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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 9, 2023 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the the, this is dw news light from bell in israel steps up strikes on the southern gaza of america blocks. the united nations bid for a cease by the un says 8 foot civilians is on the edge of collapse. the league of frankfurt have stomach tompkins by munich, giving them a big fight. one defeats the 1st loss of the season and both coming up in the
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ahead of us. welcome to the program. israel is again hitting targets in southern gaza and has ordered people to leave the center of the territory is 2nd biggest city con eunice. the us block, the united nations bid for a sees fight in the war against homos considered as a terrace group. but numerous countries, the homeless controlled health ministry says nearly $18000.00 people have now been killed in the 2 month conflict. that number has not been independently verified. the un is wanting to many italian support and gaza faces total collapse. more than 2 months since, how much is phaedrus attack and the beginning or 5th straight community offensive and gaza? seems like these deep emerging metrics rushing into the hospitals. among the many children. according to the how my son has ministry, the latest strategy is strikes. the southern city of con, unice has
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a dozens for disco enough uh, targets are also being hit. maybe flick through the south. are you getting the war? went straight toward them to leave north and garza done. we were 1st displaced from casa city to con eunice and later to ross. where should we go? now children and women were sleeping peacefully in a 52 year old woman who wasn't carrying a weapon and a 5 year old child where they launching rockets that as well, the districts intensified as globally both photos these 5 identifying 2 in new york on friday. the united states veto a security council resolution drafted by the united of i'm and it's that call for humanitarian sci fi in gaza, so soon as, as long as the mos clings to it's audiology of destruction. nbc fire is it best temporary? and it's certainly not piece in any see far that leaves from us in control of gaza
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with an odd palestinian civilians the chance to build something better for themselves. but manufacture stadiums failed to understand this argument. i'm the america is the one sending weapons. these weapons have been manufactured in america and in western countries. they support israel and killing us. children and women and the elderly are proud with me. so it's your husband alone. i'm lucky and i'm a law is our savior. and we'll take care of us and let me know when americans veto the ceasefire at the un reconfirmed to their position against the people who are dying under showing all day and all night with american weapons. and the, the humans, these, the humanitarian support system in goss on it is stupid collapse, and most gods in naples to see that there are 3, leaving them no option, but to seek refuge under heavy is dry. the fire. meanwhile,
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pressure was mounting on these rarely government to secure the release of the remaining hostages. still held by him boss. thousands of relatives in tel aviv saying the return of the captives must be israel's top priority. many are unhappy with the way 5 minutes to benjamin. that's yeah, was dealt with the situation since the town october 2nd w, special correspondence. abraham is at the protest. intel, a beach i asked you spoke with many people there. what did i say? so i spent the day at the afternoon, pardon here until of the 1st here at hostage square and since the beginning of the war since october 7th, this has been the gathering point for families of hostages and their allies to called for the release of the hostages and here i spoke to one moment who said yes more, it's hard. but she believed that the course that the government is taking pounds in gaza is the right one. she told me that this from us at your group,
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according to her opinions only understand, strengthens of. so i did hear some opinions supporting the governments. of course also there was a massive anti government pro to what's happening here and tell him he's not very far away. from hostage square and there, there was a lot more anger at missing, you know, a lot more anger at his government. and there i heard opinions that were a little bit different saying, but the government should in addition to the military operation, also pursue political negotiations. more seriously, they saw that the temporary ceasefire. did you some results and did result in the return of some hostages and the people i spoke to there. they really don't think the missing yahoo is the right man for the moment any more. and that other alternatives to bring back the hostages, in addition to the military operations should be pursued. do you get the impression that the government is listening at that time? yeah. who is listening to this criticism?
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the short answer is no. benjamin netanyahu, the prime minister, has been very firm in his scans. that's the way to get the hostages back on the way to defeat from us is the military operation. at the same time, this anti government purchase that we saw today is the biggest thing for october 7th. and so there is a chance that they're, you know, their, their demands in their sentiments to gain more momentum in the coming days and weeks. and it remains to be seen, it's in benjamin, it's in your will eventually respond to that pressure, succumb to that pressure for now even his meetings with the hostage families. and in fact, former hostages, have been, by all accounts, a disaster people came out of these meetings really devastated and disappointed at the time. yeah. whose response to their demand. and remember to come a very long time to actually agree and meet with the hostage families and has been
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under a lot of pressure. there are also some very extreme right wing voices in that government that actually a post to any kind of negotiation and were in fact opposed to the deal that eventually led to the return of the hostages. and so it really remains to be seen whether this anti government movement which existed before the war is going to re gain momentum and bring more results on the ground. especially postponing a bringing bad reporting from tele beach. thank you. the that's have a look. know some of the other world news headlines. the climate activists have denounced opec off the reports in march that the head of the oil exports is group wrote to members urgent them to reject any agreement that cop 28. that would see fossil fuels, phase doubts, climate containers, and several countries say the oil contents resistance. for instance, the planets that urging ok to focus on. transitioning to renewable energy,
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hundreds of people in the georgia and capital to be see have a marks in support of the country becoming a candidates for membership of you. if you and union brussels is expected to announce its decision next week. the who has told georgia to address issues like corruption and electoral deficiencies. and we have some sports news for you. now in the german football book, this league of buying munich, we're hoping to take advantage and make up ground to the bathroom. first place of to lead is live a cruise and only could manage a drawer last weekend in order to do that. the undefeated bavarian needed to go on the road and face for our fault. all the rainy, often knew the host so ever dominated from the outset, and never let by and get into the game. in a standing opposite in frankfort, wasted no time going straight on to the attack. is it paid off on 12 minutes home
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on my motives submitting his 7th of the season, slap you defending a shot onto the crossbar back. but as a b and my most control, the rebound didn't hit the target. then with half an hour ago and frank for it made it to new attic dina, and being gay, doing the honors this time, he waved his way through multiple buyer and defenders and got off a shop manual. no, i should have saved and it took only 5 minutes for frank for it to back there. 3rd things to go lot. so my most turn provider and last i made some nifty moves and took a sly and go with the finish buyer and finally found something right before half time. yeah, i see what came it's making it 31 there i sent a t and up to germany. international for as long range rockets and giving them a glimmer of hope going into the break. but those hopes were dashed when dina. it'd
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be in vain added his 2nd several minutes after the restart and the home crowd were loving its shy. be with a beautiful ball to put the frenchman through on goal and make it for one. and on the hour, mark, frankfort del fire, and one final blow as guy to now getting, you know, and the fun with the initial ruling of off side over turn by v a. r. the 51. the final score, frankfurt grab a huge way and it keeps them in contention for the european spots well, buyer and suffer their 1st loss of the campaign and below their chance to make up ground on leaders neighborhoods. and now let's take a look at all the results. so fall this weekend on your own building, the black box. that's the frank said when fargo it's not possible spoke, but a man defeated aux book hiding behind down darmstadt hoffman. i'm beat both home right now. the ones are battling live chickens on sunday. stoop,
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god local ones with labor crews and cologne, meet months. now the hollywood side is celebrating its intended rate for 100 years. the landmark has been boxing the elements while attracting visitors to los angeles to mark the occasion. since he held a special lighting up so many, it's arguably hollywood biggest star tourists from around the world travel to los angeles to get a photo with the iconic hollywood sign. to celebrate it's 100 years. turn off every go. the sign was partially lit with the bulbs similar to the ones used when it was 1st installed in 1923 because they would only so today is just a symbolic lighting of the hollywood sign. the sign was 1st it with about $3700.00 light bulbs around the perimeter of each letter. when it, when it originally set hollywood land,
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the hollywood land was only meant to last 18 months or wrecked it on december 8, 1923. it was 1st illuminated to advertise an upscale residential real estate development in the hollywood hills. the sign was shortened to hollywood in the 1940s, but wind pollution rain, n graffiti took a toll on the sign over the years after fail, bid to tear it down altogether. the sign became an official landmark in 1973 and the decades since it's become an economic force contributing to eli's annual multi $1000000000.00 tourist industry. this is really a coming out moment for l. a. because the hollywood sign really is our global icon . it is the reason people choose to come to l. a. not just because of getting that bucket list photo with a hollywood sign in the background. but also because it represents the fact that l a is the city of endless possibility. as part of its makeover, the sign was repainted. it took about $15000.00 leaders. plants are also under way
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to build a new hollywood sign visitor's center of us and we'll, we'll do is headlines for you. now. the union has agreed on rules for the use of unofficial intelligence. they include restrictions on real time face recognition. the uses the future legal framework for a i will include tough penalties for companies breaking the rules, but will not stifle development of the industry in your at the drum and social democrats policy conference sounds that will have folks said germany would continue to back to frame financially and with weapons to this and could even increase a def, necessary germany has been the 2nd blonde just supply of military material to ukraine after the us since rushes and invasion is gone over to the philippines. how's the cues? the chinese postcard of using water kind of to obstruct for you if it's boats near
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a disputed area of the south china sea. the philippines says the vessels were delivering supplies to fishermen. the reef controlled by china, china seas that re from the philippines in 2012. and before we go, the act of ryan o'neill has died. he was 80 to the 1970 block bus. the love story launched him to fight the american 1st made a name for himself and the soap opera pates in place. well, he'll then one critical price for his wishing performance opposite his 9 year old daughter tatum, in the field paper moved on. the screen is love affair with 1970 stuff out forces, and a series of drug busts kept him in the headlines or you're watching . dw news is a reminder of our top story. israel continues to bombard targets in southern gaza.
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this comes off to the united states block to un security council resolution calling for a safe spot viewing says between the terry and support system in gaza is at risk of total color. that's it from me and the news team for now i have an update for you at the top of the hour. i've got office in berlin. the bees do for fun via do gravitational waves squeeze out body. how do i the drums, but the to the feet and what's the perfect kid for approx side? sign the on says yes, with d w signs on the picked up channels. the .


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