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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 9, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the business data, the news live from that in the us. vito's a un resolution calling for a see spot. and guys of the us representatives says the proposal was not realistic . so team members voted in favor. but the u. k. upstanding french court convicts 6 teenagers for their role in the murder of paris schoolteacher. several times he was killed outside his school after using controversial cartoons of the prophet muhammad to discuss free speech. plus the trouble of home for german chancellor
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sholtes. he's under intense scrutiny. after a series of setbacks and his approval ratings slumping in the phones, the i'm telling me already, but welcome to the program. the us has vetoed a un security council resolution on a ceasefire in gaza that team members voted in favor of the resolution with the u. k upstanding, the us says the immediate humanitarian sees for i demanded in the document, would only benefit him, us with which it and all the countries consider a tyra's group. and unprecedented moved by the un secretary general, brought them here. i see the consequences going to be devastating for the security of the entire region. antonio gutierrez, used his power to push for
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a un security council vote on on a ceasefire and god that he got the vote, but not the result. he was hoping for. up against the united states, vetoed the draft resolution calling. it rushed an incomplete of since he on his extensions. although the united states strongly supports a durable peace in which both israelis and palestinians can live in peace and security. we do not support this resolution to call for an unsustainable c for they will only plant the seeds for the next war. the united kingdom of stained saying the draft did not condemn atrocities come off committed on october 7th, the final book tele, 13 for the resolution, one against and one extension palestinians. this is a terrible day for the security council. let me repeat. this is
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a terrible day for the security council. we are the jack this resolved and will continue resorting to every legitimate avenue to stop these a part of our process if these including resuming emergency session of the general assembly. the united arab emirates asked what message the security council was sending to palestinians in gaza, who are facing relentless bombardment and said the inability to reach agreement on a ceasefire lets people and guys of further exposed to untold missouri. dw correspondent benjamin alvarez goober has been following the vote from our bureau in washington, a deduction to us envoy to the united nation sad in new york during this a meeting and off to the vote plus cost. and the draft resolution calling proceeds funding cause it wasn't a quote diverse from reality and would not move the needle forward on the ground in any concrete way. this is not the 1st time that we see this vito,
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and by the united states, we saw it also in october, when it said that a ceasefire would only help her mazda and it's quite similar to the view of the israel also has the what's interesting is not just the view of the us, but that the u. k. up stains it, but coming back to the us, let's hit into what the envoy of the united states had to say. no, you're going to result through this rush process wasn't in balance resolution. that was divorced from reality, that would not move the needle forward on the ground in any concrete way. and so we regretfully cannot support it. we still cannot comprehend why the resolutions authors decline to include language condemning a mazda certificate terrorist attack on israel on october 7th, and attacked the killed over $1200.00 people, women, children. the older people from a range of nationalities burned
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a large gun down subject to have seen sexual violence. so benjamin would see the us contesting the wedding of the resolution. is there any indication it could change its position on a sci fi, or is that fresh at the moment? this finale looked saw fetch of all the united arab emirates is not alone here. the b u e is the only country that is part of the security council for you and but today there was a group of delegates from arab and muslim. i order 2 countries that urged and then said to her, still ladies, and one of them is sorry, a foreign minister who said our message is, we believe it is absolutely necessary to end with fighting immediately. the us is on the side of israel here saying that it would only help from us if there is a ceasefire now, but we can expect the international pressure to continue. the us says, it's not the isolated but that many countries that are saying that a ceasefire is needed now. and that's also what the secretary general antonio gutierrez said,
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and activating this and onto co 99 of the u. n. a chart to where he addressed the the representatives of the security council in new york. you know the correspondence has been the overs grew, but thank you for that update agencies reiterating the warning of what was being humanitarian situation in gaza in the early weeks of the conflict. israel told as a civilian population to evacuate to the south of the territory. but finding that it has intensified and food, water and other supplies are in short supply. this is a comic for displaced people in con eunice and this type of self, the gaza strip. entire families have moved here during the intense fighting. life is a struggle as well that saw come on. how does the duration is really difficult for me. i haven't had bread for
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a week. there's nothing even when we get it. i give it in pieces for my children. my husband and i do not eat. we can go without the proper channels and call and tell them that it's gonna have to be then we make it me last the whole day. so instead of having breakfast, lunch and dinner, we have one meal before sunset because there's nothing. we don't have the financial means. it takes me 3 or 4 hours to get one kind of beans. i don't know what the rest the other been and before the world health organization has more in the humanitarian situation in gaza is desperate for children and people extra begging and crying for water. we're at that level where the most normal and basic supplies are not available anymore. meanwhile, there's no lack of hope in the fighting between hamas militants and the israel defense forces. idea of troops continue, intense, close,
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closer combat with homos terrorist in con eunice. and in the north, as we continue to dismantle the homeless terrace state over the past day, the idea struck around 450 targets in the gaza strip from the at c and blonde for the medical stuff. and this hospital in con eunice, it's a different bible. they're dealing with the struggle to help those quote, hoping to find it. so if teenagers have been convicted full, the rules in the killing of a french schoolteacher. some of the party taught history and geography, and use carried coaches of the prophet mohammed, published by the satirical magazine shadley adult to discuss frances 3 speech laws he was beheaded by a radical islamist outside the school in a suburb of paris. 3 years ago. police shot the attack a dead, but a court has been assessing the involvement of others. dw correspondent lisa
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lewis followed the trial closely and told us what the 16 inches had been convicted of the. well, the 16 i just hear sounding trial. there were 5 of them who were hoping it'd be assessing off some of the talk to you to identify the teacher. when he came out of the school, the youngest a, who got the highest sentence. he apparently spend several hours with a be assessing and received $300.00 see been shared with the other 4 youngsters, the 6th curious as a young girl, and she's actually at the origin of the whole polemic online. she complained when she come came home to her father, that's similar, but she had shown a cartoons of the prophet mohammed in class, and that he had ost baldwin students to leave the room beforehand. that was alive. she wasn't even present during that class. she was just trying to defend herself and justify that. she had been temporarily temporarily suspended from school,
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but the father believed her then publish the video. and from there it went viral. and there was lots of online discussion and that attracted the assessments attention to then drove over to the college the, to the school age calling because from where he lived and killed the teacher assigned to some other world news headlines is glochelle presidents, item or person is to seek re election next year, he faces no major challenges and bit info, a 5th time within his lab, russia since the ton of the century, that's quite down on opposition. and the media to the european union has agreed on rules for the use of artificial intelligence. the deal includes restrictions like a band on real time face recognition. the use of the phrase, the future legal framework for a i will into tough penalties for companies breaking the rules, but will not stifle development of the industry in europe. the us food
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and drug administration has approved to gene therapies for sickle cell disease. the f t a said the one time treatment can be used on people age 12 or over the severe forms of the disease. sickle cell disease is a painful inherited blood disorder. here in germany, the chancellors approval rate and this falling to a record low, the monthly gemini trend poll found only 20 percent of voters either satisfied or very satisfied with all of schultz making him only the 4th most popular political leader. around half of the voters pulled, sort of shoulds was acting prudently, well, only 12 percent. so they felt he was a good communicator and less than a quote back to him to stay of the country through a crisis. so this is the west calling for a german head of government for more than 25 years. shots became chancellor. 2
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years ago. the timing as chancellor shelters show social democrats kick off that party congress. they 2 are struggling in the polls, and these results are likely to be high on the agenda. here's an assessment from dw chief, political correspondent, you know, high. so there's several reasons i play here one to be fab. any supplemental would have a difficult time right now trying to stay a europe 6 and let me call has to these times of uncertainty of multiple crises, but they're also homemade problems. and these are reasons 2 and 3. now this is a 3 way call us and government, so 3 parties with our own confidence and their own priorities. at a time when that is not a lot of money available, these copies want to make it clear that that priorities of being pushed through. and they are facing that out on the open stage, which brings me to reason number 3. what i saw as himself, the chancellor. ideally this country needs somebody who can show a vision, who can say where the pop is headed. but he's being perceived as weak as not being
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a good communicator. he will be delivering his speech here at his own hall teens convention in berlin tomorrow. and that will be works extremely closely. many people want to know does the lecture, i'd still have what it takes to revise the bab trends that polls are showing on the same sleep. does he have what it takes to keep his own government together? the estimates from russia and better was, will compete and next years and then big games, the international olympic committee, it says the athletes will be allowed to compete under a neutral flag. the issue had been unresolved since russia's invasion of ukraine last february, competitors from russia and its allied better routes were banned from various international events and competitions. national anthems will not be played. and so displaying symbols insides of the 2 countries is banned. the funeral of musician shane macgowan has taken place in island. mcgowan was the lead singer of the celtic
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folk tongue band, the pulse he died last week, 865. following a long struggle with alcohol and drug addiction, crowds lined the streets of the irish capital. dublin place funeral procession. now, one point funds busting to the rendition of a favorite song, dirty old town, the to your watching dw news. here's a reminder of our top story. the us has vetoed a un security council resolution calling for a c spy and gaza and the release of all remaining is really hostages. the u. k. i've stained all the 13 other members of the council voted in favor for the us. veto means the you and one to take any action. next,
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all tech show shift off wi full companies on to cane on us repairing our phones. there is lots of news and information around the clock in our website, dw. com. i am told me or let it go for myself, and the team here in berlin makes watching the, the monumental structures of the stone age milestones in the history of mankind. some of its greatest meetings in a monument to stone arrangements that people elected long before the pyramid


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