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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2023 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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a d w documentary the, this is data we use a lie from bond and 13 members of the 15 strong un security council of folks to call for a humanitarian. this thing is fine. gaza and the release of the remaining is randy hostages. but the u. k. of stains in the us use it's vito and go to the can speeding. there'll be no new action. ivy you and body also on the program. french court convicts 6 teenagers for that roles and the killing of a power school and seem to samuel patrick was killed outside the school after using controversial costumes. the prophet muhammad, published by shoddy emptive magazine,
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they discussed free speech the answer. okay, welcome to the program. we begin with the news that just in the un security council vote calling for us. the spot in gaza has filed 15 member body, voted 13 to one in favor of the resolution, but it filed f, b, u. s a v target. another permanent member of the u. k. upstate ahead of the votes. un secretary general antonio tanner sent the situation in cost is at the breaking point and called for a few minutes here. 165, it's e and a half hour. now for each has emerge that's a gaza from gaza event appears to show dozens of men being detained and forced to strict bias, right? the forces
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a man seen sitting cross legged old kneeling in different locations as well as being transported on the back of ministry vehicles. these pictures were found a northern gauze and not far from gauze, and stacy is round, hasn't confirmed the identities of the man, but says it's interrogating individuals. is riley army spokesman, a daniel a guy who said we are investigating to see who is linked to a mass and who is now. several countries including germany, classify him, us as a terrorist organization. special correspondent at abraham, in jerusalem told me even though we've seen these videos in images circulating on social media, but also broadcast on is really media during prime time hours. the is really a military says that it is investigating who the what the identities of these people are. these men that have been found to you in britain, it's unclear of the surrender to think, been captured. the details are really send a trying to the idea of says it is trying to ascertain any of them are from us
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a fighters. but there have been also reports identifying at least one person from these photos as a, a gaza based journalist for a london newspaper. and the images have also been verified. some of them, at least been verified by the f p, a news agency, but this is caused at which, especially among people in the air world. these are, you know, pictures are very community humiliating. these people are stripped down to their underwear. their eyes are um, their eyes are covered. uh, they're standing there with is really switzer surrounding them. and so these are, you know, these are images that hurricane back to dark, very dark chapters of military interventions in the, the or world. and the palestinian ambassador to the u. k. has spoken out against these images, but still unclear who exactly is in these images and why why they're being held or
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for how long they're going to be held for a place in the success maker abraham. speaking of a lot, it will take a look at some of the world headlines that will start to in russia by president of fruits and asked to seek re election and next year the face. he said no major challenges and he said, bid for a 5th to his lead russia since they tied of the century and has cracked down on opposition and media. germany's following the minister on a line of bab boxes calling for like global commitment as well phased out fossil fuels. the main issue at the climate conference in dubai is where the delegates will agree to end the uses that coal, oil, and gas negotiations will also focus of renewable energy. let's take you back to the top story then that most of the un security council on the resolution for a cease fire, a cause that will bring in
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a corresponding to benjamin a virus that grew up in washington. welcomed benjamin. so the us use, it's a veto, it's vito of why. so there was no, that's surprising that the us once again use it veto on base resolution calling for a cease flying gauze of the same happens in october already went on shore. but a, we heard that the us is stayed with this line saying that a ceasefire would only support and come us in the gaza strip. so out of this 15 members of the security council has already said that in voted in favor. the u. s. voted against it and being one of the permanent members of the security council there is a veto. and the u. k of stain, the deputy us envoy to the u. n said the draft resolution that was brought forward by the united auto memories cooling for a ceasefire. in guys it was and i quote, divert divorced from a reality and would not move the needle forward on the ground in a concrete way before the boat. robert, where do i just a quoted there,
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told reporters is not an issue about isolation. it's an issue about what we think is best to try to end this conflict as soon as possible and also to help facilitate more humanitarian assistance is going into a gaza. there's been a push by our up country. so had a meeting earlier today with the secretary of state and the blinking pushing it for the cx 5. and with this and you go, there will not be an accident off of the united nations of to the us. once again used it's vito in the security council. right? no surprise, of course it's a israel spoke out to a games the resolution that's right. spoke out against the resolution, saying that as the site is only possible, once him us is a defeated, the united auto memories, the only or a country that is part of the permanent council had put as some pressure on that. but what's interesting, and that was something of what we're looking at, not only as the position of the united states and of washington, it has been pretty clear in the line with what is really saying, but also holiday
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u. k voted yesterday, david cameron and met with a secretary blinking there were many and questions also on how they u. k. would vote. now we know that the stained with this new effort brought at by a member to call for a cease fire in gaza. but this time they, it's a force different because antonia gutierrez, the secretary general of the un invoked optical 9 to 9 of the u. n, saying, is that the situation is, if you said that it's terrible what's happening in gals that he mentioned. also the strikes on educational facilities on hospitals and also mentioned to what his staff, what the staff of the united nation is going through in the gaza. and also that it's important to push into coal if for a ceasefire it yesterday, secretary blinking was to ask also during the press conference about this investigation by a reuters, that's out that it wasn't is rarely time through the killed a one of its staff members. he dodge the question,
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said that they will continue working with a is row with the assurances, but that's something we have to make a pretty clear here and also to see how the u as, as being criticized for this position, that there is a big difference between what israel claims to do and how the situation on the ground is and we're looking. and when we look at the footage, when we talk to our colleagues here, we see that it's quite different. it was, they claimed it to be doing. and also what is happening on the ground, right? right. so where does that leave the, the us having now vetoed a base move, which was not just about to say it's 5. it was also about the release. how much that would be nice thing is read the hostages. what, where does that leave us? that's that's right that and that's why and also other people and all the experts have been saying that the us is currently isolated. but then on many countries and the criticism is expected to grow on where the u. s. a stands not only to call for the ceasefire, but also off the release of hostages. and that's something that has also been
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discussed the st. also trying to figure out if it's possible to talk together with israel, how this hostages a can be released. but israel and the support for israel here in, in dc, is not only focus on this vote of a, of the security council, but also how to continue with, for example, aids to israel. we know that this and that this is bill will this package that there was wanted to get through congress with a for ukraine, with a to it for israel to was told in the, the senate where the republicans have a majority because they say that national security concerns in the u. s. should start with the border between the us and mexico before it is supporting all the allies of this stuff. and definitely be something that we see that discussions between the republicans and democrats, and we see how a local, how national policy is shaping and the support for israel. we have a stronger voice as we have strong criticism, not only a by members of congress, but also,
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but other organizations that need that you asked needs to be more transparent on the weapons that it sends it to is real. how it does with any of the ally in the world and also to focus exactly to see what is what is happening there. and also to follow an old all the situation on the ground. so it was not that as we kind of expected a veto by the us. and we can also expect strong criticism of saying how it's possible that you have 5 permanent members who have a veto it. because of course, we have 15 members in wisconsin, but only 5. so as a dispute on that will mean despite the or just by the secretary general, that there won't be any new action going forward from the u. s. i thank you very much for that 6 teenagers are being convicted for their roles and the killing of a french school teacher, samuel patsy. i taught history and geography, and used to cartoons of the prophet muhammad, published by charlotte magazine to discuss frances of free speech to those whose be
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headed by a radical islamist outside the school in a suburb of power. 3 years ago, police shot the attack a debt for the codes and assessing the pots, applied by others involved the deputies lease, and who is telling me more about the products as well. there as 6 guilty verdicts sentences, as you just said, and the sentence has reached from 14 months to 24 months on bailey, with the highest sentence but 24 months, including 6 months in prison. that the youngster can spend at home with an electronic bracelets. now we've been hearing from a lawyer from both sides, the defendant saying, you know, we're quite happy with this word. we are released and we go out with that this page can all be turned and then a tour and the attorneys of the plane to say, you know, if this is quite disappointing, we're expecting more especially that the husband of mine who has been be headed because of islamic terrorism here, and fonts and judges should have da honda down
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a tough a sentence really. right. and so the person who, who did the killing it was things himself shocked by police. so these teenagers and what have they been found? guilty all of a 16 just here standing trial. there were 5 of them who were hoping as of the assessing of some of the talk to you to identify the teacher when he came out of the school. the youngest, they who got the highest sentence, he apparently spend several hours with a be assessing and received $300.00. see been shared with the other 4 youngsters. the 6th curious as a young girl, and she's actually at the origin of the whole polemic online. she complained when she come came home to her father that similar parts we had shown a cartoons of the prophet mohammed in cloth and that he had almost a 1000 students to leave the room beforehand. that was
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a lie. she wasn't even present during that class. she was just trying to defend herself and justify that. she had been temporarily temporarily suspended from school, but the fall, the believe to then publish the video. and from there it went viral and there was lots of online, just sion and dot attracted the assessments attention, who then drove over to the college the, to the school age called because from where he lived and killed leticia. right. and is this case now closed? well this is, this was the 1st trial or at least to actually next year in a years time that will be all those that will be judged for them are already in prison. a preliminary custody of babies including the father, a radical islamist. he went to school risk to complain about some of the touchy to friends of the assessment and then for the people who were participating in the discussions online. apparently, as i was told here today, a participating in close groups on islamic hodges. and so these people really be
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judged by the end of next year. and some of the lawyers here have been telling me that that will absolutely, obviously be the main task of the judicial proceedings. that might be a such trial coming, but is not yet clear because some teachers and a single point just want to um, to bring a case against the government against the states for having not protected someone patchy enough. although he said that he was pressed and he felt pressing at the time, but it's not yet clear. if this the trial will happen, eventually. thank you for at least at least a noise in paris watching dw news line from valley and remind you about top story at best out of the us vito, the un security council resolution calling for a seas. finally, garza the release of old remaining is randy hostages. buquet upstate, also team other members of the council,
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folks in favor us speech of things that you and will not take any action. next on dw, a documentary, i think, seen great on the exportation of the oceans will well usually the top of the hour or around the clock on the think w out on the social's at the definitely the taste of us. we have a problem that was in the us middle class income has fairly risen in the last 20 to 30 years 6 perhaps the next week at the same time that keeps right. 300 trillion that the truck stuff. december 9th on dw, the the
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