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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2023 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news life from berlin. israel significant pain intensifies in the south of the gaza strip. the army says soldiers are facing fish for existence from homos, benefits about gun fire, opportunity and ask strikes have left to even modify, listed in casualties, leading the us to goal for more production of civilians plus tension in the taiwan straits type basis. china has said fighting threats and a weather balloon into ty, with these aerospace triggering alarm bells. the
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i'm british manager. welcome footage has emerged from does a report showing dozens of palestinian men detained and forced to strip by as rarely false. as the man i've seen sitting cross legged or needing in several undisclosed locations and being transported on the back of military vague goes, isabel has not confirmed the men in the pictures all, but they say that they are arresting and interrogating individuals. when asked about the images in a press conference last night spokesmen, so these rarely ami danielle had got a said and i quote, we are investigating to see who is linked to her moss and who is not let's get some try to think from the, the corresponding tonya kramer in jerusalem, tanya, what more do we know about these images as well,
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as you said on the is where they only wouldn't confirm those pictures of videos. pedestrian circulating since thursday on a social media showing on dozens of men, a strip down to the underwear was someone in the hands bound and accounted by soldiers. so these are the videos and photos. some has been added to your located to the northern area on a parts of them to bid last here, which is a town in a northern garza and some families and relatives have actually identified on social media at least the their relatives on this of the, on some of the photos and the understanding, one of them is a local corresponding for a london based our big newspaper. they have put out a statement in this regard, but again, the army would just say that they have arrested hundreds of men in tara,
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go interrogating them as well over recent weeks, separately your tongue of it has also been pressure on israel to allow more aiden to cause a, how is israel responding to that a while the pressure has been mounting unnoticed to get more 8 into goals, but also for more protection of civilians mainly by the united states. but also the united nations is saying now that it's incredibly difficult now with the expanding around to probations also towards the south where many protestants have been displaced to from the north. the situation is becoming very dia, this well with heavy bombardment going on this, but we also had some record for coming out of from our dollars a, a today. but there is some token, some reports that is run, might consider to use the term shalom crossing to for screening or few monitoring
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a that as soon as you coming in on trucks through the off crossing, which is the crossing or with egypt is rather had closed its to crossings one in the north that is mainly for people to go through in the past and the one that kept them settlement the self of goods but so they might be less pressure on the crossing. and also off of having said that because of the heavy fighting reported in the south, humanitarian organizations are thing to have difficulties to get the, the, the little 8 that is coming in on the 8 that is coming in to this uh, 2 people. uh 1st and also to the central areas to the northern areas and also in the south because it's an extremely difficult to distribute aid and we heard the humans and just a general secretary for you. monday, turn assess mounting griffith also saying that we do not have a humanitarian operation in southern garza. any movie con, call it like this anymore, because there is no safe space for people, and also no safe space to distribute the 8 when the but there with the time being
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connected, i might 0 some thank you so much. i, this is what i would say is, if i'm not locked up and it's a drive to eliminate a mazda, which is considered a temporary screw by numerous countries, he has more on the fighting in the south of the territory. and the dog i shall monetary and situation, their physical and emotional trauma continue to rain down on the palestinian people of god. and despite is real declaring some areas to be safe zones. air strikes are constant threats. we are with children in the old people and women. i beg you not to bomb us and she and her family are among the 1800000 people who work internally displaced at 80 percent of the population places to seek
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shelter, ever shrinking. those who are able to escape bombings with their lives are barely living at all. food. water and other basics are scarce. seen as i'm a quick game here for them. as you see there is no shelters. i have no dent. i'm not paying anyone. water tyler, nor toilet margaret home. look at our children, how they look. there is no place to shop for them. my dad, today there were fights with people because of a small place. they know we cannot set up dense, nor can we cover our children. this is the milwaukee camp in southern gaza. this really military has designated it as a safe so, but there is no aid. it's undeveloped land. we're already desperate people are living and squalid conditions and strikes and ross, and near the rejection border have soon fear in those who have fled their homes to seek safety in the cities camp. despite international calls for
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a ceasefire, heavy urban combat intensive, i don't even think they were little bit persistent fighting along the entire trip rather than 2nd stages of calling by to eliminating terrorism, including senior, combined, this hiding underground tunnels. i mean, not working, and also destroying terrorist infrastructure, the steel cable. the un has warrant that casa is teetering on a humanitarian catastrophe, with hospitals unable to care for the injured and the growing threat of disease. sweeping through refugee camp. the tensions ratcheting up in the straits of taiwan cellphone, taiwan series, suspected military surveillance balloon across the highly sensitive medium line, dividing it from mainland china. so when his ministry official said the balloon passed southwest of the 4th city of ki long before disappearing. but it also being
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a large scale, the movement of military aircraft and ships type a is on high lots of chinese efforts to interfere in its presidential election on the 13th of january next year. in recent years, china has wrapped up in industry and political pressure on taiwan, which claims as it started tree. and earlier i spoke to the the eastern shore correspondent james church and i, austin. what more he could tell us about this balloon spotted over the taiwan strait as well as far as we know so far there. so a fair number of questions about the the specify the specifics of this pollutant when when is this information was fast distribution by the defense ministry? um it was, it was described as a surveillance balloon. later in the day here in taipei, we heard from the defense minister who then kind of seemed to imply that there was a bit of a correction there. a bit of a clarification into that this was in fact a weather balloon. as for the details, you mentioned some of them. this was a balloon. the response of crossing the median line of the taiwan strait and this
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is a body of water. this separates taiwan from china and says previously, so does an unofficial buffer between the mid it trees of taiwan and china, it was flying as an altitude of 21000 feet. and the defense ministry says an arrow through it was the taxes. it quote disappeared somewhere. we're not quite sure exactly what that's really all the details that we have. so farm reports hasn't been pressing assignments, defense ministry throughout the day on this. i've been in touch with the defense industry myself to also some clarification on the details of this. and they say they're not going to issue any more information about this. we also have other kind of clarification about where this disability might have disappeared, but there was no further information about this sort of business, of course, bringing back memories of um, the electronic bible into showtime uh, over the united states. so it is here that timeline is also set to hold a general election in january. james, is this incident on the ministry jets crossing the median line connected to the upcoming fold as well?
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i think it's fair to say this is all positive important strategy that china has been applying to taiwan for, for years. now this, this type of activity of many attractive, etc, also include grades and wolf. that is something that is high. one experiences on a daily basis as it relates to display and this is a fairly rare, rare experience to give you a sense of how this kind of information is usually distributed in taiwan. is defense ministry, daily issues information such are less about the number of chinese jets fighter jets that have been cut into time. ones that defend site, the identifications on this is a one of the 1st times that we seen something about the building. but as he mentioned, the key context here is that where it with fast approaching a presidential election in taiwan just a few weeks away now. and that is concerned, the time is from is to even mentioned this today in a briefing with reports is that china will be trying to interfere without election and push flights as light feet away from the ruling policy. that's under constant progressive policy, which is seeking a set time, a policy which china views a separate test and refuses to communicate with. we'll leave it there for the time
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being does come up for joining us, a, you know, because one of the game sure to supporting some type thing. thanks so much. yeah. is a quick look now at some of the well, the news headlines. china has sliced visa fees for travelers from thailand, japan, mexico, vietnam, and the philippines. it's the latest efforts to boost a flagging tourism industry last month trying to offer a visa, free entry to visitors and business travelers from the use 5 biggest economies. to try to improve its image in the west. and take up and demonstrate to stick to the streets of people's capital, lima to mock the faster and government of president dina, blew out a she took office following the impeachment of federal castillo, who attempted to dissolve congress and ruled by decree. and who has had 6 presidents in 5 years and the train drivers in germany on
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a 24 us strike until friday evening. the effect bessengers across the country, the drive as union, an easy then ongoing dispute for the employ as full watching as the union says that this will be the last strike of the job. but they plan to up the on day with more action in the new year. now we all know iconic foods are sometimes designated as well, the cultural heritage by your mescal. but that list has just grown a little longer. the latest edition is widely regarded as the rules most famous dish, and a matter of national pride. 200 meters of the peruvian coast. the fisherman dublin s. cooks on the menu seat you made from the freshly cooled fish the blessing they morales must have met the ease and that ancient times we go out
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to sea and when the clock strikes noon, what do we do? we don't go back to shore for lunch, that doesn't happen that we separate our fresh fish that we feel like it and prepare it with lemons. in the old days, we used a fruit called tumble or with something that can marry and the even orange juice or something similar to it. but i'm going to tell you, meant to be to it's usually made from roll mary natured fish onions and to lead peppers, although known and loved throughout latin america. it is peruse national dish. $40000000.00 plates of stuff that every year. same comes from the catch. you, i would see we cheat, which means fresh fish. it's every to but i mean for me, so each a is a dish. apple that represents the whole that true. they will take because it includes the work of the farmers. you from the cultivation of corn is sweet potato
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last little chili peppers, the name corey under lemons, and of course, the fish farmers who raise fish tilapia each, as well as the skilled fisherman that the lab goes by to look with go. it is are based on that is, there are thousands of ways to pass the feature. the fish used depends on its availability in the region and can be from the sea. full fresh water to each region uses its own mix of vegetables, spices, ups and citrus fruits. but which ever recipe do use, you know, officially subbing a cultural heritage. and what is not the love about that? the long, dark nights of december out upon us, god and europe, but for the next few evenings, the friend city of lee all will be filled with bright color for lights, celebrated since the 19th century. the annual 50 lumiere, or festival of lights, will see many of the cities landmarks lit up more than 2000000 visitors. are
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expected to save this here as full day celebration. the stay with us coming up next is a documentary focusing on how organized by organized crime groups in europe, and billions from the legal team, but trade, i'm finished managing anybody sees on the vibrant under glistening place of, along the mediterranean sea mazda and just following up to carry him to us exploring modem, lodge styles, to amy and admitted to a man jenny this week on dw.


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