. but the docs in rio de janeiro soon gave way to concern over a growing border dispute between diana and venezuela. okay, see point that something we don't need in south america is walk. you know, because of the we don't need a wolf. we don't need conflict. what we need is to build peace out by then shows have searched over the us the cable region, an oil which started 3 administered by gonna planned by venezuela then as well. and president nicholas living room, just called on ben is valan orland, mining companies to begin exploration of as a cable after he emerged victorious in a controversial referendum last sunday. some 95 percent of venice valence who voted
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back the bid to claim. so going to be over the region. they my, that e mail yet, the little salem, i've got a id, they said on cvd most amazingly proceed to create, to pay the visa as a key vote on c, v. as a key vote division of the apple. perfect, i do need is the proceed to grant operating licenses for the exploration and exploitation of oil, gas and mines in the entire area of like i yada s akiva. and the what am i due to his show? no signs of backing down guy and these people and the leadership, i like have united against the move. even though regional cooperation remain center stage where the marcus or summit, the risk of a regional escalation looms large. the dispute or the as a cable began many decades ago, we asked, we dealt with his latin america, corresponded to co rece, why president nicholas venturo revived venezuela's claims over the region as rich
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resources, not only offshore, are they also in the dense forest off the is a key will region, we're talking about gold, medium, a red. so this is quite a money making machine. this would be quite a boost for any economy of any country. really. that's why that's so much interest in the region. and at the same time i doodle is heading into election campaign next year of and it's a lot, it's probably going to hold elections. he's trying to be a position himself. he's also trying to void a to, to talk about the real issues, the severe political and economic crisis in his country. and this could be a tactical, of course. some analysts also the things that you might declare a state of emergency over this whole issue. just so that he can postpone the elections, but at the same time i do do is also made clear that you already considered as this region part of industry. like he's drawn up. actually a new official medical vendors really including this region. and he has called on national companies to start drilling and extracting already. and if you went it
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that way, i think this would quite escalate everything. we have the brazilian military in the region. we have the us who's paying a lot of intention of right now. and at the same time, this comes as us is actually softening the sanctions of venezuela. so this would be quite a difficult situation for the country itself. and it could quite turn around on them in the end as well. no correspondent nicole re say eye clinic foods sometimes designated as world cultural heritage by you this got the list has just grown a little longer. the latest edition is one of the regarded as peruse, most famous dish and a matter of national pride. 200 meters of the peruvian coast. these fishermen. dublin s. cooks on the menu city chair made from the freshly caught fish imposing the more yeah this. so the ones that i met the eastern,
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that ancient times we go out to sea. and when the clock strikes noon, what do we do? we don't go back to shore for lunch. that doesn't happen so that we separate our fresh fish. we fillet it and prepare it with lemons. in the old days, we used a fruit called tumble or with something that can marinate even orange juice or something similar. but i'm going to tell you, meant to be to it's usually made from roll mary nitrate fish from units and to lead peppers, although known and loved throughout latin america. it is peruse national dish. $40000000.00 plates of stuff that every year. same comes from the catch you, i would say we cheat, which means fresh fish. it's every to but i mean for me, so each a is a dish, apple that represents the whole that true. they will type because it includes the work of the farmers from the cultivation of corn is sweet potato last little chili
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peppers, the name corey, under lemons. and of course, the fish farmers who raise fish to lot be how you check, as well as the skilled fishermen that the lab goes by to look for sky the what is are based on that is there are thousands of ways to pass the feature, the fish used depends on its availability in the region and can be from the sea, full fresh water. each region uses its own mix of vegetables, spices, ups, and citrus fruits. but which ever recipe do use, you know, officially subbing a cultural heritage. you're watching data where you can use a reminder of our top story. this our as easily as military campaign is intensifying in the south of the gaza strip. the soldiers that facing fees, resistance from homicide militants, the finding has led to even more palestinian casualties unless run helpful starcy and gaza says like a $17000.00 people to have died, mainly civilians,
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prompting criticism from the you went up next to the points, takes a look at branches, war on ukraine. i've learned they've heard from the seemingly strengthening position. i've been because they've been in bowie. and thanks for watching you with more world news next down here at the
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to the point. strong opinion, the position is international perspectives. nearly 22 months after invading ukraine, vladimir putin dispatching ever more soldiers and weapons to the battlefield. ukrainian forces and citizens are bracing for another tough winter. our questions
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to day, we'll put you get to the point next on d w more. but we'll tell you who we are happy that we are back to the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the dream force and the for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. are you news africa? in 60 minutes on d w, the computer, do you do before i change the channel. she survived the ocean bits. thanks to music. she was the nazis favorite conductor
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positions under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power and inspiring story about survival. music in nazi germany, watch now on youtube dw documentary nearly 22 months after russia invaded ukraine's much heralded counter offensive has failed to deliver the breakthrough, the key of expected claiming that russian forces are improving their positions. let them get put in meanwhile, as dispatching more soldiers, weapons, and munitions to the battlefield. the ukrainian forces and citizens bracing for another task. winter with us support hanging in the balance presidents lensky, warrants ukraine could lose without us help. meanwhile, russia has launched a diplomatic offensive in the global south and i'm.


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