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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2023 10:00am-10:16am CET

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the crypto queen starts december 30th on dw, the, this is dw, use my from bullet protecting civilians must be a priority. that's the message from the united states, secretary of state. the waste says israel has the right to defend itself in gaza, but that comes with conditions as well as military campaign intensifies in the south of the guns and strip souls as face face resistance from homeless militants. gunfire. artillery and as strikes lead to in bold palestinian casualties. and we'll
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take you to the united nations climate conference and divide the irony of discussions about the future of fossil fuels and one of the world's most boil rich regions activists. one of the forms of energy production phased out as the planet continues to warm up the i'd been visible and welcome mold, in 2 months of war between israel and how much of bost and the death toll continues to rise. health officials in the homeless run guns the strip say over $17000.00 people have died in the fighting, mainly civilians at stoking international calls for a ceasefire. u, a secretary of state entity blanket and his cold on his well to prioritize the protection of civilian life. again, on the scoring washington's position on the wall. as we stand here almost
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a week into this campaign in the, the south after the end of the amount of training applause. it is imperative. it remains imperative that is real, put a premium on civilian protection. and there does remain a gap between exactly what, what i said when i was there, the intent to protect civilians and the actual results that we're seeing on the ground. i also have correspondents in jerusalem natania claim about the reaction to blinking the strongest public criticism, yet of as well as conduct of the war on how much we've heard over the policies. there's more, more pressure by the united states and more pushback. know to do more to protect palestinians by the civilian population in dollars. i know is rather said for many weeks as well that they're claiming, basically from us that they are using civilians as a human shield. and they are saying the military here that they're doing a lot to protect civilians to tell them to document certain areas to give them
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corridors to move. they also published a map uh you know, detailing uh, putting splitting up cause and hundreds of little districts. but i talked to people in dollars on the phone as we, as doing this kind of a go there. they're telling me this is very confusing. uh, we have to understand that over an estimated number of 1800000 of people out of the 2200000 residents in garza that has been displaced. the old move to many of them move to the south and of course know the ground operation also being expended to the sales people simply have no place to go anymore to, to be safe. there's no safe area. that's what they are telling me. and even if there are a vocation close to go to certain areas, there's still also as strikes and other areas. so people are saying, if there is no cold for full seas, for this new safety and security for, for them in gaza at the moment. correspondent tonya, call you about israel says it will not lit up and strive to eliminate hom,
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us. consider the terrorist group by numerous countries. he's more in the fighting in the south of the territory and the dying humanitarian situation. the physical and emotional trying to continue to rain down on the palace to new people of god. and despite is real declaring some areas to be safe zones. airstrikes are constant threats. we are with children in the old people. and women, i beg you not to bomb us. and she and her family are among the 1800000 people who work internally displaced at 80 percent of the population. places to seek shelter, ever shrinking. those who are able to escape bombings with their lives are barely living at all. food. water and other basics are scarce. seen as i'm
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a quick game here for them. as you see there is no shelters. i have no dent. i'm not seeing anyone, water, tyler, nor toilet margaret home. look at our children, how they look. there is no place to shop for them. my dad today there were fights with people because of a small place. they know we cannot set up dense nor can we cover our children. this is the milwaukee camp in southern gaza. this really military has designated it as a safe so, but there is no aid. it's undeveloped land. we're already desperate people are living and squalid conditions. and strikes and roughly near the rejection border have some fear in those who have fled their homes to seek safety in the cities camp . despite international calls for a ceasefire, heavy urban combat intensive,
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i don't even think the we're little bit persistent fighting along the entire trip rather than 2nd stages of calling by to eliminating terrorists including senior, combined, this hiding underground tunnels. i mean, not working, and also destroying terrorist infrastructure, the steel cable, the un has warrant that casa, is teetering on a humanitarian catastrophe, with hospitals and able to care for the injured and the growing threat of disease sweeping through refugee camp. well i spoke about that with steve brian from the international committee for the red cross in southern gaza and asked about the situation for civilians as heavy funding continued. ok, well thank you for having me on this morning. firstly, and as their listeners will have just seen and heard the situation in gaza is indescribable. the condition for civilians are facing a loss of life, the continued south and and they, they extreme challenge that organization such as the international community at the right cost. the i c or if you're facing and bringing aging together and being able
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to distribute it safely. under the current conditions, we've reached the limits of humanitarian action, an environment like this is steven with 1800000 people displaced. how many people does that mean you can actually reach if you've already reached your limits? well, in these sorts of conditions. one of the things that we need absolutely is a greater degree of age to be able to enter the gods with strep. right now people are without. many people are without food, water, and you've seen people are without shelter people, or would i, i would have time occasion facilities. and these conditions are absolutely in new main. but along with additional aid coming in was some aid is trickling in as a need for more. but there's also the need to be able to distribute to take me and to make sure that we're able to do this in an organized way. and these kinds conditions what people are moving, leading, facing from wherever they can go to wherever they can at least imagine that they
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might be safe. this makes humanitarian operations extremely difficult. certainly we have a great challenges and they getting the relief, integrated security conditions on the grounds are not conducive to being able to provide humanitarian assistance. and this is totally unacceptable. how would you managing to stay safe and keep your own people safe while trying to help other people have gotten or well, certainly the ip is continuing its activities on the ground with the limited resources that we have in particular or activities that are focused on how we're supporting hospitals here, and we have a medical surgical team who are providing assistance and operations and surgery. the people that have been wounded by the pricing. but these hospitalized are overwhelmed. in recent days i was visiting one of these hospitals and they are, they're full of people, john package. i don't think that you do, it can possibly imagine that these places of safety and refuge uh are also places
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where i, i, hundreds of people are treated each day and due to ones that are caused by the ongoing fighting. in addition, people are struggling because many diseases are at a risk of breaking out. people are quite simple. things like simple, you know, and this is relation to the cooling weather related to the i'm tired of treat conditions. and this is making it very difficult for them to access medical care. because the number of people, if i could by the pricing, continues to be extremely large or teams are doing their best that they can right now here in. gotcha, but it's not going to be enough. we need much, much more access and we need much more safety to be able to do our work. and what about another truce? i mean, that helps the humanitarian situation somewhat recently. do you expect any help from the un security council when it votes later today on a push for seems fine. i would certainly our view is that this recent pause and advising was a moment of rest bikes for people who've been
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a baiting devastation over the past. more than 2 months, i anything that brings rest by to the civilians who are affected by this complex is a welcome step. but it's up to they. it's up to the people who are asking for jersey counsel the leaders to recognize that. now we have reached the point where civilians continue to suffer to an unacceptable degree. we, the international committee of direct costs would remain here in gods or providing assistance regardless of the outcome of any of these discussions. but right now what's needed is a recognition that civilians are continuing to suffer deeply enjoying an amazing job saving brian from the i see us in southern gaza. thank you for being on the w today. thank you. i look now at some of the other world news headlines. the us department of justice is challenged hunter bite and with 9 criminal counts related to tax avoidance. the son of the american president faces the maximum of 17
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years in prison if convicted is already facing possible jail time on federal firearms charges after a plea, bargain faith. as he government administrators took to the streets of perused capital lima to mock the 1st year in government of president, dina bowed county. she took office following the impeachment of pedro castillo, who attempted to dissolve congress and rule by decree. peru has had 6 presidents in 5 years. so for world tie, one says 12 chinese find digits at a suspected with a balloon across the taiwan straits, sensitive media line. type one is on high alert designs of rival china trying to interfere in the islands presidential election next month. or it goes shake is that the cop $28.00. the climate change conference in the united arab emirates scrambling to find a workable answer to the question of how to say good bye to fossil fuels. scientists say it's critical that climate warming oil, gas,
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and cold phased out soon to prevent irreversible ecological disaster. conversely, the sold ton, i jumped the cold on the nearly $200.00 nations present to stump up to secure a final deal at the conference which ends on choose day is taking place in one of the most oil which regents in the world as are discussing a future without it is difficult. we. i also have correspondence the only for how much time to tell us more about the coach 8 is focused on the future of fossil fuels. yeah, exactly. so what we're heading into is really the crunch time off this conference. now as professional negotiators, i handing over to their ministers to really hammer down on the details and, and what sort of, at the heart of these negotiations is the global stop take. it's a 1st off, it's kind in un climates as somebody negotiations because of basically, you know, look, that's how far the world has come since the 2015 pairs agreement and what it still
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has to do next. and that's exactly, you know, where we're coming to the fossil fuel face out because that really is at the center of the debate here because they're very opposing views on what kind of language to include in the spinal techs, will there actually be a fossil fuel phase out of all fossil fuels, like many countries are calling for, will they be awarded donald version and we have to remember, you know, that all, all states have 2 weeks on those texts. there's a lot of different options on the table, and it's really up to the political negotiators to know how out the details and, and make some decisions in the next coming days. and there's so many livelihoods here. it's taken people's lives. how likely is a just and equitable say is out of fossil fuels? yeah, exact. that's, that's the big question here. just this morning, delegates representative activists from the pacific island states. some of those dates were most effected by the consequences of the time of crisis already stage
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the protest here at comp, calling really for an equitable just transition out of all fossil fuels. but there is, there also, you know, powerful players in the negotiations name the states like saudi arabia all produce a oil producing saudi arabia. who are we're opposing even including language on the face, diving of fossil fuels. and we've heard from, you know, people inside the negotiation rooms that as soon as, as a country, like saudi arabia, detailed why it's the white is opposing such a fossil fuel phase down. i'm representatives from small island nations really got very emotional because for them you said is it's really their survival. that's at stake here. the only from kind of stein there. well, thousands of dead, sardines, and macro have washed off with the shows of whole title in japan. it's it ministry . how the fish died? they blanketed several, telling me that it's a beach, a the official port of a code that tie in the notes. the big concerns about marine life safety of the
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board of contamination by the 2011 meltdown of the focus. you menu see a pal applied was released into the pacific earlier this year. a residence for i know to bring the dead fish. i next up here on dw documentary looks at the effects of industrial exportation on the ocean floor. i bid for golden info, then. thank you for watching the, the taste of us. we have a problem. it was in the us middle class income has fairly risen in the last 20 to 30 years 6 to hobson. okay, so it gets the same time that keeps right. 300 trillion that the truck, the december 9 on dw.


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