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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 9, 2023 1:00pm-1:16pm CET

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[000:00:00;00] the business dw, news of life from breland ease rouse, defense forces, step up, strikes on targets and south and gaza. absolutely. you in bed for a ceasefire as blogs by the united states. these are all these a means in neutralize how miles lead us, if you and says civilian aid is on the brink of collapse and with his political problems piling up well enough shelves. ok, spot team members to keep the faith. the counselor addresses for social democrats
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on the policy conference and braelyn falls rates in the least popular gem. i need a new port top of the century the i, i'm eddie mike, a junior and you are welcome to the program. he's while is continuing to bombard targets in south in the gaza after the united states block, the humans bid for a ceasefire in its war against a mouse who consider the terrors good by numerous countries. according to the homeless around the health ministry, more than 17000 people had been killed in 2 months of these rails military campaign . but you in says that humanitarian support system in gaza. is that a risk of total collapse more than 2 months since? how much is federalist attack? and the beginning of 5th straight submitted to offensive and gaza seems like deep,
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deep emerging medic rushing into the hospitals among them many children. according to the how my son has ministry, the latest is dry, the air strikes in the southern city of con eunice, half a dozen for those folks. and the phone targets are also being hit. maybe sick this out. are you getting the war? rent is right to read them to leave north and gaza. read something we were 1st displaced from casa city, took on eunice, and later to ross. so where should we go? now? children and women were sleeping peacefully in a 52 year old woman who wasn't carrying a weapon and a 5 year old child where they launching rockets that as well. the strikes intensified as globally both photos these 5 identifying 2 in new york on friday. the united states v towards a security council resolution drafted by the united admitted that call, frederick somebody didn't seize, fight and gaza of so soon as,
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as long as the last queen to his audiology of destruction. nbc fire is it best temporary? and it's certainly not peace and as far as it leaves them, us and control of gaza with an ard palestinian civilians, the chance to build something better for themselves. but manufactures opinions failed to understand this argument make any lives in as the north america is the one sending weapons. these weapons have been manufactured in america and in western countries. they support israel and killing us children, women, and the elderly, the proud with me. so what's your husband alone? i'm talking i'm a law is our savior and we'll take care of us. know when americans veto the cease fire at the un, be reconfirmed in their position against the people who are dying under selling all day and all night with american weapons. and the the human sees the humanitarian support system in goss on it is stupid collapse. and most got some
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neighbors to see that there are 3, leaving them no option, but to seek refuge under heavy stride. the fire law joined by christian lin, by us books press and for the world health organization in geneva. hello, and welcome sir. now with a ceasefire out of the question for now and very little aid reach in the strip. how much worse kind of situation get thanks for having me. i do share. this is really the question um you, our team is on the ground that everybody outside offices reporting. they, they don't think that kind of good was ever and then the next day is west. again, that's exactly what they keep saying from the, from children. then people begging for water because the water supplies up to the supplement and most of the, the what the system has been shut off. that's hard to get that to months ago already. so it's not just on being and telling what the system as you can shut up, the electricity system has been shut off. uh,
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so nothing works anymore without the without fuel. the water supply is uh minimal because the, the normal wants to be some of the needs, because uh, is this salty water which needs to be celebrated. and that comp happen without fuel or electricity. children or people who normally needs at least 3 details of drinking once a day and that you should have made in certain settings. we normally calculate up to 7 meters per person the day with all the needs and including washing. yeah, we now have one to 2 liters a day. and as we all know, one to to detail. if it was only drinking water is not enough. people are cutting down telephone poles. we get these reports because they need a little the last piece of wood. and try to make any, any, any stove, but keeping one of the hospitals uh completely oh, those which are actually still functioning that are partially functioning. are, are, describe the successful tones. meaning people lying on the floor leading on the floor . seeing operators wherever they can, seeking shelter and the same spaces,
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the size outbreaks, everything is going to show me. and it's not just about, is it the world health organization, your outfits has repeatedly voice is concerns about a rise in outbreaks of infectious diseases in guys that what is being done to prevents that. so normally there's a good civilian system in gaza. so the minister of health and the request of the various clinics and health facilities, but that's savannah. the system has broken down. um, now we have seen on the extreme increase in watery diarrhea already. colorado of name is not yet because color is a specific bacteria, but it's, it's huge. watery diarrhea is exactly the same outcome. it can have exactly the same consequences. so you have a mix stream, you malnourished, we population children. on the 5, we have more than 10 thousands of cases in this acute, what 3 diarrhea already in children with for skin rashes and lice,
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but also reports of hepatitis up. but this is a ease, although here is one of the problems that the laboratory is also, it's functioning anymore. so any samples of anything would have to be ported outside to, uh, to egypt, in order to get tested. and then they expect the medicine to be brought in. any, any little disease can be cute by somebody all takes or product expenses, isolated people. but in this situation right now with people's hundreds of 1000 children and the rest to get into some other songs, being injured, being uh with diseases. some has said if people don't die through the bumping, now they will this i the guy from the see this. yeah, you describe a very dire situation on the ground. tell me what do you expect from the international community at this point? are there, there are those who hold the power and the on the ground that that's specifically of course israel as a, as also the occupying of a specific rec,
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um the responsibilities towards the gaza strip. they have the power to stop this and all, all well understood that they off the how best and those who committed these a trust and horrendous crimes on 7 october and they still keep hostages, which also needs to be released immediately and unconditionally. but going off that a terrorist organization and going off to the whole population without, as it looks like now, any discrimination anymore, that is not an absolutely not acceptable. it needs to stop. it needs to stop. now again, not only cutting people off from walton fluids because there is no independent production of this and gaza. awesome, not letting enough supplies come in. this is a, this is a crime against humanity. kristin le spokesperson for the world health organization in geneva. thank you. thank you. uh geminus house level a shelves house just address his social democrats,
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spotty conference in berlin. he stokes mountain from poor showings in regional elections as a result of government. the satisfaction, our full release yesterday gave shows the lowest approval rates and for each em anita me. quarter of a century support for the cd is also flagging. he needs to keep his fractures, who, relation to the greens and pro business, read democrats on the truck. while counseling the record popularity of the far right e f d, i see i see one of these one area where the fire rights has made intervals. as in criticizing the policy of allowing more economic migrants to ends, that germany shows insisted that only by encouraging more immigrants to come to germany, good prosperity be secured, will not be i'm of the outcomes we have sustained us, to be honest with you to come on this one we have the responsibility to insure for the future of our country that they're
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a good prospect for those who are needed here is this don't, so that's divorced on thoughts, months long and which for many years now we've seen how germany would not have the prosperity, it has today. how does not accommodate that kind of just people whose parents are, who were themselves born in another country. and i'm, i'm not allowed to move on the buttons and eventually political correspondence. nina has it is the congress. hello nina. so what stood out for you in the speech as well. what stood out to me personally was a level of a standing ovations off that will have started to speech. that was not necessarily something that had been expected by many people. the social democrats gave him what was more then polite applause. they really did you nice behind that chancellor, and he'd be tapping anticipated by lots of people he really did need to deliver in many people here say that he did that he managed to convince the audience he spoke
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freely. he and also stress the fact that he's a social democratic tongue slip and that they go down well with his audience here that was desperately needed for him. some people pulled his speech excellent and so that they were all hoping that he wouldn't mind, needs to revise these bad friends, that he's perceived as somebody who is not a good communicator in public. and the policy seems of decide that they do have his back. that they do want this government to continue the work that run no calls to leave the current government coalition for example, and also for an international audience. what was interesting was that, well actually the hot spot to, to speak more about the importance of also and being completely clear that, that cannot be any on to muslim sentiment that onto moves. lim, incidents will be reported, will be prosecuted here. that had been a lot of stress on anti semitic incidents, but now we'll have so it's repeated that,
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that is equally important to also make sure that most limbs and can live a safe live here in germany. but obviously, numbers don't lie, do they? uh, he's currently not very popular. how much pressure is on hold off shoulds and his property to the live up there is a tremendous amount of pressure. i mean, there's government, of course, is finding itself in an extremely challenging situation. right. so any government at the moment would be having a very difficult time. germany is going through multiple crises that are roll, having an effect on, on each other. and the economic situation is extremely challenging. those climate and the time of crisis, there's a need to transform the german economy, but they're also who made problems and that they have to do with the fact that this is a free party coalition government who sometimes take the struggles and that parts to the open stage and that doesn't go down well wisdom and vote is they want clarity
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above all when it comes to the budget situation. because germany's constitutional court has ruled that this is budget is unconstitutional and the government has not yet presented a budget plan for the next year. now, nothing will happen, this is not the us way. suddenly everything goes on stands still. but politically speaking, it's extremely important that the government comes back to a point where they show unity. there are 3 very important regional elections next year in 70. and if this government doesn't get the act together, then this country codes to look very different indeed. right. you know, the chief political correspondent unit has a thank you. yes. so they've got some, well news headlines. the philippines as like, use the chinese post kind of using what kind of into ups track 3 of its volts. yeah . he disputed area of the south china sea. the philippine says it's boats where the living supplies to for the piano. fishermen. yeah. he china, cornfield reese, is gabrielle show. china seized the reform for the teens in 2012
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climates. active is to have slammed old back out the reports and match that the head of opec road to memphis, adding them to refuse any agreements i've come to integrate. that would see fossil fuels faced out climates, containers and several countries, either oil cartels, resistance threats and stuff on it. yeah, i didn't know that to focus on transitioning to renewable energy for hell. the revisions up died in the fight at the hospital near room. the police stopped at in the intensive care units late on friday. more than 130 critical patients waive a crate that immediately to have the hospital's while less critical patients will move into a nearby support center. now it's around the new house died, 882, the 191970 bluff past the last stove, the launch team to fame. the american express made a name for himself and the soap. oprah peyton face on one critical praise for his which is the 4 months old,
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was that his 9 year old daughter said some in paper moved off screen. his love affair with 1970 stuff for our faucet is series of drug best kept him in the headlines outside. she'll ship to is up next. then why phone company is this guy just from preparing for? that's after the break i made in my kitchen yesterday. june for me on use at the top of the off the bus. he's got issues with
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