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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2023 11:02pm-11:31pm CET

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it still hasn't was describes a spontaneous but it surprises no one thought of it puts in who has rules. russia with an iron grip for decades as he wants to stay in the cramping for another 6 years. the election next march is a full going conclusion, of course, but it will be fault in the shadow of the war in ukraine, which has left russia isolated on cost thousands of lives with another harsh winter to come. i'm feel game invalid, and this is the day the which in plans to simulate re election for a new presidential term when it's present to you. i out president, we are your team. we need to rush, you need to i will run for the most of the president of the russian federation will improve it as he believes he cannot last go sit, we stopped polluted in ukraine. he will be back for more. we must, we,
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in the battle for motivation also coming up, how can you cry and key the pressure on russia to keep the west most united despite the war in the middle east? alaska. for me, us general the how much the attack on israel did in one day, what putting cannot do for 2 years. and that's to make the west forget about ukraine. i don't believe this attack was a coincidence. the beginning today with volume infections message to the world, an announcement that came out so casually, so apparently off the cuff that he didn't even publish and look at the camera today, rushes the paramount to the to confirm that he tends to run for re election to the office of president, in 2024. you dropped the unsurprising news of the kremlin settlement and honoring military personnel. i've had different thoughts at different times about this.
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but i understand that today there is no other way. so i will run for president of the russian federation. the 71 year old has rules of russia and one way or another since a ton of the century serving 4 times as president and a brief interlude his prime minister and crushed most public defend. he's not expected to face any major challenges in that much of the election. not even supposing has already been in power in russia was longer than any ruler since joseph stalin know the 6 year to cooks a new power until 2013 when he might even stand again. here's some reaction to today's announcements on the streets of mosca. those thoughts are going to doesn't i think there is no budget candidate done by the middle, the middle, which puts in like even if you to just come to imagine anyone else job, i would vote only for him. very welcome to the to bring it to me. i'm not sure. but if i were him, i'd take a rush to stay healthy. the man is 70 years old. yes. was goes to yeah. to
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what the story. it's hard to say if i have any expectations. i'm not expecting anything a try not to follow politics. so i think it's harmful for women, physician or there is a correspondence yet. if a power kind of joins us from our bureau, in riga, from where we've been reporting on russia since d. w was banned from the country. welcome jennifer. let's start with the way this announcement was made almost in passing. exactly. well, it was not a surprise that he was going to run for a 5th term as president. it was widely believed that he was going to do that. so that was not the surprise. it was more the timing of it as you set it was in passing by and some expert stated that he would probably announce his candidacy next week on december 14th during his annual prep,
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a press conference. but now we all know what everyone already expect to, to be announced, and will he be completely unopposed and much or well on the paper, he won't be completely on a post. a few weeks ago he could put in a bookstore book at a russian joined the list and former state, do my deputy has announced that she wants to run for the post or for us as president as well. she is, everything pretend is not young, female and morris, most importantly against the war and ukraine. so she is for peace, even though she's very, very careful in not calling the war the war. but the special military operation, as it is called in russia, in order to not be prosecuted and get fined for discrediting the russian army. but again, before she can officially become a candidate for the presidency, she has to collect 300000 signatures. and here lies the problem where there are 2
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possibilities either the kremlin will allow her to register and let her you get the 300000 signatures so they can use her to actually make protein look like he won fair and square against an anti war candidate or they will not let her register at all because they, it's still on known how they war. sentiment will change in russia and with things not going according to plan for putting on the front. it is a risk that the kremlin is most likely not ready to take. right. so do we expect that this uh, special military operation in your training? the war is the rest of the world knows it? do we expect that's to be a campaign issue? yes fell, of course the war in ukraine will be an issue because putting still has to kind of convince the majority of process population that the war in ukraine is
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a good cause. has to legitimize that still. and he kind of also in a way, has to distract the attention from all of the failings that are going on at the front. for example, recently at high court in moscow band, actually the algae b t q movement in russia as an extremist and protein that, that, or the kremlin did that in order to find an internal enemy, the scape goat. so they can actually shift the attention of someone to blame from the front and from the russian military to the l g b t q community. but experts are not sure that this move will be a going according to plan, or at least as well as putting hosted what. so what does campaigning look like? you know, russia where you have jailed or new to most of your opposition as well as the campaigning looks different to and compare it. let's say you continue not
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doing solve a 14 in comparison to her has not a to he doesn't need to collect the 300000 signatures because he is put into the race by his party by the ruling party, united, russia. so this is one of the 1st things that is already different from the normal competing. if you want to call it that way. what we also expect is that protein will make some trips to different russian regions. that state media will also be full of protein and proteins work schedule, trying to portray him as this capable man that will lead russia to a better future protein will try to position himself again in comparison to where you continue in the store. but as a stable choice, as someone who has a lot of political competence, who has been in power for 2 decades. so that is what his campaign most likely will look like. okay, so for the final well then just looking away into the future. potent gets another 6
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year to him. i believe he's alive to stand again after that is 71 years old. now he's going to die at some stages. anyone daring to contemplate a post post in future, yet swell openly? no. so open the no one really tries to speak out loud. what a russia without 14 could look like, except of course for the position and position figures that are already jailed. and, and the one really noticed has them speaking out anymore. but they, of course, behind closed doors, the russian lead has probably thought about how russia without food team would look like some. maybe they already have divided post to will be in power where but we, the west will probably think that one's putting has gone dead or just so of removed from politics. that rush out will be a democratic country will re establish relationships with the west. but that is
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more or less a mistake, because we have to keep in mind that russia is still a security service in effectively security service with a state attached. so and security's services like the k to be, they are known historically for, we're deciding who is going to be in power and it's very likely that they will continue to do so. okay, thanks for taking us through that. so you gotta, you gotta have palka reporting for reagan almost 2 years after the rest is attack on ukraine when to is once again, glistening conditions for civilians. and of course for soldiers hopes of a successful counter offensive have been dashed instead. ukraine is facing renewed pressure on the battlefield and keeps allies of scaled back pledges of new aid. band. hodges is a former commanding general of the us army in europe. he now serves as a senior advisor to human rights. first,
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i said us base to human rights organization, a welcome back to a dw general, how much of a problem it for ukraine, that a different role, israel, how mass is now dominating headlines. so that's an excellent point to the how mazda attack on israel did in one day, what puts and cannot do for 2 years. and that's to make the west forget about ukraine. i don't believe this attack was a coincidence. i'm not think iran and russia clearly, they are strong, realize they're the only real ally that each one has. and so there's no to me, it's not a surprise that this attack happened when it did, and that russia is benefiting from it so much. and of course, the fact that the support for ukraine seems to be weakening, even in my country in the united states, that there is disagreement about the support. it's getting tangled up in domestic politics. this is
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a gift to the kremlin and it reinforces to them that all they have to do is just keep hanging in there until the west runs out of will. right? and so you believe the west has forgotten about you crying. those read your words. still. haven't forgotten, but what has happened is that it until you, i haven't heard anybody on the news in the last few weeks, even talking about ukraine. so i'm grateful that don't develop has decided to address this. no, this is a fight for survival by ukraine, but it's not just about ukraine. this is about us european security and prosperity . american prosperity depends on ukraine. be successful against russia, the inflation we're dealing with, the disruption of food and energy supplies is all because of russians attack on ukraine. and so if we're serious about those issues, and if we're serious about protecting the rules based international order that we claim to value that we have to help ukraine when it affects all of us in the course
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of johnny's are watching the chinese or just see do we have the political will, the industrial capacity and the military capability to stop russia, stop the run and deter china. right? and let's, let's just start with a look at what's happening. all robin not happening on the battlefield at the moment. why do you think we are seeing this apparent style night? i think the principal reason is because the west has not delivered to ukraine. the capabilities that are needed for ukraine to number one make crimea the most important part of the terrain and occupied ukraine to, to help make it untenable for russian forces. i mean, ukrainians already have proven the concept which is 3 storm shadows provided by u. k. 3 cruise missiles, the russian black safely began to withdraw from service. don't imagine if they had 50 or $75.00 americans, a track on sort of german tours, missiles,
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what would happen to russian forces there? and if they had the long range precision capabilities to hit russian headquarters and russian logistics, then we have a much different situation on the ground. so this, the reason this thing is stalled is because the west led by the united states and germany have not committed to helping ukraine when and this is going to be blood on our hands. if this thing continues to drag out, looking ahead, we have today's announcement that brought them in person will stand for re election to president next year, combined with a very real prospect of a 2nd, trump presidency. how do you think of that combination is likely to work out for ukraine as well? this is, this is going to be bad news, not just for ukraine, but for all of us. of course, no chart vladimir putin has announced he's going to run for president. the. the only question remaining is, how much had decided yet. how much is margin of victory is going to be?
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i don't worry very much that uh president trump will come back and be the candidate for the republican party. it's unbelievable to me that we have millions of americans that would vote for him even if he were in jail. but at the same time, i do trust the american legal system, and he's got an awful lot of obstacles in front of him before election day, which is about 11 months away. and of course, president biden, who is the current president and has a good economy and a lot to point to. he's got to do a much better job of making his own case to the american voters in the course is going to be, it's going to be try the russians. their only hope they, they have no, no way to break through ukraine. there's not going to be a big russian breakthrough where they drive towards kiva harkins. again, their only hope is that the west runs out of will. and so the idea that trump even
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has a chance uh gives oxygen to the kremlin. all right, good. talking to as a general, ben hodges for the commanding general of the us army. and you are a thank you so much. thank you. we've got a new in the name of the united in the name of justice in the name of bees to vote what i see is why out of how much as a clear script, if you call for a ceasefire, then you are following good. the people of guys looking into this international community, it must be wherever they seem possible. and that our view, while the united states strongly supports the durable piece in which both is really some palestinians who live in peace and security. we do not support calls for an immediate cease fire. well, those are some of the key moments of the un security council debates over resolution demanding immediate humanitarian seems 5 and is rouse war against time
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us. as expected, the united states veto power may play that it did not support move saying it would only plant the seeds for the next wall. meanwhile, on the ground in gaza, 8 agencies, a warning that the humanitarian situation is guessing bus. and the early weeks of the conflict to israel told, gosh, a civilian population to evacuate to, to the southern part of the gaza strip. but finding that has intensified this is a con before displaced people in con eunice and the. 7 types of the gaza strip. entire families have moved here during the intense fighting like states a struggle as well that so i can have the situation is really difficult for me. i haven't had bread for a week. there's nothing even when we get it. i give it in pieces for my children, my husband and i do not eat. we can go without the proper channels and call and
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tell them that it's gonna have to be then we make it me last the whole day. so instead of having breakfast, lunch and dinner, we have one meal before sunset because there's nothing. we don't have the financial means. it takes me 3 or 4 hours to get one kind of beans. i don't know that the been the before. the world health organization has more in the humanitarian situation in gaza, is desperate of children and people extra begging and crying for water. we're at that level where the most normal and basic supplies are not available anymore. meanwhile, there's no lack of hope in the fighting between hamas militants and the israel defense forces. idea of troops continue, intense, close, closer combat with homos terrorist in con eunice, and in the north, as we continue to dismantle the homeless terrace state. over the past day,
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the idea struck around 450 targets in the gaza strip from the at c and blonde for the medical stuff and this hospital in con eunice. it's a different bible. they're dealing with the struggle to help those quote, hoping to find a footage of the mileage from god. so that appears to show dozens of men being detained and forced to strip by his ready forces. the menacing, sitting cross legged on kneeling in different locations, as well as being transported on the back of ministry vehicles. these pictures were found in northern ga, so not far from casa city. israel haven't confirmed the men's identities but says it's interrogating individuals is ready on the spokesman. daniel had gone reset. we are investigating to see who is linked to have madison, who is not several countries including job the classify, how much as a terrorist organization, special correspondent,
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i abraham in generally. so that tells me no as well since yesterday we've seen these videos in images circulating on social media, but also broadcast on is really media during prime time hours. the is really a military says that it is investigating who the what the identities of these people are. these men that have been found to you and it's unclear of the surrender to being been captured. the details are really send a trying to, the idea says it is trying to ascertain if any of them are from us a fighters. but there have been also reports identifying at least one person from these photos as a, a gaza based journalist for a london newspaper. and the images have also been verified. some of them, at least been verified by the f p, a news agency, but this has caused at which, especially among people in the air world. these are, you know,
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pictures are very community humiliating. these people are stripped down to their underwear, their eyes or their eyes are covered. they're standing there with is really soldiers surrounding them. and so these are, you know, these are images that harkened back to dark, very dark chapters of military interventions in the, the or world and the post, a new investor to the u. k. has spoken out against these images, but still unclear. who exactly is in these images and why why they're being held or for how long they're going to be held for one particular term has been coming up. lots of the un climate conference in the united arab emirates, one and a half degrees celsius. in 2015 countries around the world agreed to increase efforts to limited global warning to one and
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a half degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. so let's take stock and look at what could happen if this limit is exceeded. the wild fires and canada floods and libya sweltering heat and brazil, an extreme drought, and the horn of africa. this is a world 1.2 degrees hotter than the early 19 hundreds. a world that is edging closer to the temperature limit leaders agreed would avoid the worst impacts of climate change. 1.5 degree celsius compared to pre industrial levels. that's like a 1st line of defense where we want to tell the humans the need to change our behavior in order to save the planet in order to keep the planet for future generation. as we hit the apple spear by burning fossil fuels, scientists say it will lead to even more extreme, whether or drought and the disappearance of more animal and plant species. people already at risk will suffer 1st and more like the family and southern iraq and
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intense drought force to, to leave behind the countryside and settled for poverty in the city. during the night, when there was water, we used to grow everything on our land, including vegetables, as we lived on that agriculture. but when the water started to dwindle, it would be available for 2 months for a month until it stops complete. so in more, by the end of the parts of the middle east, africa, or asia, maybe some of the hardest hit right now. but the risk for extreme weather is increasing everywhere. different parts of the world are going to be affected in different way. but what we also know that those be extreme events, the pads are both extremely advanced, is also going to shift and in the places where currently you may feel, well, we're not going to experience as much. i'm sure that's not true. to keep the planet habitable plants and animals, they to work with their environment with key eco systems like these are already
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starting to break down. i sheets are melting. permafrost low storing and cro reese are dying off is going above one point. 5 degrees doesn't mean complete disaster, but any fraction of a degree makes a big difference in people's lives and the environment. according to climate scientists, we need to stop burning fossil fuels. the pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere by 2050 to keep to the 1.5 degree target. very, very close to $1.00, but at the same time, uh, it shouldn't be a signal to give up a call, then do nothing. on the contrary, we need to do more in order to prevent even bigger increases in temperature. the closer we stick to the target, the more we can hope to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. well, d w is tim shown back is the comp 28 to conference in dubai. he told us why germany and others according for a phase act of fossil fuels rather than fossil fuel emissions. the poor task of
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this kind of conference, how to deal with fossil fuels, which are the main reason for climate change. some countries and regions such as you and germany and almost a 100 countries are in favor of the fossil fuel phase out. then the other countries in states, man, the oil producing countries such as saudi arabia, which with black, rob, i'd like to talk about an emissions phase out. this means they want to keep producing and using coal, oil, and gas. why reducing the emissions with a special technology? but this is unrealistic, expensive, and not scalable. at this point, why this narrative is considered a distraction strategy. the 1st week of the conference has the major announcements to boost renewable energies and to slash slash methane emissions. john kerry, of the us special envoy on climate called the 1st days, pretty damn good 1st week quotes fundable countries might not see that way as
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they are t seeing task negotiations among countries on the fossil fuels long term fossil fuel phase or is in evidence of limits global warming, if it's going to be decided on. this is conference in the united arab emirates, the 6 largest oil producing country in the world is a big question. marks and is going to be decided in the days to come on before we go a conservation scheme to protect some time you pride. it says these are the latest animals that nature reserve in honey born in the u. k. because fedex, the smallest foxes in the world, and they were brought here to protect them from poaching. an animal trafficking only go to the size of small caps, and that oversized is help keep them cool in their original habits that are desolate. and that was the day, well online at d, w, the
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india, 50 or 60 percent of the photos weren't way to haven't gone. and then ultimately, and this has happened in the last decade. this is not very long, the not life go based, and g o is helping to protect endangered marine and fire. that's how the, how the eco indian next on
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d w. the will tell here we are happy that we are boxing this story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use force and for the present in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa. in 60 minutes on d. w. the to clean and, and probably of crime. essentially is the billing is us dollars lose . i even have to us those one point because one coin made up the we want to be
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the number one. then she disappears without to freeze. me equipped type queen has been accused of folding victims on the top 10 list. the cartel leaders in murder is a financial thriller about the world's most wanted woman crypto queen stops december 30th on dw, the name, one thing that is closer to our existence. you can take a moment to think of vianza. hello and welcome. i'm so i've got the body and you're watching equaling deal. how many of you talked of ocean's as the answer to my question? not many, i'm sure. even though 71 percent of our planet is just watered,
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and the majority of this is in our oceans.


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