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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 9, 2023 2:00am-2:16am CET

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the, the, this is the domain use the live from berlin, the us vito's, a un resolution calling for c 5 in gaza. and us representatives as the proposal was not realistic. so team members voted in favor with the u. k. upstanding a french court convicts 6 teenagers for their roles in the middle of a parish school teacher. so i know apache was killed outside his school after using controversial cartoons of the prophet mohammed to discuss free speech. plus the trouble of home for german chancellor left schultz is under intense scrutiny. after
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a series of setbacks and his approval ratings. something in the polls. the antonio medical welcome to the program. the united states has vetoed a un security council resolution calling for a see spot and guys of the us. the vote was the only one against the motion. so team members voted in favor of the call for an immediate host to host entities. the united kingdom abstained ahead of the vote you into the un secretary general until near guitars warned about the threats to international peace and security due to the war in gaza around the united arab emirates draft of the seas. 5 coal. here's the representative to the u. n, a speaking after the vote, as regrettably, and in the face of untold misery, this council was unable to demand
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a humanitarian cease fire. let me be clear, against the backdrop of the secretary general's grave warnings. the appeals by humanitarian actors, the world's public opinion. this counsel grows isolated, it appears untethered from its own founding document. what is the message we are sending post indians if we cannot unite behind a call to halt the relentless bombardment of gaza? indeed, what is the message we are sending civilians across the world? who may find themselves in similar situations. dw correspondents benjamin alvarez group has been following the vote from our bureau in washington the deputy to us envoy to the united nation sad in new york during this a meeting and off to the vote bus cost. and the draft resolution calling proceeds funding cause it wasn't a quote diverse from reality and would not move the needle forward on the ground in
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any concrete way. this is not the 1st time that we see this video and by the united states. we saw it also in october. when it set the ceasefire would only help from us. and it's quite similar to the view of the israel also has the what's interesting is not just the view of the us, but that the u. k. up stains it, but coming back to the us, let's hit into what the envoy of the united states had to say. no, you're going to be a result of this rush process wasn't in balance resolution that was divorced from reality, that would not move the needle forward. on the ground in any concrete way. and so we regretfully cannot support it. we still cannot comprehend why the resolutions authors decline to include language condemning a mazda certificate terrorist attack on israel, on october 7th, and attacked the killed over $1200.00 people. women, children,
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the elder of people from a range of nationalities, burned to life, gone down, subject to have seen sexual violence. so benjamin would see the us contesting the wedding of the resolution. is there any indication it could change its position on a ceasefire, or is that far fetched at the moment? for now, it looks far fetched above the united arab emirates is not alone here. the b u e is the only country that is part of the security council bluff and you and but today there was a group of delegates from arab and muslim. i order 2 countries that urged and then said to her, still ladies, and one of them is sorry, a foreign minister who said our message is, we believe it is absolutely necessary to end with fighting immediately. the us is on the side of israel here saying that it would only help from us if there is a ceasefire now, but we can expect the international pressure to continue the us as this on to isolated. but there many countries that are saying that a c spy is needed now,
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and that's also what the secretary general antonio gutierrez said. and activating this and onto coal 99 of the u. n. a chart to where he addressed it the, the representative of the security council in new york. you know, the correspondence has been over as good, but thank you for that update agencies rates are raising the warning of a lessening to monetary and situation in gaza. in the eddie weeks of the conflicts, israel told as a civilian population to evacuate to the south of the territory with finding that has intensified and food water. and although centrals are in short supply, this is a common for displaced people in con eunice and the. 7 types of the gaza strip. entire families have moved here during the intense fighting. life is a struggle as well that stop can have the
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situation is really difficult for me. i haven't had bread for a week. there's nothing that i haven't even been. we get it. i give it in pieces for my children, my husband and i do not eat. we can go without a picture of him call and tell them that it's going to have to be then we make it be lost the whole day. so instead of having breakfast, lunch and dinner, we have one meal before sunset because there's nothing. we don't have the financial means. it takes me 3 or 4 hours to get one kind of beans of the been before the world health organization has worn do humanitarian situation in gaza is desperate for children and people extra begging and crying for water. we're at that level where the most normal and basic supplies are not available anymore. meanwhile, there is no light open to fighting between hamas militants and the israel defense
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forces. idea of troops continue, intense, close, closer combat with homos terrorist in con eunice. and in the north, as we continue to dismantle the homeless terrace state over the past day, the idea of how struck around 450 targets in the gaza strip from the at see and blend for the medical stuff in this hospital. in con eunice, it's a different bottle. they're dealing with. the struggle to help those quote help in finding 6 teenagers have been convicted for their roles, indicating of a french school teacher, samuel patty, towards history and geography, and used caricature as of the prophet muhammad, published by the satirical magazine, shalley a bill to discuss. frances free speech laws, he was headed by a radical islamist outside the schools in the suburb of power as 3 years ago. police shot the attack a dad, but the court has been assessing the involvement of others. dw correspondent,
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nissan louis, follow the trial closely and told us what the 6th teenagers have been convicted of as well. the 16 just here standing trial, there were 5 of them who were helping us at the assessing of some of the talk to you to identify the teacher. when he came out of the school, the youngster who got the highest sentence, he apparently spent several hours with a be assessing and received 300 years. you've been shared with the other 4 youngsters. the 6th curious as a young girl, and she's actually at the origin of the whole polemic online. she complained when she come, came home to a father. that's similar parts. we had shown a cartoons of the prophet mohammed in class and that he had aust baldwin students to leave the room beforehand that was alive. she wasn't even present during that class. she was just trying to defend herself and justify that. she had been temper
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lady temporarily suspended from school, bought the father believe to then publish the video. and from there it went viral. and there was lots of online discussion and a that attracted the assessments attention. who then drove over to the college, the, to the school age, call them, it is from where he lived and killed the teacher. let's turn to some other world news headlines. use russian president vladimir, who is in his to seek re election next year. he faces no major challenges in bidding for a 5th to put in his left russia since the turn of the century, against crack down on opposition and the media to the earth and union has agreed on rules flow. the use of artificial intelligence, the deal includes restrictions like a band on real time face recognition, but uses the future legal framework for a i would include tough penalties for companies breaking the rules, but will not stifle development of the industry in europe. here in germany,
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the chancellor's approval rating has fall into a record low. the monthly german tremples found only 20 percent of voters are the satisfied are very satisfied with the law shall making him only the fullest most popular political leader around half of the voters pulled. so what shows was acting prudently while only 12 percent felt he was a good communicator. and that's then a quote, a baton to steal the country through a crisis. it's the west calling for a german head of government for more than 25 years. sholtes became chancellor, 2 years ago. now oakwood timings as counsellor shelters, social democrats, kick off their party congress. they to us struggling in the polls. and these results are likely to be high on the agenda. he has an assessment from dw chief, political correspondent, you know, has a there's several reasons. a play here,
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one to be fab. any supplemental would have a difficult time right now trying to stay in europe 6 and let me call has to these times of uncertainty of multiple crises, but they're also homemade problems. and these are reasons 2 and 3. now this is a 3 way call. listen government, so 3 parties with our own confidence on their own priorities at a time when that is not a lot of money available, these copies want to make it clear that that priorities are being pushed through. and they are facing that out on the open stage, which brings me to reason number 3 will as far as himself, the chancellor. ideally this country need somebody who can show a vision, who can say where the pop is headed. but he's being proceed is as weak as not being a good communicator. he will be delivering a speech here at his own qualities convention in berlin tomorrow. and that will be worked extremely closely. many people want to know does a lecture, i'd still have what it takes to revise the bab trends that polls are showing on the
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same sleep. does he have what it takes to keep his own government together? now i conic fluids. the sometimes designated world cultural heritage status by unesco. the list has just grown a little longer. the latest edition is widely regarded as perils, most famous dish, and a matter of national pride. 200 meters of the peruvian coast . these fishermen, dublin s cooks on the menu city chair made from the freshly caught fish impulse anymore. the ellis name was that i met e. so in that ancient times we go out to sea and when the clock strikes noon, what do we do? we don't go back to shore for lunch, that doesn't happen so that we separate our fresh fish. we fillet it and prepare it with lemons. in the old days, we used
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a fruit called tumble or with something that can marinate the even orange juice or something similar to it. but i'm on a totally meant to be to. it's usually made from roll mary native fish communes and to lead peppers, although known and loved throughout latin america. it is peruse national dish. $40000000.00 plates of stuff that every year. same comes from the catch you. i would say we cheat, which means fresh fish. it's every to but i mean for me, so each a is a dish that represents the whole the peru a little higher because it includes the work of the farmer's ease from the cultivation of corn is sweet potato last little chili peppers, the name cory, under lemons, and of course, the fish farmers who raise fish to lot be how you check, as well as the skilled fisherman that the lab goes by to. look this guy that is out based on that is there are thousands of ways to pass to beat you. the fish used
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depends on its availability in the region and can be from the sea for fresh water. each region uses its own mix of vegetables, spices, ups, and citrus fruits, but which have a recipe do use to now officially subbing a cultural heritage. federal law musician shane macgowan has taken place in ireland. mcgowan was the lead singer of the celtic folk punk band, the pulse he died last week 865. after a long struggle with alcohol and drug addiction, crowds lined the streets of the irish capital dublin for his funeral procession. one point finds bust into a rendition of favorites on the old town, the
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to leave it there on that note and coming up next, a special series. her looking at the lives of women in asia as one is a dw. com, totally illogical. thanks for watching the, enjoying the views and come to take a look at this. i'll tell you the highlights every week in your inbox, subscribe. now. the crew to clean and, and probably of crime engine is $15000000000.00 us dollars. even up to us sales point because one point me to see we want to be the number 100.


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